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What To Expect When Stress Affects Your Health

At the end of the day, no one enjoys stress. Chances are, you already know some of the negative effects that it can cause on your health. Stress can make you lose sleep, not want to eat, or eat too much, and it can even damage relationships. The presence of stress in your life may even cause you to look for treatments like rejuvenating your body to actively resolve it.

The truth is, that stress is not something that anyone enjoys. This is why it is so important to live a life where you are preventing chronic stress from appearing in your life and working toward reducing stress to maintain a well-balanced life.

In this article, we will discuss what you can expect to happen when stress affects your health and a healthy approach to preventing it from appearing in your life.

No. 1

Frequent Headaches

Stress is a natural reaction to life’s events. It can be a precursor for beneficial outcomes, resulting in us meeting challenges and adapting to changes. As such, stress can cause undesirable effects such as headaches and migraines.

While it is true that no one enjoys a headache, when you are stressed out, you can expect the headaches to become even more frequent. Experiencing a headache caused by stress will ultimately prevent you from accomplishing tasks, which will cause your stress to worsen. This creates an endless cycle that soon begins to affect other areas of your life if left untreated.

No. 2

Neglect in Health

While stress will eventually affect your health, you may reach a point where you are unintentionally damaging your health even further by neglecting to address it. For example, the task of finding the proper tooth alignment specialist might be causing you stress. In turn, you may smile less, which could lead to a less overall positive approach to life’s experiences.

Alternatively, if you are stressed about your body weight, you might stop eating, which may cause effects on your mind and body that could have far-reaching outcomes. For instance, you will not think or focus as clearly because stress can cloud your judgment and actions.

No. 3

Fluctuations in Weight

Some people may gain weight when they are stressed, while others will lose weight. Generally speaking, when you are stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol that increase blood sugar levels. This in turn causes high blood sugar, which can lead to obesity.

While hormones are a leading cause of stress, your eating habits will affect your stress levels more. Typically, it is common for people to have a change in eating habits when they are stressed; whether it is eating more or eating less, or a change in exercise habits, too much weight gain or weight loss (especially if it is rapid) will negatively affect your metabolism.

No. 4

Anxiety arises

To a large degree, you can not control many of life’s stressful situations that happen daily; things such as work piling up, people treating you awful, unexpected financial obligations, and so on. Being that you can not control many of life’s situations, it is normal to feel stressed. The important thing to keep in mind, however, is that stress can eventually manifest itself into anxiety—something far worse. 

Anxiety is intense, and it can impact your mental and physical health more than stress can. The truth is, that anxiety will affect your health negatively no matter how you look at it, so prevention is necessary to avoid it from showing up in your life as a result of chronic stress.

If your anxiety stems from an accident that wasn’t your fault, having an injury lawyer can provide invaluable support. Their expertise in handling legal matters allows them to take on the complexities of your case, alleviating the burden of navigating the legal system alone. By taking charge of negotiations, gathering evidence, and advocating for your rights, they offer a sense of reassurance and empowerment.

Additionally, their guidance helps clarify uncertainties surrounding the legal process, offering clarity and peace of mind. Knowing that a skilled professional is working diligently on your behalf can significantly diminish anxiety, allowing you to focus on your recovery and well-being with greater confidence and stability.


While it can feel impossible, keeping stress under control will prevent you from experiencing negative effects that result from it being left unresolved. An effective approach toward addressing stress in your life is to first understand that it is the result of an underlying cause that generally is outside of your control.

Stress can eventually cause health problems to manifest, so it is equally important to set active measures in place to prevent and manage stress from frequently appearing in your life.

5 Ways To Rejuvenate Your Body Everyday

The world has become so fast-paced, and with these increasing demands, your body is most likely feeling drained and exhausted on a daily basis. Due to our modern day lifestyle, it is common that most people will wake up feeling tired—leading to less productive or sluggish days where you are simply just trying to survive and get to the end of it.

Approximately  65% of respondents interviewed in a recent study admitted that they rarely wake up refreshed and energized, causing daytime tiredness. With this knowledge, daily body rejuvenation becomes imperative, ensuring that you replenish your physical and mental well-being in order to meet daily demands and challenges with vigor and enthusiasm.

In this article, we will discuss five ways to rejuvenate your body every day for renewed energy and vitality.

No. 1

Consider different types of therapy

From massages and acupuncture to yoga, indulging in different types of therapy to help rejuvenate your body is a healthy step to consider. In some cases, one option may be enough. In other instances, you may need to combine several practices to address your personal needs.

There are a variety of therapies available to help rejuvenate your body by relaxing your muscles and improving your breathing and circulation. While there will always be a different mode of teaching, the goal remains the same: bringing your body back to a balanced and rested state.

Learning how your body functions and its requirements for optimal performance is a part of this process, and you will find that most ailments can be resolved by applying the knowledge you learn from professionals who understand how to get you there.

Specifically, massages can dispel stress while improving energy levels. Visit any local spa for treatment options or learn some basic massage techniques that you can apply at home whenever you need to.

Acupuncture, in particular, improves circulation, making it easy to manage conditions resulting from stress. This procedure involves inserting needles into specific pressure points on the body to activate blood circulation and reduce inflammation where it is needed.

Yoga and pilates are types of fitness training practices that can be learned and applied alone and in the comfort of your home, or as part of a group yoga and pilates retreat. It improves strength, flexibility, and stamina and builds core strength that influences many other parts of the body’s functions.

No. 2

Take a hot bath or shower

There is something so rejuvenating about soaking in a hot bath or shower after a long and tiring day at work. Studies show that warm water promotes blood circulation, easing tight, tense, and sore muscles. It can also lessen stress and tension while encouraging relaxation and helps to clear the sinuses of congestion.

Note: Regular hot baths can affect your skin and can be damaging to it if you have existing skin conditions. Therefore, indulge in this practice moderately if you have eczema or dry skin or adjust the temperature so that you do not irritate any existing skin conditions.

It is also worth noting that your pores open up when you take a hot bath, which allows your beauty products to be absorbed more effectively. This makes it a great practice to use moisturizing products with ingredients like lavender, coconut oil, and oatmeal on your skin soon after you dry yourself off from your bath.

You can also consider adding bathing salts that contain Epsom salts and nourishing oils that naturally enhance relaxation without you having to worry about your skin becoming dry.

No. 3

Eat rejuvenating food

Food is meant to energize you and provide you with the right nutrients to face the day ahead. However, some foods can do the opposite and end up draining you instead.

Options like fried and fast foods, low-calorie meals, white bread, and non-fortified breakfast cereals are culprits. While you may think energy drinks and coffee are energy-boosting, they will also drain you of energy, especially when consumed excessively.

Choosing rejuvenating foods like avocados, spinach, broccoli, blueberries, papaya, red bell pepper, and watercress will provide lasting energy levels throughout the day without the crash.

Nuts and bananas are also abundant in potassium and antioxidants that can help your body and mind recover and keep up with the environmental stresses of daily life. You can find creative ways to add them to your daily meals and see the difference immediately. 

No. 4

Prioritize digital detoxes

For many people, a hard day’s work ends with several hours in front of smartphones, computers, or TV screens, which drains the body and mind even more. Prioritizing digital detoxes can significantly contribute to rejuvenating your body by providing a much-needed break from the constant stimulation and demands of lengthy screen time.

Indeed, excessive hours behind your screen can cause mental fatigue while increasing stress levels. Even worse, it can disrupt your sleep patterns and make it difficult for your body to recover from the previous day’s stress. 

Make it a habit to unplug from electronic devices and engage in activities that promote relaxation. You can go for walks in nature, meet up with friends, or engage in activities that allow your mind to unwind, recharge, and regain focus.

In addition, the more you avoid your screens, the easier it is to foster a sense of rejuvenation and balance in your body and mind. By disconnecting regularly, you will find that you have so much more time to focus on activities that are important to your well-being including reading, meditating, and exercising.

No. 5

Focus on sleep

This point might sound like a no-brainer, but you should make attaining proper sleep one of your topmost priorities if you want to start each day with a rejuvenated body. Sleeping allows your body to recharge and heal while your brain rests and resolves complex thoughts and challenges while you sleep.

Moreover, the body can remove toxic waste byproducts that accumulate throughout the day. That means when you deprive your body of proper sleep, toxins remain in your body and affect various aspects of your health.

The resounding message is clear: Focus on sleep. Experts recommend getting at least seven or eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.


Rejuvenating your body starts with making positive changes daily. By intentionally adopting the right practices and applying them to your daily life, you will begin to see noticeable changes that will impact every area of your life, altogether.

You will find that even the smallest of efforts will lead to the positive reprogramming of your mind. Not only will you desire more of the same outcomes, but it will become engrained in you to care for yourself at a higher level than you ever knew possible.




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Keeping Your Health Maintained: 5 Key Areas To Target

Nothing in this life is more important than your health. Therefore, implementing the necessary steps to maintain yours fully and optimally should be of high importance and on your agenda at all times.

While life is continuously moving at lightning speed, simply improving a few important areas can make all the difference. It is in our daily habits and routines that we lay the groundwork for future results or lack thereof.

In this article, we will discuss five key areas to target now to make a significant improvement to your overall health and wellbeing and that you can immediately start to implement:

No. 1

Focus on sleep

Before focusing on ways to improve your health during your waking hours, it is important to first get your sleeping habits under control. When you do, you will find that one-third of your life is already under control.

Sleeping at around the same time each night will aid your circadian rhythm, and avoiding screen time before bed helps significantly, too. Sleep will regulate your stress levels, boost your energy, and allow muscles to repair themselves. Everything from your appearance to your appetite will be affected. 

For this reason, you must make it the first focal point on your road to improved health. Feeling well-rested will naturally make it easier to address other immediate health concerns.

No. 2

Keep your smile in good health

A winning smile is truly the greatest asset you will ever possess. It has a huge influence on your appearance while also impacting your facial shape.

Oral health is also linked to several general wellness issues. When toothaches arise, they can feel debilitating. Scheduling regular dental visits will help to address urgent concerns before they contribute to bigger problems.

In the event that you are needing urgent dental care, the use of an emergency dentist can get you smiling once more. This can be followed by realignment and teeth whitening services for the very best results.

It is also recommended to protect your gums and teeth against potential damage through routine periodontal cleanings to provide immediate and long-term benefits through preventative dental care.

Since good oral hygiene is the clear determiner of overall general health, this is a target area of your body that must not be overlooked. Additionally, taking pride and being confident in your oral health will keep you in a positive frame of mind.

No. 3

Address anxiety

When thinking about staying healthy, most people concentrate primarily on the physical aspects. However, physical health and mental health are very closely linked.

Therefore, finding ways to address anxiety will not only put you in an emotionally stable position but will also lead to a host of physical health benefits, including regulating blood pressure and creating balance within your nervous system.

Conversely, if you ignore this issue, it can begin to take control of your life and stop you from being who you truly need to be for yourself and for others. There is help available once you allow yourself to open up to them, so allowing the right resources to reach you will provide a way for healing.

From listening to experts and reading books to connecting with professionals who are there to provide you with effective coping strategies and tools, it is essential to explore ways to overcome anxiety for your overall well-being.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is a great teacher to learn from who will help you figure out the bigger picture of life. You will begin to learn that the source of all of your anxieties rests in something that you can actually control.

By simply adjusting your perceptions and awareness, you can find freedom from the thoughts and actions that debilitate you and keep you in a harmful cycle.

Adhering to daily meditation practices to create a brand new slate to build from has huge implications for the new reality you can begin to create for yourself, where anxiety does not exist and where it does not control you.

No. 4

Improve your nutrition

We know that nutrition plays an integral role in maintaining an overall healthy body image. Aside from appearances, staying physically healthy and fit, most importantly, reduces the risk of various health conditions, which are namely influenced by a poor diet and a sedentary and inactive lifestyle.

By addressing these two areas: Nutrition and fitness—you will find that the pieces start fitting together, and your health will improve simply with the intention and action you are placing on it. Energy goes where attention flows. Remember that. So, if you are putting in the work, you will get results.

Ultimately, though, this is not the only reason why you should be focusing on nutrition. Food intolerance tests can save you from a plethora of digestive health complaints.

Meanwhile, eating the right foods to boost your immune system will significantly enhance your health. After all, your digestive system is the primary source of immune health, and having sick days is something you do not need to live with.

Furthermore, a conscious effort to improve your diet will likely lead to improvements in other aspects of your life. What you learn from better nutrition will give you confidence that you did not know you were missing.

By simply learning how to care for your body from the inside out, you are honoring yourself and the larger picture of who you are and what you are able to achieve in every other area of your life.

No. 5

Enhance your posture

Of course, regular exercise is an important part of maintaining your overall wellness. However, the choice between cardio, weights, and sports is a personal matter.

Whatever you choose, though, it is wise to also incorporate weight training routines to improve or correct your posture. Whether it is home-based workouts or yoga, this can help counteract common back problems caused by modern life.

If you spend several hours at a desk each day, for example, this will make a huge difference to your overall productivity and energy levels.

While being at a desk for hours is counterintuitive to an active, healthy lifestyle, finding a balance by being mindful of incorporating regular activity will support your goals, nonetheless.

Specialized clothing items are also available that can help correct poor posture. When combined with regular stretching exercises and the other steps above, your body will feel better than ever—more relaxed and at ease.


Maintaining overall health and wellness is like compound interest; you get back what you put in, in time. No, time is not your enemy; it is your friend.

You understand that persistence takes time. It takes energy and dedication to pursue something you truly believe in. In life, you are the greatest asset, and only you have control over yourself.

It is in these moments of being alone with yourself that you chisel away at the best version of yourself, just right below the surface. She is in there, just waiting to break free of anything that hinders her genuine expression of abundance and beauty.

The beauty is in realizing that you have the power to expose that beautiful masterpiece through the efforts of your intentional and deliberate actions toward embracing who you have always meant to become. Healthy. Happy. Whole. And nothing less.

Overcoming & Managing Trauma After A Car Accident

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatic event that leaves lasting emotional and psychological scars. The suddenness, unpredictability, and the possibility of serious injury or death can significantly impact everyone involved and many people may endure emotional anguish.

It is typical to experience indicators of heightened stress throughout the recovery process, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, melancholy, misery, fearfulness, sleep problems, recurring nightmares about the accident, and more. These powerful feelings might cause avoidance. Some people may avoid having to drive again by not going to work, appointments, activities, or school because they fear getting into another accident.

Trauma following a vehicle accident is widespread, and knowing that healing is possible is critical. You may overcome and manage any trauma by understanding the nature of trauma and using effective tactics, allowing them to recover control of their life.

It may be time to take action when symptoms interfere with daily functioning. This article will provide you with effective ways of handling car accident traumas.

No. 1

Acknowledge and Validate Your Feelings

Recognizing and validating your feelings is the first step in recovering from trauma after a vehicle accident. It is common to feel various emotions, including fear, worry, grief, wrath, and guilt. Please recognize that these emotions are legitimate and that it is normal to be frustrated or overwhelmed. Suppressing emotions might cause the healing process to take longer. Seek help from loved ones or professional therapists who can give a judgment-free environment for you to share your feelings.

No. 2

Get Professional Help

Trauma may greatly influence mental health; therefore, seeking expert treatment is critical. A trauma-informed therapist can help you through the rehabilitation process. They can assist you in developing coping mechanisms and offer approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) to address the trauma's impact. Remember that asking for help is a show of strength; a qualified expert can equip you with the skills you need to heal.

No. 3

Take Legal Action

Pursuing legal action can be vital in coping with trauma following a vehicle accident in certain situations. If the accident was caused by another person's negligence, seeking legal redress can give you a sense of justice and cash compensation for your injuries and damages.

To understand your rights and legal alternatives, speak with an experienced car accident lawyer or personal injury attorney specializing in vehicle accidents. They can help you through the procedure, communicate with insurance companies, collect evidence, and represent your interests in negotiations or court hearings. Taking suitable legal action might relieve some of your financial obligations and allow you to concentrate on rehabilitation.

No. 4

Embrace Self Care

Self-care activities are critical for healing and coping with trauma. Schedule time for yourself and emphasize things that bring you joy and relaxation. It might involve practicing mindfulness, meditation, exercising, writing, or hobbies. Maintain normal sleep patterns and avoid using substances like alcohol or drugs as coping methods by eating a balanced diet. Self-care activities can help with healing by giving you a sense of control and promoting general well-being.

No. 5

Seek Exposure and Desensitization

Traumatic events can elicit extreme fear and anxiety, particularly when reminded of the vehicle accident. Hence, you can reestablish a sense of safety and control by using gradual exposure and desensitization strategies. Begin by exposing yourself in tiny, controlled doses to memories of the accident. It might include briefly returning to the accident scene or sitting in a car. Increase the exposure progressively until the triggers lose their hold over your emotions. Remember to go at your own pace and to request assistance if necessary.

No. 6

Create a Support Network

Having a strong support network may greatly help in trauma rehabilitation. Surround yourself with kind and understanding people who can offer emotional support. Share your feelings with trusted friends and family members who can console and support you. Joining support groups with others who have gone through similar trauma may also be therapeutic since they can offer affirmation, insights, and coping skills. Remember that you do not have to go through this path alone; getting aid might help ease the emotional weight.

No. 7

Prioritize Safety and Minimize Distraction

Prioritizing safety and reducing distractions can assist in regaining control and lowering the likelihood of future accidents. It can help reduce anxiety and enhance attention when driving.

Wearing seatbelts is critical for safety since it minimizes the probability of serious injuries. Avoiding distractions such as phone usage, eating, drinking, or driving when sleepy can also enhance driving performance.


Recovering from trauma after a vehicle accident takes time, tolerance, and self-compassion. You can effectively overcome and manage your trauma if you follow these guidelines. Remember that everyone's recovery path is different, and it is critical to be kind to yourself along the process. You can retake control of your life and move on toward a brighter future with the correct techniques and assistance.

PTSD From a Car Accident: How to Cope

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatic event that leaves lasting effects on your mental and emotional well-being. One common consequence is the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition characterized by intense and intrusive symptoms that can significantly impact your daily life. Coping and recovering from PTSD requires patience, self-care, and professional support.

Here are strategies to help you navigate the challenges and find healing after a car accident-related PTSD:


Recognize the Symptoms

The first step in coping and recovering from PTSD is recognizing the symptoms and understanding that what you are experiencing is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. Some of the common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, and avoidance of triggering situations. Acknowledging these symptoms will help you seek help and ways to cope thus setting you on the path to recovery.


Seek Professional Help

The next important step to cope and recover from PTSD is to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. A mental health professional can guide you through the recovery process, provide strategies to manage symptoms, and offer a safe space to discuss your thoughts and emotions. They may employ various therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), or exposure therapy, tailored to your specific needs.

It helps if you also learn about PTSD and understanding its effects. This will empower and help you gain insight into your own experiences. In this regard, educate yourself about the condition, its symptoms, and the recovery process. There are numerous reputable resources available, including books, websites, and educational materials provided by mental health organizations. This way, you can better advocate for yourself and actively participate in your recovery.


Seek Legal Help

Seeking legal help from a good lawyer can also play a significant role in helping you cope and recover from PTSD caused by an accident. A trusted legal advisor experienced in personal injury cases can handle the legal aspects of your situation. They are there to guide you through the legal process, advocate for your rights, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve for your physical, emotional, and financial losses.

This can provide a sense of justice and validation, which is essential for your overall healing and recovery. Knowing that a dedicated legal professional is working on your behalf can alleviate stress and allow you to prioritize your mental health and well-being during such a challenging time.


Practice Self-Care

Engaging in self-care activities is essential for managing common PTSD symptoms. Prioritize your well-being by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as practicing mindfulness, journaling, listening to soothing music, or spending time in nature.

In fact, research has shown that engaging in relaxation techniques can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and guided imagery are effective techniques to manage stress and alleviate PTSD symptoms. Using some of these techniques regularly will build your resilience as you cope and recover from PTSD.


Join a Support Network

It is also good to walk this journey with your loved ones. Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, or support groups who can provide understanding, empathy, and encouragement. Share your experiences and feelings with trusted individuals who can offer a listening ear. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can be particularly helpful, as they can provide validation and practical advice for coping with PTSD.


Set Realistic Goals

It is important to set realistic goals and be patient with yourself. Recovery from PTSD is a gradual process, and healing will take time. So, be gentle with yourself. You can break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each achievement along the way.

Tip: Remember that setbacks are normal, and progress may not always be linear. Again, be kind to yourself and acknowledge your efforts and progress, no matter how small they may seem.


The key to coping with PTSD caused by a car accident is to seek professional help and support. You can avoid facing PTSD alone. Seek help from your loved ones and professionals who can help you cope and recover from PTSD. It is a complex condition that requires specialized treatment from a mental health professional experienced in trauma who can provide the necessary guidance and tools for recovery. You can also seek help from a good personal injury lawyer to help you handle the legal recourse as you prioritize your mental health and well-being.

8 Ways To Reduce the Presence of Anxiety in Your Life

Anxiety will impact an estimated 30% of the population at some time in their lives. Whether you experience severe symptoms or not, finding ways to help prevent them will transform your life for the better.

In light of this, here are eight of the most effective solutions to apply to your life for anxiety prevention:


Maintain Your Physical Health

Physical and mental wellness are very closely linked. Whether we realize it or not, maintaining a high level of physical wellness is tied to many factors that come together to form a larger picture. As we age, maintaining overall health takes center stage as we start to realize the profound impact that our decisions have on us.

In particular, oral health is directly tied to physical health, yet it is often overlooked. As a starting point, maintain your oral health by looking for dentistry care from Sage Dental near me and other comprehensive dental service providers. Living with toothaches, gum soreness, and untreated cavities is not only uncomfortable, but left untreated can cause severe and detrimental effects to your overall health.

Likewise, having your sight and hearing tested on a frequent basis will ensure that you are aware of any changes that can be addressed and corrected immediately. To live optimally, all areas of health must be regularly accessed so you can function at your best.


Get Physical Symptoms Checked

In addition to annual check-ups, avoid delaying health evaluations with your healthcare provider, especially if you have pre-existing or longstanding health conditions. If you have pain or a cough that lasts longer than usual, it is important to have it evaluated right away.

If there is a problem, a quicker response gives you the best chance of getting back to full health. Meanwhile, if there is nothing wrong, you will have gained peace of mind in the process.

Either way, it is always better to know if there is any cause for concern. By listening to your body and tuning into every detail that affects it, you will become more aware of responding in a kinder and more attentive way, thereby promoting healthier communication and trust with your body.


Exercise More

Regular exercise is naturally one of the most effective ways to maintain your general health and fitness. Likewise, it is also the perfect way to directly and effectively treat anxiety. The release of endorphins will deliver a host of benefits among a plethora of other health-promoting responses.

Similarly, you will find that the chance to break free from the stress of modern life by delving inward and developing your core strength will bring an added layer of peace. While you attend to your physical needs of movement, activity, and resistance training, it will become second-nature for you to access this process regularly because it is innately ingrained within us to have these needs met.



In addition to traditional cardio and strength training, you may wish to start your journey toward meditation. A few minutes of daily yoga, breathing, and stretching exercises is the perfect way to create balance within the body while calming the nervous system.

Maintaining mobility not only within the body, but within the mind is essentially us exercising the centers that do all of the work for us. If we fail to do so, the whole system breaks down. So, we must constantly be aware of the inner practices and thoughts that regularly play out within our minds and bring ourselves back into alignment.

These practices are there so that when you feel that anxiety is starting to surface, you have the mental breadth to handle what comes. For many people, meditation is an ideal tool for reducing the frequency of attacks. It helps us interact with our thought life from a healthier place of observation versus constant response.


Create Better Surroundings

We are all influenced by our surroundings, especially when it comes to the home. When you ensure that your home always looks amazing, it will generate a natural sense of tranquillity.

Imagine feeling excited to wake up in the morning and also looking forward to your daily cleaning routines. With the awareness that the little things do really add up, you can avoid the stress that comes with having things build up into larger problems over time because you address them as they come, one-by-one and without stress.

Additionally, regularly maintaining your home eases the stress of larger expenses, which we all know come out of the blue when we least expect it. If you do small home improvements consistently and regularly, your quality of life improves as well. Consciously or subconsciously, your efforts will make a significant difference and impact various other areas of your overall wellness in time.


Consider Your Support Network

When thinking about your surroundings, you must not only consider your home or where you live. It is equally vital to acknowledge the impact that friends, family, and colleagues can have on your mental health.

From overly critical parents or friends to overly competitive colleagues, the wrong people will make your anxiety more common. Whether you approve of it or not, your environment quickly becomes a detrimental catalyst to either your growth or decline. Unequivocally, the right support network should be supportive of you and not critical or quick to judge.

Intentionally learning how to evaluate the different environments you encounter is important in the symphony of life to avoid unnecessarily subjecting yourself to difficult situations, which can be avoided with a few changes to what you allow to show up in your personal space.


Cultivate communication

If anxiety has become a part of your life, you should not have to fight the battle alone. While our understanding and awareness about anxiety is greater than it has ever been, experts like Brightside Health near me provide anxiety counseling and are there to provide relief.

Regardless of whether you have experienced anxiety or not, it is a wise decision to discuss stressful situations with the right support system. Oftentimes, the first outlets we tend to pursue are those of family, loved ones, or close friends.

However, this is not always the best course of action because it usually places us in a space of ridicule or judgement, which is not going to lead to lasting resolutions that are ideal for us; It will only cause resentment within those relationships.

External judgments about our personal life placed on us by people with varying beliefs about our situations is only going to make us feel heavier than ever because we are also now forced to carry that weight.

Therefore, in times of stress and anxiety, what you can consider is seeking a voice of reason coming from someone who has professional experience and a passion for helping.


Get Organized

Finally, you should recognize that anxiety often emerges when it feels like you have let things spiral out of control. Whether it is your finances or your schedule, regaining control of your life is vital. When your life is more organized, unexpected situations are less frequent. So, you will naturally have less reason to fear them.

Creating healthy boundaries as it pertains to your schedule, daily routines, and habbits will create more and more order in your life. Whereas before you were rushing to catch up with an imaginary to-do list with no end in sight, you now know what to expect because you are in control. This becomes a gift to yourself so that you can exert your energies in the best ways while feeling purposefully driven toward your goals.


There is a way to create peace within our lives, and that usually starts with saying no to the things that are harmful and yes to the things that are helpful. This could be as small as saying no to that bag of pork rinds or no to that job offer you are not sure of.

If we realize that half the battle is setting ourselves up for success, we find freedom in the long, tedious, and arduous processes that get us anxiety-ridden on a daily basis. When we switch our mode to one of planning, preparation, and execution, the blueprint begins to emerge.

Life becomes pleasant when we apply the essential methods of discipline in place to achieve our desired outcomes. We begin to see the picture emerge—one of controlled action and deliberate growth.

Simple Ways to Boost Vitality and Strengthen Your Body

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, maintaining vitality and physical strength is essential for overall well-being and success. The key to achieving these goals lies in adopting simple yet effective strategies that support your body's natural capabilities. But what are those strategies? With so many options, knowing which are effective ways can be overwhelming.

Thus to help you, we have curated this list of essential strategies to boost your vitality and build a stronger body. In this article, explore a range of actionable tips and insights that will empower you to take control of your health and unlock your full potential.


Regular Health Check-ups

Regular health check-ups are essential for maintaining vitality and ensuring your body is in optimal condition. By scheduling routine visits with your healthcare provider, you can monitor your overall health, address any concerns, and receive appropriate preventive care. These check-ups allow for early detection of potential health issues, enabling timely intervention and treatment.

For instance, if you constantly face low energy levels that have disrupted sleep patterns, it may be because of the decline of testosterone levels. In such cases, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional can help determine the best solutions. One way they suggest is to boost your vitality with testosterone replacement therapy. TRT can increase energy levels, improve muscle mass and strength, enhance mood, and promote a sense of vitality. Thus, prioritize your well-being by staying proactive with regular health check-ups, allowing timely intervention and treatment to maintain a healthier and stronger body.


Proper Nutrition for Vitality

A well-balanced diet is vital for boosting vitality and providing the body with essential nutrients. That is why you should include a variety of nutrient-dense foods in your meals. Prioritize fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods offer vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, enhancing energy levels and overall well-being.

Nourishing your body with the right foods unlocks boundless energy, promotes vitality, and builds a stronger, healthier you. Embrace the power of a balanced diet to fuel your body and experience its transformative effects on your energy and well-being.


Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

Physical activity is vital for strengthening the body and increasing vitality. Regular exercise helps build endurance, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance muscle strength.

Aim for at least 120 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 80 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. Additionally, incorporate strength training exercises two or more days a week to boost muscle mass and bone density further. Remember, even small amounts of activity can make a difference. Prioritize regular exercise to unlock the full potential of your body and experience a stronger, more vibrant life.


Quality Sleep for Rest and Rejuvenation

Quality sleep is a cornerstone of rest and rejuvenation, crucial in boosting vitality and overall well-being. A consistent sleep schedule and a sleep-conducive environment are vital factors for improving sleep quality. Prioritize a comfortable mattress and pillow, regulate the room temperature, and minimize noise and light disruptions. Wind down before bed with relaxing activities like reading or a warm bath. Limit screen time and avoid stimulants close to bedtime.

Aim for 6-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to optimize vitality and promote overall well-being. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can help improve sleep quality. Quality sleep allows your body to repair and restore itself, enhancing cognitive function, mood, and physical performance. By prioritizing restful sleep, you can wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to seize the day.


Stress Management Techniques

Chronic stress can negatively impact vitality and weaken the body. Implementing effective stress management techniques is essential for maintaining overall well-being.

Engage in regular physical activity, such as exercise or yoga, to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Practice deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or meditation to calm your mind and enhance your resilience to stress. Prioritize self-care activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, bathing, or spending time in nature. Additionally, establish healthy boundaries, seek support from loved ones, and consider professional help. By implementing these stress management techniques, you can cultivate peace and fortitude in the face of life's challenges.


By implementing the strategies discussed, you can enhance your vitality and strengthen your body. Prioritizing your health and making choices contributing to your overall well-being is vital. Take charge of your energy today and embark on a journey towards a stronger, healthier version of yourself.

Listen to your body, prioritize self-care, and embrace the small changes that can make a big difference. With dedication and perseverance, you can experience the transformative power of boosting your vitality and achieving a stronger, healthier life.

Why Regular Workouts Enhance Your Life
HLL x Why Regular Workouts Enhance Your Life

@hellolovelyliving It is never too late to learn and start a new journey toward self improvement.

If your desire is to have a balanced life, there are three foundational elements of your life that must be maintained. Think of yourself as a pyramid divided into thirds. The bottom third is your body, the middle is your relationship with yourself, and the top is your relationship with others. Say the top third of your pyramid is very fulfilling—you have amazing friends and family, and you are generally happy with your interpersonal life. However, the bottom two-thirds, which is your relationship with yourself and your body, you have neglected and you are feeling completely overwhelmed and depressed about the state it is in.

One thing is certain, the foundation of your pyramid should be the strongest; It is what keeps your structure strong and able to withstand pressure from things you can not control, which is the top two-thirds of your pyramid. When your body is weak, you find yourself succumbing to outside stresses more easily and will find that over time, your body can not physically support itself optimally, affecting both your physical and mental health.

Incorporating regular physical activity into your weekly routine will greatly enhance all areas of your life and will help you become stronger not only physically, but most importantly, mentally. Your life will improve tremendously once you start making a habit to stay active and exercise regularly. Here are a few reasons why working out will make your life better:



You Become More Physically equipped 

Are you ready for higher energy levels throughout the day? Awkward and tedious tasks will no longer be as awkward as you will become more physically equipped to handle them. Being more in tune with your body and developing an intimate understanding of how to optimally care for it will make you feel a lot better about yourself overall. You will not only become physically adept at certain activities and exercises, but you will also be able to handle simple, day-to-day tasks with more ease. You will be more energized, and you will be more inclined to get certain things done that perhaps you would not have been interested in completing before. Whether it is the case of moving around furniture or starting a significant project in the garden, you will have the ability to get it done with less strain, and you will enjoy the physical aspect of these types of challenges.



Your Confidence Levels Rise

Confidence plays a huge role in overall happiness. If you are more physically adept and are constantly on the move, you will be a more confident human being. You will feel as though you can and want to do more things in life, which will cause you to seek out more exhilarating and physically demanding experiences. You will seek after and gain constant reward as you find yourself proud of meeting your personal fitness goals and seeing your body develop in ways you did not know were possible.

Many people struggle with the initial motivation to start a fitness plan because they do not know where to start. Start with choosing an environment to be active in that is comfortable for you, whether that be at home, the outdoors, or heading to a gym like Fitness 19 and regularly getting workouts in. Developing a habit of the act of working out will eventually clear the initial mental stress of where the activity will take place.

Over time, the environment will not matter as much as the results that you are after. You will do what you need to do to succeed if that is what your goal is. You will not care who is there or who is watching. Eventually, you will start to feel like you are on top of the world every time you accomplish “gym day” because your confidence grows every day you invest in yourself. Staying consistent with your fitness activities will allow you to see achievable results and will make you feel as though you can conquer anything.



Your Brain Gets The Stimulation It Needs

As human beings, we all need something that stimulates our brains. We easily adapt to certain habits and comfort zones, so being physically active is a healthy habit that we must implement to develop ourselves for the better. We also enjoy attaching ourselves to certain passions or topics of interest, so why not make our health and fitness a topic of priority? The mixture of physical challenge and mental hurdles combine to create an amazing feeling of accomplishment whenever you work out. Whether you are simply walking or lifting heavy weights, your brain is getting the satisfaction it needs throughout the process.

Consistently starting your day off the right way with the intentional choice to take care of your body is the best decision you could make in a day. To make matters better, if that was the only choice you made for the entire day, you would still be winning even if you failed at everything else that entire day. Keeping your mind strong requires this simple act because the mind and body respond to each other. If your mind can remain strong, then the body follows that path toward complete and overall mental and physical strength and agility.



You are More Inclined To Eat Healthier And Stay Hydrated  

Because you are becoming a lot fitter and healthier, you will be more inclined to drink enough water. You will also better understand why you need to stay nourished in order to really feel the benefits of your workouts. A lot of it will go to waste if you are not eating the right foods or eating junk food. You will likely get into the habit of eating better foods and keeping yourself energized every single day because everything adds up in the end. You would not want to be compromising your hard work by not paying attention to the most important part of a balanced fitness plan— your nutrition.

Eighty percent of your fitness results will be dependent on what you are eating, so this is the most important area to become disciplined in when you choose to pursue any fitness plan. Achieving results is not only about how much you are doing to build your muscles with exercise, but what you are doing to improve your diet and intake of nutritious foods and supplements. When you have a balance between the two, you will feel motivated even more by your efforts.


You will find that what starts as a desire to learn how to care for your body turns into an extremely positive lifestyle choice. No one is exempt from deserving to live life with optimal health and wellness, but what we were never taught was that it requires much more from us before we begin to see what we are ultimately made of. See, that is the beauty of the entire process.

When you start to focus on different areas of yourself, you begin to see just how resilient and strong you are. If we are not pushing ourselves to our limits, we will not ever experience some of the best rewards in this life. Only you have control over your discipline and your choices. This is one of those choices that will forever change your life, and you will be so grateful you made it.

Terpenes: 5 Benefits You Need to Know About

When it comes to improving your health, many different options are available. You can eat healthy foods, exercise, and take supplements. You can also use essential oils and other natural remedies. A natural remedy that you may have never heard of is terpenes.

Terpenes are a diverse group of organic compounds found in plants and fruits. They are responsible for the unique scents and flavors of various plants. Terpenes may have beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects. Terpenes may also help improve mood and cognitive function.

What are terpenes, and what do they do?

Leaves and flowers of plants produce terpenes in special glands on their surface. When the plant is disturbed, these glands release the terpenes into the air, providing a defense against predators and pests. Terpenes are also responsible for the distinctive aromas of many fruits and spices. For instance, the fragrant oils giving cannabis its diversity are associated with the various types of terpenes found in each strain. 

The therapeutic effects of terpenes have been known for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, terpenes are used to treat various conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. In the United States, terpenes are increasingly used in natural and alternative medicines.

Four benefits of terpenes that you may not know about

Terpenes have been studied extensively in scientific literature over the past few decades. Here are four known benefits of terpenes:


The entourage effect

The entourage effect is one of the most exciting areas of study in terpenes. The entourage effect is the synergistic interaction between different compounds in cannabis that leads to improved therapeutic effects.


Anti-inflammatory effects

One of the most well-known benefits of terpenes is their anti-inflammatory effects. These effects might help treat conditions like arthritis and Crohn's disease.

Terpenes may reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, terpenes may have the ability to modulate the body's immune response.


Antioxidant effects

Another important benefit of terpenes is their ability to act as antioxidants. Terpenes scavenge damaging free radicals and help to protect cells from oxidative damage. This property of terpenes is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with them.


Analgesic effects

Terpenes might also have analgesic effects. This means that they may help to relieve pain. Terpenes work by modulating the body's pain response and inhibiting the activity of pain-inducing enzymes.

How to use terpenes to improve your health

You can use terpenes to improve your health in several ways; You can take them orally in foods or drinks, inhale them by vaping or aromatherapy, or apply them topically in creams. There are many different types of terpenes, each with its unique benefits. Here are some of the most popular terpenes and their effects: 

  • Limonene - Limonene is a terpene found in many plants and fruits. It has various beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects.

  • Myrcene - When consumed in large quantities, myrcene may sedate and impair locomotion. Researchers discovered that myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties in cells, as well as the ability to slow damage and disease progression. Myrcene's anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the killing of cancerous cells.

  • Linalool - Linalool is a naturally occurring essential oil found in many plants and is one of the most common terpenes in cannabis and lavender. It has calming properties, making it helpful in treating depression and anxiety.


In closing, terpenes are generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as skin irritation and headaches. If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking terpenes and speak to your healthcare provider. By developing your knowledge of the different terpenes available and their properties, you will be well-equipped when shopping for products that contain them. You will be able to identify the positive effects that you would like to experience and narrow down the most beneficial terpenes for you.

Natural Ways To Treat Menopause

Menopause is the medical term for the season in a woman's life when she goes through hormonal changes that cause her menstrual cycle to stop. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen at an earlier age such as your early 40s as well.

As women age, their ovaries stop releasing eggs and producing most of their estrogen, and they go into menopause. Menopausal symptoms can include hot flashes, mood swings and anxiety, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, trouble sleeping, and more.

There are different stages of menopause:

  • Perimenopause is also referred to as “menopause transition,” and can occur up to 10 years before menopause actually begins.

  • Menopause is the halt of a woman's menstrual cycle.

  • Postmenopause is considered the 10 years that follow menopause.

The symptoms of menopause are different for everyone—some women have few or no symptoms, while others have many. It is important to address your symptoms so that you are able to identify ways that can help improve your quality of life during this transition. In this article, we will discuss several ways to treat and ease the symptoms of menopause, naturally.


Reduce stress

Stress is a major cause of many health problems. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. It is important to reduce stress as it has a major impact on our overall health. Stress also has a negative effect on the way we feel and respond. It can manifest in the body as pain and inflammation.

There are many ways to reduce stress without having to resort to medication or expensive treatments and a plethora of side effects. Some of these ways include being attentive to the foods you are consuming, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and setting aside time for self-care and wellness practices.


Use food as medicine

We all know that a balanced diet is important for our health, but what is the ideal diet during menopause? To properly answer this question, we must first gain awareness that, to begin with (and since birth), we have been misguided in our understanding of the ideal diet. What has been considered a balanced diet is actually not; What we are eating is having detrimental effects on our health.

In light of this, we must relearn what nutrition is and learn how to use food as medicine. By focusing on nutrient-dense whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, we can discover that in terms of regulating our health, we are more in control than we think. We can create desirable health outcomes simply by being more educated about what we are eating.

A few key factors that have been found beneficial in treating menopause-related symptoms are: avoiding high-fat or sugary foods, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water every day. You should also avoid caffeine as there has been a link between caffeine intake and hot flashes.


Try cannabis to ease your symptoms

A great amount of research shows that cannabis has been found to be effective in treating symptoms of menopause. In a study published in the journal, Menopause, the top three menopause-related symptoms that women prefer cannabis to help with were sleep disturbance (67.4%), mood/anxiety (46.1%), and libido (30.4%).

When deciding on cannabis to treat menopausal symptoms, it is best to consider the different characteristics of products (e.g., mode of use, cannabinoid profile) all of which can yield different results and side effects.

For instance, a sativa strain will provide different effects and modes of relief than an indica strain. It is best to do your research and learn about the vast selection of cannabis products available. You can then decide on the best mode of use and cannabinoid profile for yourself, then go from there. Feel comfortable experimenting as this is the only way that you will discover what works best for you.


Stay active with regular exercise

Exercise is important for your health and mental well-being. It can dramatically help you feel better while you are going through menopause.

There are many benefits of exercise during menopause, including:

  • Helps with weight loss and helps the body maintain muscle mass, which can be lost during menopause.

  • Promotes a healthy heart and increases blood flow to the brain.

  • Makes it easier to sleep better and have more energy throughout the day.

  • Promotes mood stability, reduces anxiety, and improves memory.


Menopause can be a time of much stress, emotion, and change—all of which are already difficult to endure without hormonal factors involved. It is important to be attentive to the changes that your body is experiencing and to know that you can successfully manage your symptoms. As women, we are always evolving, so this is another season that we must embrace. In doing so, we can equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to best care for ourselves through this process.

Tips To Navigate Fall And Winter With Better Health
Hello Lovely Living x Better Health Fall Winter

@hellolovelyliving displaying her finds at The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, CA

We’re only a few weeks away from the time when leaves begin to change colors and the weather transits into a colder phase. While many of us look forward to drinking hot beverages and delicious foods that come with the social setting of festivities, the winters can also be depressing for many. To help you mitigate the feelings that arise from the loss of sunlight and warmth, this blog will address five ways to help make winters more comfortable. In the long run, these steps will also help you live a proactive and healthier life. Without any delay, let’s dive right into it!


Get your vitamins in check

Several people experience a clinical condition known as Seasonal Additive Depression, but don’t realize the cause. Since it has now been established that depression is not caused due to a change in brain chemicals, it has much more to do with how our mind responds to stimuli. Changes like lessened natural light, shorter days, and an uncomfortable temperature can lead to seasonal depression.

However, the right nutrition can change the narrative and help you sail past these symptoms easily. Top up on your Vitamin C, D3, B12, A, and E from natural foods or supplements. Visit farm stands like The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, California for fresh, organic, garden-to-table produce.


Start consuming CBD supplements

If you’re having trouble dealing with symptoms like depression, anxiety, or insomnia, cannabidiol can be an excellent healer. In several research papers, cannabidiol has shown a substantial improvement in the mental and physical symptoms of depression, be it clinical, seasonal, or short-term. These days, the legalized status of CBD and THC also makes it easier to purchase from trusted dispensaries like Purple Penthouse. Founded by local stoner babes in the DC & NY area, you’ll be supporting WOMEN IN WEED by ordering from Purple Penthouse in the male-dominated weed space. Make sure to research your strain on the dispensary’s knowledge base to know your ideal product.


Work around the daylight hours

During fall and winter, the amount of natural sunlight we receive reduces substantially. This can also cause a hormonal imbalance in your body, leading to mood swings. Make sure to spend time outside during the daylight hours, or get warm lighting like UV lamps, sodium bulbs, and others to compensate for the loss of warmth.


Add habits that bring joy

When times become a bit gloomy, happiness can be created with comforting habits and routines. Take up an old hobby that keeps you busy and your mind occupied. Listen to uplifting music, watch good movies, and give yourself time to rest during these months as per what makes you feel great!


Work on therapy

Winters are also known to bring out dark thoughts if we have a history of anxiety and depression. To navigate this path, the help of an experienced professional like a therapist or counselor is essential. If you’re struggling to reign in your thoughts and regulate your emotions, reach out for therapy to receive the support you deserve.


By paying attention to the little things regarding your health, you can lead a happier state, especially during the gloomier months. We hope that the tips mentioned above bring you long-lasting relief from the winter blues, and let you enjoy the season of festivities instead!

Dealing with Low Estrogen? Here are Important Things Women Should Know
Hello Lovely living

Estrogen is the primary hormone in women, just like testosterone is for men. Even though men have deficient estrogen levels, women have it in large amounts. So, women must have enough estrogen since this hormone facilitates the reproductive system. It is a sex hormone that manages sexual development in females. When this hormone is low, a woman experiences various complications. This article is an overview of low estrogen, its causes, and its effects on the body.

What is the Role of Estrogen in Women?

As mentioned earlier, estrogen plays a vital role in women facilitating sexual development. However, this is not its only role. It helps in:

● Regulating metabolism for controlled body weight

● Regulating menstrual cycles

● Promoting cardiovascular health

● Development of bone tissues and prevention of bone loss

● Initiates breast growth in young women

● Reducing insulin sensitivity

The Causes of Low Estrogen in Women

Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which means the health of your ovaries plays a vital role in the estrogen level in the body. Low estrogen levels are experienced by women mostly in their menopause stage when their ovaries can no longer produce a lot of estrogen hormone. Other causes of low estrogen include:

● Malnutrition

● Excess exercise

● Anorexia and bulimia

● Ovarian cysts

● Chronic kidney disease

● Pituitary gland failure or malfunction

● Turner syndrome

● Chemotherapy effects

Common Symptoms of Low Levels of Estrogen

The symptoms of low levels of estrogen can be mild or severe. Most of these symptoms are similar to menopausal symptoms. However, an evaluation is required before your diagnosis is ruled out as low estrogen levels. A diagnosis may involve examining your medical and family history and blood tests to check your hormone levels. It is crucial to ensure a secure hormone test to know the root cause of these symptoms and get the proper treatment.

Here are the leading and most common symptoms:

Breast Tenderness

Breast tenderness before your cycle is regular. During this period, the estrogen level drops, causing soreness or tenderness in the breasts.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Irregular menstrual cycles may also be a result of low estrogen. Remember, estrogen is responsible for menstrual cycles. Once the levels go low, a woman may experience irregular periods, or the periods may disappear entirely. It mostly happens in perimenopause and during menopause.

Night Sweat and Hot Flashes

Hypothalamus is responsible for controlling body temperature. You may start experiencing hot flashes or night sweats when estrogen affects the hypothalamus. These are common symptoms of menopause.

Mood Swings

Estrogen facilitates the production of serotonin, a chemical substance responsible for good mood. Once the level of estrogen hormone lowers, the level of serotonin lowers, too, causing mood swings.


Estrogen also facilitates mental health stresses in women. Studies show estrogen is a vital hormone that promotes mood and confidence. Low levels may cause complications like depression.

Insomnia and Fatigue

As mentioned earlier, estrogen facilitates serotonin production. Serotonin facilitates melatonin, a sleep hormone. A lack of melatonin causes sleeplessness and fatigue. Therefore, if you have insomnia or feel fatigued most of the time, even when you wake up in the morning, it could mean your estrogen level is low.


Headaches like migraines are also a symptom of low estrogen. Remember, estrogen affects the chemicals in the brain responsible for controlling pain. Once the hormone levels go low, you can experience severe headaches that don’t go away quickly.

Frequent UTI

Estrogen is also responsible for helping the Lining of the urethra. It facilitates the job of the Lining to eliminate harmful bacteria. When this Lining fails because of low estrogen, UTI attack frequently.

Bone Loss

Bone loss is also partly a result of low estrogen levels. Bones require estrogen for their density and strength. Therefore, when there is not enough estrogen to support these aspects, you may start experiencing bone loss where you fracture easily.


The most effective treatment for low estrogen is HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). The doctor may also recommend other remedies like diet and lifestyle adjustments. They may also suggest reducing exercise, eating natural foods and supplements, and balancing weight. If you choose HRT as the best treatment, your healthcare provider may administer it orally through the vagina, injection, creams, and lotions or pellets. However, you must qualify as an HRT candidate. HRT may not be the treatment for you if you have cancer, heart attacks, stroke, or high blood pressure.

A few natural supplements that you may want to look into for female hormonal support that Stina, Hello Lovely Living founder, has tried to much success in managing the following symptoms during the monthly menstrual cycle are:

● Tension headaches

● Hot flashes at night

● Anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability

● Acne, breakouts

These are the exact supplements Stina uses to treat her PMS symptoms:

Fenugreek seeds

Chaste Berry

Evening Primrose Oil

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin E

● Seamoss

Stina also shares her Natural Migraine Remedies That Work on Kindle and her natural and effective migraine detox remedy on the blog.


From the details above, estrogen indeed plays a vital role in different body functions. It impacts your emotional, physical, and sexual health. Therefore, consider doing more research for a diagnosis and treatment if you have the symptoms discussed above.

Plants That Improve Your Mood And Health

Do you ever feel down, anxious, or stressed? If so, you're not alone. These feelings are common and normal, but sometimes they can become overwhelming and tough to manage. When this happens, it's important to know that there are things you can do to feel better.

One way to improve your mood is to spend time with plants. That's right, plants! Just being around plants has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and it makes sense when you think about it. Plants are living things that rely on sunlight and water to grow. They produce oxygen and help purify the air. They're also known for their calming and relaxing effects.

While all plants are great, there is one very important thing you need to consider before bringing plants into your home. You need to make sure the plant you choose is safe. Some plants release toxic substances, and some are even poisonous when ingested, so this is something you need to pay special attention to if you have kids and/or animals. 

Having this in mind, here are a few plants that are known for their mood-boosting and health-promoting effects:

No. 1

Aloe vera

This plant is best known for its ability to soothe burns, but it can also help improve your mood. Aloe vera contains a compound called aloin, which has been shown to have antidepressant properties.

No. 2


These colorful plants are not only beautiful, but they're also great for your mental health. Bromeliads contain a compound called bromelain, which has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress.

No. 3


Cacti are often associated with desert climates, but they can actually thrive in any environment. These hardy plants are known for their ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

No. 4


Chrysanthemums are cheerful flowers that have been shown to boost mood and reduce anxiety. These plants contain a compound called pyrethrin, which has been shown to have calming effects.

No. 5

Gerbera daisies

Gerbera daisies are another type of flower that can help improve your mood. These plants contain a compound called geraniol, which has been shown to have antidepressant properties.

No. 6


Lavender is a popular herb that is known for its calming and relaxing effects. This plant has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. It can also help promote sleep.

No. 7

Peace lily

The peace lily is a beautiful plant that is known for its ability to purify the air and improve mood. This plant contains a compound called phenethyl isothiocyanate, which has been shown to have antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects.

No. 8

Spider plants

Spider plants are easy to care for and they're known for their ability to improve mood and reduce stress. These plants contain a compound called chlorophyll, which has been shown to have calming and relaxing effects.


How to Find the Best Plant for Your Home

Not sure which plant is right for you?

things to consider:


Your environment

Make sure to choose a plant that can thrive in your home or office. If you don't have much sunlight, opt for a low-light plant. If you have pets, make sure to choose a pet-friendly plant.

Your lifestyle

Consider how much time you're willing to spend caring for your plant. Some plants require more care than others. If you're not looking for a high-maintenance plant, choose one that is easy to care for.

Your budget

Plants can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Choose a plant that fits within your budget.

Once you've considered these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose the best plant for your needs.

Final Thoughts on Plants That Improve Your Mood and Health

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your mood and mental health, consider adding some plants to your life. There are many different types of plants that have mood-boosting and health-promoting effects. So, take some time to find the right plant for you and your home.

Should You Start Detoxing?

@hellolovelyliving *smoothie* using the Ninja blender

You're trying to eat healthier and want to detox your body, but you don't know where to start. Detoxing is a popular trend right now, but it's not always the best option for everyone. It's important to know what the benefits and risks of detoxing are before you decide to start a diet.

If you're looking for a new way to eat healthier and detox your body, then try starting with a vegan diet. It's free from toxins, has plenty of protein and fiber, and is an easy way to start eating more plant-based foods.

What is a detox diet, and how does it work?

A detox diet is a diet that helps the body to heal from toxic substances. It can also be used as a weight-loss plan. Detox diets help the body to flush out toxins stored in fat cells, liver cells, and kidneys. The process of detoxification takes time, so it's important to stick with it for at least two weeks or longer if possible.

What is a detox drink?

A detox drink is a liquid that you can drink before, during, and after your detox diet. The drinks contain water, electrolytes, and nutrients needed for weight loss. Considering that there are so many detox drinks out there, it would be best to read a juice detox review before you buy. 

You should not consume other liquids while on a detox diet, as they may cause stomach problems and dehydration. The best times to drink a detox drink are when you wake up in the morning, before and after your workout, and at night before you go to sleep.

Why start a detox diet?

A detox diet is a diet plan that removes or limits the number of certain food groups. It is also a way to cleanse your body from harmful substances and chemicals. There are many benefits of detox diets. These include weight loss, improved health, increased mental clarity and energy, and increased immune system function.

The best ways to start your own detox diet

A detox diet is a great way to help you get rid of toxins from your body, giving you a healthier and more radiant complexion. It is also an excellent way to reset your body, giving you the chance to start fresh. 

There are plenty of ways to start a detox diet - some people decide to go on a juice cleanse for a few days, while others opt for more drastic measures like fasting. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is sustainable and realistic for your lifestyle.

What are the benefits of doing a detox diet?

We are constantly exposed to toxins in the air and water. The detox diet is a way to cleanse the body and get rid of these toxins. It can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Detox diets are not only beneficial for your health but also for your wallet! 

They can help you save money in the long run because you will be able to eat healthier, which means you will spend less on groceries at the supermarket.

A detox diet is not a quick fix solution; it is a lifestyle change that requires commitment and patience from both the individual and their family members.

How long should you do a cleanse?

We all know that cleansing is a good thing to do, but what is the duration of the cleanse? How long should you do a cleanse? A cleanse can last anywhere from one day to three weeks. It all depends on what your goal is. Some people might need to detox their bodies, while others might want to detox their minds.

The duration of a cleanse depends on what you want it to achieve and how much time you have. If you are doing a short-term cleanse, like 1-3 days, then it is going to be quick and easy. However, if you are doing a longer-term (3-7 days), then it will take up more time.


A detox diet is one of the best ways to start your own healthy lifestyle. It can be a great way to lose weight and improve your overall health. It is important that you listen to your body and not force yourself into anything. 

You should also make sure that you have enough time for yourself during this process so your body can adapt to the changes. The best way to start a detox diet is by finding a plan that works for you, sticking with it, and making small changes as needed.

A Quick Guide To Bird Watching

If you are a bird-lover or interested in discovering a hobby that will encourage you to be outside more often, read on. We could all use more Vitamin D on a daily basis, and bird-watching provides the perfect excuse. Not only must you be patient and willing to be still, but you must trust and allow birds to display themselves in their natural habitat right in front of you.

It may feel like luck plays a part in what types of birds we get to see, however, with a bit of planning, you can increase your odds of coming into contact with more bird varieties. When it comes to birds, whether you are a novice or expert, there is always something new to learn about these fascinating species.

Birding Basics

Birding is a hobby and activity that many people enjoy. It can be done by anyone with an interest in nature and the outdoors, and it is a great way to spend more time outside. The purpose of this article is to give you some basic information about birding so that you can get started on your bird-watching journey. Explore this list of black and yellow birds to get accustomed to a few bird varieties. It is a great resource to help with identifying many incredible bird species.

What Is Bird Watching?

Bird-watching is the act of observing birds in their natural habitat, like a forest or marsh, while they are feeding or nesting. This activity has been around for centuries, and many people enjoy it as a hobby or pastime. Here are a few bird-watching tips:

  • Bring binoculars if possible.

  • Be patient.

  • Wear clothing that blends in with the environment.

What are the Best Binoculars for Bird Watching?

Binoculars are a popular tool for birdwatchers. They are used to get a closer look at birds in the wild and to better observe their behavior. The best binoculars for bird-watching will allow you to see birds at great distances and with high clarity. You may also want to consider features like waterproofing, fog proofing, and shock proofing when looking for binoculars for this purpose. Binoculars are one of the most popular optics in the world. They are versatile and compact and can be used for a number of other different viewing purposes as well.

choosing the Right Binocular Tripod or Mount

A tripod is a camera accessory that helps stabilize the binoculars and allows for easier viewing. A mount will fasten your binoculars to the tripod so you can use both hands to focus or zoom in. It is important to note that there are two types of mounts: threaded and clamp-on.

The first thing to keep in mind is that there are many different types of tripods and mounts for binoculars. You need to consider what type of terrain you’ll be using them in, how often you’ll be using them, how much weight they can handle, and the price. These are all important factors when choosing a tripod or mount for your binoculars.

What should I consider when buying a bino scope?

The first thing to consider is your budget. There are many different prices and models on the market, so it's important to decide on your comfortable price point before looking into purchasing binoculars. 

Next is your intended use. Are you going to use it for bird-watching or hunting? If so, there are different features that will be more important than others, depending on what kind of environment you'll be in. 

Finally, there is the size of the binoculars. You don’t want to get a pair that is too big for your hands or too small for you to use properly.


Bird watching is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy nature. It is also a new and unlikely way to spend time with your family and friends while enjoying the outdoors. If you want to start bird-watching, look into getting yourself some high-quality binoculars as a starting point. You will be amazed at what a simple tool could do to provide for your viewing pleasure. Nonetheless, a great time is at hand even without binoculars. Find the time to enjoy the sights and sounds that bird-watching can elicit at any time of day and from anywhere you are at.

Are You Attracting Good Company?
Hello Lovely living

In a world of increasing detachment, it can be difficult to tell if a person is genuine or not just from first appearances. We are all looking for a partner, friend, or colleague who will be a valuable addition to our life. We want to surround ourselves with people who are pleasant and who show good character traits.

But how do we know if a person is really worth our company and who they say they are?

A good person can be identified by their actions and how they treat others. They will follow through with their word and display characteristics that will build trust over time. They will go out of their way to help you with your needs without expecting anything unequal in return. They will act with integrity, compassion, and respect towards you and others, especially when nobody is looking.

What makes a good person?

There are many signs that show that someone is a good person. For example, they may be kind, generous, honest, and helpful. They may also be open and extremely giving of their time, money, and support to others.

The definition of being a "good person" can differ from one person to the next. There are many different ways to define what it means to be "good". However, there are some common traits that people associate with being "good".

Being kind & being nice: What’s the difference?

Being kind and nice are virtues that are good determiners of a person’s character right off the bat. These are positive indicators that display consideration in any circumstance and in any environment.

What’s the difference between being kind and being nice? Kindness is an act of selflessness that comes from within, while niceness is more of an outward display of charm or decency.

Being kind will make you feel good about yourself because it is an act of giving to others; being nice will make you feel good because it is in your best interest to do so.

Deceptiveness can be rooted-out simply by knowing the difference between a person’s kindness and niceness. A person who is deceptive may show characteristics of a nice demeanor simply to get what they want out of the interaction and for personal gain.

Knowing how to identify when someone is genuinely kind and doing things from a place of selflessness is important in being able to gauge what other character traits will follow.

Manipulation happens all the time when people want you to believe they are a good person so that you will do things in positive response to what they are trying to gain from you.

Oftentimes, this manipulation is subtle, and it may take some time before we start to see a person’s true character unfold. Their actions will start to paint a very different picture.

Setting healthy boundaries

With that being said, a person’s kindness and willingness to be supportive are indicators of a good foundation for building upon your understanding of them.

Now, let’s turn the tables. What if you find yourself in a situation where you are too kind and supportive to those you have still yet to determine value from?

Well, this can be a problem too. Knowing how to be kind and supportive without sacrificing your own needs and desires is very important to your well-being.

One thing to remember is to never be afraid to say “no”. Never say “yes” when you really mean “no”. You might not always be able to say no, and that's okay, however saying it when you genuinely do not agree is the best way to show a person that you have boundaries and limits.

It can be hard to say no, but it's important for people to know what your boundaries and limits are. This is a display of self-care, and you will be able to weed out those who are not willing to respect your needs as well.

Trust takes time. The best way to avoid being deceived or misled by others you are just getting to know is to allow for time and space to learn about them and to allow them to show themselves first before you get involved further. Gather information and let things develop. You may even want to look into doing a search of public records, especially for business dealings.

If you’re just getting to know someone and don’t trust them yet, start with building strong open communication. At a bare minimum, open and solid communication should be the first thing we look for in validating a person’s intent. If they can’t provide for a basic need such as communication at the very beginning, this is a serious red flag.

Allow this to happen prior to you engaging in a more serious personal or professional partnership or relationship that way the substance of your interactions is built on a solid foundation. When someone knows exactly who you are and what you are trying to achieve in your interaction, you will have fewer questions posed later on, and you can expect the exact same from them in return.


Know how to identify the difference between a kind and a nice person, set healthy boundaries, and build upon open communication from the beginning.

Overall, a good person can be defined by five key qualities:

  1. The ability to show genuine empathy towards others.

  2. The ability to be honest and trustworthy.

  3. The ability to act with integrity.

  4. The ability to be kind and compassionate.

  5. The courage to do what is right at all times.

Living With Anxiety: How To Make Coping Easier

Anxiety is an extremely common mental health concern all around the world. After all, we are all human beings and the pressures of life can affect us all to varying degrees. In fact, it’s the most common mental health issue in the US, affecting up to 40 adults each year. If you’re struggling with anxious feelings, you are not alone. Learning how to cope more effectively will help to lessen the periods of anxiety you experience at any given time.  

If you are someone who struggles with anxious feelings, it can seem difficult to find ways to cope with what you are experiencing. Anxiety can appear difficult to manage, so much so, that at times it can feel almost impossible, but with the right strategy and approach, you can make managing your anxiety far easier to achieve. 

Looking for steps that you can take to make coping a little easier? Below are a few coping strategies that you can apply to help lessen and prevent these feelings from arising. It is far easier to prevent symptoms of anxiety and get to the root cause versus covering your symptoms over with things that only mask the problem. Feelings of anxiousness can be prevented with just a few intentional changes and healthy habits applied to your life.

NO. 1

Stay active

If you’re not already physically active on a regular basis, take positive steps to become more active. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, so making time to work out each day - even if just for a short period of time - is a great way to keep your stress and anxiety levels low. 

To get started, it’s best to start out slow. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Whether that is running or practicing yoga, choose something you love. Aim to exercise or be physically active for at least 20 minutes a day. As a result, you should find that you feel far less anxious.


Cut back on caffeinated drinks & nicotine

Both caffeine (found in coffee, teas, and sports drinks) and nicotine (found in cigarettes) can heighten feelings of anxiety and panic due to their chemical reaction within our bodies. It is a good idea to cut back on or put down these substances to keep your mood balanced.

NO. 3

Know your triggers

When it comes to feelings of anxiety, most people have triggers that make them feel anxious or cause them to panic, so it is worth taking the time to identify what these triggers are for you. By identifying the things that cause you anxiety, you can determine what steps you can take to avoid finding yourself in those situations and also learn how to manage those associated feelings. 

NO. 4

Get enough sleep

An important part of managing anxiety is making sure that you are able to get enough sleep so that you can start each day feeling rested and refreshed. When your body lacks energy, this can cause a host of issues with your mental health and can make feelings of stress and anxiety feel far worse than they are.

NO. 5

Know when you need help

Anxiety is a natural human emotion, but it is also a mental health condition that can impact all aspects of your life. If you experience severe symptoms of anxiety, or you feel anxious most of the time, it is important to recognize when you need help.

If you feel uneasy or on edge in environments that are non-threatening to others, you are unable to switch off, or you are relying on alcohol or drugs to help you to relax or feel calm, it is crucial to act. Talking to your doctor, seeking help from a therapist, and exploring treatment options can help.

For alcohol addiction, for example, strategies and therapies range from women’s sober living and intensive rehabilitation programs to medication, talking therapies, and group support sessions. A combination of therapies and treatments is often recommended for mental health disorders and addictions.

NO. 6

Look at treatment options

If your anxiety is not constant, then the idea of exploring treatment options might not seem worthwhile. However, remember that if it could help you feel better, then it could be worth taking the time to explore your options. From talking and group therapies to alternative treatments and natural remedies such as cbd oil, there are many effective natural alternatives when it comes to managing feelings of anxiety. 

“I had been suffering from cycles of anxiety and feelings of depression during PMS very frequently, so I was in search for ways that I could address what my body was lacking, naturally. During our monthly cycle, we are in need of balancing things out. Our bodies tend to be deficient, which causes symptoms to arise or be excacerbated. Upon doing some research recently, I discovered how Chaste Tree Berry, Vitamin E, Vitamin B Complex, and Evening Primrose Oil can have a positive affect on anxiety as it appears in women, specifically. Since taking these supplements together, I have noticed a significant difference and reduction in my anxiety symptoms. So far, this combination has worked for me, and I am continuing to take them daily.”

Stina x Hello Lovely Living


We know ourselves better than we know anyone else, so learning to identify things that you know are triggering your anxiety can drastically help you find ongoing and long-term relief. As a society, we have a tendency to reach for a product or find a reason to excuse the resulting symptom of a much larger picture. Let’s be the ones to take inventory within ourselves and find solutions that will be specific and fitting for us, individually. We do not need a one-size-fits-all approach, just some good ol’ self-love.

Have you found ways to manage your anxiety with success? How about natural anxiety treatments that have worked or are working for you. Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear about your experiences.

Feel More Confident Everyday
Hello Lovely Living | Feel More Confident Everyday

Confidence spreads like wildfire. It is a trait that all leaders have in common, and it is crucial for your career, your overall quality of life, and ultimate success. Confidence can also be difficult to develop for some, and innate for others. If you often succumb to self-doubt, it can feel like a very painful, uphill battle. However, if you develop this area regularly and practice healthy habits to maintain your confidence, you will attain the confidence you desire. You must work on loving yourself and being happy with who you are. Once you have done that, you have won half the battle, and you can work on believing in your abilities even further. Follow these simple steps to go down this path and be surprised at what a difference it makes in building your confidence.

No. 1

Adopt a health-conscious beauty routine

Developing healthy habits is a fundamental way to feel good about yourself. From your diet to your beauty routine, practicing healthy habits daily will take you further in gaining confidence than any piece of clothing will. Whatever we ingest shows up on the exterior more than we care to admit. If we pay attention to this simple fact, we can avoid many common stresses that have a significant effect on our confidence as a whole. For one, the types of foods we eat play a crucial role in our outer appearance and confidence. In particular, switching to a fruit and vegetable-based diet will provide phenomenal results in your energy levels, and in effect will cause you to be healthier and more prepared to present your best self to the world.

Similarly, improving or changing your diet can help you manage your weight, clear up your skin, address health concerns, and help you feel great on a daily basis. If you wash and moisturize your face twice daily and work on combatting acne or any other skin conditions, you can ease through a more natural beauty routine rather than just relying on makeup to cover up underlying issues. All you need to do is start focusing on perfecting a beauty routine that is naturally healthy for you in the long run. Additionally, simply understanding the importance of proper water intake can make all the difference in our body’s ability to function optimally. So, if you are concerned about your skin and overall health and how that affects your confidence levels, simply drink more water daily.


Learn Something New Every Day

Learning is a very powerful and empowering activity that we can partake in every single day. To start, read and develop your communication skills and knowledge base, or take classes and improve your social skills. If you do these things regularly, you will find that you have more to offer, and that is what builds confidence over time. Get out there into the world and learn about things first-hand or enjoy a documentary after work. By learning something new every day, you better yourself every day. The result is an empowered feeling over time, and it is a great way to build confidence, effortlessly. Find what you enjoy learning about and make it a natural fit in your daily life. Knowing that you are invaluable with so much to offer the world and others will enable you even further along your confidence-building journey. We like to feel needed and have the persistent desire to feel heard, noticed, and appreciated. Doing the above will provide a way to achieve that in any environment. Challenging your brain daily is also a great way to keep it active and engaged in any and every situation.

No. 3

Be mindful of your appearance

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “first impressions matter.” Well, this is a very true statement because as human beings, we subconsciously judge appearances all the time. It’s a natural way for us to gather information about a person, place, or thing based on appearances first. In that regard, fashion is a way to express who you are without even speaking. We can be happier with who we are and how we present ourselves if we let our creativity and individuality shine through in the way we present ourselves and maintain our appearance consistently. It might sound vain, but feeling good about how we look is an important part of loving ourselves.

If your current attire does not reflect your genuine sense of style or taste, it may reflect negatively on the way you present yourself to the world. You may not feel as confident when meeting people for the first time or you may not have a cohesive first impression that matches other obvious reflections of yourself. If this is the case, you can apply simple changes. For example, this is especially true if your clothes are too tight or make you feel uncomfortable. Dressing for your body type is the best way to feel good in your clothing, look better, and acquire more overall confidence. Look for clothing that feels comfortable and looks good on you, not just what is trending at the moment. Spend some extra time and effort on identifying common dressing troubles such as the best bras for large busts or finding brands that cater to your particular body shape or type.

No. 4

Travel alone

If you really want to test your confidence and build it at the same time, travel alone. Solo travel, especially if you are a woman, is often seen as dangerous or taboo, but it can actually be one of the best ways to travel the world and cultivate your independence. After all, when you are by yourself, you have more incentive to make friends along the way. You are in charge of your future and your safety, and getting through your trip and enjoying it is one of the most empowering things you can do for your self-development. You are completely in charge of your own decisions, and you must learn to rely on yourself and the decisions you make along the way. This will in turn give you confidence in your own decisions after you finish your adventures, and everyday life will suddenly seem that much easier.


There is no right or wrong way to become more confident. In fact, the only thing that matters is that you believe in yourself and know your worth. Each of us has so many reasons to believe in ourselves and to feel empowered because we all possess unique gifts that equip us for our life experiences. Allow yourself to naturally discover the things that make you feel distinct from the rest, then focus on that as the mechanism upon which your confidence is built. Only you know the answer to that. Once you go inside yourself, you will be able to lift whatever hinders you so that you can reveal your true nature and self. You deserve to become the confident, independent person you dream you can be. Look within.

7 Healing Herbs For Stress And Anxiety
Hello Lovely Living

Stress plays a fundamental role in motivating people to overcome professional and personal hurdles in life. However, too much stress can drastically impact your life, especially when balancing your work life with your personal life. Stress has different definitions in different dictionaries. In general, parameters that promote stress include financial challenges, overthinking about personal problems, professional competitions, social anxieties, etc.

While these factors might be a part of your pragmatic life, what they indeed do is contribute to health-related problems. All in all, it complicates one’s personal, professional, academic, and social life. If you think these above factors have affected your life with anxiety issues, it’s the right time to get the proper treatment.

With a varying range of treatments for anxiety and stress, you may already become confused before selecting the right solution. But given that prescribed drugs have unwanted side effects, stress-alleviating herbal therapies become the best alternative treatment.

Discuss with a medical professional before stopping or reducing prescribed medications only to follow herbal therapies. Here are the top seven herbal treatments for anxiety and stress. Let’s learn about them.


Coming from the family of Cannbacae, Cannabis is a flowering plant that includes three species - indica, sativa, and ruderalis. It contains cannabidiol or CBD, a natural chemical, and you can get it in different forms, including liquid extract, tablet, vape liquid, topical cream, etc. 

Studies have indicated that CBD effectively treats sleep disorders (insomnia, etc.), chronic pain, and anxiety. So, to reap the benefits, you can choose high supplies from the best suppliers.


Who would have ever imagined that a flowering plant like lavender belonging to the mint family would get famous as an herbal treatment? Yes, you read that correctly!

Honestly speaking, it can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety. There are different ways of including lavender as your safe herbal treatment, such as:

  • Make tea from the leaves.

  • Add its flowers or oil to baths

  • Oil in aromatherapy

  • Blending the oil with regular massage oil


Valerian is a plant found mainly in Asia and Europe. For centuries, people have used its roots to treat depression, anxiety, and sleep issues. The root is available in three forms – tablets, tincture, and tea. Up until now, studies demonstrated that it alleviates depression and stress. But the safety factor is questionable in terms of the following groups of people:

  • Nursing mothers

  • Pregnant women

  • Children below three years

One must not blend it with sedatives or alcohol; else, its effects might become dangerous.


Chamomile has garnered universal popularity as a flowering herb similar to daisy in terms of its appearance. Medicinally, two chamomile forms are extremely useful – German chamomile and Roman chamomile. You can consume it in various forms like tea, tinctures, capsules, and liquid extracts. Consume either 1-4 cups of chamomile tea or 1-3 ml of extracts thrice every day to get rid of stress. If you are consuming a tincture, then have 15 ml 4 times daily, and if capsules, then 400-1600 mg every day. If you take any medication, always consult your doctor before opting for this herbal treatment.


Ashwagandha belongs to the group of herbs termed adaptogens and affects hormones and systems in the body regulating the stress response of an individual. With its historical roots in Ayurveda, this herb has compounds acyl steryl glucosides and sitoindosides that calm your brain, reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone), lower blood pressure, alter your immune system and reduce swelling. The recommended dosage of ashwagandha for reducing cortisol is 125 mg - 5 gm for 1 to 3 months, while for anxiety, you can consume about 500 mg of this herb for 6 to 12 weeks every day. 

Kava Kava

Kava kava happens to be a shrub native to islands of the Pacific Ocean. People use kava in ceremonial beverages to alter mood and alleviate stress. It contains a compound called kava pyrones that can calm your brain and relax the muscles. One must take kava herbal treatments only after consulting a medical professional. Consuming it for three months continuously is generally safe, but overconsumption of kava can result in liver injury. In addition, make sure to never have it along with alcohol. 


Passiflora or passionflower is a family of plants having over 550 species. Studies have shown that some species might effectively treat nervousness, anxiety, ADHD, and restlessness when consumed orally. Studies have shown that it can help you relieve surgery stress if consumed 30-90 minutes earlier than the stipulated time. 

Passionflower can soothe the stomach, and research has showed promising results for treating ulcers. To use it, you can add the dried passionflower to boiling water. Make herbal tea out of it and drink for a week. For eight weeks, you can have it continuously to see the results.


While the above seven herbs effectively alleviate anxiety and stress, there are more choices available today. For example, Tulsi can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress; It enhances the activity and level of antioxidants, thereby interacting with free radicals and fighting adverse effects. Next, Brahmi includes potent antioxidant properties. It increases serotonin levels, which is a brain chemical that promotes relaxation and helps you cope with stress. In a nutshell, herbal treatments are highly regarded in the medicinal world today and is largely broadening its significance amongst individuals.

Feeling Like Yourself Again After Having a Baby

Having a baby is one of the most incredible things you’ll ever do. Bringing new life into the world is nothing short of a miracle when you think about it. If you’re lucky enough to have a child and start a family, then of course, they will become your top priority, but as a result of this, it’s quite easy to lose yourself a little. You can still be an excellent parent while still maintaining and holding onto your own identity, and in fact it’s healthy to do so. If you’re loving parenthood but have been left wondering who you are recently beyond being a mother and partner, here’s how you can find ‘you’ again.

Think about your appearance

As a busy mother running around after children and/or tending to a baby, chances are the way you look is right down at the bottom of your priority list, which is fair enough. When you’re tired or short on time, making yourself look nice is definitely a step you can skip.

However, you don’t have to give up completely on your appearance. If you go about things in the right way, you’ll feel much more fresh and presentable, which can help greatly with self-esteem.

Visit a salon and have a cut and color that will be long-lasting and easy to maintain. Choosing a color close to your natural hair color and that works with your hair texture, means you’ll be able to style it in a minute or two each morning.

Come up with a ‘two-minute makeup routine’. This could involve a quick buffing of foundation and a swipe of mascara, but these small things can make a huge difference.

Buy yourself some clothes that are comfy and practical while still looking good. A jersey dress with a pair of leggings, flat shoes, and a cardigan will look far more put together than loungewear or tracksuit bottoms.

If you’re unhappy with your physique, then incorporating more exercise is a smart move and will boost your mental health, too. Find a gym that has a daycare, or just go on long walks with your baby.

"Although you need to wait until you’re feeling better or around six weeks postpartum. Talk to your OB-GYN about your options because exercise can also help you regain muscle tone and boost circulation,” comments Osmara Aryal, Chief Editor of motherhoodcommunity, on this topic.

If you know you don’t want any more children, you could even consider a tummy tuck to restore your stomach to its pre-baby condition, check out tummy tuck videos online to see if something like this would work for you. 

Take up some hobbies

You probably don’t get much time at all as a busy parent, but if you do find you ever get a free hour or two in the week, then why not fill it with a hobby? Hobbies from home include blogging, crafts, gardening, and baking and are things you can pick up at the drop of a hat without having to make plans to leave the house. Once you have all of the initial materials, it’s something you can do whenever you like—on the rare occasion you get some time to yourself. Hobbies help to build skills and boost confidence. You can find like-minded people online to chat with about your hobby and get tips, which is a great way to make new friends too.

See friends

Sometimes, a bit of company and conversation from another adult is all the therapy you need. When you’ve been dealing with screaming kids all day and the only person talking back to you is a babbling baby, it can leave you craving some adult interaction! Seeing friends is a chance to chat, to laugh, to talk through your worries and gain another perspective. Invite friends over to your home, arrange playdates with other parent friends and meet up with your loved ones as regularly as you can. It helps you to maintain a sense of who you are. Sure, you won’t be out drinking with friends or probably enjoying fancy brunches anymore, but walking around the park together, having a picnic with the kids, catching up at a coffee shop or going for a meal, are all chances to get out of the house and enjoy the company of the people in your life. 

selfcareHLL x Contributor