Posts tagged organic
5 Natural Weight Loss Tips For Moms

As a mom, losing weight is not always a straightforward process. After all, taking care of your little ones can be comparable to a full-time job. But that’s no excuse to engage in unhealthy restriction diets or to rely on dangerous weight-loss drugs.

When it comes to weight loss, it's crucial to approach the journey with self-compassion and understanding. Motherhood brings its unique set of challenges and responsibilities, making it essential to find sustainable and realistic ways to prioritize health and well-being. In doing so, you build positive habits that provide the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Instead of aiming for quick fixes or drastic measures, focusing on nourishing the body with whole, nutrient-dense foods and incorporating regular movement that feels good is key. Additionally, practicing self-care and seeking support from loved ones or professionals can make a significant difference in maintaining motivation and staying on track.

In this article, we provide more insight and discuss a holistic approach for mothers to consider in their weight-loss journeys.

No. 1

Get Active

When you’re a busy mom, staying active may be the last thing you want to consider. After all, your whole day may be filled with endless to-do lists and care-taking responsibilities—leaving you with little time for yourself at the end of the day. You might be tempted to sit on the couch for some screen time instead of going outside, for say, a walk. That said, it’s important to prioritize wholesome activities whenever possible; staying active by any means necessary will help keep you healthy and fit.

Here are a few activities for you to consider:

  • Neighborhood - A brisk walk around the neighborhood with your child in tow encourages walking while allowing you to get fresh air and enjoy the outdoor scenery.

  • Museum or Garden - With so much to see in museums and gardens, you can be assured that you will be spending most of your time walking around and exploring.

  • Beach or Pool - Making a trip to the beach or pool is a great way to get outside, and the children enjoy it so much. Enjoying the sun while getting exercise naturally boosts Vitamin D levels, which triggers the production of happy chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine.

  • Park or Trail - A local park or trail provides an opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities with your children with the added element of good weather and an open environment.

  • Shopping - A simple outing to a local shop, for instance, can provide you with a break from your normal routines, allowing for movement. Even if it is just through the aisles of a store, you are getting yourself up and active, which makes all the difference.

By incorporating engaging activities that keep you on your feet, you can naturally exert your energy. Walking is not only a simple physical activity but also a powerful tool for staying fit and healthy. Incorporating walking into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being; you strengthen your muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and boost your metabolism.

Additionally, walking helps to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance mental clarity. Whether you choose to walk in nature, around your neighborhood, or on a treadmill, the benefits of this low-impact exercise are endless.

No. 2

Have the Right Mentality

Being thin or losing weight is not always synonymous with being healthy. For that reason, it is important to think about why you are trying to lose weight in the first place. After all, it is more important that you are a healthy, functioning mother for your kids than it is to fit into a stereotypical idea of how much you are expected to weigh.

If you are trying to lose weight solely to look good, that can sometimes result in bad weight-loss habits. At all costs, you want to avoid starving yourself or depriving yourself of proper nutrition. With the wrong mentality, you might beat yourself up about dietary mistakes or times when your diet slips and you binge eat.

Instead, celebrate small victories and consistent effort. Look into educating yourself about proper nutrition and exercise. It is not about a number on a scale, but how you feel and what you are doing to achieve a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

If you take an 80-20 approach, you will see positive effects on your health. Consider that 80% is about your nutritional habits, which is the most important aspect of your health. Consuming a diet rich in whole and plant-based foods will allow your body to naturally adapt to a healthy weight. 20% is exercise, so if you commit to a regular fitness routine, you will begin to feel and look better as a whole.

No. 3

Optimize Your Sleep

If you are struggling to lose weight, a lack of sleep may be a contributing factor. With poor sleep levels, it is easier to skip out on exercise and order fast food for dinner since you are naturally too tired to cook. Making poor decisions for yourself in general is an outcome of other contributing factors, so try to identify them so you can avoid putting yourself in these situations again.

On the other hand, when you have sufficient sleep, you can tackle the day with a higher level of energy and willpower. It becomes easier to make the right decisions for your health and wellness; you become more eager and able to tackle lifestyle changes when other essentials are also in alignment with your health goals.

Here are tips to improve your sleep:

  • Avoid Screens at Bedtime - Engaging in screen time before bed can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall well-being. The blue light emitted from screens suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, leading to difficulties falling asleep.

    Additionally, the content we consume on screens, such as social media or news, can evoke strong emotions or stress, further hindering our ability to relax and unwind before sleep.

    To promote restful and rejuvenating sleep, it is essential to limit screen time before bed and instead opt for calming activities like reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or gentle stretches.

  • Stick to a Bedtime Routine - Establishing a bedtime routine isn't just about getting a good night's sleep—it's a powerful tool for unlocking your full potential. Consistency in your evening habits can set the tone for your entire day ahead, impacting your mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

    By sticking to a bedtime routine, you signal to your body and mind that it's time to wind down, allowing for proper rest and rejuvenation during the night. This can lead to improved focus, clearer thinking, and better decision-making throughout your day.

    Furthermore, a bedtime routine can be a form of self-care, allowing you to disconnect from the day's stresses and indulge in activities that promote relaxation and inner peace. Whether it's reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a calming skincare routine, these moments of self-care can nourish your soul and uplift your spirit.

    Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of a bedtime routine. By prioritizing this habit, you enhance the quality of your sleep and cultivate a sense of discipline and self-love.

  • Avoid Heavy Meals and Caffeine Before Bed - Heavy meals close to bedtime can lead to indigestion and discomfort, making it harder for your body to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Instead, opt for lighter, easier-to-digest snacks if you find yourself hungry before bedtime.

    Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, tea, and chocolate, can interfere with your natural sleep cycle, making it challenging to achieve restful sleep. It's best to steer clear of caffeine at least four to six hours before bedtime to ensure it doesn't disrupt your ability to fall asleep.

    Prioritizing these simple adjustments in your nighttime routine can pave the way for a more restful and rejuvenating sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the day ahead.

  • Be Physically Active During the Day - Physical activity plays a vital role in promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Engaging in regular exercise helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm, leading to improved sleep quality. Whether it's a brisk walk, yoga session, or a workout at the gym, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the overall duration of your sleep.

    By being physically active during the day, you release built-up tension and stress, which can contribute to a more restful night's sleep. Additionally, exercise can help reduce symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea, leading to a more rejuvenating and refreshing sleep experience. Remember to find activities that you enjoy and that align with your fitness level to make staying active a sustainable and enjoyable part of your routine.

    Incorporating movement into your day will allow you to experience a positive impact on your sleep patterns and overall health. Physical activity is a natural and effective way to enhance your sleep quality so you can embrace a more energized and revitalized self each day.

When your sleep is in order, your weight loss becomes more achievable. Quality sleep plays a crucial role in supporting our overall well-being, including our metabolism and weight management. Adequate rest allows our bodies to regulate hormones that control appetite and energy expenditure.

With a good night's sleep, you are more likely to make healthier food choices, have the energy for physical activity, and maintain a positive mindset conducive to reaching your weight loss goals. By prioritizing quality sleep as part of your self-care routine, you can significantly enhance your weight loss journey, contributing to your overall sense of well-being.

No. 4

Plan Your Meals

Sometimes, prepping meals ahead of time can be the easiest way to eat healthy. If you have a wholesome meal ready to go for the day, it makes it easier to resist the temptation to eat fast food. After all, if you have nothing planned to eat, fast food easily becomes a convenient option.

Meal planning is a crucial tool for your weight-loss journey, offering structure and organization amidst your busy schedule. By prepping meals in advance, you can ensure healthier eating choices for yourself and your family, setting a positive example for balanced nutrition.

Planning meals ahead allows time and intention for your thoughtful consideration of portion sizes and nutrient-rich ingredients, leading to better control over your caloric intake. It will also save you time and money and reduces the temptation of opting for fast food or unhealthy snacks when hunger strikes.

No. 5

Get Regular Exercise

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in supporting your weight loss journey—offering a myriad of benefits beyond physical appearance. For mothers juggling multiple responsibilities, setting aside time for exercise may seem challenging, but the long-term advantages are invaluable.

Engaging in consistent physical activity not only aids in shedding excess weight but also boosts energy levels, improves mood, and promotes overall well-being. Additionally, regular exercise can help reduce stress, increase strength, and enhance mental clarity—essential factors for moms navigating the demands of daily life.

Prioritizing regular exercise sets a positive example for children, instilling healthy habits that can last a lifetime. By making self-care a priority through exercise, you can experience physical transformation and a profound sense of empowerment and vitality.

Here are fitness practices to consider to get regular exercise:

  1. Yoga - A holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Whether you prefer a gentle flow or a vigorous vinyasa, yoga offers a versatile approach to exercise that nurtures both the body and mind.

  2. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) - A cardio-focused workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and short recovery periods. HIIT is known for its efficiency in burning calories and improving cardiovascular health in a relatively short amount of time, making it a popular choice for those with busy schedules.

  3. Pilates - A low-impact exercise method that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. Pilates emphasizes precise movements and controlled breathing to improve posture, muscle tone, and balance. It is suitable for all fitness levels and can be adapted to meet individual needs.

  4. Outdoor Running - An invigorating form of cardiovascular exercise that can be done almost anywhere. Running outdoors allows you to connect with nature, enjoy fresh air, and experience the mental health benefits of being in natural surroundings. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, hitting the pavement can be a great way to boost your fitness levels.

  5. Dance Fitness Classes - A fun and dynamic way to stay active while expressing yourself through movement. Dance fitness classes combine choreographed routines with upbeat music to create an engaging workout experience. With numerous styles to choose from, you can find one that is based on your interests and fitness goals.

No. 6

Be Mindful

Pay attention to your eating habits. When it comes to nourishing our bodies, being mindful of our eating habits is a crucial practice in cultivating overall well-being. Sometimes, when we reach for junk food, it is not necessarily because we are hungry. We may just want something to ease our boredom or reduce stress.

Mindful eating involves being fully present in the moment—paying attention to the flavors, textures, and nourishment that our meals provide. By practicing mindful eating, we can develop a deeper connection with our food, making healthier choices that truly serve our bodies and minds.

Taking the time to savor each bite, chew slowly, and appreciate the effort that went into preparing our meals can transform the simple act of eating into a mindful, meditative practice. Approaching our meals with gratitude and awareness allows us to honor our bodies— fostering a harmonious relationship with the food we consume so that it becomes more of an intentional act rather than an afterthought.

Incorporating such practices as meditation or yoga can also help you tune in with your mind and recognize what the intent is behind each decision you make. The more mindful you are, the more wholesome decisions you can make to improve your quality of life overall.


As you embark on your weight-loss journey as a mom, make sure you don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It can be tempting to want to shift your whole life at once to see substantial weight-loss results immediately, but that is not always realistic. Sometimes, consistent, slow improvement will yield greater results and less stress in the long run. The goal is not to get there fast, but to build the foundation for a healthy lifestyle that you fully enjoy.

At first, it may seem like the odds are stacked against you, but once you develop a system that is personally yours, you will find so much gratitude in the process. It is about becoming the best version of yourself every day not because someone wants it for you but because you are the most important person in your life. And when you are healthy and fulfilled, you can feel more confident and in alignment with yourself and those who love.

10 Tips To Get Your Bathroom Spring Ready

As the spring season takes Jacksonville in its embrace, the air fills with a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. Homeowners across the city are catching the seasonal wave, eagerly embarking on home improvement projects to give their living spaces a fresh, welcoming vibe. 

Among the myriad areas of focus, the bathroom emerges as a pivotal space, ready for a seasonal makeover. Updating your bathroom enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home, significantly boosting its functionality and comfort.

In the spirit of embracing the new season, let's explore some essential tips to get your bathroom spring-ready. These tips are designed to transform your bathroom into a harmonious blend of style and practicality, ensuring it stands out as a refreshed, serene haven in your Jacksonville home.

No. 1

Declutter and Organize

Begin your bathroom makeover by decluttering. Sort through your cabinets and shelves, removing expired products, unused items, and anything that clutters your space. Embrace the minimalist approach—keep only what you use and love.

After decluttering, invest in smart organizers for your drawers and cabinets. Compartmentalized storage solutions can dramatically improve your bathroom's functionality, making your daily routines smoother and more enjoyable. A decluttered and organized bathroom not only looks better but also feels more spacious and welcoming.

No. 2

Deep Clean

With your bathroom decluttered, the next step is a thorough deep clean. Tackle every nook and cranny, from the tiles and grout to the often-neglected areas like vents and light fixtures. Consider natural cleaning solutions for a safe and eco-friendly clean. Washing any rugs and shower curtains can also breathe new life into the space. 

Don’t forget to clean your bathtub. However, if it’s in outdated condition, consider getting it replaced. To find out your Jacksonville bathroom remodel cost, contact a professional company like Quality Craftsmen. They have been in business for over 30 years and offer top-notch bathtub replacement services within your budget.

No. 3

Update Fixtures

Refreshing your bathroom's look doesn't necessarily require a complete overhaul. Sometimes, replacing old, worn-out fixtures can inject new vitality into the space. Consider upgrading faucets, showerheads, and even towel bars to modern, sleek designs that reflect the freshness of spring.

Opting for water-efficient fixtures can also add an element of sustainability to your bathroom, aligning with the season's renewal theme. This simple change can have a profound impact, elevating the entire look and feel of your bathroom.

No. 4

Fresh Coat of Paint

Never underestimate the transformative power of paint. A fresh coat in a new color can work wonders—instantly brightening and expanding your bathroom's visual appeal. For spring, consider light, airy colors that reflect the season's vibrancy.

Soft pastels, soothing blues, or warm neutrals can create a tranquil backdrop, enhancing the sense of space and light. High-quality, moisture-resistant paint will ensure your bathroom's walls not only look beautiful but are also protected against humidity and wear.

No. 5

Incorporate Plants

Introducing greenery into your bathroom is a delightful way to welcome spring indoors. Plants not only add a pop of color and texture but also purify the air, creating a healthier environment. Choose varieties that thrive in humid conditions, such as ferns, peace lilies, or aloe vera. Placing a few well-chosen plants around your bathroom can transform it into a serene, natural oasis, enhancing your daily routines with a touch of greenery.

These initial steps towards getting your bathroom spring-ready in Jacksonville lay the groundwork for a space that’s not just refreshed in appearance but revitalized in spirit. The aim is to create a bathroom that feels both renewed and deeply personal, a perfect sanctuary to welcome the brighter days of spring.

No. 5

Optimize Lighting

Lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the mood and functionality of your bathroom. Spring calls for bright, invigorating light to mirror the vibrant outdoors. Consider upgrading to LED bulbs that offer a brighter, more energy-efficient illumination compared to traditional bulbs. If your budget allows, installing a dimmer switch can add versatility, allowing you to adjust the lighting based on the time of day or your mood.

For those with natural light sources, ensure your windows or skylights are clean and unobstructed to maximize the infusion of natural light, enhancing the freshness and openness of your bathroom.

No. 6

Refresh Towels and Bathmats

An instant and cost-effective way to inject color and texture into your bathroom is by updating towels and bathmats. Opt for soft, plush towels and mats in bright or pastel colors that complement the spring theme. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your bathroom but also increases its comfort level.

Consider eco-friendly materials like bamboo or organic cotton for an added touch of luxury and sustainability. Coordinated sets can unify the look, creating a polished and inviting atmosphere.

No. 7

Update the Shower Curtain

The shower curtain often serves as a focal point in the bathroom, offering a significant visual impact. Updating it can be a quick and affordable way to refresh the entire room. Choose a design that reflects the essence of spring—think light colors, floral patterns, or geometric designs that bring a modern edge.

This change alone can transform the ambiance of your bathroom, making it feel brand new. Look for water-resistant and easy-to-clean materials to ensure your shower curtain remains fresh and inviting all season long.

No. 8

Enhance Storage

Efficient storage solutions are key to maintaining the serenity and organization of your bathroom. Spring cleaning offers the perfect opportunity to reevaluate your storage needs.

Adding floating shelves provides space for decorative items or essential toiletries, keeping them within easy reach without cluttering the countertops. Over-the-toilet units or freestanding cabinets can offer additional storage without taking up much floor space. Additionally, consider using baskets or decorative boxes on open shelves for an aesthetically pleasing way to conceal items.

No. 9

Add Personal Touches

Personalizing your bathroom makes it more than just a functional space—it becomes a reflection of your style and a haven for relaxation. Incorporate elements that speak to you, whether it’s art prints, fragrant candles, or a vintage mirror.

These personal touches can transform your bathroom into a space that feels uniquely yours. Consider seasonal scents for your candles or diffusers to further enhance the spring ambiance. Remember, the goal is to create an environment where you feel at ease and rejuvenated.


Revitalizing your bathroom for spring doesn’t have to be an overwhelming project. By focusing on decluttering, refreshing key elements, and adding personal touches, you can transform your bathroom into a bright, welcoming space that reflects the renewal the season brings.

Remember, the essence of spring is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. Embracing this season by updating your bathroom can significantly enhance your home’s appeal and your overall well-being. So, take this opportunity to create a bathroom that not only looks great but also serves as a peaceful retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation.

As you implement these tips, you’ll find that even the smallest changes can make a big difference, bringing the essence of spring into your home.

Homemade: 10 Tips And Tricks For Cooking Healthy Meals At Home

We all are quite aware that eating healthy, home-cooked meals is an essential part of maintaining a balanced diet and overall well-being. But, while most of us understand the importance of nutritious eating, actually preparing healthy meals at home is a whole different matter—it can be quite challenging. This may be due to time constraints, limited culinary skills, or simply not knowing where to start.

Thankfully, the benefits of home cooking—such as consuming fewer processed foods, saving money, and enjoying the satisfaction of a meal made from scratch—make overcoming these challenges worthwhile.

This article offers great tips and recipes to make healthy home cooking accessible and enjoyable. Note: you probably will not have any excuse not to eat and cook healthy meals at home after reading this article.

No. 1

Planning Your Meals: The Foundation of Healthy Eating

Meal planning is a critical first step in eating healthier at home. By deciding in advance what to eat, you can ensure a balanced intake of nutrients, avoid last-minute unhealthy food choices, and streamline your grocery shopping.

Start by choosing a day to plan your meals for the week. Make a detailed shopping list to avoid impulse buys. Consider prep time and the potential for leftovers to save effort on busy days.

For instance, a weekly plan could include a mix of protein-rich dinners, vegetable-based lunches, and hearty breakfasts, with overlapping ingredients that minimize waste and cost.

No. 2

Homemade Staples: Bread, Yogurt, and More

One of the joys of cooking at home is making ordinary grocery items from scratch, like bread. Oh yes, it can be done. Homemade bread, free from preservatives and excess sugar, can be a healthy addition to your diet.

For instance, sourdough bread, with its tangy flavor and hearty texture is a great place to start. In fact, once you learn how to make sourdough bread, you may not desire unhealthy alternatives. 

Begin with a sourdough starter (a mix of flour and water that ferments over time), then mix, knead, and let the dough rise before baking. This process yields delicious bread while also being a therapeutic and rewarding hobby.

Additionally, consider making other staples like yogurt and granola at home to further control the quality of ingredients in your diet.

No. 3

Incorporating Whole Foods into Every Meal

A diet comprising whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, is the key to good health. Make it a goal to include at least one whole food in every meal.

For breakfast, add spinach or tomatoes to an omelet. And for lunch, mix quinoa or brown rice into a salad for a whole grain boost. Dinner can include grilled chicken or fish with a side of steamed vegetables. 

No. 4

The Power of Spices and Herbs

Spices and herbs add flavor without calories and contain various health benefits. A well-stocked spice rack can transform simple ingredients into a delicious and healthy meal.

Use organic herbs like basil and cilantro to add freshness and flavor without the need for extra salt or fat. Spices such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can add depth to dishes while offering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

No. 5

How do you cook your food?

The way food is cooked can significantly impact its nutritional value. Methods like steaming, baking, grilling, and sautéing can preserve nutrients and flavor without adding unnecessary fats.

For instance, steaming vegetables retains more vitamins than boiling. When sautéing, choose broth or water instead of oil to reduce fat intake. Incorporating various cooking methods into your routine can make meals more inviting and healthier.

No. 6

Smart Swaps for Healthier Recipes

Transforming traditional recipes into healthier versions does not mean you must compromise on taste. Intelligent ingredient substitutions can reduce calories, lower fat content, and increase nutritional value while maintaining delicious flavors.

For instance, using almond milk yogurt instead of mayonnaise in dressings and salads can enhance your meal with protein. Applesauce can replace oil in baked goods, reducing fat while keeping them moist. Whole wheat flour can be used instead of white flour to increase fiber content.

Such swaps are simple and introduce a new dimension of texture and flavor to familiar dishes.

No. 7

Hydration and Healthy Beverages

When trying to maintain a healthy diet, it's necessary to stay hydrated. However, drinking just water can be unappealing. To add some variety, consider drinking herbal teas, which come in exciting flavors and can provide a multitude of health benefits without adding calories.

Infused waters, with slices of fruits or herbs, offer a refreshing alternative and can help those struggling to drink enough water throughout the day. Homemade vegetable juices provide a nutrient-packed start to the morning without the excessive sugars found in store-bought versions. These beverages keep hydration interesting and beneficial.

No. 8

Snacking Smart: Healthy Snacks to Keep on Hand

Smart snacking is an integral part of a healthy diet, preventing hunger between meals and providing an energy boost. The key is choosing snacks that are both satisfying and nutrient-dense.

Options like mixed nuts, sliced fruits with nut butter, and homemade energy bars are nutritious but also delicious. Preparing snacks like roasted chickpeas or vegetable chips at home allows for control over ingredients and seasoning, making healthy eating convenient and customizable.

No. 9

Reducing Waste Through Creative Leftovers

A sustainable approach to cooking involves minimizing waste, which benefits not only the environment but also your budget. Leftovers can be ingeniously repurposed into new meals, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

A stir-fry can incorporate yesterday’s unused vegetables, while a frittata can be a delightful vehicle for those leftover roasted potatoes. This practice encourages creativity in the kitchen and fosters a deeper appreciation for the food on our plates, reminding us of the value of each ingredient.

No. 10

Engaging the Family in Healthy Cooking

Cooking healthy meals becomes even more rewarding when it's a shared activity. Involving family members, especially children, in meal preparation can teach them valuable skills and instill healthy eating habits early on—plus, you’ll get some help.

From picking recipes together to assigning tasks based on age and skill level, cooking as a family fosters teamwork and makes mealtime more engaging. This is your opportunity to pass on knowledge about nutrition and the importance of healthy eating, all while creating memorable experiences in the kitchen.


Adopting healthier cooking habits at home does not have to be a daunting task. Start with one change, like planning your meals for the week or introducing homemade bread into your diet, and build from there.

Each small step towards healthier cooking is a significant stride toward a healthier lifestyle. Embrace the process, experiment with new ideas, and enjoy the journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Eating Healthy On A Budget At Costco

With its bulk sizes and warehouse prices, Costco offers an affordable way to eat healthier. However, there is a lot more to know about how to eat and shop smart. Use these tips to find nutritious and budget-friendly foods at Costco for your next healthy haul.

No. 1

Buy Organic Foods

Costco has a wide selection of organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and pantry staples. You can find good deals on organic berries, greens, broccoli, avocados, and more in the fresh produce section. Look for their Kirkland Signature line of organic canned beans, tomatoes, nut butters, sauces, oils, and snacks. And check the meat department for organic chicken, salmon, and beef options. Choosing organic options helps you avoid chemical additives and is better for overall health.

No. 2

Stock Up On Nutrient-Dense Foods  

Some of the healthiest foods also store well, making them smart buys in bulk quantities at Costco. Get whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and steel-cut oats to make bowls and breakfasts. Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and dried fruits provide plant-based protein and fiber. Oils like olive and coconut promote heart health. Buying these items in bulk means saving money on items that tend to be more costly at your regular grocer.

No. 3

Shop Fresh and Frozen Seafood

Costco's fresh seafood department and frozen section offer affordable prices on healthy fish like wild-caught salmon, shrimp, tilapia, crab cakes, and more. Salmon provides omega-3s that protect your heart, brain, and joints. Easy to prepare frozen fish filets, shrimp, and salmon burgers make quick meals. Canned tuna offers an easy protein-packed lunch option.

No. 4

Load Up On Fruits and Vegetables

Filling your cart with fresh produce is a no-brainer healthy choice. Load up on leafy greens, broccoli, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, berries, and melons. Pay just a fraction of grocery store prices thanks to Costco's bulk sizes. Their frozen fruits and veggies, especially berries, provide a bounty of nutrients for smoothies and cooking.

No. 5

Buy Lean Proteins in Bulk  

Find big packs of lean proteins like boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 93% lean ground turkey, wild salmon portions, flank steak, and pork tenderloin. Protein foods build muscle, keep you satisfied, and beat grocery store prices. Portion into smaller meal servings and freeze for later to prevent spoilage.

No. 6

Get Wholesome Snacks

Trail mixes, granola bars, protein bars, and nut packs make easy nutrient-dense snacks. Compare nutrition labels to find the right balance you are looking for, and avoid added sugars. Make DIY trail mixes with unsalted nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for a more customized option. Individual yogurt and cottage cheese cups also make protein-rich snacks.

No. 7

Great Value on Protein Shakes

Protein shakes can be a convenient way to get in extra protein, especially after workouts. Costco offers great prices on protein powders and ready-to-drink shakes. For instance, Fairlife protein shakes at Costco are quite the deal and combine both high protein healthy goodness and on-the-go convenience. Protein powders are also relatively affordable at Costco especially when they are on sale. 

No. 8

Prep and Portion for Healthy Eating  

To maximize bulk sizes of fresh foods, spend time prepping produce, proteins, and meals when you get home. Chop fruits and veggies for quick snacks and meals all week. Portion meats for the grill or freezer. Make big batches of chili, soups, and casseroles to freeze. Meal prepping helps avoid unhealthy pre-packaged foods.

No. 9

Selective Indulgence in the Bakery  

While Costco's bakery is tempting, baked goods tend to be high in carbs, sugar, and calories. Allow yourself one special treat like a muffin or croissant. Skip the oversized desserts that pack in too many calories, or split a package of muffins with a friend to control portions.

No. 10

Read Labels to Pick Healthy Options

Be a diligent label reader, especially for packaged foods, frozen meals, snacks, cereals, plant-based meats, and dairy alternatives. Compare sodium, sugars, protein, and fiber to choose the healthiest versions. Getting enough fiber and protein while limiting added sugars leads to good nutrition.

No. 11

Use Meal Planning Strategies 

Meal plan before Costco trips to shop for only essential ingredients. Repurpose leftovers into new meals later in the week. Prep ingredients when you get home to make healthy eating easy. Meal prepping is key to getting the most nutrition and value from Costco bulk.


With some effort, you can easily eat healthy, delicious meals on a budget through savvy shopping trips to Costco. Use these tips to fill your plate with wholesome foods from the warehouse, and save money in the process.





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Why A Good Diet is Not Solely About Your Waistline

When we consider eating healthier, implementing a better diet, or consuming better nutrition, it is common that we start with a general goal.

Is it not true that most often, we start with wanting to restrict some of our vices? For example: a habitual tendency to eat all the ice cream or chips in sight or to simply “lose weight”.

While these may be the start to some very noble long-term goals, and you should be proud of yourself for setting them, a good diet is much more than just about addressing your waistline or reaching an ideal weight.

In fact, there are so many benefits to eating more wholesome foods, vegetables, nutrient-dense foods, and organic goods.

Western medicine has most commonly touted their use, particularly for weight loss, cutting calories, or during times of illness, which further perpetuates the idea that it can always seem to be all about maintaining this hypothetical “ideal” weight.

However, these outdated ideas are simply ignoring the nutritional properties and benefits that a variety of whole foods have on our bodies overall and our very need for nutrients from a variety of food sources on a daily basis. They also ignore the idea that being healthy also includes being physically active, regularly.

In this article, to bring awareness to this topic, we will discuss how switching even parts of your diet can improve your quality of life and start you on a path to renewed health.

No. 1

Better Sleep & Lowered Stress

A good diet will help you enjoy better sleep and lowered stress. For example, removing sugars will help you avoid constant energy crashes throughout the day.

Likewise, getting the right amount of nutrients will help your body gain the nourishment it needs. This will improve energy and satiety throughout the day, helping you to avoid relying on snack foods.

When blood sugar levels are regulated, melatonin can naturally be produced from eating vitamin-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits. So, sticking to these foods regularly will influence your sleep cycles in a positive way.

Additionally, by identifying and addressing your appropriate caloric needs, a good night’s sleep becomes normal because you a getting the proper intake of the right foods that promote overall health.

No. 2

Glowing Skin

It is not uncommon for those who regularly consume alcohol or sugar to notice blotchy, red skin. Nutrients and hydration can help reduce inflammation—in this case, omega-3s from fatty fish are a viable solution. Healthy fats such as this along with avocado oil can make a huge difference in the appearance of the skin.

Moreover, if you eat foods that help with gut health (such as kimchi, yogurt, and kefir), you will also notice a healthier outcome for your skin.

By incorporating just a few additions into your diet, you will notice that glowing skin is not an accident nor something that can only be achieved with creams and a healthy skincare regimen, but rather from a steadfast approach towards the foods you are consuming.

No. 3

Healthier, Thicker Hair

A good diet can also improve the health of your hair. For example, Biotin, a b-vitamin, is found in eggs, nuts, and sweet potatoes, as well as certain seeds; it has been known to improve hair growth. The same is said of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that will improve blood flow in your scalp.

In addition, healthy proteins in sufficient quantities from meat, dairy, fish, or vegan alternatives such as beans and lentils can be very healthy for the hair.

Sure, general hair maintenance and avoiding toxic irritants are also recommended (such as avoiding dyeing your hair), but you will be surprised with just how much of a positive effect a healthy diet will have, most importantly.

No. 4

Healthy Bones & Joints

Following a diet for healthy bones and joints is not just helpful for children, but everyone. After all, we only have a set number of bones and joints, so making sure they are as functional and cared for just like every other part of our body is very important, particularly if you live an active lifestyle or exercise regularly.

This involves getting adequate Vitamin D through sunlight or fatty fish as well as supplementing it during the winter months.

Moreover, sufficient calcium intake through milk, kale, broccoli, spinach, and other sources is always necessary. Many doctors will also encourage calcium-rich diets if you are healing or recovering from an injury.

No. 5

Better Digestive Health

Good digestive health is easy to take for granted; it is only when we are having digestive issues that we notice how tough and bothersome it can be to be in this position.

The gut biome is massive, and studies are showing how it can be linked to mood and mental health. The implications of this are huge as the gut biome influences a lot more than we can imagine.

This is why it is important to eat high-fiber vegetables while avoiding processed foods that remain high in refined sugars, sodium, and preservatives.

It is not just what you eat but how you eat that will also impact your results. Mindful eating, such as chewing well before swallowing and taking time with your meals, can be very helpful and increase feelings of fullness because your body will naturally respond that way. If you have the habit of snacking after your main meals, this is an alternate habit that you could adopt, and you will start to notice some changes.

No. 6

Have More Fun In Your Kitchen

It is very easy to feel proud about healthy diet changes once you are on the other end, and yes, you do deserve to recognize your achievement and positive lifestyle steps. From there, however, you might decide to enjoy more fun in your kitchen and have a better time with all of the new changes.

For example, that might include learning new cuisine in your kitchen and becoming more skilled at the oven. You might even learn to scale, skin, and fillet fish for a beautiful fresh dinner—one that tastes light and may even provide the perfect opportunity for a romantic meal by candlelight with your partner.

Trying new cuisine can also be a fantastic way to get the most out of basic ingredients, or allow simple ingredients to do the talking—knowing when and how to use them is what you will learn.

Anyone that has enjoyed a Mediterranean diet knows the wonder of this, from delicious olives to abundant plant-based foods, meat, and poultry, with an amazing focus on herbs and spices.

The more you get comfortable in your kitchen and the more free and experimental with it you let yourself get, the more you realize a little love and effort now saves you a lot of cooking time.

In addition, efficient kitchen practices like meal preparation and stocking foods that are naturally preserved and have a long shelf life like grains, beans, dried fruits, and nuts are a healthier and cost-effective way to eat versus heading to your local fast food place regularly due to not having proper meal planning measures in place for when things get busy.

If you must be out of the house for most of the day, prepare a quick lunch for yourself before heading to your workplace to save you time, money, and energy and ensure that you are meeting your health goals.

This type of planning ensures that meeting your health goals is sustainable and keeps you dedicated to healthy habits while improving your mental well-being, too.


As we have seen, a good diet is not simply about focusing on your waistline but having the right planning and decisions in place that will see you through your health goals for the long term.

Calling yourself to new heights will require you to be disciplined, committed, consistent, and persistent because you are stepping up to a different level, and your very life depends on it.

With this advice, you will be able to see to it that you do it for yourself because you deserve to feel your best from the inside out, and whatever measures you can implement will surely help you get there.

Terpenes: 5 Benefits You Need to Know About

When it comes to improving your health, many different options are available. You can eat healthy foods, exercise, and take supplements. You can also use essential oils and other natural remedies. A natural remedy that you may have never heard of is terpenes.

Terpenes are a diverse group of organic compounds found in plants and fruits. They are responsible for the unique scents and flavors of various plants. Terpenes may have beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects. Terpenes may also help improve mood and cognitive function.

What are terpenes, and what do they do?

Leaves and flowers of plants produce terpenes in special glands on their surface. When the plant is disturbed, these glands release the terpenes into the air, providing a defense against predators and pests. Terpenes are also responsible for the distinctive aromas of many fruits and spices. For instance, the fragrant oils giving cannabis its diversity are associated with the various types of terpenes found in each strain. 

The therapeutic effects of terpenes have been known for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, terpenes are used to treat various conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. In the United States, terpenes are increasingly used in natural and alternative medicines.

Four benefits of terpenes that you may not know about

Terpenes have been studied extensively in scientific literature over the past few decades. Here are four known benefits of terpenes:


The entourage effect

The entourage effect is one of the most exciting areas of study in terpenes. The entourage effect is the synergistic interaction between different compounds in cannabis that leads to improved therapeutic effects.


Anti-inflammatory effects

One of the most well-known benefits of terpenes is their anti-inflammatory effects. These effects might help treat conditions like arthritis and Crohn's disease.

Terpenes may reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, terpenes may have the ability to modulate the body's immune response.


Antioxidant effects

Another important benefit of terpenes is their ability to act as antioxidants. Terpenes scavenge damaging free radicals and help to protect cells from oxidative damage. This property of terpenes is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with them.


Analgesic effects

Terpenes might also have analgesic effects. This means that they may help to relieve pain. Terpenes work by modulating the body's pain response and inhibiting the activity of pain-inducing enzymes.

How to use terpenes to improve your health

You can use terpenes to improve your health in several ways; You can take them orally in foods or drinks, inhale them by vaping or aromatherapy, or apply them topically in creams. There are many different types of terpenes, each with its unique benefits. Here are some of the most popular terpenes and their effects: 

  • Limonene - Limonene is a terpene found in many plants and fruits. It has various beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects.

  • Myrcene - When consumed in large quantities, myrcene may sedate and impair locomotion. Researchers discovered that myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties in cells, as well as the ability to slow damage and disease progression. Myrcene's anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the killing of cancerous cells.

  • Linalool - Linalool is a naturally occurring essential oil found in many plants and is one of the most common terpenes in cannabis and lavender. It has calming properties, making it helpful in treating depression and anxiety.


In closing, terpenes are generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as skin irritation and headaches. If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking terpenes and speak to your healthcare provider. By developing your knowledge of the different terpenes available and their properties, you will be well-equipped when shopping for products that contain them. You will be able to identify the positive effects that you would like to experience and narrow down the most beneficial terpenes for you.

Organic Vs Inorganic Herbs And Spices - Does It Really Matter?

There is so much talk in the health community about buying organic foods, but something that often goes overlooked is the importance of buying organic herbs and spices. Naturally, we would think that replacing our spice cabinet with organic options is no big deal, however, today's post will clear up exactly why it is just as important as any other item in our pantry.

Herbs and spices are a category of grocery items that we buy very rarely, so it's no wonder why they are out of sight out of mind because they are not often on our grocery list. When we do use herbs and spices in our cooking or baking, we typically use them in moderation, so they end up lasting for years - and we keep them around even beyond their shelf life. We don't think about herbs and spices often unless a recipe calls for something we don't have on hand. Another scenario that leads to us purchasing new herbs and spices is when we run out of an item completely, and in rare cases when something has clearly gone rancid.


On top of that, once you do need to replace something, you find that organic herbs and spices are a little more expensive, which can deter you from making that split second decision between the better option. Typically, you will reach for the inorganic option thinking that you are stretching your money and that it doesn't make a huge difference anyway because you don't use much of it.

Considering all of the factors that may be at play in your purchasing decision, I am going to now get into the more pressing concerns that you should consider and that are far more important in deciding whether or not to purchase organic spices, herbs, and seasonings.

What is the purpose of herbs & spices?

Spices can be thought of as a garnish or a way to add flavor and aroma to cooking and baking. However, did you know that herbs and spices also have incredible medicinal and health benefits and have been used throughout history for that very purpose? They are also used as ingredients in powerful natural remedies for those who prefer or look to alternative methods of treating health conditions.

The problem with conventional, inorganic herbs and spices

Conventional herbs and spices are not going to have the concentrated medicinal and health benefits that you would expect, rather they will contain high concentrations of toxic chemical additives, GMOs, synthetic anti-caking agents such as sodium aluminsilicate, sodium ferrocyanide, calcium silicate or silicon dioxide, pesticides, and more composition-disrupting additives.

Conventional herbs and spices are also grown using fumigation and irradiation practices, which changes the chemical composition of an herb or spice by exposing it to ethylene oxide and radiation to kill off bacteria and other contaminants. This process creates carcinogenic by-products that can increase your exposure to free radical damage.

More reasons to buy organic herbs and spices

As mentioned previously, conventional, inorganic herbs and spices are loaded with chemicals by the time they hit your plate, which is more than a reason to stay away from them and switch to organic options. Since conventional farming practices rely on chemical intervention, you expose yourself to a host of issues because you simply do not know the long-term effects of ingesting these chemicals over a lifetime. Over time, you may not think that herbs and spices can make a difference to your health, but considering that you are using these ingredients in your cooking on a daily basis and from different inorganic sources, you are better off removing them completely.

Organic products may cost a bit more than conventional products, but it is worth the investment in your long-term health. Since they do last awhile, you won't have to worry about replacing them at every grocery trip. As a general rule, whole spices will stay fresh for about 4 years, ground spices for about 2 to 3 years and dried herbs for 1 to 3 years. source

What to look for when buying herbs & spices

Not all organic herbs and spices are created equal. Here are things to look out for to ensure you are getting the highest quality products.

Always buy organic, No anti-caking agents, and No Irradiation

Buying organic will ensure that the companies you choose are certified with the USDA National Organic Program when producing their products. This means that they are committed to sustainable farming and production processes and responsible action toward their customers’ health and our planet's future. Organic herbs and spices are not irradiated, are not grown with pesticides, genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs), and do not contain synthetic caking agents and chemical additives. You can rest assured that they are held to the highest standards from seed to plate.

Have I replaced all of my herbs and spices?

When I left Oklahoma back in October 2017, thankfully that gave me a reason to throw out all of my herbs, spices, and seasonings. I was that type of person that had a mix of inorganic and organic products. I was slowly replacing my collection, so what I would do is purchase an organic product one at a time when I would run out of something. Honestly, I think that doing so is better than nothing, so if you are wanting to make the switch, purchase them as you go and soon you will have a whole collection of organic herbs and spices that you can be proud of.

My herb, spice, and seasoning collection since moving to California is still growing, but I have been very good at purchasing only organic products. However, I still have a long way to go because I have only currently purchased items that I use more frequently.

spicely - featured organic herb, spice, and seasoning blend company

An organic herb, spice, and seasoning blend company that I recently discovered is Spicely Organics, and I appreciate how they have such a large selection of products. It can be difficult to find all the herbs and spices that I want in the grocery store (even online) and in various sizes, so I like how Spicely Organics provides so many options to choose from, from small ecoBox sizes (0.4 oz) to bulk options. The ecoBoxes are great for ensuring that you are using your spices up before they expire.

All of their products are free from anti-caking agents and they do not sell any products or use any ingredients that have been sterilized by irradiation or ethylene oxide. They are also very mindful of their packaging by using glass, tin, and ecoBoxes and avoiding use of plastics. Their spices and seasonings also do not contain any salt or sugar, which is great because what you see is what you get without any fillers.

They are also very passionate about where they source their ingredients. In a nutshell, they require that their suppliers avoid forced and child labor, discrimination, unsafe work environments, substandard wages and other unethical practices. Read more about their highest standards of quality and environmental sustainability.

If you are a business and are looking to source organic bulk herbs and spices, they also sell wholesale organic dried herbs as well as wholesale spices. Since they are a direct importer of organic spices and herbs, you can be assured that you are getting wholesale herbs and wholesale spices straight from the source.

Overall, they are a rad natural herb and spice company in my opinion! I recently shared on Instagram how I used their cream of tartar as a natural migraine remedy. It was great knowing that the cream of tartar I was using was organic because it can be difficult to find organic cream of tartar, and heck, I wouldn’t want to be adding more chemicals to my body if my goal was to get rid of a migraine. If you’re interested in that natural migraine remedy, you can read that here. It really works, y’all!


Final Thoughts

I hope that this article provided more than enough evidence that now is the time to switch to organic herbs, spices, and seasoning blends. Not only will you be getting quality products, but you will experience higher quality flavors, aromas, and the purest form of the ingredients that you are using in your meals. Small steps do really add up to larger rewards toward our health, lifestyle, and overall wellness.

Disclosure: The content in this article is in collaboration with Spicely Organics. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.

My 3-Ingredient Migraine and Headache Detox Remedy
My 3-ingredient Migraine And Headache Detox Remedy |

I wanted to finally share my go-to recipe that I reach for when I know that my body needs a quick detox. Although I try to eat as clean as possible on a daily basis, I still fall prey to eating out which exposes me to additives that may trigger a migraine. When dining out, the main culprit is usually Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or high sodium content, which is usually hidden in pre-made sauces, marinades, and processed foods.

Of course, there can be many other triggers that may set off a migraine or a headache. There have been instances where I didn't drink enough water during the day or woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I also get migraines with PMS, which is like clockwork for me. There are so many factors that can cause an attack, but I can usually pinpoint what has been the cause.

In the past, I used to suffer from severe migraines and was officially diagnosed with it several years ago.

I would literally have a migraine on schedule every few days, which was not only debilitating, but frustrating because I felt like I had no control over my body.

On a mission to cure my migraines without meds, I discovered that there were many ways to overcome them naturally like using cream of tartar. In this post, I'll be talking about one of the ways that have been most effective for me.

Combined with a generally organic, whole foods and unprocessed lifestyle, I have been able to manage my migraines. In instances where I have been exposed to toxins, I quickly know that my body has been exposed to something or is reacting to a trigger and needs a detox.

The 3 ingredients I reach for are apple cider vinegar, organic raw honey, and organic green tea.

Details of how I use these ingredients together to create a natural remedy will be towards the end of this post.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

If you haven't been exposed to the ridiculous amount of health benefits that apple cider vinegar has, I'd highly encourage you to check it out. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a miracle cure for the body, both topically and internally and as a cleansing agent around the home. It's made from apples that are allowed to ferment naturally in wooden barrels, which produce natural enzymes, minerals, and natural acids. Just make sure you get the one with the "mother", which is the raw and unfiltered variety that has all of the beneficial properties intact.

What I love about ACV is its ability to balance the body's alkalinity.

When your body's acid-alkaline state is imbalanced, the body reacts with illness. You may be familiar with pH levels, which is basically the same thing. It's important to understand the chemistry of your body because it is absolutely life-changing to know your body's natural reactions and how to keep it healthy. ACV helps to get your body back into a health-promoting state where your body is in an acid-alkaline balance.

Apple Cider Vinegar also contains high levels of potassium and Vitamin C which aids in reducing pain and inflammation - often associated with migraines and headaches.



natural migraine remedies that work

hello lovely living | natural migraine remedies that work

In this ebook, I share my personal story of how I discovered relief with 10 natural migraine remedies, 3 recipes, and my top supplements that work. Enjoy a visual experience with 30 pages of helpful information to get the relief you need and prevent migraines from the start.


Organic Raw Honey

Raw honey is not your average honey. Commercial honey is filtered and heated excessively at high temperatures which destroy the natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that makes it beneficial for health. In contrast with processed honey, raw honey is a health food that contains enzyme-rich propolis (essentially bee glue) and beneficial phytonutrients along with a myriad of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals. It also contributes to that alkaline-acid balance I was mentioning earlier due to its antioxidant-rich organic acids.

Organic Green Tea

I have found that the presence of caffeine in green tea works amazingly well in combination with the apple cider vinegar to relieve migraine symptoms. 

I do, however, use decaf green tea, which still provides trace amounts of caffeine that still does the trick.

Caffeine is usually used in analgesics, such as aspirin and acetaminophen due to its ability to increase their effectiveness. The amount of caffeine found in a 5-ounce cup of green tea is comparable to that found in over-the-counter pain reliever medications that contain caffeine.

Another reason why caffeine is so effective is how it causes vasoconstriction, whereas the blood vessels in the head constrict. This is beneficial during the onset of a headache or a migraine because blood vessels dilate. Therefore, the process of vasoconstriction can stop a migraine in its tracks.

Green tea has so many health benefits, and it contains more than just caffeine. It contains antioxidants, nutrients, and amino acids which improve brain function and protect the body from oxidative damage and free radicals. It's a powerful detoxifier as it flushes out toxins and enhances digestive functions in the body.

Be aware, however, that caffeine can also be a trigger when used in excessive amounts. Sticking to green tea instead of other forms of caffeine should prevent any reactions that other sources may cause.

A few minerals that I pay special attention to that are present in raw honey and apple cider vinegar are potassium and magnesium which I have found to be essential for me in combatting migraines.

Potassium maintains electrolyte balance keeping the body hydrated. A potassium deficiency can cause severe headaches, which I have experienced in the past. 

A magnesium deficiency can also cause migraines, so it is said that taking magnesium supplements are a good preventative measure. Magnesium also helps with digestion, which works amazingly well for detoxing the body and getting things going (if you know what I mean). 

I could go on and on about the health benefits of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients present in these ingredients, so I highly encourage further reading for more in-depth information. It's really interesting stuff, and I definitely get into geek mode when it comes to researching about it.

All three ingredients, apple cider vinegar, organic raw honey, and organic green tea - when used together - provide for a powerful and fast-acting migraine and headache remedy.

Imagine your body is a sponge, and by drinking these ingredients, all of the minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants are quickly absorbed into your blood providing quick and natural relief.

Now, here's my natural migraine and headache detox remedy in 2 simple steps:


Step 1

Mix 2 Tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar and 1-2 Tbsp of organic raw honey in 8 ounces of filtered water. Drink.

Step 2

Boil 8 ounces of filtered water. Remove from heat and add 1 organic green tea bag. I don't remove the tea bag and just allow it to continue to steep. After a few minutes, add 1-2 Tbsp organic raw honey and stir. Drink.

Apple cider vinegar has a strong smell, but don't be turned off by this! The honey makes it taste good and hides the strong taste. Add more honey to your liking. You can drink it with a straw, but I usually go all in and I've never had problems with my teeth being sensitive.

Upon drinking this amazing concoction, I always feel better and more alert. My brain fog clears up and my migraine dissipates. Depending on the type of migraine, it usually goes away very quickly - and I'm not hyping this up, it really works for me.

For this remedy to work, I drink lots and lots of water. I basically drown myself in water! This is the only way the body will get rid of toxins. Sometimes dehydration and mineral or vitamin deficiencies can trigger migraines, so this remedy is a great way to quickly flood the body with essentials.   

I hope you enjoyed this post and that it serves to help you if you suffer from migraines or headaches. I know how bad it can get -  thankfully natural remedies like these and being aware of triggers has helped me manage them. This is just scratching the surface, discover the other many amazing benefits of these ingredients for your health. 

In the comments below, I'd love to hear about what natural remedies have worked for you!


  • Apple cider vinegar 1

  • pH levels 1

  • Raw honey 1

  • Green tea 1, 2

  • Magnesium deficiency 1

  • Potassium deficiency 1


Disclosure: This post is purely from my personal experience and for informational purposes only, not to be construed as medical advice. Please seek medical advice from a licensed health practitioner.

Sharing Is Caring |

Natural Skincare | PLANT Apothecary
Product and samples were provided for my review. Please read disclosure at the end of this post.

Products were provided for review. Please read disclosure at the end of this post.

I'm excited to be back to share something a little different today. I've been wanting to incorporate more natural living content onto my site because it is another topic that I'm really passionate about. Be it food, cleaning supplies, skincare, etc., I enjoy discovering new ways to live a more simplified, chemical and toxin-free lifestyle. Since I particularly find it difficult when looking for mainstream skincare products that are free of questionable ingredients, I wanted to start a regular column here where I review not-so-mainstream companies to bring awareness to the many amazing alternatives out there. There really is a natural revolution occurring. I see so many great products becoming available, which makes me all sorts of giddy because that means that the demand for these products is growing and more people are becoming aware of the impact that their products have on their health. More demand = better products!

So, to start off this column, I wanted to feature a company that caught my attention, PLANT Apothecary. I discovered them on Instagram, and there were several things about them that stood out to me:

They're serious about ingredients - completely natural, organic, botanicals, essential oils, and absolutely NO harsh and mysterious chemicals (parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), petroleum, silicones, etc.)

They're minimalists - Simple, clean, and straight to the point packaging that doesn't distract from what really matters: real ingredients

They have a sense of humor - With names like GET IT ON, CALM DOWN, and WAKE UP, it's easy to smile when picking up one of their products

They care - (excerpt below from their website)

PLANT products are made with the help of adults with physical and mental disabilities, at the nonprofit BKLYN UNLTD workshop, in Brooklyn, New York. BKLYN UNLTD’s mission is to give disabled adults access to work training and paid work opportunities. 

My favorite part about PLANT is that they don't just say that their products are all-natural and chemical-free. They actually are. You won't find hidden junk in their ingredients list (which I find in a lot of "natural" products). I think that they're one of the first companies that I've experienced where the ingredients are as natural as they get. You could literally eat the stuff!

Natural Skincare | PLANT Apothecary |

Samples shown. Full sizes are available.

PLANT carries a variety of skincare products for the face such as masks, cleansers, and oils - to products for the body, such as body washes, body oils, scrubs, and baths. I was able to try all of their body wash samples, and they don't smell like anything I've ever smelled before (in a good way). Each body wash is formulated with a combination of ingredients with known properties to create a truly unique scent and effective formula. Who knew eucalyptus, lemongrass, and rosemary would smell good together? PLANT did. All of their body washes contain only eight simple ingredients, so you'll never have to guess what you're putting on your body. I really enjoyed all of their body washes and was really intrigued by the different scents because they were all so new to me. When I tried them out, the thing that really struck me as genius is how the essential oils used in the body washes diffused into the air as I showered, so it smelled amazing! They were light for my sensitive skin, yet had enough suds to get a lather. I didn't feel like they were at all drying, either.

PLANT Apothecary | MATCH Antioxidant Face Mask |

If you know me, you'll know how much I LOVE matcha, so when PLANT decided to send me a full-size MATCHA Antioxidant Face Mask, I was all over it. I never thought of using matcha on the face, so this was exciting. I mean, why not, right? It smells good, it tastes good, so you can't go wrong!

PLANT Apothecary | MATCH Antioxidant Face Mask |

To use the mask, all I did was mix a teaspoon with a little bit of water and then rubbed it all over my face. I let it dry for about 5-10 minutes, then rinsed it off. Let me tell you, this face mask smells so AMAZING! I'm pretty sure that there's a heaping amount of matcha in there -  no skimping - because it really does have that matcha aroma! It's very creamy when mixed with water and dries really fast once you apply it. A little goes a long way with this product. It made my face feel very clean, purified, and SOFT and had a tightening effect.

Natural Skincare | PLANT Apothecary |

Matcha (powdered green tea) is its main ingredient, but it also contains kaolin (white clay), and chamomile oil. Each of these ingredients are calming and soothing to the skin. The matcha helps fight free radicals and reduces inflammation while the white clay purifies. FYI We're giving away one of these on Instagram. Details at the end of this post #waitforit!

Natural Skincare | PLANT Apothecary |

Samples shown. Full sizes are available.

I also really enjoyed using the RICE & CLEAN Gentle Facial Cleanser (pictured in middle) and found it really interesting how its main ingredient, rice bran, has long been used in Japan and is said to be their secret for smooth, soft, skin! It naturally contains gamma oryzanol, which has been shown in studies to both soften skin and protect it from UV light damage. Mind blown. Who knew?

It was so gentle and moisturizing on my skin. I don't normally use anything fancy for my face, so discovering this product made me really happy because it's hard to find a gentle cleanser that doesn't strip my face of my natural oils. Did I mention it has chamomile flowers in it? I'm sold. I love chamomile and I do believe in it's soothing properties. It also has an exfoliating effect, so I feel like my face gets softer with ever use as the dead skin cells are gently removed. 

PLANT Apothecary | ZIT ZAP Organic Spot Treatment Mask |

I also have a sample of the SUPER SOAK Organic Healing Bath, but I didn't feel it was enough to use in an actual bath since I'd be needing a 1/2 a cup or 1/4 for a foot soak. I did read up on it and learned about the healing properties of its main ingredients mustard and eucalyptus oil. They both provide gentle pain relief and the aroma of the eucalyptus oil helps clear a stuffy nose. I just love eucalyptus! I keep it all over my house, even in my bathroom because it purifies the air. This bath is really good if you are in need of relaxation from sore muscles, if you have a cold, or have been on your feet all day.

I also received a sample of their ZIT ZAP Organic Spot Treatment Mask, and I can't wait to try it if I ever have blemishes. My skin has been behaving for me lately, so that's good! The cool thing about this product is that it uses the antibacterial properties of basil oil to heal and activated charcoal and kaolin (white clay) to draw impurities out of the skin. It also has such a pretty lavender color that really caught my attention. PLANT knows their stuff when it comes to ingredients!

I'm highly impressed with PLANT products and would recommend them in a heartbeat. I actually learned so many new things that I'm excited to add to my natural living arsenal. I love discovering nature's healing properties through different ingredients, and I find it so intriguing when I learn how to heal and care for my body naturally. If you're interested in finding out more information about PLANT, they have a really nice website where they go into detail about their ingredients and they also host a blog with useful information as well. Their products are available for purchase at and they also just recently became available at select Target retailers (YAY PLANT) and Target online, so check them out! They are definitely a company to keep an eye out for, and I'm so excited to see their product line grow.

I hope you enjoyed something a bit different here on Hello Lovely Living! I'll be featuring more skincare lines, so make sure to come back for those. And don't forget to enter our giveaway to get your hands on the yummy MATCHA Antioxidant Face Mask!

Giveaway |

What are your favorite natural skincare products and which PLANT product would you love to try? Share with me in the comments below!

Disclosure: Please be aware that I share my honest opinions here (positive or negative) regardless of if the products that I am reviewing were provided by the company for consideration. The purpose of this column is to help you, my readers, learn about alternative skincare through my honest reviews. I personally select each company that I will be featuring here, so I wouldn't review a company that I hadn't already found to be beneficial or meeting a certain criteria that I'm looking for in natural products.