Posts tagged vegan diet
Why A Good Diet is Not Solely About Your Waistline

When we consider eating healthier, implementing a better diet, or consuming better nutrition, it is common that we start with a general goal.

Is it not true that most often, we start with wanting to restrict some of our vices? For example: a habitual tendency to eat all the ice cream or chips in sight or to simply “lose weight”.

While these may be the start to some very noble long-term goals, and you should be proud of yourself for setting them, a good diet is much more than just about addressing your waistline or reaching an ideal weight.

In fact, there are so many benefits to eating more wholesome foods, vegetables, nutrient-dense foods, and organic goods.

Western medicine has most commonly touted their use, particularly for weight loss, cutting calories, or during times of illness, which further perpetuates the idea that it can always seem to be all about maintaining this hypothetical “ideal” weight.

However, these outdated ideas are simply ignoring the nutritional properties and benefits that a variety of whole foods have on our bodies overall and our very need for nutrients from a variety of food sources on a daily basis. They also ignore the idea that being healthy also includes being physically active, regularly.

In this article, to bring awareness to this topic, we will discuss how switching even parts of your diet can improve your quality of life and start you on a path to renewed health.

No. 1

Better Sleep & Lowered Stress

A good diet will help you enjoy better sleep and lowered stress. For example, removing sugars will help you avoid constant energy crashes throughout the day.

Likewise, getting the right amount of nutrients will help your body gain the nourishment it needs. This will improve energy and satiety throughout the day, helping you to avoid relying on snack foods.

When blood sugar levels are regulated, melatonin can naturally be produced from eating vitamin-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits. So, sticking to these foods regularly will influence your sleep cycles in a positive way.

Additionally, by identifying and addressing your appropriate caloric needs, a good night’s sleep becomes normal because you a getting the proper intake of the right foods that promote overall health.

No. 2

Glowing Skin

It is not uncommon for those who regularly consume alcohol or sugar to notice blotchy, red skin. Nutrients and hydration can help reduce inflammation—in this case, omega-3s from fatty fish are a viable solution. Healthy fats such as this along with avocado oil can make a huge difference in the appearance of the skin.

Moreover, if you eat foods that help with gut health (such as kimchi, yogurt, and kefir), you will also notice a healthier outcome for your skin.

By incorporating just a few additions into your diet, you will notice that glowing skin is not an accident nor something that can only be achieved with creams and a healthy skincare regimen, but rather from a steadfast approach towards the foods you are consuming.

No. 3

Healthier, Thicker Hair

A good diet can also improve the health of your hair. For example, Biotin, a b-vitamin, is found in eggs, nuts, and sweet potatoes, as well as certain seeds; it has been known to improve hair growth. The same is said of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that will improve blood flow in your scalp.

In addition, healthy proteins in sufficient quantities from meat, dairy, fish, or vegan alternatives such as beans and lentils can be very healthy for the hair.

Sure, general hair maintenance and avoiding toxic irritants are also recommended (such as avoiding dyeing your hair), but you will be surprised with just how much of a positive effect a healthy diet will have, most importantly.

No. 4

Healthy Bones & Joints

Following a diet for healthy bones and joints is not just helpful for children, but everyone. After all, we only have a set number of bones and joints, so making sure they are as functional and cared for just like every other part of our body is very important, particularly if you live an active lifestyle or exercise regularly.

This involves getting adequate Vitamin D through sunlight or fatty fish as well as supplementing it during the winter months.

Moreover, sufficient calcium intake through milk, kale, broccoli, spinach, and other sources is always necessary. Many doctors will also encourage calcium-rich diets if you are healing or recovering from an injury.

No. 5

Better Digestive Health

Good digestive health is easy to take for granted; it is only when we are having digestive issues that we notice how tough and bothersome it can be to be in this position.

The gut biome is massive, and studies are showing how it can be linked to mood and mental health. The implications of this are huge as the gut biome influences a lot more than we can imagine.

This is why it is important to eat high-fiber vegetables while avoiding processed foods that remain high in refined sugars, sodium, and preservatives.

It is not just what you eat but how you eat that will also impact your results. Mindful eating, such as chewing well before swallowing and taking time with your meals, can be very helpful and increase feelings of fullness because your body will naturally respond that way. If you have the habit of snacking after your main meals, this is an alternate habit that you could adopt, and you will start to notice some changes.

No. 6

Have More Fun In Your Kitchen

It is very easy to feel proud about healthy diet changes once you are on the other end, and yes, you do deserve to recognize your achievement and positive lifestyle steps. From there, however, you might decide to enjoy more fun in your kitchen and have a better time with all of the new changes.

For example, that might include learning new cuisine in your kitchen and becoming more skilled at the oven. You might even learn to scale, skin, and fillet fish for a beautiful fresh dinner—one that tastes light and may even provide the perfect opportunity for a romantic meal by candlelight with your partner.

Trying new cuisine can also be a fantastic way to get the most out of basic ingredients, or allow simple ingredients to do the talking—knowing when and how to use them is what you will learn.

Anyone that has enjoyed a Mediterranean diet knows the wonder of this, from delicious olives to abundant plant-based foods, meat, and poultry, with an amazing focus on herbs and spices.

The more you get comfortable in your kitchen and the more free and experimental with it you let yourself get, the more you realize a little love and effort now saves you a lot of cooking time.

In addition, efficient kitchen practices like meal preparation and stocking foods that are naturally preserved and have a long shelf life like grains, beans, dried fruits, and nuts are a healthier and cost-effective way to eat versus heading to your local fast food place regularly due to not having proper meal planning measures in place for when things get busy.

If you must be out of the house for most of the day, prepare a quick lunch for yourself before heading to your workplace to save you time, money, and energy and ensure that you are meeting your health goals.

This type of planning ensures that meeting your health goals is sustainable and keeps you dedicated to healthy habits while improving your mental well-being, too.


As we have seen, a good diet is not simply about focusing on your waistline but having the right planning and decisions in place that will see you through your health goals for the long term.

Calling yourself to new heights will require you to be disciplined, committed, consistent, and persistent because you are stepping up to a different level, and your very life depends on it.

With this advice, you will be able to see to it that you do it for yourself because you deserve to feel your best from the inside out, and whatever measures you can implement will surely help you get there.

Should You Start Detoxing?

@hellolovelyliving *smoothie* using the Ninja blender

You're trying to eat healthier and want to detox your body, but you don't know where to start. Detoxing is a popular trend right now, but it's not always the best option for everyone. It's important to know what the benefits and risks of detoxing are before you decide to start a diet.

If you're looking for a new way to eat healthier and detox your body, then try starting with a vegan diet. It's free from toxins, has plenty of protein and fiber, and is an easy way to start eating more plant-based foods.

What is a detox diet, and how does it work?

A detox diet is a diet that helps the body to heal from toxic substances. It can also be used as a weight-loss plan. Detox diets help the body to flush out toxins stored in fat cells, liver cells, and kidneys. The process of detoxification takes time, so it's important to stick with it for at least two weeks or longer if possible.

What is a detox drink?

A detox drink is a liquid that you can drink before, during, and after your detox diet. The drinks contain water, electrolytes, and nutrients needed for weight loss. Considering that there are so many detox drinks out there, it would be best to read a juice detox review before you buy. 

You should not consume other liquids while on a detox diet, as they may cause stomach problems and dehydration. The best times to drink a detox drink are when you wake up in the morning, before and after your workout, and at night before you go to sleep.

Why start a detox diet?

A detox diet is a diet plan that removes or limits the number of certain food groups. It is also a way to cleanse your body from harmful substances and chemicals. There are many benefits of detox diets. These include weight loss, improved health, increased mental clarity and energy, and increased immune system function.

The best ways to start your own detox diet

A detox diet is a great way to help you get rid of toxins from your body, giving you a healthier and more radiant complexion. It is also an excellent way to reset your body, giving you the chance to start fresh. 

There are plenty of ways to start a detox diet - some people decide to go on a juice cleanse for a few days, while others opt for more drastic measures like fasting. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is sustainable and realistic for your lifestyle.

What are the benefits of doing a detox diet?

We are constantly exposed to toxins in the air and water. The detox diet is a way to cleanse the body and get rid of these toxins. It can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Detox diets are not only beneficial for your health but also for your wallet! 

They can help you save money in the long run because you will be able to eat healthier, which means you will spend less on groceries at the supermarket.

A detox diet is not a quick fix solution; it is a lifestyle change that requires commitment and patience from both the individual and their family members.

How long should you do a cleanse?

We all know that cleansing is a good thing to do, but what is the duration of the cleanse? How long should you do a cleanse? A cleanse can last anywhere from one day to three weeks. It all depends on what your goal is. Some people might need to detox their bodies, while others might want to detox their minds.

The duration of a cleanse depends on what you want it to achieve and how much time you have. If you are doing a short-term cleanse, like 1-3 days, then it is going to be quick and easy. However, if you are doing a longer-term (3-7 days), then it will take up more time.


A detox diet is one of the best ways to start your own healthy lifestyle. It can be a great way to lose weight and improve your overall health. It is important that you listen to your body and not force yourself into anything. 

You should also make sure that you have enough time for yourself during this process so your body can adapt to the changes. The best way to start a detox diet is by finding a plan that works for you, sticking with it, and making small changes as needed.