Posts tagged plants
Using a Garden Room for Business: What You Need to Consider

With the growing trend toward remote work and flexible lifestyles, utilizing a garden room for business purposes has become increasingly popular. Whether it's a home office, a creative studio, or a consulting space, garden rooms offer a versatile and customizable solution for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to convert under-utilized spaces into useful and inspiring workspaces.

HLL x Using a Garden Room for Business: What You Need to Consider

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Are you considering transforming your workspace into a serene and inspiring environment that fosters creativity and productivity? Consider creating a garden room for your business—a space that combines the tranquility of nature with the functionality of a professional setting. Converting a garden room into a business environment can create a harmonious balance between work and well-being, leading to more creativity, fulfillment, and motivation.

Should you decide to transform a garden room into a functional business space, a detailed plan is necessary. This article explores the key aspects to consider when setting up a garden room for business.

No. 1

Benefits of a Garden Room for Business

  1. Enhanced Creativity - Surrounded by greenery and natural elements, employees can experience a boost in creativity and innovation, leading to fresh ideas and solutions.

  2. Improved Well-being - The presence of plants and natural light can contribute to reduced stress levels and increased overall well-being.

  3. Increased Productivity - A garden room can serve as a refreshing change of scenery, helping you stay focused and energized throughout the workday.

No. 2

Legal and Zoning Regulations

Before embarking on any business endeavor in your garden room, it's crucial to research and understand the legal and zoning regulations governing your property. Check with local authorities to ensure compliance with building codes, permits, and zoning restrictions related to home-based businesses.

Some areas may have specific regulations concerning the size, use, and appearance of garden structures used for commercial purposes. Understanding these regulations upfront can prevent potential setbacks and ensure a smooth transition to operating your business from your garden room.

No. 3

Design and Layout

The design and layout of your garden room play a significant role in its functionality and productivity as a business space. Consider the specific requirements of your business, such as workspace layout, storage needs, and client interaction areas.

Head to to find a range of sizes and shapes to get inspired. You should optimize natural light and ventilation to create a conducive work environment, and incorporate ergonomic furniture and storage solutions to maximize space. Customizing the design to reflect your brand identity and business aesthetic adds a professional touch and enhances the overall ambiance of the space.

No. 5

Technology and Connectivity

Ensuring seamless technology and connectivity is essential for running a successful business from your garden room. Evaluate your internet connection and consider options for boosting signal strength, such as Wi-Fi extenders or wired connections. Invest in quality hardware, including computers, printers, and communication devices, that meet the demands of your business operations.

Additionally, incorporate adequate power outlets and charging stations to accommodate your electronic devices and peripherals. Implementing backup solutions, such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and cloud storage, safeguards against potential disruptions and data loss.

No. 4

Comfort and Climate Control

Creating a comfortable and climate-controlled environment in your garden room is essential for productivity and well-being. Insulate the structure to regulate temperature and minimize energy consumption, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions. Install heating and cooling systems, such as air conditioning units or space heaters, to maintain comfortable temperatures year-round.

No. 4

Key Elements

  1. Plants - Incorporate a variety of indoor plants to add color and vitality to the space. Plants such as peace lilies, snake plants, and pothos are known for their air-purifying qualities.

  2. Windows - Consider natural ventilation options like windows and skylights to enhance airflow and indoor air quality.

  3. Natural Light - Maximize natural light exposure by positioning workstations near windows or skylights. Natural light can improve mood and alertness, reduce fatigue, and promote productivity during long work hours.

  4. Comfortable Seating - Provide ergonomic chairs and cozy seating options to ensure you are comfortable and supported while working.

  5. Greenery Wall - Consider installing a greenery wall filled with lush plants to bring the calming effects of nature indoors.

  6. Mindful Design - Opt for natural materials like wood and stone to enhance the organic feel of the space.

  7. Minimal Clutter - Keep the space clutter-free to promote a sense of calm and focus.

  8. Personal Touches - Personalize your workspace with items that bring you joy and inspiration.

No. 5

Security and Privacy

Protecting your business assets and sensitive information requires adequate security measures for your garden room. Install robust locks, security cameras, and alarm systems to deter unauthorized access and safeguard valuable equipment and documents. Implementing other digital security measures, such as encrypted networks and password-protected devices, adds an extra layer of protection against cyber threats and data breaches.

Consider additional privacy-enhancing features like frosted glass or window treatments to prevent prying eyes and create a secluded workspace.


Using a garden room for business presents a unique opportunity to blend work and lifestyle seamlessly while maximizing the potential of your outdoor space.

By considering legal regulations, designing a functional layout, ensuring technology connectivity, optimizing comfort and climate control, and prioritizing security and privacy, you can create a conducive and professional environment for your business endeavors.

With careful planning and attention to detail, your garden room can become a thriving hub of productivity and innovation, enhancing your work-life balance and well-being and empowering your entrepreneurial journey.



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Refreshing Your Life: A Guide To Detox And Renewal

Amid life's chaos and demands, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, drained, and disconnected from our inner selves. The signs are there—the fatigue that lingers, a mind cluttered with racing thoughts, and a spirit that feels weighed down; it's during these moments we realize the need for a reset—a detox that goes beyond just the physical body.

If you’re feeling off-track, weighed down by the fast pace of life, or just craving a fresh start, you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about detoxing and renewing yourself. This isn’t just about ditching junk food or doing a social media cleanse. It’s about giving your entire self a reboot from a holistic approach—encompassing the mind, body, and spirit.

Hello Lovely Living is dedicated to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, helping you realign with your truest power and essence. As a whole, we understand the importance of rejuvenating all parts of the human experience.

In this article, we’ll explore mindful and healthy practices, delve into self-care rituals, and discover various paths to unlock your awakening and personal freedom. Together, we’ll embark on a holistic detox journey to cleanse your mind, nurture your body, and revitalize your spirit.

It's time to embrace a fresh start and begin your transformational process towards a healthier, more aligned version of yourself.

No. 1

The Whole Deal With Detoxing

Alright, detoxing. It’s a buzzword, sure, but it’s also a pretty neat concept. Think of it as giving your body a much-needed vacation. And this vacation is all-inclusive: we’re talking food, environment, and even the mental chatter.

It’s not about depriving yourself or following extreme measures. Instead, it’s about filling your life with more of what does you good and less of what doesn’t. Let’s make this part about celebrating your body and mind by treating them to the care they deserve.

No. 2

Your Plate Is Your Palette

Imagine your plate as a canvas. What you put on it colors every part of your life. We’re aiming for a rainbow here—fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and those good fats. These foods are like your body’s closest friends; they help fix things and keep everything running smoothly.

And don’t forget about water. Imagine it as the magic remedy that washes away the bad stuff. Try kicking off your day with warm lemon water. It’s a gentle nudge to your digestion and liver saying, “Hey, let’s do this.”

No. 3

Make Your Space A Safe Space

Our spaces are like big sponges; they soak up everything. So, let’s keep it clean by avoiding and eliminating any harmful toxins that are introduced into the home. Swap out those harsh cleaners for something a bit more earth-friendly.

And how about saying “see ya” to unnecessary plastic? Swapping them out for glass containers instead is a move that makes the world of a difference to your health. Many plastics contain harmful chemicals such as BPA and phthalates that can leach into our food and drinks, impacting our well-being over time.

Adding air-purifying plants to your home can help you further combat toxins that get trapped in dust and particles in the air. They are the perfect addition to ensure that you have a little army constantly filtering them out. They cleanse your environment while also enhancing overall well-being by providing a daily dose of nature, indoors.

Here are a few air-purifying plant options:

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria) - Known for its resilience and ability to thrive in low light conditions, the Snake Plant is a top choice for removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) - With its elegant white blooms and lush green leaves, the Peace Lily not only adds beauty to your space but also helps eliminate harmful substances such as ammonia and xylene.

3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) - Easy to care for and safe for pets, the Spider Plant is excellent at removing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, making it a must-have for any home.

No. 4

Let’s Get Moving

Now, onto moving that amazing body of yours. Exercise isn’t just about breaking a sweat; it’s a detox dance for your cells. Find something that makes you feel good and stick with it.

Workout classes are a fantastic way to mix it up and keep things spicy. You’ll meet new people, learn new moves, and, believe it or not, have a blast while doing it.

No. 5

Mind Matters

Detoxing the mind is an essential part of mindful living. Our thoughts can either lift us or weigh us down. So, let’s aim for the sky, shall we? Taking a few moments each day to simply breathe and be present can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

This isn’t about emptying your mind; it’s about learning to observe your thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, without getting swept away by them.

No. 6

Mindfulness And Meditation

These aren’t just trendy words that people just throw around; they’re tools. Tools that help you clear out the mental clutter and stress. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, giving your brain a break can work wonders.

And you know what? You don’t need any fancy equipment or a silent retreat in the mountains; your comfy chair and a few quiet moments are all it takes. It’s about finding that inner calm amidst the chaos, a safe space within.

No. 7

Time For A Tech Detox

Ever feel like you’re too plugged in? Setting aside time for a digital detox can help you recharge. Maybe declare the dinner table a phone-free zone, or dedicate an hour before bed to unwind without screens. It’s amazing how much more connected you’ll feel to the real world when you take a step back from the virtual one.

And don’t worry about what happens when you’re away; the digital world will still be there in the morning when you get back, but your peace of mind is priceless.

No. 8

Surround Yourself With Sunshine

By sunshine, we mean people who make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The vibes we get from those around us can largely shape our outlook. So, choose positive and supportive environments.

Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries with those who drain your energy. Formulating a circle of friends and family who respect and uplift you can transform your everyday experience and enhance your overall well-being.

No. 9

Rest And Recharge

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It’s like hitting the reset button for your body and mind. Sleep is when our bodies do most of their healing, digesting not just food, but also the day’s experiences.

Ensuring you get enough rest is like giving your body a nightly tune-up, ensuring you’re ready to take on whatever tomorrow brings.

No. 10

Put Together A Good Nighttime Routine

Create a pre-sleep ritual that feels like a warm hug each night before bed. Dim the lights, cozy up with a book, take a relaxing bath, or just block out the world while doing your skincare routine. It’s all about telling your body, “Hey, it’s time to wind down.”

Add some soothing music or a few drops of lavender oil to your pillow for an extra layer of relaxation. This isn’t just about sleeping well; it’s about ending your day with purpose, gratitude, and peace.

No. 11

The Big Picture

This journey we’re talking about? It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Detoxing and renewing is all about the long game—no quick fixes here. Listen to your body, honor your feelings, and take it one step at a time. This isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making progress, however small it may seem.

Remember, it’s all connected. The food you eat, the air you breathe, the way you move, the thoughts you think, and the rest you receive—each piece fits together to paint the bigger picture of your health.


So, as we wrap this up, think of this as the beginning of something awesome. You’re on the brink of refreshing your life, embracing a healthier, happier you. It’s about nourishing yourself, inside and out, and enjoying the journey every step of the way.

Remember that revitalizing your life through detox and renewal is a deeply personal adventure. Whether you’re tweaking your diet, decluttering your space, practicing mindfulness, or simply experiencing more of the things that make you feel good.

Each step you take is a step toward a more vibrant you. Celebrate the small victories, be kind to yourself, and keep pushing forward. We are rooting for your daily self-awareness and transformation.

12 Tips For Remodeling Your Bedroom

Transforming your bedroom into a serene sanctuary enhances its aesthetic appeal and also significantly impacts your relaxation and sleep quality. A well-planned remodel can turn this private space into a haven of comfort, tailored to your unique style and functional needs.

Whether you're dreaming of a minimalist retreat or a cozy haven, embarking on a bedroom remodel presents an exciting opportunity to reflect your unique tastes and create the ultimate environment for rest and rejuvenation.

From selecting calming color schemes to investing in quality mattresses, each decision plays a crucial role in crafting the perfect bedroom.

In this article, we will take a look at the essential steps to consider in the early stages of your remodeling project.

No. 1

Define Your Style and Functionality Needs

Before you start picking out paint swatches or furniture, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your desired aesthetic and what you need from your bedroom.

Are you looking for a peaceful reading nook, ample storage, or perhaps a space that serves multiple functions? Determining your style and functional requirements upfront will guide your remodeling decisions and help ensure your new bedroom meets all your needs.

No. 2

Choose a Calming Color Palette

The colors you surround yourself with can significantly affect your mood and sleep quality. Opting for a calming color palette is key to creating a relaxing bedroom atmosphere.

Soft, muted tones such as pale blues, greens, and lavenders are known for their soothing properties. These hues can help transform your bedroom into a tranquil escape, conducive to unwinding after a long day.

No. 3

Invest in a Quality Mattress

One of the most impactful investments you can make in your bedroom remodel is in a good-quality mattress. A good night’s sleep is foundational to overall health and well-being; choosing the right mattress that provides both comfort and functionality is a pivotal decision in your remodel.

The best Posturepedic mattresses can dramatically improve your sleep experience. These mattresses are designed to support and align your body correctly, potentially easing discomfort and promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

No. 4

Optimize Lighting for Relaxation

In a bedroom, where relaxation is key, it's essential to have flexible lighting options. Incorporating layers of light, from ambient and task to accent, allows you to adjust the illumination to suit any activity, whether it's reading, dressing, or winding down before sleep.

Consider installing dimmer switches for overhead lights and adding bedside lamps for focused task lighting, creating a versatile and inviting space.

No. 5

Maximize Storage Space

A clutter-free bedroom is essential for creating a peaceful environment. Maximize your storage space by considering built-in solutions, under-bed storage, or multi-functional furniture pieces like ottomans with hidden compartments.

Efficient storage solutions help keep your bedroom tidy and contribute to a more serene and orderly space, enhancing your overall comfort and relaxation.

No. 6

Select Comfortable and Stylish Bedding

Your choice of bedding plays a significant role in both the comfort and aesthetic appeal of your bedroom. High-quality, soft fabrics can make climbing into bed a luxurious experience, while the design and color of your bedding can complement your room’s decor.

Opt for materials that feel great against your skin and select a style that ties together your bedroom’s color scheme and design theme, adding both comfort and beauty to your space.

No. 7

Incorporate Personal Touches

Your bedroom should be a reflection of your personality, a space where personal tastes and treasures take center stage. Incorporating elements that are uniquely you—be it through artwork, a collection of favorite books, or heirloom pieces—can significantly elevate the comfort level of your bedroom.

By adding personal touches, you imbue the space with warmth and character, making it truly feel like your own.

No. 8

Consider Window Treatments

The right window treatments can drastically enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your bedroom. They offer privacy, and light control, and can even provide insulation.

Whether you choose flowing curtains for a soft, romantic feel or sleek blinds for a more modern look, selecting window treatments that complement your decor while serving their purpose is key.

Consider light-filtering options to gently wake up to natural light or blackout curtains to ensure undisturbed sleep.

No. 9

Focus on Flooring

Flooring plays a crucial role in the comfort of your bedroom. Soft, plush carpeting can add warmth and coziness, making getting out of bed on a cold morning more bearable. Alternatively, hardwood or laminate flooring with stylish area rugs can offer a cleaner look while still providing comfort underfoot.

Choosing the right flooring depends on your personal preference, lifestyle, and the overall design theme of your bedroom.

No. 10

Create a Reading Nook or Seating Area

If space permits, creating a dedicated area for reading or relaxing can add an extra layer of functionality and comfort to your bedroom. A cozy chair by the window, a small bookshelf, and a lamp can turn an unused corner into your favorite spot to unwind with a good book or enjoy a cup of tea.

Creating a distinct area encourages relaxation and leisure within the privacy of your bedroom, making it a versatile space for more than just sleep.

No. 11

Update Bedroom Furniture

As part of your bedroom remodel, consider buying new furniture, or updating or refinishing existing furniture to match your new aesthetic. Changing the hardware on dressers, repainting nightstands, or even investing in a new bed frame can refresh the look of your room without a complete overhaul.

Choose pieces that look great and also contribute to the organization and functionality of the space, ensuring your bedroom remains a clutter-free sanctuary.

No. 12

Add Greenery

Introducing plants into your bedroom can boost mood, enhance air quality, and add a lively touch of nature. Low-maintenance indoor plants can thrive with minimal care, providing greenery and freshness to your decor.

Besides their aesthetic appeal, plants can have a calming effect, contributing to a more relaxing and comfortable bedroom environment.


The process of remodeling your bedroom offers a unique opportunity to create a space that perfectly balances style, comfort, and personal expression. From the foundational elements of a quality mattress and optimal lighting to the final touches of greenery and personal decor, each aspect of your remodel plays a pivotal role in crafting a bedroom that’s not just a place to sleep, but a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Keep in mind that the most successful bedroom remodels are those that reflect the inhabitants' personalities and meet their needs for comfort and functionality. By carefully considering each of these tips, you can transform your bedroom into a haven that enhances your well-being and offers a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

A Guide To Creating A Minimalist Garden

If you want to spend more time outside to reduce stress, transforming your garden into an outdoor sanctuary is a fantastic place to start. However, you may find that some garden designs may be too cluttered, especially if you’re looking to create a peaceful environment to unwind.

One solution to this is to create a garden that matches your specific needs. In this case, something that is harmonious with creating a relaxing atmosphere may be more suitable. With this in mind, consider this helpful guide to creating a minimalist garden. 

No. 1

Create Privacy 

Privacy is crucial for relaxing in the yard, yet you may not be able to grow (or plant) huge hedges. Instead, you can use tall fences that can provide a secure and isolated environment, making it feel like you are alone—free from the prying eyes of neighbors. This approach is perfect for letting your mind wander or achieve calm as you also will not need to worry about various distractions from your neighbors. 

No. 2

Create Zones 

You can also create various zones and use glass fencing to segment your yard if it is large enough. These zones make it easier to designate an area and atmosphere within your garden—whether you have a space for people to hang out, a section for your swimming pool, or a zen area perfect for outdoor meditation on a crisp summer morning. By using these zones, you create order within your garden, which makes it easier to maintain and keep tidy. 

No. 3

Pick the Right Colors 

Choosing the best garden color schemes can make a huge difference to your outdoor space. Maximalist ideas include plenty of bright colors and bombastic plants that demand attention. However, a minimalist space should do the opposite.

You can still include splashes of color here and there, such as your favorite plants, but you should also remember that you don’t want to incorporate plants that improve mood and health. Neutral colors are ideal for a minimalist garden as they are better at reflecting light which makes your backyard brighter, enabling you to get the most from it throughout the year. 

No. 4

Include Levels

While you may still want to make your garden more functional, creating levels with DIY raised garden beds could be a good addition. Of course, there’s no need to fill every space with these flower beds. Instead, pick a section for one or two patches where you can grow plants or even fruit and vegetables. This option adds something more to your garden without causing too much hassle for you.

No. 5

Find Calm With Water Features 

There are two types of water features: the huge, elaborate fountains that neighbors can see for miles around and smaller, modest features that provide a calm trickling that almost acts as white noise when you’re outside relaxing. For a minimalist garden, you need the second type to add subtle and effective detail to your backyard. You can use this when meditating or simply as an extra feature that works as the finishing touches to your garden. 

No. 6

Less Is More 

While many people love the maximalist style of their backyards, some people find it too overwhelming to maintain. A minimalist garden is an excellent way to cultivate your garden in a relaxing setting—ensuring that you can relieve stress and enjoy every moment you spend outside with ease.


Achieving a well-planned and intentional garden starts with identifying specific solutions to achieve your desired outcome. By incorporating various design elements that promote peace and tranquility, you can easily achieve a calming and inviting atmosphere to enjoy for years to come. Start a minimalist home garden project, and allow yourself to be transported to a sanctuary any time of day throughout the changing seasons.

Revamping Your Home: Eight Simple Changes For A Big Impact

Everyone loves a fresh and inviting home. But, let's face it, completely remodeling your house can be expensive and time-consuming. The good news? You don't need to break the bank or take on big projects to give your home a fresh, new look. Sometimes, small changes can have a huge impact.

In this article, we'll explore some simple yet effective ways to revamp your home. From a splash of paint to a tweak in lighting, these tips are easy to implement and won't require you to turn your house upside down. 

Whether you live in a bustling city apartment, a suburban home, or a countryside cottage, these tips can be adapted to fit any space and style. Particularly for those living in Pittsburgh, where architectural styles range from classic Victorian homes to modern new buildings, these easy updates can enhance your home's unique character while adding a touch of modern flair

No. 1

Upgrade Kitchen Cabinets

Give your kitchen a stunning makeover by focusing on the heart of the space—the cabinets. Elevate your kitchen aesthetics with simple yet impactful changes. Consider updating cabinet hardware for a modern touch, experimenting with a fresh coat of paint, considering open shelving for a contemporary feel, or opting for cabinet refacing. These small adjustments can breathe new life into your kitchen, making it a focal point of your home.

For quality and stylish Pittsburgh kitchen cabinets, explore options that align with your taste and bring a touch of sophistication to your cooking haven.

No. 2

Fresh Coat of Paint

Transform the entire vibe of your living spaces with a simple and vibrant solution—a fresh coat of paint. Dive into a world of colors that reflect your personality and uplift your mood. Whether it's a calming neutral, a bold statement hue, or a trendy accent wall, painting is a budget-friendly way to revamp any room.

Embrace the power of color and watch how it breathes new life into your home. Add a personal touch to your walls, creating an atmosphere that resonates with positivity and style. Elevate your living experience with the magic of a fresh paint job.

No. 3

Upgrade Light Fixtures

Brighten up your living spaces and add a touch of elegance by upgrading your home appliances and lighting fixtures for a sustainable home. Explore a variety of stylish pendant lights, chandeliers, or modern sconces to create a warm and inviting ambiance. Whether you prefer a cozy and intimate setting or a well-lit, contemporary space, the right lighting can redefine the atmosphere.

Consider energy-efficient options for sustainability and choose fixtures that complement your decor. With a simple change in lighting, you can transform your home into a well-lit haven that suits your style and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal.

No. 4

Revitalize Your Living Space with Indoor Plants

Bring the outdoors in by introducing indoor plants to your living spaces. These green companions add a touch of nature and contribute to a healthier and more vibrant home environment. Explore low-maintenance options like snake plants or pothos, or go for statement pieces like fiddle leaf figs for a bold look.

Indoor plants not only purify the air but also enhance the visual appeal of any room. Create cozy corners with dried flowers, and potted succulents, or place a cascading plant on a shelf for a dynamic effect. With various options to suit every space and lifestyle, welcoming indoor plants is an easy and stylish way to revitalize your home.

No. 5

Rearrange Your Furniture for a New Perspective

Changing the arrangement of or choosing new furniture can completely transform the look and feel of a room. It's an easy solution that can make a space feel new again. Start by picking a focal point, like a fireplace or a large window, and arrange your furniture around it. This creates a more inviting and cohesive space.

Consider the flow of the room. Make sure there's enough space to move around comfortably. Sometimes, just moving a couch or a table to a different side of the room can make a big difference. It's all about experimenting and seeing what works best for your space.

No. 6

Update Your Window Treatments

Windows and window treatments play a crucial role in the overall aesthetics of a room. They can add color, texture, and style. If your curtains or blinds are looking a bit dated, it's time for an update.

Choose window treatments that complement the style of your room. For a modern look, try minimalist blinds or sheer curtains. For a more traditional feel, heavier drapes in rich fabrics can add a touch of elegance. Remember, window treatments aren't just for looks—they can also help with insulation and control the amount of natural light in your room.

No. 7

Enhance Textures and Fabrics

Elevate the comfort and coziness of your home by enhancing textures and fabrics. Introduce soft throws, plush cushions, and tactile fabrics that invite warmth and relaxation. Consider layering textures for a multi-dimensional effect—mix smooth surfaces with nubby materials to create visual interest.

Whether it's a fluffy rug underfoot or velvety curtains framing your windows, these subtle changes add a touch of luxury and comfort to any room. Play with a variety of materials, from cotton and wool to faux fur, to create a sensory-rich environment that transforms your living spaces into inviting retreats.

No. 8

Declutter and Organize

Clear the chaos and create a serene haven where every item has its place. Start small, tackle one room at a time, and let go of unnecessary items that no longer serve a purpose. Invest in storage solutions like baskets or shelves to keep things tidy.

A clutter-free environment enhances the visual appeal of your home and promotes a sense of calm and well-being. Rediscover the joy of a neatly organized closet, a streamlined kitchen, or an uncluttered living room. With every item in its rightful place, you'll unlock a newfound sense of tranquility and order in your home.


As you revamp your home with these simple changes, remember that every tweak adds character and warmth to your space. Whether it's a fresh coat of paint, the introduction of indoor plants, or cozy textures, each adjustment contributes to the overall ambiance to boost your mood.

Enjoy the process of making your home uniquely yours, reflecting your style and personality. With these simple changes, you've set the stage for a refreshed and inviting living space. Your home is your sanctuary, and by infusing it with your personal touch, you've created a haven where comfort meets style.

The Art Of Mindful Fishing: A Journey Of Wellness And Connection With Nature

In our fast-paced world, finding peace and tranquility is often a challenge. One activity that stands out as a beacon of serenity is fishing, especially when approached mindfully. Mindful fishing is more than just a hobby; it's a journey of wellness and a profound connection with nature. 

This practice, which melds the calming aspects of mindfulness with the serene environment of fishing, is gaining popularity among those seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. What this outdoor activity truly cultivates is being present in the moment, appreciating the natural world, and finding inner peace.

In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about incorporating mindful fishing into your life and the many benefits you can expect to gain from it.

No. 1

Understanding Mindful Fishing

What exactly is mindful fishing? It's the practice of fishing with intention and awareness, focusing on the present experience rather than just the outcome of catching fish. Unlike traditional fishing, mindful fishing isn't solely about the thrill of the catch. 

Mindful fishing is about immersing oneself in the process, being aware of the surrounding environment, and acknowledging one's thoughts and emotions during the activity. By integrating the principles of mindfulness—such as awareness, patience, and acceptance—into fishing, it transforms into a meditative and enriching experience.

No. 2

The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Fishing with Mindfulness

The benefits of mindful fishing extend far beyond the physical act of catching fish. Mentally, it's a powerful stress reliever. The rhythmic motion of casting a line, the focus required to watch the water, and the patience needed to wait for a bite, all contribute to a state of mental relaxation and clarity. 

Emotionally, it can provide a sense of achievement and joy, even if the fish aren't biting. The tranquility of being near water, combined with the satisfaction of mastering a skill, nurtures emotional well-being and helps you disconnect from daily stressors.

No. 3

Preparing for a Mindful Fishing Experience

Preparation is the key to a successful mindful fishing trip. Choose a location that feels right—somewhere peaceful and not too crowded. Whether it's a quiet riverbank or a spot for deep sea fishing in Destin FL, the environment plays a crucial role in your mindfulness journey. 

Pack light to minimize distractions; a simple rod, reel, and a small selection of tackle is all you need. Approach the trip with an open mind, free from expectations of a big catch. Remember, it's not about the number of fish you catch, but the quality of your presence during the experience.

No. 4

Techniques for Mindful Fishing

To fully engage in mindful fishing, practice being present. Start with deep breathing exercises as you set up your gear. Pay attention to your senses—the sound of the water, the feel of the breeze, the sight of the natural landscape. When casting your line, focus on the movement of your body and the rhythm of the rod and reel. 

If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your surroundings. Embrace patience, whether you're waiting for a bite or simply enjoying the stillness of the environment. Accept that not every trip will result in a catch, and that's perfectly okay.

No. 5

The Role of Nature in Mindful Fishing

Nature is an integral part of the mindful fishing experience. It's not just a backdrop; it's an active participant. The gentle lapping of the waves, the dance of light on the water, the occasional splash of a fish—these elements add depth to the experience. 

Observing wildlife, from waterfowl to aquatic plants, enhances your connection with the ecosystem. It's a reminder that you're part of something larger, a vast, interconnected web of life that thrives in and around the water.

No. 6

Sharing the Mindful Fishing Experience

Mindful fishing can be a solitary pursuit, but sharing the experience can be equally rewarding. Organizing a group trip with friends or family who appreciate the mindfulness aspect can enhance the experience. It provides an opportunity to bond, share insights, and learn from each other. 

Share stories, techniques, and moments of success and challenge. Such communal experiences can reinforce the sense of connection, not just with nature, but with fellow humans on a similar path of mindfulness.

No. 7

Mindful Catch and Release – A Sustainable Approach 

Mindfulness in fishing also extends to how we interact with the environment. Practicing catch and release is a sustainable way to enjoy fishing without depleting fish populations. It's a respectful approach that acknowledges the value of each fish as a part of the aquatic ecosystem. 

This practice requires careful handling and quick release of the fish, ensuring minimal harm. By choosing ethical fishing practices, you become a steward of nature, contributing to the health and longevity of our waterways and their inhabitants.


Mindful fishing is more than just a pastime; it's a pathway to wellness and a deeper connection with the natural world. Whether you're casting your line in a serene lake or practicing deep sea fishing in Destin, FL, the essence of mindful fishing remains the same—it's about being present, appreciating the moment, and nurturing a sense of peace and connection. It's a journey that rewards you not only with the potential of a catch but also with the certainty of personal growth and inner tranquility.

6 Benefits of Vaping Delta-8 THC

Studies have found that vaping is the most common delta-8 THC consumption method compared to topicals, smoking, edibles, and orally administered options. The study attributed this to its perceived therapeutic rewards and legal status.

Understanding why you should choose vaping this cannabinoid over other consumption alternatives can help you make an informed choice.

In this article, we outline six benefits of vaping delta-8 THC over other methods.

No. 1

It is versatile

Delta-8 THC comes in various strains, including Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid, which are used for different reasons. While there are different strains available in the market, each has a varying terpene and cannabinoid composition.

Sativa is an excellent alternative for enhancing creativity, improving concentration and productivity, energizing, and uplifting the mood. It is also a great option for daytime consumption.

In contrast, Indica strains are an excellent bedtime option because they're less likely to interfere with your capacity to fall asleep. Their effects are soothing and relaxing.

Indica strains are perfect for unwinding after a long day, reading novels, and other situations where you want to relax. While these strains relax and help relieve inflammation and pain, they can, however, inhibit focus.

Hybrid strains are a combination of Indica and Sativa with varying benefits. With the help of a Delta 8 vape guide, you can learn how to consume these strains for maximum effects.

No. 2

It eliminates the combustion and burning required in smoking

Delta-8 THC’s low boiling point implies that most of it is damaged when processed or smoked using ways that need significant heat amounts. On the contrary, vaping controls the temperature, preventing the need for combustion and burning. This minimizes the possibility of experiencing discomfort and lung irritation, which is great for users’ health.

No. 3

It is legal

Delta-8 THC is legal at the federal level, provided it is hemp-derived and is below 0.3% as the law requires. However, it's banned in some states. Before buying delta-8 THC, research its legality in your state and visit the state's site to determine if vaping is legal.

Regulated delta-8 THC is safe for human consumption rather than over-the-counter options. Unregulated delta-8 THC may have harmful chemicals, including flavoring agents, which may damage cells, and tissues, cause lung damage, or trigger inflammation.

Avoid delta-8 THC carts with potentially harmful ingredients like acetoin, acrolein, acetyl propionyl, acrylamide, benzaldehyde, acrylonitrile, cinnamaldehyde, diacetyl, eucalyptol, citral, crotonaldehyde, propylene oxide, formaldehyde, pentanedione, o-vanillin, vanillin, and pulegone. These dangerous ingredients may be found in flavors like almond, bread, berry, cinnamon, caramel, clove, chocolate, coffee, jam, nutty, berry, and more.

No. 4

It is discreet

Smoking delta-8 THC produces a lot of odor that’s difficult to ignore compared with vape cartridges, which normally have strong scents due to delta-8 THC oil's concentrated nature. The particular scent you will experience will depend on the particular oil in the cartridge. You can choose scents like mint, lavender, and citrus. You may also combine different flavors.

No. 5

Its effects are milder

The Delta 8 THC user experience significantly varies from delta-9. Its effects are smoother and milder. This allows users to benefit from hemp's medicinal and psychoactive properties without the heavy mind and dense high linked to frequent THC consumption.

No. 6

Its convenience

Vape pens can be packed and carried anywhere, provided they are charged. This makes it convenient to vape whenever you need it. It is portable and discrete, and you can charge it with a standard USB—either with a common cable or an adapter that screws into the 510 threads. They also come in disposable options when you don’t have a charger and simply want a no-fuss, disposable option.


While there are several methods for consuming delta-8 THC, vaping has multiple advantages. Familiarizing yourself with the benefits of vaping delta-8 THC to determine if it’s a worthy option will help you become informed and decide which one is best for you.

5 Ways To Boost Your Wellbeing With Herbs

What if we tell you the key to feeling better is right in your kitchen spice rack? Yes, we’re talking about herbs! These plants aren’t just for making your food tasty; they can also make you feel good in many ways.

In fact, lately, more people are looking for natural ways to improve their health. For that matter, herbs are getting a lot of attention. And why not? They can help with reducing inflammation, lowering stress, relieving pain—you name it!

The best part about this all? Using herbs is super easy. You can enjoy them in a simple cup of tea or try creams or supplements. So, let’s step into the incredible world of herbs and see how they can enhance your life.

No. 1

A Cup of Herbal Tea

Who doesn’t love a warm cup of tea to relax and unwind? But not just any tea—how about a cup of herbal tea? Chamomile, lavender, or peppermint tea are excellent choices for easing stress.

In fact, sipping hot tea is calming, but these herbs also have natural properties that take this experience a step further. Chamomile, for instance, contains antioxidants that contribute to its relaxing effects and has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms. 

So, the next time you feel a little tense or anxious, whether it’s late in the evening or right in the middle of a hectic day, brew a soothing cup of herbal goodness. You can even set aside a few minutes to enjoy this simple pleasure, which can be incredibly beneficial for your well-being.

No. 2

Dry Herb Vaping

We all know that smoking isn’t exactly a friend to our health. The tar, the toxins—none of it screams “well-being,” right? If you want to replace that habit, why not consider dry herb vaping? It’s a much cleaner way to enjoy herbs without the harmful smoke. 

Moreover, it’ll be easier on your lungs because you’re not inhaling smoke. Most importantly, you get to taste the herb’s real flavors and experience its effects more purely. 

However, to fully tap into the benefits, you’ll want to invest in a high-quality vape pen. A good device ensures you get the most out of your herbs while keeping things as healthy as possible. To give you a head start, you can visit site now and choose between popular vape pens for sale. It’ll ensure your switch from smoking to vaping starts on a better note.

No. 3

Herbal Oils for Skin and Hair Care

When it comes to personal care, the spotlight is often on commercial products. But have you ever considered the natural richness of herbal oils? Lavender, rosemary, and calendula oils offer amazing benefits that enhance your skincare and haircare routine.

Let’s take an example for better understanding. Lavender oil is known for its calming effects, thus a perfect addition to your night cream or body lotion. Just mix a few drops of it with your regular cream, and it’ll give you a dewy finish.

But don’t stop there. Rosemary oil works wonders for your hair. Just a few drops mixed into your regular shampoo can stimulate hair growth and give your locks much-needed shine. Perhaps we can say that these herbal oils offer an easy way to take your self-care to a whole new level.


No. 4


Imagine walking into a room and being greeted by the soothing scent of lavender or the refreshing aroma of peppermint. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it? That’s aromatherapy—a form of herbal therapy to improve your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.

The idea is simple: certain scents trigger positive reactions in your brain. A lavender whiff can relax you, while the scent of citrus fruits like orange or lemon can energize you.

Just add a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser or even on a cotton ball, and that’ll make a world of difference. So, the next time you’re feeling a bit down, consider aromatherapy as an herbal route to uplift your spirits.

No. 5

Herbal Ointments

Bumps, bruises, and minor skin irritations are a part of life. But before you reach for the over-the-counter creams, have you considered herbal ointments? These are known for their healing properties and anti-inflammatory effects, making them a great option for treating minor burns or cuts.

Comfrey and arnica are other herbs used in ointments to aid muscle and joint pain. In short, these herbal-based solutions offer a gentle yet effective approach to topical relief. Best of all, they often come without the long list of synthetic additives you might find in conventional products.

No. 6

THC And Inflammation

Exploring the intriguing realm of herbal remedies, many often wonder, does THC reduce inflammation?  Recent studies have illuminated THC's potential in diminishing inflammation, offering a natural alternative to traditional medicines. 

This component of cannabis works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, a key player in regulating inflammation and pain. Incorporating THC into your wellness routine could lead to significant reductions in inflammation, enhancing overall well-being. 

It's a promising herbal approach for those seeking relief from chronic inflammatory conditions, blending ancient wisdom with modern science.



There you have it—five easy and practical ways to include herbs into your life for better wellness. Just keep in mind that the world of herbs offers many possibilities, so you should continue to explore it. Your body and mind will thank you!

4 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Living Space

Your home is more than just a place to sleep and eat. It is where you spend most of your time, where you create memories with your loved ones, and where you can truly express yourself. This is why it is essential to have a beautifully decorated home that reflects your personality and design taste.

Home interiors play a crucial role in creating an atmosphere that promotes relaxation, productivity, and creativity. A well-designed space not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also has practical benefits. It can help improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and increase the value of your property.

Investing in interior design or home improvement projects may seem daunting at first, but it is worth it in the long run. With the right decor choices, you can transform any room into a sanctuary that feels like a true reflection of who you are. Whether it is adding pops of color, or incorporating unique textures, there are endless possibilities for creating a space that feels like home.

No. 1

Add a Touch of Nature to Your Living Space with Indoor Plants

Incorporating indoor plants into your living space not only adds a touch of nature but also has numerous benefits for your health and well-being.

From air-purifying plants to succulents, there are many indoor plants to choose from based on your preferences and the amount of light in your home. Air-purifying plants help remove toxins from the air, making them perfect for those concerned about indoor air quality.

Succulents require minimal maintenance and can add a unique touch to any room with their various shapes and sizes. For those short on space, vertical gardens are a great way to bring the outdoors inside without taking up too much room.

Whether you are an experienced plant parent or just starting out, adding indoor plants to your home can elevate its aesthetic while also providing numerous health benefits.

No. 2

Liven Up Your Walls with These Simple Tips and Tricks

Your walls are a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a stunning display of art and creativity. The right wall decor can completely transform the look and feel of your space, making it more inviting and personalized.

One popular trend is creating an accent wall, which adds depth and dimension to any room. Another option is creating a gallery wall, where you can showcase your favorite pieces in an eye-catching arrangement.

Whether you are into fine art or prefer more eclectic pieces, there are many ways to liven up your walls. For instance, an amazing artwork by renowned artists such as christopher anderson photographer can help you make beautiful focal points in your house.

With so many options available, it is easy to find the perfect wall art that reflects your personal style and enhances the overall aesthetic of your home or office.

No. 3

Brighten Up Your Rooms with These Lighting Ideas and Techniques

Lighting plays a vital role in creating the ambiance of a room. The right lighting fixtures can transform a dull and dreary space into a warm and inviting one. From lamps and shades to luminaires, floor lamps, chandeliers, and pendants—there are numerous options to choose from when it comes to brightening up your rooms.

Lighting is an essential element in interior design, and it can greatly affect the overall mood and feel of a room. Whether you want to create a relaxing atmosphere or add drama and flair to your space, the right lighting can help you achieve your desired look.

Lamps and shades are a classic choice for adding warmth and coziness to any room. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and materials that can complement any decor style. Floor lamps are also great options for providing ambient lighting while adding an eye-catching focal point.

No. 4

Rethink Your Furniture Layout to freshen up the Look of your Rooms

By simply rearranging your furniture, you can create a whole new atmosphere and vibe in your room. There are countless furniture layout ideas that can transform the way you use and interact with your space. From creating cozy conversation areas to maximizing natural light, there are many ways to make the most out of your room's layout.

Keep in mind, however, that this is not just about moving around pieces of furniture; you can also consider choosing new living room furniture, changing up the colors, or painting select pieces to add a pop of color or interest.

With just a few furniture rearranging efforts, even small spaces can feel more spacious. Applying these simple changes can completely transform a room, creating a new aesthetic to liven them up and make them feel like new.


Whether you are on a tight budget or have the means to splurge, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home is more so about expressing your personality and taste. By incorporating small additions and attention to detail, you can really transform your space and make it feel more like home.

From adding plants and artwork, to rearranging furniture and experimenting with lighting, these tips are easy to implement and will make a a lasting impression on the overall ambiance of your home.

By expressing your creativity in this process, you will discover that a home is a reflection of you—so enjoy creating your ideal living space and know that there is no such thing as perfection; every attention to detail will add up to make your space meaningful.

11 Ways to Ensure Your Home Always Looks Amazing

We all desire to come home to a place that looks sparkling clean, fresh, and inviting. Maintaining such a standard may seem difficult, especially with busy schedules, but it does not have to be. There are practical steps you can take to ensure your home always looks amazing—from effective cleaning habits to utilizing professional services, this article touches on several helpful tips.

Hello Lovely Living


Have a regular cleaning schedule

The first step to maintaining a tidy and appealing home is implementing a regular cleaning schedule. This does not have to be intensive; simple tasks like wiping down counters after cooking, doing the dishes after each meal, or vacuuming the living room twice a week can make a huge difference. Regular maintenance prevents messes from accumulating, making your home consistently pleasant and organized.

If you do not have the time to keep on top of your cleaning schedule on your own, then using maid services, if you can afford to do so, is an excellent way of ensuring everything gets done and your home stays as clean and fresh as can be no matter how busy life gets.

For larger spaces or tougher cleaning tasks, incorporating commercial floor scrubbers can be a game-changer in maintaining cleanliness. These powerful machines efficiently handle dirt and grime, especially in high-traffic areas, ensuring your home not only looks but also feels impeccably clean.


Declutter regularly

The phrase "a place for everything and everything in its place" is a golden rule for an amazing-looking home. Regular decluttering helps you maintain control over your belongings. Discard items you no longer need, and organize the remaining ones in dedicated spaces. This action not only makes your house neater but also gives it a spacious feel.


Add some green

Indoor plants do wonders for your home. They add a fresh, vibrant touch to your living space, promote better air quality, and can even boost your mood. There is a plant for every level of green thumb and for every type of room—sun-drenched or dim. Find the ones that work best for your lifestyle and your home's conditions.


Personalize your space

Your home should reflect your personality and style. Add personal touches, such as family photographs, art pieces you love, or unique furnishings that tell your story. These elements give your home character, making it more appealing and welcoming for you, your family and your guests too.


Update your lighting

Lighting plays a vital part in determining the ambiance of your property. Make sure every room has appropriate lighting: bright for the kitchen and home office, dimmable for the living room, and soothing for the bedroom. Also, take advantage of natural light. Open curtains and blinds during the day to let in sunlight, which can make your home feel airy and spacious and save on energy bills.


Freshen up with paint

A fresh coat of paint can drastically transform the look and feel of your home. Light, neutral tones can make your rooms appear larger and more welcoming. If you are feeling adventurous, you can paint an accent wall in a bold color or use wallpaper with a fun pattern.


Regular maintenance

Routine home maintenance is vital for keeping your home looking its best. Regularly check for issues such as leaky faucets, damaged paint, or broken fixtures. By catching these problems early, you prevent minor issues from becoming major headaches that tuin the state of your home.


Use aromatherapy

A beautifully scented home is an inviting one. Choose diffusers, scented candles, or incense that reflect the mood you want to create. For a refreshing and clean feel, opt for citrus or pine. For a calming environment, choose lavender or chamomile.


Prioritize high-traffic areas

High-traffic areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom can quickly become messy. Prioritizing these spaces can keep your home looking tidy. Keep surfaces clear, manage wires from electronics, and ensure these areas are well-lit.


Update your decor seasonally

Refreshing your home decor according to the season can make your space feel lively and current. Something as simple as changing your throw pillows, adding seasonal plants, or displaying holiday-themed decor can make a big difference


Utilize the right storage solutions

Effective storage solutions can help prevent clutter. Consider using decorative baskets, shelving units, or furniture with built-in storage—not only can these options help organize your belongings, but they can also serve as appealing decor pieces.


As you can see, there are a lot of simple things you can do to ensure that your home always looks, feels, and even smells amazing, and it is worth implementing as many of them as you can because when your home always feels amazing, it is much more comfortable for you, your friends, and your family to spend time in.





Force of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that pForce of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that put people, and our planet, first.

Force of Nature’s formula, made from only three natural ingredients: water, salt, and vinegar, is an EPA-registered medical-grade disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs*. It has no harmful fumes or residues to rinse.

Along with that, Force of Nature is on EPA’s approved lists for COVID-19 & Monkeypox virus. Their formula also kills respiratory viruses and the viruses that cause the flu.

To get started, all you do is order a starter kit, which includes everything you need to easily start making your multi-purpose cleaner at home, whenever you need it. Watch a demo here.


Get 40% off with code: WOWCLEAN


Plants That Improve Your Mood And Health

Do you ever feel down, anxious, or stressed? If so, you're not alone. These feelings are common and normal, but sometimes they can become overwhelming and tough to manage. When this happens, it's important to know that there are things you can do to feel better.

One way to improve your mood is to spend time with plants. That's right, plants! Just being around plants has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and it makes sense when you think about it. Plants are living things that rely on sunlight and water to grow. They produce oxygen and help purify the air. They're also known for their calming and relaxing effects.

While all plants are great, there is one very important thing you need to consider before bringing plants into your home. You need to make sure the plant you choose is safe. Some plants release toxic substances, and some are even poisonous when ingested, so this is something you need to pay special attention to if you have kids and/or animals. 

Having this in mind, here are a few plants that are known for their mood-boosting and health-promoting effects:

No. 1

Aloe vera

This plant is best known for its ability to soothe burns, but it can also help improve your mood. Aloe vera contains a compound called aloin, which has been shown to have antidepressant properties.

No. 2


These colorful plants are not only beautiful, but they're also great for your mental health. Bromeliads contain a compound called bromelain, which has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress.

No. 3


Cacti are often associated with desert climates, but they can actually thrive in any environment. These hardy plants are known for their ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

No. 4


Chrysanthemums are cheerful flowers that have been shown to boost mood and reduce anxiety. These plants contain a compound called pyrethrin, which has been shown to have calming effects.

No. 5

Gerbera daisies

Gerbera daisies are another type of flower that can help improve your mood. These plants contain a compound called geraniol, which has been shown to have antidepressant properties.

No. 6


Lavender is a popular herb that is known for its calming and relaxing effects. This plant has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. It can also help promote sleep.

No. 7

Peace lily

The peace lily is a beautiful plant that is known for its ability to purify the air and improve mood. This plant contains a compound called phenethyl isothiocyanate, which has been shown to have antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects.

No. 8

Spider plants

Spider plants are easy to care for and they're known for their ability to improve mood and reduce stress. These plants contain a compound called chlorophyll, which has been shown to have calming and relaxing effects.


How to Find the Best Plant for Your Home

Not sure which plant is right for you?

things to consider:


Your environment

Make sure to choose a plant that can thrive in your home or office. If you don't have much sunlight, opt for a low-light plant. If you have pets, make sure to choose a pet-friendly plant.

Your lifestyle

Consider how much time you're willing to spend caring for your plant. Some plants require more care than others. If you're not looking for a high-maintenance plant, choose one that is easy to care for.

Your budget

Plants can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Choose a plant that fits within your budget.

Once you've considered these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose the best plant for your needs.

Final Thoughts on Plants That Improve Your Mood and Health

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your mood and mental health, consider adding some plants to your life. There are many different types of plants that have mood-boosting and health-promoting effects. So, take some time to find the right plant for you and your home.

Week In Photos: Instagram Recap

Ok. I'm kindaaa obsessed with Instagram. AGAIN. Just when I was starting to move away from the platform, they pull me in with their new feature. Have you seen it yet? Instagram Stories. It's like Snapchat, but without the fun filters, but that's okay. In time, I'm sure they will come out with something that's as equally addicting as Snapchat. I just love how everything is on one platform now because I just can't keep up with it all. I sucked majorly at Snapchat, so I'm glad that this all happened. I also like how I am able to post things in my stories that don't need to stay on my wall because I can get pretty anal about the look and feel of my feed. In that sense, I am so loving it and plan to share a little more on there that is more candid and hopefully you can get to know me a lot better and get a better feel of the chick behind the screen. 

With all that said, I wanted to start doing a weekly roundup of my week in photos. Since I started Hello Lovely Living, I have developed a love for photography, particularly nature, styled photos, still life photography, and flat lays. I want to continue to explore where this will take me because I just love doing it, and it really gets me excited to create - be it  through taking photos, creating DIY projects, painting, writing, and the list goes on. I take photos of it all! All the photos you see here on Hello Lovely Living and on any of my social media channels were taken by me unless I specifically tag the source - then all credit goes to that person. I am all about sharing original content, so I do my best to create my own stuff. As an artist, I think creative control goes hand-in-hand, so I understand how it feels to feel proud of the things I create. It's liberating and exhilarating.

Anyway, before I go into a totally different tangent, I just thought I'd share that all with you guys. I hope you find inspiration in these images and that you get more of a glimpse into my world.  

Without further ado, last week's recap in photos. 

August 1-8 | 2016

So, did you enjoy perusing through my photos like a stalker? Kidding! I'm allowed to joke once in a while, right?! I may not be good at it, but I try! Hahaha.

I definitely enjoyed putting this together because it gives me a mental recap of my life in a way. Sometimes life can pass by so quickly, so it's nice to take a minute to reflect on the more valuable things in life like memories. It's so important to be grateful for every single thing, and I am certain this was just that exercise I needed. 

If you liked what you saw and want to stalk me some more *wink wink*, you can see the rest of my photos on Instagram and give me a follow. There, you can also take a look at my original captions, and hopefully they will inspire you in some way and give you the occasional giggle. Hope to see you there!

So, tell me, which social media platform do you prefer? I'd love to hear what you think in the comments below!

Hello Lovely Living | Sharing Is Caring

DIY Modern Plant Stand Projects Because #PlantLady
DIY Modern Plant Stand Projects Because #PlantLady |

via The House That Lars Built

Being a plant lady these days bring me great, great joy. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined how happy plants could make me, but they do.

Could I survive alone in a jungle? Probably.

Yes - that's how happy they make me, and maybe some of you can relate to my obsession.

Lately, I've been wanting to get my hands on every known modern plant stand out there at the moment.

Of course, not one of those has made its way into my home (YET), which makes me very sad.

So, in the meantime, I decided to compile a roundup of DIY Plant Stand Projects that makes waiting one more second that more bearable until my hubby lets me start on another DIY project.

Let's just say, I have a lot of projects that he'd like to see completed before I start on a new one!

Hopefully, I can start on another project soon enough once I share my latest project with you all, which I have nearly given up on but keep faith that it will soon come together. The struggle is real! #PrayForStina

I hope you find a project you like below in my latest Mode story and try your hand at it. Most of them are super easy to make. Have fun my fellow plant chicas!

Sharing Is Caring |

Cute Cactus Crafts For the Cactus Obsessed
Cute Cactus Crafts For the Cactus Obsessed

via The House That Lars Built

I have not been exempt from this cactus obsession that has swept the world of DIY and crafting. I don't know what it is about transforming something real into variations of utter cuteness, but I'm not complaining. I love anything that adds life and cheer to my world, so if cactus bring any sort of joy to my life, then so be it. I welcome them with open arms in any way, shape, or form! If you're of the same accord, I gathered some cute cactus crafts that are super easy to make and oh-so-adorbs. Check them out in my latest Mode story below!

What is your favorite cactus craft? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Botanical Shops: So Pretty You'll Want to Live There
Botanical Shop | Paiko Hawaii

Botanical Shop | Paiko Hawaii

Among the other million things I've discovered and fell in love with on Instagram are these pretty little botanical shops. They're filled with all the things I dream of - plants of all kinds, vases, pots, novelties, home and kitchen goods, plant stands, and the list goes on. I'm currently dreaming up having my own shop one day where I can fill them with everything I have come to love. Until then, the inspiration from these shops is enough to fuel me to getting there. I hope you enjoy having a look at them.

Have you ever been to a botanical shop like these? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

10 Inspiring Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Home
10 Inspiring Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Home

These Modern Macrame plant hangers are one of my favorite ways to incorporate plants into the home from this collection that I've put together. If you're looking to add plants to your home and want to explore creative ways to do so, this post is just for you. Take a look below!

Adding plants to your home can be simple, but keeping them alive - sorry, you've come to the wrong person! Haha. I am so poor at keeping plants alive, so I like to stick with low maintenance fellas like the ones I included in the story.

Well, I hope you gathered some ideas from this post. I'll be sharing a ton more of stories just like these in the coming weeks. I hope you stick around! 

Which one is your favorite? Share with me in the comments!