Posts tagged grocery
Homemade: 10 Tips And Tricks For Cooking Healthy Meals At Home

We all are quite aware that eating healthy, home-cooked meals is an essential part of maintaining a balanced diet and overall well-being. But, while most of us understand the importance of nutritious eating, actually preparing healthy meals at home is a whole different matter—it can be quite challenging. This may be due to time constraints, limited culinary skills, or simply not knowing where to start.

Thankfully, the benefits of home cooking—such as consuming fewer processed foods, saving money, and enjoying the satisfaction of a meal made from scratch—make overcoming these challenges worthwhile.

This article offers great tips and recipes to make healthy home cooking accessible and enjoyable. Note: you probably will not have any excuse not to eat and cook healthy meals at home after reading this article.

No. 1

Planning Your Meals: The Foundation of Healthy Eating

Meal planning is a critical first step in eating healthier at home. By deciding in advance what to eat, you can ensure a balanced intake of nutrients, avoid last-minute unhealthy food choices, and streamline your grocery shopping.

Start by choosing a day to plan your meals for the week. Make a detailed shopping list to avoid impulse buys. Consider prep time and the potential for leftovers to save effort on busy days.

For instance, a weekly plan could include a mix of protein-rich dinners, vegetable-based lunches, and hearty breakfasts, with overlapping ingredients that minimize waste and cost.

No. 2

Homemade Staples: Bread, Yogurt, and More

One of the joys of cooking at home is making ordinary grocery items from scratch, like bread. Oh yes, it can be done. Homemade bread, free from preservatives and excess sugar, can be a healthy addition to your diet.

For instance, sourdough bread, with its tangy flavor and hearty texture is a great place to start. In fact, once you learn how to make sourdough bread, you may not desire unhealthy alternatives. 

Begin with a sourdough starter (a mix of flour and water that ferments over time), then mix, knead, and let the dough rise before baking. This process yields delicious bread while also being a therapeutic and rewarding hobby.

Additionally, consider making other staples like yogurt and granola at home to further control the quality of ingredients in your diet.

No. 3

Incorporating Whole Foods into Every Meal

A diet comprising whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, is the key to good health. Make it a goal to include at least one whole food in every meal.

For breakfast, add spinach or tomatoes to an omelet. And for lunch, mix quinoa or brown rice into a salad for a whole grain boost. Dinner can include grilled chicken or fish with a side of steamed vegetables. 

No. 4

The Power of Spices and Herbs

Spices and herbs add flavor without calories and contain various health benefits. A well-stocked spice rack can transform simple ingredients into a delicious and healthy meal.

Use organic herbs like basil and cilantro to add freshness and flavor without the need for extra salt or fat. Spices such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can add depth to dishes while offering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

No. 5

How do you cook your food?

The way food is cooked can significantly impact its nutritional value. Methods like steaming, baking, grilling, and sautéing can preserve nutrients and flavor without adding unnecessary fats.

For instance, steaming vegetables retains more vitamins than boiling. When sautéing, choose broth or water instead of oil to reduce fat intake. Incorporating various cooking methods into your routine can make meals more inviting and healthier.

No. 6

Smart Swaps for Healthier Recipes

Transforming traditional recipes into healthier versions does not mean you must compromise on taste. Intelligent ingredient substitutions can reduce calories, lower fat content, and increase nutritional value while maintaining delicious flavors.

For instance, using almond milk yogurt instead of mayonnaise in dressings and salads can enhance your meal with protein. Applesauce can replace oil in baked goods, reducing fat while keeping them moist. Whole wheat flour can be used instead of white flour to increase fiber content.

Such swaps are simple and introduce a new dimension of texture and flavor to familiar dishes.

No. 7

Hydration and Healthy Beverages

When trying to maintain a healthy diet, it's necessary to stay hydrated. However, drinking just water can be unappealing. To add some variety, consider drinking herbal teas, which come in exciting flavors and can provide a multitude of health benefits without adding calories.

Infused waters, with slices of fruits or herbs, offer a refreshing alternative and can help those struggling to drink enough water throughout the day. Homemade vegetable juices provide a nutrient-packed start to the morning without the excessive sugars found in store-bought versions. These beverages keep hydration interesting and beneficial.

No. 8

Snacking Smart: Healthy Snacks to Keep on Hand

Smart snacking is an integral part of a healthy diet, preventing hunger between meals and providing an energy boost. The key is choosing snacks that are both satisfying and nutrient-dense.

Options like mixed nuts, sliced fruits with nut butter, and homemade energy bars are nutritious but also delicious. Preparing snacks like roasted chickpeas or vegetable chips at home allows for control over ingredients and seasoning, making healthy eating convenient and customizable.

No. 9

Reducing Waste Through Creative Leftovers

A sustainable approach to cooking involves minimizing waste, which benefits not only the environment but also your budget. Leftovers can be ingeniously repurposed into new meals, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

A stir-fry can incorporate yesterday’s unused vegetables, while a frittata can be a delightful vehicle for those leftover roasted potatoes. This practice encourages creativity in the kitchen and fosters a deeper appreciation for the food on our plates, reminding us of the value of each ingredient.

No. 10

Engaging the Family in Healthy Cooking

Cooking healthy meals becomes even more rewarding when it's a shared activity. Involving family members, especially children, in meal preparation can teach them valuable skills and instill healthy eating habits early on—plus, you’ll get some help.

From picking recipes together to assigning tasks based on age and skill level, cooking as a family fosters teamwork and makes mealtime more engaging. This is your opportunity to pass on knowledge about nutrition and the importance of healthy eating, all while creating memorable experiences in the kitchen.


Adopting healthier cooking habits at home does not have to be a daunting task. Start with one change, like planning your meals for the week or introducing homemade bread into your diet, and build from there.

Each small step towards healthier cooking is a significant stride toward a healthier lifestyle. Embrace the process, experiment with new ideas, and enjoy the journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Eating Healthy On A Budget At Costco

With its bulk sizes and warehouse prices, Costco offers an affordable way to eat healthier. However, there is a lot more to know about how to eat and shop smart. Use these tips to find nutritious and budget-friendly foods at Costco for your next healthy haul.

No. 1

Buy Organic Foods

Costco has a wide selection of organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and pantry staples. You can find good deals on organic berries, greens, broccoli, avocados, and more in the fresh produce section. Look for their Kirkland Signature line of organic canned beans, tomatoes, nut butters, sauces, oils, and snacks. And check the meat department for organic chicken, salmon, and beef options. Choosing organic options helps you avoid chemical additives and is better for overall health.

No. 2

Stock Up On Nutrient-Dense Foods  

Some of the healthiest foods also store well, making them smart buys in bulk quantities at Costco. Get whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and steel-cut oats to make bowls and breakfasts. Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, and dried fruits provide plant-based protein and fiber. Oils like olive and coconut promote heart health. Buying these items in bulk means saving money on items that tend to be more costly at your regular grocer.

No. 3

Shop Fresh and Frozen Seafood

Costco's fresh seafood department and frozen section offer affordable prices on healthy fish like wild-caught salmon, shrimp, tilapia, crab cakes, and more. Salmon provides omega-3s that protect your heart, brain, and joints. Easy to prepare frozen fish filets, shrimp, and salmon burgers make quick meals. Canned tuna offers an easy protein-packed lunch option.

No. 4

Load Up On Fruits and Vegetables

Filling your cart with fresh produce is a no-brainer healthy choice. Load up on leafy greens, broccoli, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, berries, and melons. Pay just a fraction of grocery store prices thanks to Costco's bulk sizes. Their frozen fruits and veggies, especially berries, provide a bounty of nutrients for smoothies and cooking.

No. 5

Buy Lean Proteins in Bulk  

Find big packs of lean proteins like boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 93% lean ground turkey, wild salmon portions, flank steak, and pork tenderloin. Protein foods build muscle, keep you satisfied, and beat grocery store prices. Portion into smaller meal servings and freeze for later to prevent spoilage.

No. 6

Get Wholesome Snacks

Trail mixes, granola bars, protein bars, and nut packs make easy nutrient-dense snacks. Compare nutrition labels to find the right balance you are looking for, and avoid added sugars. Make DIY trail mixes with unsalted nuts, seeds, and dried fruits for a more customized option. Individual yogurt and cottage cheese cups also make protein-rich snacks.

No. 7

Great Value on Protein Shakes

Protein shakes can be a convenient way to get in extra protein, especially after workouts. Costco offers great prices on protein powders and ready-to-drink shakes. For instance, Fairlife protein shakes at Costco are quite the deal and combine both high protein healthy goodness and on-the-go convenience. Protein powders are also relatively affordable at Costco especially when they are on sale. 

No. 8

Prep and Portion for Healthy Eating  

To maximize bulk sizes of fresh foods, spend time prepping produce, proteins, and meals when you get home. Chop fruits and veggies for quick snacks and meals all week. Portion meats for the grill or freezer. Make big batches of chili, soups, and casseroles to freeze. Meal prepping helps avoid unhealthy pre-packaged foods.

No. 9

Selective Indulgence in the Bakery  

While Costco's bakery is tempting, baked goods tend to be high in carbs, sugar, and calories. Allow yourself one special treat like a muffin or croissant. Skip the oversized desserts that pack in too many calories, or split a package of muffins with a friend to control portions.

No. 10

Read Labels to Pick Healthy Options

Be a diligent label reader, especially for packaged foods, frozen meals, snacks, cereals, plant-based meats, and dairy alternatives. Compare sodium, sugars, protein, and fiber to choose the healthiest versions. Getting enough fiber and protein while limiting added sugars leads to good nutrition.

No. 11

Use Meal Planning Strategies 

Meal plan before Costco trips to shop for only essential ingredients. Repurpose leftovers into new meals later in the week. Prep ingredients when you get home to make healthy eating easy. Meal prepping is key to getting the most nutrition and value from Costco bulk.


With some effort, you can easily eat healthy, delicious meals on a budget through savvy shopping trips to Costco. Use these tips to fill your plate with wholesome foods from the warehouse, and save money in the process.





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