Posts tagged cbd for muscles
Terpenes: 5 Benefits You Need to Know About

When it comes to improving your health, many different options are available. You can eat healthy foods, exercise, and take supplements. You can also use essential oils and other natural remedies. A natural remedy that you may have never heard of is terpenes.

Terpenes are a diverse group of organic compounds found in plants and fruits. They are responsible for the unique scents and flavors of various plants. Terpenes may have beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects. Terpenes may also help improve mood and cognitive function.

What are terpenes, and what do they do?

Leaves and flowers of plants produce terpenes in special glands on their surface. When the plant is disturbed, these glands release the terpenes into the air, providing a defense against predators and pests. Terpenes are also responsible for the distinctive aromas of many fruits and spices. For instance, the fragrant oils giving cannabis its diversity are associated with the various types of terpenes found in each strain. 

The therapeutic effects of terpenes have been known for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, terpenes are used to treat various conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. In the United States, terpenes are increasingly used in natural and alternative medicines.

Four benefits of terpenes that you may not know about

Terpenes have been studied extensively in scientific literature over the past few decades. Here are four known benefits of terpenes:


The entourage effect

The entourage effect is one of the most exciting areas of study in terpenes. The entourage effect is the synergistic interaction between different compounds in cannabis that leads to improved therapeutic effects.


Anti-inflammatory effects

One of the most well-known benefits of terpenes is their anti-inflammatory effects. These effects might help treat conditions like arthritis and Crohn's disease.

Terpenes may reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, terpenes may have the ability to modulate the body's immune response.


Antioxidant effects

Another important benefit of terpenes is their ability to act as antioxidants. Terpenes scavenge damaging free radicals and help to protect cells from oxidative damage. This property of terpenes is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with them.


Analgesic effects

Terpenes might also have analgesic effects. This means that they may help to relieve pain. Terpenes work by modulating the body's pain response and inhibiting the activity of pain-inducing enzymes.

How to use terpenes to improve your health

You can use terpenes to improve your health in several ways; You can take them orally in foods or drinks, inhale them by vaping or aromatherapy, or apply them topically in creams. There are many different types of terpenes, each with its unique benefits. Here are some of the most popular terpenes and their effects: 

  • Limonene - Limonene is a terpene found in many plants and fruits. It has various beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects.

  • Myrcene - When consumed in large quantities, myrcene may sedate and impair locomotion. Researchers discovered that myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties in cells, as well as the ability to slow damage and disease progression. Myrcene's anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the killing of cancerous cells.

  • Linalool - Linalool is a naturally occurring essential oil found in many plants and is one of the most common terpenes in cannabis and lavender. It has calming properties, making it helpful in treating depression and anxiety.


In closing, terpenes are generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as skin irritation and headaches. If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking terpenes and speak to your healthcare provider. By developing your knowledge of the different terpenes available and their properties, you will be well-equipped when shopping for products that contain them. You will be able to identify the positive effects that you would like to experience and narrow down the most beneficial terpenes for you.

Tips To Navigate Fall And Winter With Better Health
Hello Lovely Living x Better Health Fall Winter

@hellolovelyliving displaying her finds at The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, CA

We’re only a few weeks away from the time when leaves begin to change colors and the weather transits into a colder phase. While many of us look forward to drinking hot beverages and delicious foods that come with the social setting of festivities, the winters can also be depressing for many. To help you mitigate the feelings that arise from the loss of sunlight and warmth, this blog will address five ways to help make winters more comfortable. In the long run, these steps will also help you live a proactive and healthier life. Without any delay, let’s dive right into it!


Get your vitamins in check

Several people experience a clinical condition known as Seasonal Additive Depression, but don’t realize the cause. Since it has now been established that depression is not caused due to a change in brain chemicals, it has much more to do with how our mind responds to stimuli. Changes like lessened natural light, shorter days, and an uncomfortable temperature can lead to seasonal depression.

However, the right nutrition can change the narrative and help you sail past these symptoms easily. Top up on your Vitamin C, D3, B12, A, and E from natural foods or supplements. Visit farm stands like The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, California for fresh, organic, garden-to-table produce.


Start consuming CBD supplements

If you’re having trouble dealing with symptoms like depression, anxiety, or insomnia, cannabidiol can be an excellent healer. In several research papers, cannabidiol has shown a substantial improvement in the mental and physical symptoms of depression, be it clinical, seasonal, or short-term. These days, the legalized status of CBD and THC also makes it easier to purchase from trusted dispensaries like Purple Penthouse. Founded by local stoner babes in the DC & NY area, you’ll be supporting WOMEN IN WEED by ordering from Purple Penthouse in the male-dominated weed space. Make sure to research your strain on the dispensary’s knowledge base to know your ideal product.


Work around the daylight hours

During fall and winter, the amount of natural sunlight we receive reduces substantially. This can also cause a hormonal imbalance in your body, leading to mood swings. Make sure to spend time outside during the daylight hours, or get warm lighting like UV lamps, sodium bulbs, and others to compensate for the loss of warmth.


Add habits that bring joy

When times become a bit gloomy, happiness can be created with comforting habits and routines. Take up an old hobby that keeps you busy and your mind occupied. Listen to uplifting music, watch good movies, and give yourself time to rest during these months as per what makes you feel great!


Work on therapy

Winters are also known to bring out dark thoughts if we have a history of anxiety and depression. To navigate this path, the help of an experienced professional like a therapist or counselor is essential. If you’re struggling to reign in your thoughts and regulate your emotions, reach out for therapy to receive the support you deserve.


By paying attention to the little things regarding your health, you can lead a happier state, especially during the gloomier months. We hope that the tips mentioned above bring you long-lasting relief from the winter blues, and let you enjoy the season of festivities instead!

Best CBD For Pain: CBD Oil Vs CBD Cream

CBD has been proven effective in reducing inflammation and pain in various medical conditions, both chronic and acute. CBD is known to act by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate various body functions, including pain perception and inflammation. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that CBD may be an effective treatment for various forms of pain, including:

  • Arthritis pain

  • Cancer-related pain

  • Chronic back pain

  • Neuropathic pain (nerve pain)

  • Postoperative pain

  • Some types of migraines and headaches

While in-depth research is necessary to confirm these findings, CBD may provide relief for many people who suffer from chronic pain. CBD is available in the market in various forms, including capsules, oils, tinctures, and topical creams. It can be ingested by dropping it under the tongue or applied topically to the affected area. For people who do not like the taste of CBD oil, capsules are also available.

Pros and cons

CBD oil vs. CBD cream

Choosing the best CBD product for pain relief can be tricky. Various CBD products are available in the market, and each has its pros and cons. This article will look at two of the most popular options: CBD oil and CBD cream. Both have their unique upsides and downsides. Here's a look at the key differences between CBD oil and CBD cream to help you decide which one is right for you.


CBD oil is a popular choice for pain relief because it's easy to take and can be absorbed quickly by the body.


  • Can be taken orally or added to food or drink for easy ingestion

  • Often used as a general wellness supplement

  • Can be easily purchased online or in health food stores

  • Dosage can be estimated with the help of a dropper


  • It may cause gastrointestinal discomfort when taken orally

  • Not as effective topically for pain relief

  • May need to bear the earthy taste 

CBD Cream

CBD cream is a great alternative to CBD oil if you're looking for something that can be applied topically. 


  • Can be applied directly to the skin for targeted pain relief

  • Absorbs quickly and is non-greasy

  • Often used in conjunction with other topical treatments such as heat or cold therapy


  • Can be more expensive than CBD oil

  • Not as widely available as CBD oil

  • Difficult to estimate the exact dosage 


So, which is better? That solely depends on your individual preferences. CBD oil may be the better option if you're looking for general wellness benefits. But if you're specifically looking for pain relief, CBD cream is likely to be more effective.

Find some great recommendations for both CBD oils and topical CBD products here: Shop CBD Oil for Depression from JustCBD

Whichever option you decide, make sure to do your research and buy from a reputable brand. Moreover, It is important to consider the dosage instructions on the product label carefully. Talk to your doctor or a certified cannabis specialist to see what they recommend for you.

The Truth About CBD Oil: What You NEED To Know

CBD oil has become one of the most popular natural remedies for anxiety relief. But what is CBD oil? How does it work? And why is it so effective for so many people?

In this article, we'll answer all of those questions and more. We'll also give you some tips on how to choose the best CBD oil for anxiety relief.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is short for cannabidiol oil. It's a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis is the Latin name for marijuana.

Marijuana contains over 400 different chemicals, including CBD. However, CBD oil only contains trace amounts of THC, the chemical that makes you high. That means you won't get high from using CBD oil.

CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then adding it to a carrier oil, such as MCT oil or hemp seed oil. It's also available in different forms, including tinctures, capsules, edibles, and topical creams.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD oil works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a network of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body.

The ECS plays an important role in regulating many functions, including sleep, appetite, pain, and inflammation.

CBD oil binds to cannabinoid receptors in the ECS and modulates their activity. This helps to reduce anxiety and improve mood.

Why Is CBD Oil So Effective for Anxiety?

CBD oil is so effective for anxiety because it helps to restore balance in the body. When we're anxious, our bodies are in a state of imbalance. This can be caused by stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet.

CBD oil helps to correct this imbalance by interacting with the ECS. It helps to reduce anxiety and improve mood. In fact, studies have shown that CBD oil is just as effective as anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines.

But unlike anti-anxiety medications, CBD oil is non-addictive and has no harmful side effects. That's why it's becoming increasingly popular as an alternative treatment for anxiety.

How to Choose the Best CBD Oil for Anxiety Relief

If you're looking for the best CBD oil for anxiety relief, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, make sure you choose a high-quality CBD oil. Look for one that's been third-party tested and made from organic, American-grown hemp.

Second, make sure you choose an oil that's high in CBD and low in THC. A ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 is ideal.

Third, start with a low dose and increase gradually until you find what works for you. Most people find relief with a daily dose of 25-50 mg of CBD.

And finally, make sure you give the oil time to work. CBD oil is not a quick fix. It can take several weeks to see the full effects.

What Studies Had to Say About CBD Oil

CBD oil has been shown, in a limited number of studies, to be effective in the treatment of anxiety.

A study published in 2015 in the journal Neurotherapeutics found that CBD oil was effective in treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

GAD is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive worry and stress. People with GAD often have difficulty sleeping and concentrating.

The study found that CBD oil was able to reduce anxiety and improve sleep in patients with GAD.

A similar study published in 2016 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that CBD oil was effective in treating social anxiety disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by fear and avoidance of social situations. People with SAD often have difficulty talking to people, going to work, or even leaving the house.

The study found that CBD oil was able to reduce anxiety and improve mood in patients with SAD.

CBD oil is also being studied for its potential to treat other anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

So far, the research is promising. However, more studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of CBD oil for these conditions.

If you're looking for an effective treatment for anxiety, CBD oil may be worth a try. Just make sure to choose a high-quality product from a reputable source.

Alternate ways to incorporate CBD into your daily life

There are a plethora of ways to incorporate CBD into your daily life to take advantage of its many beneficial antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties.

From oils to cream, balms, and soaps, CBD oil works wonders on the body when applied topically to alleviate common inflammotory skin conditions like eczema and to ease muscle tension and soreness.

For instance, just like traditional bath soaps, CBD soap effectively cleanses the skin, helping to remove dirt, oil, and impurities. The added CBD content can offer an extra layer of care for your skin.

How Canadians Can Relax This Summer

You’re Canadian and need to take time off, but you’re not sure how to relax while you’re away. It's difficult to find the time to relax when you're working all the time. With the busyness of everyday life, it can be even harder to find a good place to spend your downtime. So, we created solutions for you.


Take a vacation day, but don't leave your job behind

A vacation day is a day off that you take to rest and relax. But, this is not always the case. In some cases, you might need to work during your vacation days in order to make up for your missed time. You might not always need a vacation day to help you rest and relax. Working during your vacation days can sometimes be beneficial to make up for the time that you missed during trips.


Take a walk outside in the fresh air and enjoy nature

If you get tired of the noise, pollution, and crowds of the city, a good idea is to take a walk outside in the fresh air and enjoy nature. It's also a great way to clear your head and get back to being more productive. So, whether you have time for a quick stroll or want to take your time, it's always worthwhile to get outside and enjoy nature.


Take CBD oil to relax

CBD oil is a new and emerging trend in the wellness industry, which you can easily find from It has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and depression. CBD oil is a concentrated extract of cannabis that doesn't make you high but still provides a strong effect on your body. It can help with pain, insomnia, and inflammation.

CBD oil is a type of cannabis product that has gained popularity in the last few years. It has been used to treat a variety of health problems, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and seizures. The use of CBD oil is gaining more ground among people who want to relax their body and mind from stress or anxiety. CBD oil can also be used for other purposes, such as treating pain or improving mood.


Watch TV shows that make you laugh

There are many TV shows that make you laugh, and some of them are listed below.

  • The Big Bang Theory

  • The Office

  • Friends

  • Seinfeld


Take up a new hobby or learn something new that interests you

The best way to get away from the stress of work is to take up a hobby or learn something new that interests you. It will help you relieve your mind and relax. Learning something new can help you grow as a person, and it will also help you develop skills that you can use in your job. 

Learning a new skill or hobby is not only beneficial for your personal life but also helps in the workplace. For example, learning how to speak another language will help you with your career as it would give you an advantage over other people who don't know the language.


Get creative with your art projects

Art projects are a great way to get creative and break out of your comfort zone. The best part? They're accessible to everyone. Whether you're looking for a creative outlet (plenty of ways to do that) or want to figure out how to use your artistic skills, art projects can be an amazing way to explore your creativity.

Art projects can be used as a way of expressing yourself, exploring new ideas, or making a living. Here are some examples of art projects that you could try:

  • Sculpting with clay

  • Painting with watercolor paint

  • Drawing with charcoal pencils


As discussed, there are so many ways to relax. Some of them are more traditional, like camping and fishing, while others are unique and creative. You may use your free time to go to the movies, watch TV shows, or read books. You may want to enjoy nature by going for walks in the park or visiting a museum. With so many various ways to relax, including spending time with family or playing board games with friends, there’s always something for you to enjoy while you are away on vacation.

Can CBD Capsules Help Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms?

The craze for cannabis-extracted health products has grown exponentially over the years. Much of the popularity of such products is due to their therapeutic properties. For example, CBD or cannabidiol is the second most prevalent compound in the cannabis plant. The growing efficacy, accessibility, and demand for cannabis products have made it a billion-dollar industry. 

CBD is said to have excellent medicinal properties, and it is mainly used in managing chronic pain and inflammation. CBD is even well accepted as a complementary medication in many conditions. Nowadays, people are using CBD capsules to relieve arthritis pain. 

Though there has not been much research regarding CBD and arthritis, available research points positively. So, let's see if CBD could help in inhibiting arthritis symptoms. But before we do that, let's dive into some information about what arthritis is exactly. 

CBD Capsules And Arthritis 

Arthritis is mainly described as the swelling and tenderness of joints. The symptoms of arthritis include pain and stiffness in joints, inflammation, and redness that worsens with age. Typically, arthritis affects the older population, but it could also be due to genetics or injury. The common kinds of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Can CBD Help With Arthritis? 

The use of CBD to treat chronic pain conditions has increased over the years. Reputed organizations such as the Arthritis Foundation have even released CBD guidelines for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Studies suggest CBD can help in reducing inflammation as well as in lowering the pain caused by arthritis. 

According to a 2006 controlled clinical trial on patients with rheumatoid arthritis, researchers found that patients' conditions improved after taking Sativex, a CBD-based medication. After 5 weeks of use, researchers concluded that Sativex improved pain conditions and helped lower inflammation. Moreover, the patients could also sleep peacefully due to less pain. 

A 2008 review study found that CBD can reduce pain and improve sleeping conditions without adverse side effects. In addition, a 2011 study on rats found that it helped reduce pain associated with inflammation in rats by affecting the pain receptors. Similarly, a 2016 study involving CBD gel and rats found that the gel can reduce swelling and joint pain without side effects. A 2017 study also claims it to be a safe and useful treatment plan for joint pains due to osteoarthritis. 

Even the National Centres for Complementary and Integrative Health says that CBD could be moderately helpful in managing chronic pain conditions. Another 2020 review reported that it could help manage chronic pain, improve sleep, and lower inflammation. However, according to the researchers, these effects are specific to certain conditions. 

Apart from this scientific evidence, much anecdotal evidence suggests using CBD may help with the symptoms of arthritis. For example, a 2019 national survey of the Arthritis Foundation involving 2,600 people found that 79% were using or have used CBD for arthritis.


As more studies and evidence mounts as to CBD’s effectiveness to treat pain and inflammation, more and more people are beginning to take the opportunity to try it for themselves and seek relief. The great news is that people are finding positive results, and it is helping them achieve a more natural approach to treating their health conditions such as arthritis. With so many CBD products now available on the market, you can be sure that you will find a use for this amazing natural substance that nature has provided for us.

On The Road To Recovery And Healing

Three weeks ago, I was faced with a decision that I wasn’t expecting to make on the spot as I went in for a doctor’s check-up for my Pilonidal cyst that had flared up over several weeks.

A pilonidal cyst that I had acquired more than 10 years ago was now rearing it’s ugly head yet again. This was the third time it had flared up over that timeframe, but I had ultimately learned to live with it up to this point.

What made the difference this time around is that it had grown in size over a decade, and with it now being inflamed and so much larger in size, I knew the time was now to finally do something about it.

If anyone is not familiar with Pilonidal cysts, they aren’t technically cysts as they are so aptly called. They are complex abscesses that can be difficult to heal due to their location on the body. I will not go into detail about it within this post, but I am thinking about sharing my full story once I feel like I am completely healed and recovered from it.

Hello Lovely Living

I noticed that I had to take action and see a doctor once the pain and soreness began spreading elsewhere on my body. It was a huge cause for concern because I had never experienced these other symptoms in all my time having it. It was a good thing that I did go in because the doctor immediately advised me to have it opened and drained right then and there or else it would continue to swell in size.

I decided to do the procedure because there was no better time than now, and after doing so much research and reading people’s stories on forums for years, I didn’t want to prolong facing it another day.

It’s been several weeks since I got the procedure done, and so far my body is healing well, but of course, there is still a risk that it will come back and that I would need to undergo a more extensive procedure to remove it completely. Surgery is definitely something I want to avoid at all costs, so I am doing everything in my power to allow myself the rest and time to heal.

Along with caring for an open wound and encouraging drainage, there is a lot of pain that comes with the removal procedure including packing the wound every other day with packing strips to help it heal from the inside out and preventing it from closing. I’ve had to avoid putting any strain on the area, and it’s been difficult to even walk. To relieve the pain, I took pain medication for several days (thankfully I’m off of it now) and I was very careful not to put any sort of pressure on the area.

Hello Lovely Living
Hello Lovely Living

A package from CBDMEDIC came just in time for some added relief for my sore muscles. As I had mentioned earlier, as a result of my inflammation, I was experiencing muscle aches and pain elsewhere on my body. The tension was concentrated more on the right side of my lower back, butt, and my calves - I know, very strange locations to be experiencing muscle soreness, but I believe it all was tied to the fact that my body was fighting a serious battle!

Since I did receive this package after I had already done my procedure, the muscle soreness had calmed down a lot, but I applied the Back & Neck Pain Relief to the different areas I was still experiencing tenderness for added comfort, and it was soothing and provided a numbing effect.

I have touched on my use of CBD oil products in the past and have done several posts going in depth about it if you would like to learn more about its health benefits. In this case, the hemp seed oil and effective analgesic ingredients like menthol and camphor in CBDMEDIC pain relief products are a safe alternative to reducing inflammation for people who suffer from acute pain.

Hello Lovely Living
Hello Lovely Living

I do plan on using the Active Sport Pain Relief once I start back on exercising. This experience has really forced me to really take care of my health first and foremost, so exercising and eating well are also at the top of my list. The feeling of being held back from physical ailments became real to me these past few weeks, so I can’t wait to be optimally functioning again.

CBDMEDIC products can be found at your local CVS Pharmacy, and you can check out CBDMEDIC online for detailed information on ingredients and the different products available.

I hope to share my complete Pilonidal journey once I have more answers as to the progress of my healing and the future outlook of this condition. Many people suffer from this condition, and there is a lot of fear tied to it. I hope that my story ends in complete healing. I also hope you find relief and healing in your own personal pain story.

This post is sponsored by CBDMEDIC but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.