Posts tagged eco gifts
The Increasing Adoption of Socially Responsible Marketing
HLL x Socially Responsible Marketing

@hellolovelyliving Companies have a social responsibility to create products that are safe and effective. Force of Nature is doing their part to make a positive impact on society by giving access to cleaning technologies that otherwise would have been unavailable to the mass market.

Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) is becoming an increasingly important part of brands' marketing strategies as businesses recognize the importance of acting environmentally and socially conscious. As consumers become more aware of their shopping habits' impact on society, they demand that companies meet certain standards to earn their trust and loyalty. 

The growing number of organizations embracing SRM indicates recognition of this new consumer demand—with savvy marketers leveraging it as a competitive advantage over other firms that still need to catch up. This article will explore how businesses can adopt and implement Socially Responsible Marketing initiatives while maximizing customer engagement, ultimately giving them an edge over their rivals.

What is Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM), and why is it gaining traction in businesses today?

Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) is an approach to marketing that considers the social, environmental, and economic impact of a company's activities. SRM focuses on creating positive changes in society while still achieving business objectives. It is gaining traction as businesses recognize the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and how they affect society. 

When companies employ SRM practices, they take steps to ensure that their operations are profitable and beneficial to society and the environment. This includes using sustainable practices like renewable energy sources or reducing waste production when possible.

How are businesses adapting to socially responsible marketing (SRM) practices?

Businesses find that adapting to SRM practices can benefit their bottom line and public image. Many companies have implemented measures such as using sustainable resources when producing products and reducing their environmental impact through renewable energy sources & recycled materials. They create opportunities for worker welfare by offering fair wages and working conditions.

Additionally, businesses are increasing their social responsibility efforts by participating in charitable activities that support local communities or global causes.

The benefits of Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) for both businesses and consumers


SRM promotes positive values and encourages socially responsible behavior

By engaging in activities and strategies aligned with ethical standards, businesses can demonstrate to consumers the importance of acting responsibly and ethically in the global marketplace. This helps foster a culture of social responsibility that benefits both businesses and consumers.


Enhances company reputation

Companies that actively engage in socially responsible practices enjoy a boost in public opinion. They are seen as companies that care about their customers, employees, stakeholders, and the environment. This positive publicity can be invaluable for any business looking to grow its customer base or increase its market share.


Fosters consumer loyalty

When people know a company is committed to doing good, they are more likely to be loyal customers. They will feel like their hard-earned money is going towards a worthy cause rather than just another product or service that may not benefit the greater good.


Improved brand awareness

Businesses can build brand awareness and boost customer acquisition and retention rates by engaging in activities that promote positive values and socially responsible behavior.


Growth opportunities

Companies that practice SRM create new opportunities for expansion and growth internally and externally with their customer base. By successfully implementing SRM practices, companies can achieve competitive advantages over other businesses in their industry. This can lead to increased sales, profitability, market share, and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

How to design effective Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) strategies

To successfully design this type of program, consider these four steps:


Understand Your Customers

The first step is to gain an understanding of what your target audience wants from your company in terms of social responsibility initiatives. What type of ethical behaviors do they value? Are there any existing socially responsible practices that appeal to them? Understanding customer values can help you identify areas where SRM efforts will be most successful.


Identify Your Goals

The second step is to identify specific goals for your SRM program. What impact do you want your program to have? How will it benefit both the business and society at large? It is important to be clear about what you want to accomplish with your SRM strategy so stakeholders, customers, and employees can understand its purpose.


Design a Program

Once you have identified goals and customer values, it is time to design an effective program. Consider how you will communicate your message, which channels to use, and what incentives or rewards could help encourage participation. You may also need to consider any legal implications of your chosen program.


Measure and Monitor

Finally, it is important to measure and monitor the success of your SRM program. Analyze results regularly and adjust your strategy as needed. This will help you ensure that your program achieves its desired impact and makes a positive difference in the lives of your customers, stakeholders, and employees.

By following these four steps, companies can design effective Socially Responsible Marketing strategies that meet their goals while demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility. This approach can create a win-win situation for businesses and society.


Ultimately, when it comes to Socially Responsible Marketing, one thing is for certain - companies are becoming increasingly aware of their environmental and ethical responsibilities. They want to ensure their stakeholders' well-being by considering a global view of societal values and trends. 

While the proof remains in the pudding, it seems likely that in the near future, sustainability standards like Fairtrade, and organic farming initiatives will become even more commonplace. This can only be a good thing, as it shows that businesses are showing real accountability for their actions.




Ina Labs

Ina was founded by an OB/GYN and leading cosmetic chemist, combining top medical expertise with clean, effective ingredients to create elevated intimate essentials you can trust.

By creating a safe environment where women’s intimate needs are at the forefront of the conversation, Ina is changing the narrative and giving women access to cleaner feminine care products for our most delicate skin.

They use clean ingredients, luxurious formulations, and beautiful discreet packaging to empower women to indulge in caring for their intimate skin. Because they understand that our bodies deserve better — in fact, they deserve the very best.


Force of Nature

Force of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that put people, and our planet, first.

Force of Nature’s formula, made from only three natural ingredients: water, salt, and vinegar, is an EPA-registered medical-grade disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs*. It has no harmful fumes or residues to rinse. Along with that, Force of Nature is on EPA’s approved lists for COVID-19 & Monkeypox virus. Their formula also kills respiratory viruses and the viruses that cause the flu.

To get started, all you do is order a starter kit, which includes everything you need to easily start making your multi-purpose cleaner at home, whenever you need it. Watch a demo here.




Primal Life Organics

Primal Life Organics is the original "Paleo Skincare" company. In 2012, that was a new category in personal care products. They grew rapidly because no other skincare companies created food-grade products.

Primal Life Organics speaks to people looking to unify their oral and skincare diet—people who value health and wellness as a way to prevent or eliminate disease and who understand that the toxins in personal care products are directly linked to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, infertility, pre-term labor, obesity, thyroid disease, and more.

Their products work because they remove the "toxic overload" stress on the body. They are committed to creating a better, more sustainable and beautiful world by using plant-based ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and sustainable processes.


Earth Day 2020: 8 Tips For Year-round Sustainable Living
Hello Lovely Living

In celebration of Earth Day 2020, I decided to put together my personal list of tips for year-round sustainable living. These are habits that I either practice or strive to practice. I think that every small effort counts, and with the current state of our world facing COVID-19, it has never been more apparent of how much influence we each have on our earth as a whole. We all can affect change, and it starts in our homes.


Tip 1

Reuse & repurpose

It’s so easy to build a collection of mason jars and glassware simply by not throwing them out after you have used their contents. I save almost every glass jar and bottle and use them mainly as drinking glasses, but I have also used them as food storage as well. For instance, some coffee brands come in cute glass jars with plastic lids. I use these to store things like sugar, chia seeds, and tea. You can also repurpose candle jars in the same way. They usually come with pretty lids, so I tend to always buy candles with that in mind. This is also a good thing to apply to any product packaging you buy. Look for product packaging that you can reuse and repurpose, and you will have gotten more of your money’s worth.

Tip 2

Only buy what you need

This tip applies to everything that you buy. We tend to have more than we need—and that applies to everything from food to clothing. My philosophy is that if I buy only what I need, I can fully use those resources for their entire lifetime value. You will find that the overall lifetime cost of items decrease because you will use things more frequently and not waste money on the same items. This takes a lot of discipline because who doesn’t love variety? However, you will find that you are more intentional with the things you do buy and will only buy things with quality in mind versus quantity.

Tip 3

Forage & thrift

There are so many marketplaces today where you can find quality items for less. Instead of buying things brand new, consider looking for used items. Items like furniture are good items to thrift because they usually last longer, so you can find them in great condition and still get the look you are going for. I love thrifting because I can usually find anything I want. It just takes time, but I have found that the pieces that I want always pop up at the perfect time.

As far as clothing is concerned, I haven’t really explored this area that much because I just don’t have the patience for clothes shopping, but I admire when others do it. There are so many great stores like Savers where you can find brand name clothing in really good condition. There are also consignment stores that carry new/gently used items for a fraction of the cost. It’s amazing at how many options there actually are.

Tip 4

Limit buying commercial household cleaners

Household cleaners typically have a lot of chemicals and health hazards, so I tend to stick to one household cleaner that is multi-purpose and also a more natural alternative. Of course we’re all currently frantic about sanitizing everything in sight these days, but there are always natural alternatives. I typically use and keep on-hand the following natural disinfectants and cleaners: Alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, oil of oregano, lavender, and lemon essential oil. They are safer for the environment and safer for the boys and I. For my all-purpose cleaner, I use Mrs. Meyer’s, and then I add some of the other natural ingredients to the mix. I don’t like using harsh chemicals, but recently I have felt the pressure to up the ante by using Clorox bleach. I have a little bit of anxiety about using it because I vowed not to all these years, but I’m just taking that extra measure, at least for now.

Tip 5

Be conscious about consumerism

We are so pressured to buy things that it takes some real effort and discipline to say NO! It’s okay to not fall for the constant year-round holiday marketing messages. We are literally bombarded with it everywhere, and it can get so exhausting with trying to keep up with it all that I just said to the F with it—I’m not participating anymore. My motto is, I’ll buy it if and when I need it, and only if I can get it for less than MSRP (most of the time). I wait on larger purchases, and I make sure to always save on anything else. Saving money for me is a lifestyle, so I feel accomplished when I can do so while still granting my needs.

Tip 6

Eat at home

Home-cooked meals not only save money, but they save on gas, packaging, waste, and an endless need for a supply chain that goes far beyond the table. It’s not only healthier, but better for living sustainably because the whole purpose is to live within our means and to maintain a certain way of life that is better for us and the environment. If we are always eating out, we are giving in to that consumerism-mindset that controls a lot of our purchases. Now, of course ya girl loves to eat out, but I do limit it, and I actually have a greater appreciation for it when I do.

Tip 7

Be mindful of how you use/waste resources

Building an awareness of what we use and how much of it we use is important throughout our daily lives. Sometimes things can get so excessive and we can be wasteful of things that can be used more sparingly to extend its life. Instead of buying things with a one-time use, consider buying items that you can use for years. Here are a few products with that in mind:

Hello Lovely Living

A little can go a long way when deciding to purchase sustainable products. You’ll be investing in things that will last you years upon years and that is worth every penny. @kieramosswellness_

  • Glass Straws - These are an essential that come in various other materials, but glass is my personal favorite because they’re clear and you can ensure they are clean with each use.

  • Beeswax Food Wraps - Instead of plastic wrap, use these sustainable covers free of chemicals that last for up to a year. They also come in fun designs!

  • Glass Food Storage with Wood Lids - Instead of purchasing plastic tupperware, consider glass and wood options that don’t leach chemicals.

  • Reusable Bamboo Paper Towels - Paper towels are a thing of the past for me, as I do not purchase them. However, these are a great sustainable option.

  • Bamboo Utensils - Take this wherever you go and reduce your dependance on plasticware. They’re also cuter anyway!

  • Reusable Cotton Rounds/Makeup Remover Pads - Cotton rounds, cotton pads, and makeup remover wipes all add up over time, so these are an essential that will save you so much money and so much waste.

  • Cotton & Bamboo Ear Swabs - We don’t really think about it, but traditional ear swabs are sometimes made with plastic. Try choosing a more biodegradable option if you must use disposable products.

  • Bamboo Toothbrush - This is another product that is typically made with plastic, so switching to bamboo will ensure that once it hits the landfill, it is biodegradable.

  • Mesh & Muslin Produce Bags - Plastic can accumulate quickly when packing up produce, so these will come in handy for every grocery trip and for storing food at home.

  • Wool Dryer Balls - I have stopped using dryer sheets long ago, but these are a great alternative if you do wish to use them. Avoid the harmful chemicals in fabric softener and dryer sheets by using these instead.

  • Walnut Scouring Pads - I really love these and find that they last very long. They actually naturally degrade with use, so I thought that was cool.

There are so many other biodegradable, reusable, and eco-friendly options to reduce our waste, but just trying your best is enough, so don’t feel pressured to go all in with every single one of these. I sure am not perfect, but I love that there are so many options available.

Tip 8

Appreciate nature

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in this technology-driven life that we live that we can forget our dependence on the earth—and oftentimes take it for granted. We must realize that we are a part of this ecosystem, not apart from it. We can not exist apart from it, so we need to find more ways to nurture that relationship so that we can have a stronger connection with our earth again. If we do, we will not want to harm our planet and we will do whatever we can to protect it. We need to educate ourselves about the things impacting our world and build that awareness because we have become so distant from our source. I love to watch Liziqi on Youtube because she inspires me to connect with nature and reminds me that nature is life. I aspire to live a life like hers—simple and guided by my passions and reliance on the earth.

Do your best

Perfection is not a thing, so I always tell myself to do my best in every area. One small step is better than nothing, so just keep taking them. Coming to a place where you feel rewarded by your small actions will bring you joy over time, and you will chase that feeling and create more of those habits. Always think beyond today and what ripple effects your actions will cause in the future. If you can foresee the small things leading up to big things, your actions will most definitely change. You will have a sense of responsibility that only you can hold yourself to. But as a whole, we each encourage and inspire each other, so our impact goes beyond our homes and into the homes of our friends and family. So, you see, our reach can be so far if we just do our best.


Hello Lovely Living presents curated products for the mindful and intentional woman. If you buy something through some of our links, Hello Lovely Living may earn an affiliate commission.

Organic Vs Inorganic Herbs And Spices - Does It Really Matter?

There is so much talk in the health community about buying organic foods, but something that often goes overlooked is the importance of buying organic herbs and spices. Naturally, we would think that replacing our spice cabinet with organic options is no big deal, however, today's post will clear up exactly why it is just as important as any other item in our pantry.

Herbs and spices are a category of grocery items that we buy very rarely, so it's no wonder why they are out of sight out of mind because they are not often on our grocery list. When we do use herbs and spices in our cooking or baking, we typically use them in moderation, so they end up lasting for years - and we keep them around even beyond their shelf life. We don't think about herbs and spices often unless a recipe calls for something we don't have on hand. Another scenario that leads to us purchasing new herbs and spices is when we run out of an item completely, and in rare cases when something has clearly gone rancid.


On top of that, once you do need to replace something, you find that organic herbs and spices are a little more expensive, which can deter you from making that split second decision between the better option. Typically, you will reach for the inorganic option thinking that you are stretching your money and that it doesn't make a huge difference anyway because you don't use much of it.

Considering all of the factors that may be at play in your purchasing decision, I am going to now get into the more pressing concerns that you should consider and that are far more important in deciding whether or not to purchase organic spices, herbs, and seasonings.

What is the purpose of herbs & spices?

Spices can be thought of as a garnish or a way to add flavor and aroma to cooking and baking. However, did you know that herbs and spices also have incredible medicinal and health benefits and have been used throughout history for that very purpose? They are also used as ingredients in powerful natural remedies for those who prefer or look to alternative methods of treating health conditions.

The problem with conventional, inorganic herbs and spices

Conventional herbs and spices are not going to have the concentrated medicinal and health benefits that you would expect, rather they will contain high concentrations of toxic chemical additives, GMOs, synthetic anti-caking agents such as sodium aluminsilicate, sodium ferrocyanide, calcium silicate or silicon dioxide, pesticides, and more composition-disrupting additives.

Conventional herbs and spices are also grown using fumigation and irradiation practices, which changes the chemical composition of an herb or spice by exposing it to ethylene oxide and radiation to kill off bacteria and other contaminants. This process creates carcinogenic by-products that can increase your exposure to free radical damage.

More reasons to buy organic herbs and spices

As mentioned previously, conventional, inorganic herbs and spices are loaded with chemicals by the time they hit your plate, which is more than a reason to stay away from them and switch to organic options. Since conventional farming practices rely on chemical intervention, you expose yourself to a host of issues because you simply do not know the long-term effects of ingesting these chemicals over a lifetime. Over time, you may not think that herbs and spices can make a difference to your health, but considering that you are using these ingredients in your cooking on a daily basis and from different inorganic sources, you are better off removing them completely.

Organic products may cost a bit more than conventional products, but it is worth the investment in your long-term health. Since they do last awhile, you won't have to worry about replacing them at every grocery trip. As a general rule, whole spices will stay fresh for about 4 years, ground spices for about 2 to 3 years and dried herbs for 1 to 3 years. source

What to look for when buying herbs & spices

Not all organic herbs and spices are created equal. Here are things to look out for to ensure you are getting the highest quality products.

Always buy organic, No anti-caking agents, and No Irradiation

Buying organic will ensure that the companies you choose are certified with the USDA National Organic Program when producing their products. This means that they are committed to sustainable farming and production processes and responsible action toward their customers’ health and our planet's future. Organic herbs and spices are not irradiated, are not grown with pesticides, genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs), and do not contain synthetic caking agents and chemical additives. You can rest assured that they are held to the highest standards from seed to plate.

Have I replaced all of my herbs and spices?

When I left Oklahoma back in October 2017, thankfully that gave me a reason to throw out all of my herbs, spices, and seasonings. I was that type of person that had a mix of inorganic and organic products. I was slowly replacing my collection, so what I would do is purchase an organic product one at a time when I would run out of something. Honestly, I think that doing so is better than nothing, so if you are wanting to make the switch, purchase them as you go and soon you will have a whole collection of organic herbs and spices that you can be proud of.

My herb, spice, and seasoning collection since moving to California is still growing, but I have been very good at purchasing only organic products. However, I still have a long way to go because I have only currently purchased items that I use more frequently.

spicely - featured organic herb, spice, and seasoning blend company

An organic herb, spice, and seasoning blend company that I recently discovered is Spicely Organics, and I appreciate how they have such a large selection of products. It can be difficult to find all the herbs and spices that I want in the grocery store (even online) and in various sizes, so I like how Spicely Organics provides so many options to choose from, from small ecoBox sizes (0.4 oz) to bulk options. The ecoBoxes are great for ensuring that you are using your spices up before they expire.

All of their products are free from anti-caking agents and they do not sell any products or use any ingredients that have been sterilized by irradiation or ethylene oxide. They are also very mindful of their packaging by using glass, tin, and ecoBoxes and avoiding use of plastics. Their spices and seasonings also do not contain any salt or sugar, which is great because what you see is what you get without any fillers.

They are also very passionate about where they source their ingredients. In a nutshell, they require that their suppliers avoid forced and child labor, discrimination, unsafe work environments, substandard wages and other unethical practices. Read more about their highest standards of quality and environmental sustainability.

If you are a business and are looking to source organic bulk herbs and spices, they also sell wholesale organic dried herbs as well as wholesale spices. Since they are a direct importer of organic spices and herbs, you can be assured that you are getting wholesale herbs and wholesale spices straight from the source.

Overall, they are a rad natural herb and spice company in my opinion! I recently shared on Instagram how I used their cream of tartar as a natural migraine remedy. It was great knowing that the cream of tartar I was using was organic because it can be difficult to find organic cream of tartar, and heck, I wouldn’t want to be adding more chemicals to my body if my goal was to get rid of a migraine. If you’re interested in that natural migraine remedy, you can read that here. It really works, y’all!


Final Thoughts

I hope that this article provided more than enough evidence that now is the time to switch to organic herbs, spices, and seasoning blends. Not only will you be getting quality products, but you will experience higher quality flavors, aromas, and the purest form of the ingredients that you are using in your meals. Small steps do really add up to larger rewards toward our health, lifestyle, and overall wellness.

Disclosure: The content in this article is in collaboration with Spicely Organics. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.

Spring is here - Experiencing The Fullness of Every Moment + Jord giveaway | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

Life is just a bunch of moments packed all into one. At least, that's how I like to see it. At the end of the day, it's all about those tiny moments and being fully present in them to allow us to feel every emotion that they bring us. Now, I know that's not always easy to do, so I wanted to share one way that has helped me soak up each moment more fully. As the seasons come and go, it's easy to want to rush time and jump into the next season right away. Being conscious of this and learning to be more present in the current season is so important.

So, what is it? What do I do to experience the fulness of every moment? Observe. That's it. Think of yourself as an onlooker, experiencing each moment from the outside looking in. Quiet yourself, and let your senses soak up the experience, taking note of how you feel at that very moment. Learning to fully experience how each moment made you feel is so much more powerful and memorable. Once you begin to do this more often, you'll feel gratitude for every moment, and you'll also experience life in a deeper way.

Trust me, you will look at things so much more different if you are intentional in your observations. Ask yourself, how do I feel right now? What do I want to remember about this moment? I have found that what makes life so beautiful is being able to stop and being able to fully embrace how I feel in the moment. For example, when my kids bring me joy, I really do stop and try to feel every single piece of joy that that moment brings me. I know it won't last forever, so I want to enjoy it, fully. | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

While we're talking about experiencing the fulness of every moment, I wanted to  share a brand that I am personally loving and whose philosophy ties in with what I touched on above. I'm all about supporting companies who are not just selling a product, but who really care about the experience and how their product makes me feel.

If you know me, you know I love nature. You also probably know that I am crazy about being out in nature, and, well, taking a zillion + 1 photos in nature. If I could take a piece of nature around with me at all times, I so would. No second-thoughts about it. To my very amazement, JORD Wood Watches came into my life and made that a reality.

Let me begin by saying, I am a tough sell when it comes to watches. Reason being, I don't normally wear watches, and I don't necessarily care for watches. The last watch I wore held sentimental value to me because it was a gift from my mom. After it broke, I never replaced it. Translation: I keep and wear things that hold sentimental value to me, and I will not replace it unless it breaks, and even then, I don't go looking to replace it right away. So, owning a watch again was a huge deal for me.




Wood Watches




The thing that sold me on a JORD timepiece was the idea of combining something modern with something organic and timeless. After all, watches should be just that - a piece that will last you many, many years and be a representation of you.

After many years of going "watch-less", I decided that JORD would be my watch of choice. It's because I felt like it would be a type of reflection of me, in a watch. I would be able to carry a piece of nature with me wherever I go, and by wearing it, I can also stand behind a company whose values are aligned with some of the things I feel strongly about such as sustainability and experiential living.

When I first visited the JORD website, I was amazed at how many wood finishes they had available - 13 to be exact. I browsed around and selected my favorite styles, one of which was one of their men's watches. Here's the one I was eyeing. Since many of their styles are unisex, it still would have been perfect, but I chose to go with something a little more me. I chose the Fieldcrest series in Maple. I love the simplicity and minimalist vibe it has going on. | Jord Wood Watches | Fieldcrest in Maple

Okay, did you just see how pretty it is! I love the light, airy color of the wood. It legit matches my desk, not even kidding! See it here. That's how much I've been loving light, raw wood finishes.

When I opened up my package, I was greeted with a beautiful wooden box with a magnetic lid. Upon removing the lid, the watch rested on a jute pillow, and once I set my sights on it, I was blown away at how gorgeous it was. The finish was exactly as I envisioned, and it was perfect. By far, the most beautiful presentation I've yet to experience with a watch company. It's nice to know that such care and attention to detail also went into the packaging because I'm all about the details. | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

The fitting of my watch was perfect, and I truly feel like I'm wearing a piece of luxury - natural luxury. It's just so beautifully crafted and made for me in every sense. The face of the watch features scratch-resistant mineral glass, and the buckle has a push button, making it actually fun and easy to remove. Let's be honest, I always hated how hard it was to remove watches! It's also interesting to know that the wood is finished and pretreated with tung oils, and if I ever need to clean it, I can use lemon or orange oil extract. Au naturale, just how I like it. | Jord Wood Watches | Fieldcrest in Maple

Needless to say, I was very impressed with the presentation of the watch, the quality, and craftsmanship, the look, and how it makes me feel when I wear it. Everything. I can't say enough good things about my JORD Wood Watch, so I wanted to share a little bit of the love with you all by hosting a giveaway for those of you that are interested in getting in on a piece of the action. So, here it is!



JORD x Hello Lovely Living 


All entrants will receive a $25 consolation code once the giveaway ends. 

Open internationally. Giveaway ends on 4/23/17 at 11:59 pm CT.



I hope you enjoyed this post and that it offered a little bit of inspiration on how you can live out each moment more intentionally. For even more, catch me over on Instagram where I post on the daily! Keep on the lookout for more exciting giveaways like this in the future!

How do you experience the fulness of every moment? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Disclosure: JORD reached out to me for this post and was so kind to send me a watch for honest review. As always, all thoughts and opinions are purely mine.


Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review
Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

Products were provided for review. Please read disclosure at the end of this post.

Uprooted Skincare was founded by Diana, a mother of two who discovered the healing benefits of herbs after suffering from cystic acne caused by hormone imbalance. With research, she was able to naturally cure her hormone imbalance with herbs and became a firm believer in its effectiveness for the skin.

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

Her story resonates with me because, I too, suffered from acne and tried everything in the book and more. It was only until I turned to natural alternatives that I found how powerful herbs and natural ingredients were to achieving desired results. What worked for my skin since has been tea tree oil and staying away from harsh cleansers.

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

Diana creates skincare that is 100% natural, vegan, and freshly ground in small batches for maximum potency and freshness. You won't find any chemicals or fillers in her products, just natural ingredients. Her ingredients are not bleached, stripped, decolorized or hardened with high temperatures. You'll know exactly what comes in each product, and she also lists useful information on each ingredient's properties. 

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

Uprooted currently carries face masks, blush + bronzers, lip balms, primer, and foundation, with new products being added. I received the rose petal + kaolin clay face mask and pomegranate + alkanet lip balm to try.

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare |

This pomegranate + alkanet lip balm lip balm smells absolutely amazing! I love how it gives a tint to the lips, how it is so moisturizing, and how it contains one of my favorite healing ingredients, castor oil. It also contains beeswax, jojoba oil, pomegranate oil, and alkanet and hibiscus extract. I've never come across a lip balm that had so many natural healing ingredients in it. It'll be hard for other lip balms to measure up to this one in terms of ingredients now that I found it. 

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

The rose petal + kaolin clay face mask comes in a nice 4 oz size with 15 or more uses. Since it is in a powder form, you do need to mix it with some type of oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, yogurt, or other liquid of choice to form a paste. I mixed a tablespoon of coconut oil and powder together which formed a thick paste. To apply, I just rubbed it onto my face with my fingers all the way down to my neck and let it sit for 15 minutes. I then rinsed in off with warm water.

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

I found this face mask to have lovely rose scent as there are actual freshly crushed rose petals in it. Once you rub it on your face, you'll feel that the texture of this face mask is a little coarse, which I wasn't used to, but I do love the raw textures in this face mask. You can actually see the ingredients as you apply it on your face, which makes it feel luxurious. After I washed my face, I did feel that refreshed feeling from the kaolin clay and my face felt very moisturized. This face mask contains several other beneficial ingredients including marshmallow root and raspberry leaf. Diana outlines all of the ingredients in her descriptions so you know exactly what benefits you'll be getting from each product.

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare Review |

What I really appreciate about Uprooted Skincare is that she makes all of her products fresh and in small batches, which shows a high level of care that she puts into every product. You also get the full potency of the ingredients because you are not buying any fillers. Another thing that I really enjoy is discovering new formulations and ingredients that I wouldn't normally find available. It's fun trying new formulas and really knowing that each has a targeted benefit that will go a long way in making every penny worth it.

I encourage you to check out her other amazing products like her blushes, which are colored using natural ingredients such as beet root powder to create beautiful shades. You can view all of her products on her website, or go directly to her Etsy shop. We put together a giveaway on Instagram, so make sure you enter for a chance to win a rose petal + kaolin face mask!

Natural Skincare | Uprooted Skincare |

What are your favorite natural skincare products and which UPROOTED product would you love to try? Share with me in the comments below!

Disclosure: Please be aware that I share my honest opinions here (positive or negative) regardless of if the products that I am reviewing were provided by the company for consideration. The purpose of this column is to help you, my readers, learn about alternative skincare through my honest reviews. I personally select each company that I will be featuring here, so I wouldn't review a company that I hadn't already found to be beneficial or meeting a certain criteria that I'm looking for in natural products.

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

I love discovering sustainable and eco-conscious companies, so I was thrilled to receive a box from Rose Market featuring vintage eco-chic pieces (stay tuned at the end for a review and discount code). What's great about vintage fashion is that it is timeless. After all, the definition of fashion can be summed up as recycled trends, so there's no surprise why vintage is always in style. Pair vintage pieces with eco-fashion, and you have the epitome of sustainable and environmentally conscious fashion. This is a perfect fit for anyone who prefers quality over quantity when it comes to clothing. Buying clothes that are made of high quality fabrics and that will last you a long time will save you a lot of money over the years compared to buying trendier and cheaper items that are likely made from fabrics that wear easily.

So, what is eco-fashion? It's simply sustainable fashion - clothing made from recycled or up-cycled materials, manufactured in an environmentally conscious way, and produced without harmful pesticides, chemicals, dyes, or bleaches. Once perceived as dull and boring and made from materials that were stiff and unattractive, eco-fashion is now a rising high quality segment and has been catching on in popularity by big name brands, designers, and celebrities. It's part of living sustainably and consciously in a world of disposable and wasteful living. Bamboo, organic cotton, and hemp are just some of the many durable materials that are being used to produce high quality clothing. I love how the demand for these materials is increasing, which means that these fabrics will become more accessible. Keep any eye out for these options and see how much of a difference these fabrics look and feel. They are truly worth it!

Here are some products made from sustainable materials:

Eco-fashion also includes items that are gently used and resold. Many companies have jumped on this growing trend and there are many apps available that make it easier than ever to buy and sell. Some big name brands will even buy back your gently used clothing and resell or recycle items for use for charitable causes (read more). Here are a few companies where you can buy/sell affordable, yet high-quality recycled fashion.

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Disclosure: A box was provided by Rose Market for consideration. All opinions are my own.

Rose Market is a clothing subscription service that upholds the cause for sustainable fashion and offers personalized services with outfits styled just for you. Vintage up-styled pairing pieces together with trendy accessories make up the mix when you receive your very own customized box delivered right to you. Choose from three subscription boxes - The Rosebud, The Bouquet, and The Garden Party (how cute are the names). See a detailed list of options HERE

When I opened my box, I was greeted with a personal note, which was very sweet and thoughtful. What my box came with:

  • Peach kimono-style top

  • Black scarf/belt

  • Pearl cuff bracelet

  • Rose Market Rose Spritzer

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Love list:

  • Chic - Very chic and timeless items. 

  • Personalized: The color of the top was a perfect choice for me as I am in love with the color peach.

  • Versatile: The items that it came with could easily create several outfits. 

  • Variety: A variety of items are included, which make it a well-rounded box of useful staples.

  • Sustainable: Items are classic and can be worn for a long time. 

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Overall thoughts - I really enjoyed this box, most especially what the company stands for. I am all for supporting companies that are conscious about the impact they can make on the world. It's great to know that these items were sourced sustainably. Every dollar that you spend endorses a product or brand's specific vision and encourages it's growth, so why not make it worth it! 

Get yours! Through July, receive 20% OFF your first box using the code SUMMERLOVE.

Visit for more information.

I hope you enjoyed this post! We can all make a difference in the world no matter how small. 

How do you live sustainably/eco-consciously? 


xo stina