Posts tagged bedroom
Home Improvement For Beginners: 6 Tips From The Experts

Home improvement projects are a practical way for beginners to enhance and personalize their living spaces. These projects can range from simple decor changes to more significant renovations—each with the potential to improve the comfort and value of a home.

However, tackling these tasks requires careful consideration, especially regarding costs, which can vary widely depending on the project's scope and location. For example, homeowners in Lansdale might spend between $250 and $1,200 on replacement window installations—with the average cost around $600. This variability underscores the importance of budgeting and planning in home improvement endeavors.

If you are considering undertaking home improvement projects of your own, in this article, we provide expert tips that will guide you toward a seamless process.

No. 1

Start with a Plan

Initiating a home improvement project without a solid plan is like navigating without a map.

Start by defining the scope of your project, setting clear objectives, and establishing a step-by-step approach. This planning phase should include researching designs, materials, and the potential need for professional assistance. A well-thought-out plan provides direction and helps in managing time and resources efficiently, ensuring the project progresses smoothly.

Moreover, a comprehensive plan allows you to anticipate challenges and prepare solutions in advance. It's about understanding the sequence of tasks, estimating timelines, and arranging the necessary tools and materials. By having a detailed plan, you can approach your home improvement projects with confidence, knowing you have a roadmap to guide you through each step.

No. 2

Understanding Remodeling Costs

Home renovations come with specific costs that you as a homeowner must consider, especially for extensive projects like bathroom makeovers.

Bathroom remodeling is a popular home improvement project, but it often involves complexities that make it challenging for beginners to DIY. From plumbing to tiling, each aspect needs professional attention to ensure quality and functionality. For those considering bathroom updates, especially in Lansdale, understanding the costs involved is crucial. 

When planning a renovation, knowing the Lansdale Bathroom Remodeling cost helps create a budget that encompasses all aspects, from materials to labor. This thorough financial planning is key to avoiding unexpected expenses and keeping your project on track. It allows you to make informed decisions, ensuring that the bathroom remodel meets both your aesthetic and financial requirements.

Seeking estimates from professionals can provide a clearer picture of the potential costs. Experts in bathroom remodeling can offer detailed breakdowns, and they help homeowners make informed decisions about where to invest their money. Whether it's choosing more affordable materials or deciding to splurge on a luxurious feature, having a solid grasp of the overall cost helps in making strategic choices that align with both needs and budget.

No. 3

Prioritize High-Impact Projects

As a beginner, it's advisable to prioritize home improvement projects that will have a significant impact on your home's functionality or aesthetic appeal.

High-impact projects, such as kitchen updates or structural repairs, can enhance daily living and potentially increase your home's market value. Evaluate which projects will provide the most noticeable improvements and align with your long-term goals for your property.

Choosing the right project also involves considering the return on investment. Some improvements, for example, updating insulation or fixing a leaky roof, might not be glamorous but can offer substantial benefits in terms of comfort, energy efficiency, and preventing future costly repairs. Weigh the costs against the potential benefits, focusing on projects that will make a meaningful difference in your home living experience.

No. 4

Learn Basic DIY Skills

For those new to home improvement, acquiring basic DIY skills is a valuable step.

These skills can empower you to undertake simple repairs and upgrades yourself, fostering a sense of accomplishment and potentially saving money on labor costs. Start with fundamental tasks like painting, fixing a leaky faucet, or changing light fixtures. These tasks can serve as a foundation for more complex projects in the future.

Take advantage of the numerous resources available that help beginners learn DIY skills—from online tutorials and how-to videos to workshops offered at local hardware stores. Practicing these skills on smaller projects can build your confidence and competence, reducing the intimidation factor of larger renovations.

Overall, be cognizant of your limits and understand when a project is beyond your current skill set to avoid costly mistakes.

No. 5

Don't Overestimate Your Skills

While it's encouraging to tackle home improvement projects with enthusiasm, overestimating one's abilities can lead to frustration, subpar results, and even safety hazards.

Realistically assess your skills and the complexity of the project before starting. If a task requires specialized knowledge or tools, it might be more efficient and safer to hire a professional. Understanding when to seek professional help can save you time and money in the long run. It's beneficial to get quotes and consultations from experts for more involved projects, like electrical work or structural modifications.

This doesn't diminish the DIY aspect of home improvement; rather, it ensures that the work is done correctly and safely, protecting your investment in your home.

No. 6

Safety First

Safety is paramount in any home improvement project.

Focus on the aesthetic and functional outcomes but also ensure that you are undertaking your projects safely. This means wearing appropriate safety gear, such as goggles, gloves, and ear protection, and following safety protocols, especially when using power tools or working with hazardous materials.

It's also important to familiarize yourself with the proper operation of tools and equipment before starting a project. Never hesitate to ask for guidance or seek educational resources to understand safety precautions thoroughly. It is also wise to keep a well-organized workspace and have a first aid kit readily available to enhance safety during your home improvement tasks.


Home improvement projects offer you an excellent opportunity to enhance your home and learn valuable skills. By gaining a clear understanding of costs and developing a well-structured plan, you can approach your home improvements methodically and with ease.

By prioritizing projects that deliver substantial benefits, acquiring basic DIY skills, recognizing the limits of your abilities, and always emphasizing safety, you can ensure an efficient process. These strategies ensure that each project improves your home's aesthetics and functionality while providing a rewarding and educational experience for you, the homeowner.

All in all, engaging in any home improvement project is about making informed decisions, learning from the process, and enjoying the sense of accomplishment that comes from creating a more functional and inviting living space. So, enjoy the experience and revel in the outcome that you are sure to be proud of when it is all said and done.

Exploring Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

There's nothing quite like a truly restful night of sleep, right? Feeling refreshed and energized does wonders for your mind and body. However, many people struggle to attain quality sleep and suffer as a result.

From medical sleep disorders to lifestyle habits to environmental disturbances, all sorts of issues can mess with your sleep. While popping sleeping pills is a quick fix, you can also find natural, safer remedies to help improve your sleep.

In this article, let's explore an assortment of natural options, from supplements to winding down routines to bedroom tweaks. We'll also chat about when natural doesn't cut it and you should seek medical advice.

This article aims to provide you with strategies to achieve uninterrupted sleep, which is essential for your mind and body. Ready to start snoozing soundly and waking up refreshed? Let's get started.

No. 1


Quality sleep allows the body and mind to recharge, impacting virtually every system in the body. Getting less than the recommended 7-9 hours per night regularly can negatively affect overall health. Sleep deprivation raises the risk of medical conditions like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It also influences mood, concentration, productivity, and safety.

An estimated 50-70 million US adults have an unhealthy sleep disorder, highlighting the need for safe and effective remedies. Natural sleep aids like supplements, teas, and essential oils are popular options to help induce sleep. While these alternatives show promise, lifestyle adjustments, traditional approaches, and professional support may also be beneficial.

No. 2

The Science of Sleep

Sleep occurs in cycles throughout the night, typically in sleep stages. The first stage is light sleep, followed by deeper sleep in stages two and three. The final stage is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when dreaming is most common. Disruptions during any stage can lead to poor sleep quality.

The body follows an internal 24-hour cycle known as the circadian rhythm that regulates periods of sleepiness and wakefulness. Exposure to light, particularly blue light from screens, suppresses melatonin production which signals bedtime. Stress, medical conditions, medications, genetics, and age can also impact the sleep cycle. Understanding the science highlights the importance of lifestyle adjustments for achieving quality sleep.

No. 3

Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

While natural sleep remedies such as melatonin, valerian root, magnesium, chamomile tea, and exercise can help improve sleep quality, it's important to be aware of the potential risks of medications like prescription sleeping pills for sleep disorders and use caution. Understanding which sleeping pill is dangerous provides valuable information on the risks of sleep aids to support sleep hygiene and make informed decisions when considering both natural sleep remedies and pharmaceutical options for quality sleep and mental health. 

Evaluating the benefits and risks of various sleep aids enables the creation of an integrative sleep health plan that safely incorporates natural remedies and lifestyle changes for optimal sleep. They often contain compounds that interact with receptors in the body that influence sleep and mood. 

Here are some of the most common natural sleep aids:

  • Melatonin - This hormone regulates sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin supplements can re-adjust the body’s internal clock and are used to treat insomnia and jet lag.

  • Valerian Root - This herb interacts with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors which induce relaxation. Valerian reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and improves sleep quality.

  • Magnesium - Magnesium supports neurotransmitter production which influences sleep cycles. Supplements are effective for insomnia, especially in cases of magnesium deficiency.

  • Chamomile Tea - The antioxidants in chamomile tea promote relaxation and relieve anxiety. Drinking chamomile tea before bed is a proven way to improve sleep.

  • Exercise - Regular exercise helps deepen sleep and shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. However, vigorous activity too close to bedtime can be disruptive.

  • Healthy Sleep Habits - Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, limiting screen use at night, and creating a relaxing pre-bed routine greatly enhance sleep hygiene.

No. 4

The Impact of Diet on Sleep

Diet directly affects sleep cycles, energy levels, mood, and more. It is best to avoid large meals, excessive liquids, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and spices close to bedtime.

Here are the common effects of improper diet on sleep:

  • Digestive Issues - Large meals before bed can trigger digestive issues and acid reflux which disrupt sleep. Allow 2-3 hours for digestion before lying down.

  • Excessive Urination - Excessive fluids increase the need for nighttime bathroom trips which fragment sleep cycles. Limit fluid intake 2 hours before bed.

  • Over-stimulation - Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks stimulate the nervous system and can impair sleep quality. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm or a minimum of 6 hours before bed.

  • Gastrointestinal Upset - Spicy foods can trigger heartburn, stomach pain, and discomfort when lying down. Avoid spicy meals at dinner and especially late at night.

On the other hand, foods and drinks containing compounds that increase serotonin and GABA can improve sleep. For example, tart cherry juice contains melatonin, chamomile tea has apigenin, and kiwi offers serotonin. 

Warm milk, particularly when paired with spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, and turmeric also encourages relaxation and sleepiness. Consuming these foods and drinks 1-2 hours before bed as a light snack may help improve sleep quality.

No. 5

Risks and Considerations

While natural sleep remedies are generally considered safe for short-term use, side effects are possible. Melatonin can potentially lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea, and irritability. Valerian root may cause headaches, upset stomach, mental dullness, and heart palpitations. It is important to discuss using sleep supplements, especially long-term, with your healthcare provider.

It is important not to use natural sleep aids in children or pregnant women without medical approval. Operating heavy machinery or driving should be avoided when first using new sleep aids until any side effects are known. Never exceed the recommended dosage of supplements. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience an adverse reaction.

No. 6

The Role of Lifestyle in Sleep Quality

Sleep hygiene refers to habits that help promote consistent, uninterrupted quality sleep.

Lifestyle factors that can negatively impact sleep include:

  • Stress - High stress levels activate the nervous system making it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

  • Hormonal Imbalance - Hormonal imbalances in both men and women affect sleep patterns.

  • Irregular Schedules - Varying sleep and wake times confuse the body's circadian rhythm.

  • Screen Time - Exposure to blue light from TVs, phones, and computers suppresses melatonin production and stimulates the brain.

  • Poor Sleep Environment - External factors like light, noise, and uncomfortable temperatures disrupt quality sleep.

Making thoughtful lifestyle adjustments can have profound benefits for sleep health. For example, going to bed and waking at consistent times reinforces the natural circadian rhythm. Exercising regularly also deepens sleep. Limiting food and beverages that disrupt sleep patterns is key. Reducing screen time and creating an ideal sleep setting improves sleep quality.

No. 7

Traditional Approaches to Better Sleep

In addition to lifestyle adjustments and natural supplements, incorporating traditional remedies from ancient medicinal practices may also improve sleep.

Common natural sleep techniques include:

  • Ayurveda - Recommends a natural sleep aid called nasya which involves applying herbal oils and performing light massage on the nose and forehead before bed.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine - Advising consuming foods considered warming yang like ginger, cinnamon, and dates to balance the body’s yin and yang energies.

  • Acupressure and Acupuncture Therapies - Balance energy flow in the body to promote deep, restful sleep.

  • Aromatherapy - Essential oils like lavender and bergamot are traditionally used to create a calming state before sleep.

  • Herbal Teas - Teas made with herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower are used in many cultures for their sedating properties.

While research is still emerging on some traditional remedies, they offer additional avenues to improving sleep naturally. Consulting trained practitioners help ensure these approaches are used safely and appropriately.

No. 8

The Impact of Environment on Sleep

Surprisingly, the bedroom environment significantly influences sleep quality.

Key factors include:

  • Noise - Exposure to sounds over 30 decibels disturbs sleep. Using a fan, white noise machine, or earplugs can help block disruptive noise.

  • Light - Darkness encourages melatonin production for quality sleep. Blackout curtains or sleep masks are recommended.

  • Temperature and Humidity - The optimal temperature for sleep is around 65°F with a humidity level between 30-60% to prevent congestion.

  • Comfort - Uncomfortable mattresses and bedding disrupt sleep. Trade thick blankets for lighter sheets to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

Making simple adjustments to the bedroom setting like utilizing blackout curtains, keeping temperatures cooler, removing unnecessary light sources, and using comfortable bedding goes a long way in supporting quality sleep.

No. 9

The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep has a bidirectional relationship with mental health. Poor sleep quality can increase the risk of developing psychiatric disorders, and psychiatric conditions can lead to sleep issues.

Here are some key links:

  • Insomnia and Depression - Insomnia and depression frequently co-occur and exacerbate each other. Insomnia is a symptom of depression which can worsen the condition. Depression disrupts sleep cycles leading to insomnia. Breaking this cycle is key.

  • Emotional Health - Sleep disturbances lead to mood disturbances due to reduced serotonin and melatonin which regulate mood and circadian rhythms. Inadequate sleep inhibits emotional regulation and increases reactivity.

  • Anxiety Disorders - Inadequate sleep is linked to poor stress regulation which can trigger and worsen anxiety disorders. Hyperarousal caused by lack of sleep mimics the activated nervous system in anxiety.

  • PTSD - Conditions like PTSD feature increased nightmares and disrupted REM sleep patterns. Nightmares linked to memories and flashbacks impair sleep quality in PTSD.

  • OCD - Hyper-aroused states prevent the relaxation required for sleep onset in disorders like OCD. The need to perform rituals disrupts natural bedtime routines needed for sleep.

  • ADHD - ADHD symptoms can also lead to delayed sleep phase syndrome, where patients are unable to fall asleep until very late. Disrupted circadian rhythms lead to inattentiveness and hyperactivity.

Ensuring healthy sleep is a critical part of any mental health treatment plan. If you suffer from both poor sleep and psychiatric issues, consult your mental health provider for sleep-specific recommendations.

No. 10

When to Seek Professional Help

Occasional sleep troubles are normal. However, consistently poor sleep that impacts daily functioning warrants medical attention.

Seeking professional help is advised if you are experiencing:

  • Insomnia - Have difficulty sleeping more than 3 nights per week for over a month

  • Fatigue - Experience excessive daytime fatigue

  • Disruptions - Notice loud snoring or breathing interruptions during sleep

  • Disturbances - Have intense nightmares, behavior changes, or hallucinations

  • Depression and Anxiety - Feel depressed or anxious around bedtime

Your healthcare provider can check for underlying health issues, adjust medications as needed, and refer you to a sleep specialist for further evaluation and tailored treatment.


Getting good, restorative sleep is so important for feeling your best mentally and physically. The good news is certain natural supplements, essential oils, soothing teas, and traditional remedies can help relax your mind, ease anxiety, and improve troubled sleep.

Options like magnesium, chamomile tea, lavender oil, or acupuncture have shown promise for many people struggling to fall or stay asleep. They can be excellent ways to support quality sleep. But if you continue having ongoing sleep troubles, be sure to check in with your healthcare provider. Persistent issues may require medical expertise.

At the end of the day, making sleep a priority allows your mind and body crucial time to recharge and restore. When you're well-rested, everything feels better for your mood, focus, energy levels, and even your overall health. So invest in rest; your whole self will thank you for it.


How does light exposure impact sleep?

Light exposure, especially from screens like cell phones and computers, suppresses melatonin production which signals the body’s sleep and wake cycles. Limiting light exposure in the evenings helps maintain healthy sleep patterns.

Should I take melatonin supplements long-term?

Melatonin is considered safe for short-term use. However, it is best to consult your healthcare provider before taking melatonin supplements regularly long-term as potential side effects are not well studied.

What temperature should the bedroom be for optimal sleep?

The ideal bedroom temperature for quality sleep is around 65°F. Lower temperatures support the decrease in core body temperature needed to initiate sleep. Use comfortable breathable bedding to stay cool.

How many hours of sleep does the average adult need?

Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health, well-being, and performance. However, individual needs can vary across lifespan stages and health status. If you wake up feeling unrefreshed, aim to increase your nightly sleep time.

What is sleep hygiene and why is it important?

Sleep hygiene refers to behaviors, habits, and practices that promote consistent, high-quality sleep. It involves following a consistent sleep schedule, limiting stimulating activities before bedtime, creating an optimal sleep environment, avoiding large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime, and establishing relaxing pre-bedtime routines. Following good sleep hygiene is important because it sets the stage for more restorative sleep, leading to improved health, better cognitive functioning, mood regulation, and overall well-being.

What are the potential side effects of using valerian root for sleep?

Valerian root is an herbal supplement used to treat insomnia and improve sleep quality. Potential side effects include headache, dizziness, upset stomach, and grogginess the morning after use. Valerian can interact with other medications like antidepressants and sedative medicines. It should be used with caution in older adults and avoided entirely by pregnant or nursing women due to a lack of safety research. Mild side effects are common but valerian is considered relatively safe for short-term use.

How does magnesium contribute to better sleep?

Magnesium plays several roles in promoting sleep. It activates parasympathetic nerves which calm the body and mind, making it easier to fall and stay asleep. It also binds to GABA receptors which slows down activity between nerve cells, inducing relaxation and sedation. Magnesium deficiency can cause restlessness, insomnia, and nighttime muscle cramping. Supplementing with magnesium can help improve sleep onset, sleep time, and sleep quality.

Why is chamomile tea considered a sleep aid?

Chamomile contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that provide a mild sedative effect. It increases glycine, an amino acid that relaxes nerves and muscles. This reduces anxiety and mental chatter that can interfere with sleep. The soothing, lightly sweet flavor also cues the body to unwind. However, chamomile can interact with blood thinners and some other medications, so use cautiously.

How does regular exercise improve sleep quality?

Regular exercise helps regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle. It raises core body temperature during the day, which facilitates a drop in temperature at night needed to initiate sleep. Exercise also reduces stress and anxiety while increasing relaxation hormones like serotonin. However, working out too close to bedtime can be overstimulating. Getting exercise earlier in the day, especially morning light exposure, is ideal for sleep.

What are some dietary habits that can affect sleep?

Diets high in sugar, fat,  or carbs can negatively impact sleep. Heavy late-night meals can cause indigestion. Spicy foods may cause heartburn. Caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks act as stimulants that interfere with sleep. Eating lighter, earlier dinners and limiting liquids before bedtime can prevent nocturnal awakenings. Low-carb diets also help regulate serotonin and melatonin production.

What are the risks associated with using natural sleep aids?

While natural sleep remedies are seen as gentler alternatives to medications, they still carry risks. Herbal supplements can interact with other drugs or exacerbate medical conditions. Products lack regulation so potency and quality may vary. Overuse can lead to dependence. Almost all sleep aids, synthetic or natural, lose effectiveness over time while side effects remain. Dependency on any sleep aid inhibits the development of healthy sleep habits.

How do lifestyle factors like stress and work schedules affect sleep?

Stress increases cortisol production which interferes with natural melatonin release. Work schedules like overnight shifts disrupt the body's circadian rhythms making sleep difficult. Traveling across time zones creates jet lag that misaligns sleep-wake cycles. Prioritizing stress management, maintaining consistent sleep schedules, allowing time to adjust to new time zones, and using light therapy can mitigate these effects.

Can you share some traditional remedies from different cultures for better sleep?

Traditional sleep remedies vary across cultures but often involve herbal teas like chamomile, valerian, passionflower, lavender, or magnolia. Tart cherry juice contains melatonin. Ayurveda relies on meditation, yoga, and medicinal herbs. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on stress-relieving practices like acupressure, tai chi, and goji berry tea. Many cultures burn sage or cedar to promote relaxation before bed. Essential oils like lavender and frankincense are also commonly used.

12 Tips For Remodeling Your Bedroom

Transforming your bedroom into a serene sanctuary enhances its aesthetic appeal and also significantly impacts your relaxation and sleep quality. A well-planned remodel can turn this private space into a haven of comfort, tailored to your unique style and functional needs.

Whether you're dreaming of a minimalist retreat or a cozy haven, embarking on a bedroom remodel presents an exciting opportunity to reflect your unique tastes and create the ultimate environment for rest and rejuvenation.

From selecting calming color schemes to investing in quality mattresses, each decision plays a crucial role in crafting the perfect bedroom.

In this article, we will take a look at the essential steps to consider in the early stages of your remodeling project.

No. 1

Define Your Style and Functionality Needs

Before you start picking out paint swatches or furniture, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your desired aesthetic and what you need from your bedroom.

Are you looking for a peaceful reading nook, ample storage, or perhaps a space that serves multiple functions? Determining your style and functional requirements upfront will guide your remodeling decisions and help ensure your new bedroom meets all your needs.

No. 2

Choose a Calming Color Palette

The colors you surround yourself with can significantly affect your mood and sleep quality. Opting for a calming color palette is key to creating a relaxing bedroom atmosphere.

Soft, muted tones such as pale blues, greens, and lavenders are known for their soothing properties. These hues can help transform your bedroom into a tranquil escape, conducive to unwinding after a long day.

No. 3

Invest in a Quality Mattress

One of the most impactful investments you can make in your bedroom remodel is in a good-quality mattress. A good night’s sleep is foundational to overall health and well-being; choosing the right mattress that provides both comfort and functionality is a pivotal decision in your remodel.

The best Posturepedic mattresses can dramatically improve your sleep experience. These mattresses are designed to support and align your body correctly, potentially easing discomfort and promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

No. 4

Optimize Lighting for Relaxation

In a bedroom, where relaxation is key, it's essential to have flexible lighting options. Incorporating layers of light, from ambient and task to accent, allows you to adjust the illumination to suit any activity, whether it's reading, dressing, or winding down before sleep.

Consider installing dimmer switches for overhead lights and adding bedside lamps for focused task lighting, creating a versatile and inviting space.

No. 5

Maximize Storage Space

A clutter-free bedroom is essential for creating a peaceful environment. Maximize your storage space by considering built-in solutions, under-bed storage, or multi-functional furniture pieces like ottomans with hidden compartments.

Efficient storage solutions help keep your bedroom tidy and contribute to a more serene and orderly space, enhancing your overall comfort and relaxation.

No. 6

Select Comfortable and Stylish Bedding

Your choice of bedding plays a significant role in both the comfort and aesthetic appeal of your bedroom. High-quality, soft fabrics can make climbing into bed a luxurious experience, while the design and color of your bedding can complement your room’s decor.

Opt for materials that feel great against your skin and select a style that ties together your bedroom’s color scheme and design theme, adding both comfort and beauty to your space.

No. 7

Incorporate Personal Touches

Your bedroom should be a reflection of your personality, a space where personal tastes and treasures take center stage. Incorporating elements that are uniquely you—be it through artwork, a collection of favorite books, or heirloom pieces—can significantly elevate the comfort level of your bedroom.

By adding personal touches, you imbue the space with warmth and character, making it truly feel like your own.

No. 8

Consider Window Treatments

The right window treatments can drastically enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your bedroom. They offer privacy, and light control, and can even provide insulation.

Whether you choose flowing curtains for a soft, romantic feel or sleek blinds for a more modern look, selecting window treatments that complement your decor while serving their purpose is key.

Consider light-filtering options to gently wake up to natural light or blackout curtains to ensure undisturbed sleep.

No. 9

Focus on Flooring

Flooring plays a crucial role in the comfort of your bedroom. Soft, plush carpeting can add warmth and coziness, making getting out of bed on a cold morning more bearable. Alternatively, hardwood or laminate flooring with stylish area rugs can offer a cleaner look while still providing comfort underfoot.

Choosing the right flooring depends on your personal preference, lifestyle, and the overall design theme of your bedroom.

No. 10

Create a Reading Nook or Seating Area

If space permits, creating a dedicated area for reading or relaxing can add an extra layer of functionality and comfort to your bedroom. A cozy chair by the window, a small bookshelf, and a lamp can turn an unused corner into your favorite spot to unwind with a good book or enjoy a cup of tea.

Creating a distinct area encourages relaxation and leisure within the privacy of your bedroom, making it a versatile space for more than just sleep.

No. 11

Update Bedroom Furniture

As part of your bedroom remodel, consider buying new furniture, or updating or refinishing existing furniture to match your new aesthetic. Changing the hardware on dressers, repainting nightstands, or even investing in a new bed frame can refresh the look of your room without a complete overhaul.

Choose pieces that look great and also contribute to the organization and functionality of the space, ensuring your bedroom remains a clutter-free sanctuary.

No. 12

Add Greenery

Introducing plants into your bedroom can boost mood, enhance air quality, and add a lively touch of nature. Low-maintenance indoor plants can thrive with minimal care, providing greenery and freshness to your decor.

Besides their aesthetic appeal, plants can have a calming effect, contributing to a more relaxing and comfortable bedroom environment.


The process of remodeling your bedroom offers a unique opportunity to create a space that perfectly balances style, comfort, and personal expression. From the foundational elements of a quality mattress and optimal lighting to the final touches of greenery and personal decor, each aspect of your remodel plays a pivotal role in crafting a bedroom that’s not just a place to sleep, but a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Keep in mind that the most successful bedroom remodels are those that reflect the inhabitants' personalities and meet their needs for comfort and functionality. By carefully considering each of these tips, you can transform your bedroom into a haven that enhances your well-being and offers a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

Men And Sleep: Exploring The Causes Of Restless Nights

Are you or someone you know struggling with sleep issues? If so, you've come to the right place. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, you're not alone. As men age, it is common to face challenges getting a good night's sleep. There are numerous reasons for this – some obvious, while others are less apparent.

Here, we will discuss various factors that contribute to restless nights in men. From known causes to those hidden under the surface, we'll explore them in detail. We aim to provide clear information to help you understand and address these sleep challenges.


Common Causes of Restless Nights in Men


No. 1

Hormonal Health

Hormonal health plays a significant role in sleep quality, especially in men. A key factor is testosterone, a crucial male hormone. Men may experience a decline in testosterone levels as they age. This decrease can directly impact sleep, leading to restless nights.

It is not just about feeling tired; low testosterone can disrupt sleep patterns and affect overall well-being. Other symptoms of testosterone imbalance may include chronic fatigue, concentration problems, and more.

So, if you suspect a hormonal imbalance, you may want to consult a healthcare provider. They will conduct a male hormone imbalance test, which can be helpful. Thankfully, They will use the results to create a personalized hormone replacement treatment plan for you.

You can use the keyword 'testosterone Virginia Beach Clinic' on Google to find the nearest service provider. Hormone replacement therapies have shown effectiveness in balancing testosterone levels. As a result, patients have also seen improvement in sleep patterns and quality.  


No. 2

Lifestyle Factors

Your lifestyle choices play a significant role in deciding the quality of your sleep. Below are a few factors that impact your sleep:

● Alcohol and Smoking: More than relaxation, alcohol disrupts your sleep cycle. Likewise, smoking also hinders your ability to fall and stay asleep.

● Poor Diet: Heavy, spicy, or acidic foods before bedtime can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep. Similarly, high sugar intake can lead to energy spikes and crashes, affecting sleep patterns.

● Lack of Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes better sleep. Without it, you might find falling asleep more challenging.

● Overexposure to Screens: The blue light from screens can interfere with your natural sleep cycle. Too much screen time, especially before bed, can make it harder to fall asleep.


No. 3

Mental Health Concerns

Mental health is a critical factor that often goes unnoticed when addressing sleep issues in men. Conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress can significantly disrupt your sleep, leading to poor-quality rest.

It's a cycle: poor sleep can worsen mental health, and in turn, mental health issues can make it hard to sleep well. Also, hormonal imbalances like low testosterone contribute to anxiety, affecting your sleep further.

Many men tend to overlook their mental health, but it is important to actively seek help. Whether it is therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes, improving your mental health greatly impacts your sleep quality and overall well-being.


No. 4

Impact of Poor Sleep On Men's Health

● Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Lack of sleep can heighten the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

● Mental Health Strain: Consistently poor sleep can lead to depression, anxiety, and mood swings, impacting your daily life.

● Cognitive Impairments: This can affect your concentration, decision-making skills, and memory.

● Weakened Immune System: You become more susceptible to illnesses as your body's ability to fight infections diminishes.

● Hormonal Imbalance: Sleep deprivation can disrupt hormone production, including testosterone, affecting various bodily functions.


No. 5

Strategies for Improving Sleep

Improving your sleep quality is essential for your overall well-being. Use the following strategies to have a good night's sleep.

● Establish a Routine: Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. Consistency reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle.

● Create a Restful Environment: Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool. You may also consider using earplugs, blackout curtains, or a fan.

● Limit Screen Time: Reduce exposure to screens at least an hour before bed. Also, use this time to read or indulge in a meditative rhythm to ensure a relaxed mind.

● Exercise Regularly: Engaging in physical activity during the day can promote better sleep at night.

● Mind Your Diet: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference in improving your sleep. So, be patient and consistent with these strategies and notice the difference.



Understanding the causes of restless nights is important for men seeking better sleep and overall health. From hormonal changes and mental health concerns to lifestyle factors — various elements play a role in sleep quality.

Hence, the key is to recognize and address these issues. Whether it's adjusting your daily habits or focusing on mental wellness, small changes can make a significant difference. Remember, good sleep isn't just a luxury; it's an important component of your health. Simply put, you should improve your sleep for a healthier and more balanced life.

Revitalize and Refresh: Weekend Home Renovation Projects

The weekend is like a sanctuary after a week of work. Instead of binging another TV show, why not consider doing some home renovation?

This quick read will guide you through some enjoyable weekend projects that will spruce up your living space in no time.

No. 1

Preparing for the Renovation

Even weekend projects require planning. Like how you wouldn't bake without preparing the ingredients, it's important to have a game plan for renovations. Jot down what you want to accomplish, keeping it realistic and manageable.

Before diving in, take a moment to gather all the tools such as nuts, bolts, and widgets. It's frustrating to start removing a faucet only to realize you don't have the wrench.

No. 2

Revitalizing Your Bathroom

When you enter your bathroom, does it bring about contentment or frustration? It might be time to make some changes. A few smart and quick updates can do wonders in transforming your bathroom into a functional space.

No. 3

Updating the Faucet

That faucet has probably seen better days. Consider replacing it with something modern or choose one that reflects your style. By updating this one fixture, you can redefine the aesthetic of the room.

No. 4

Magic of Mirrors

Don't settle for reflection—let your mirror make a statement. It's time to take your mirror game up a notch and turn it into a captivating centerpiece.

Whether you opt for an eye-catching frame to adorn your mirror or replace it with an alternative, this change can truly uplift the ambiance of your room.

No. 5

Updating Accessories

Bid farewell to those towel racks gathering dust and introduce a set of storage solutions like woven baskets or minimalist wall-mounted cabinets. This isn't about tidying up; it's about creating a fashionable space.

No. 6

Revamping Your Kitchen in DIY Style

Ever noticed how new jewelry can breathe life into an outfit? The same concept applies to kitchen cabinets, knobs, and kitchen appliances. A quick swap and voila—good as new!

Consider such details as those dishwasher panels that give you outdated vibes. With a few adjustments, they'll match your cabinetry perfectly.

If you're on the hunt for components, this website has a variety of dishwasher parts to meet your needs.

No. 7

Elevating Your Living Room

Transforming your living space has never been easier with these simple enhancements:

  • Pillows - Say goodbye to worn-out throw pillows and say hello to vibrant ones that add a pop of color and texture to your couch.

  • Lighting - Elevate your lighting fixtures with something that adds character to the room.

  • Walls - Infuse your walls with artwork that tells your story.

These simple adjustments are easy to implement. They breathe life into your living space, creating an atmosphere where every element encourages conversation and comfort.

No. 8

Transform Your Bedroom into a Relaxing Haven

Revitalizing your bedroom can be as effortless as adding a headboard for a touch of sophistication. Also, think about redressing your windows—opting for curtains that elevate the ambiance of the room for an effortless enhancement.

Decluttering your bedroom is another simple way to create a sense of calmness and organization. These quick changes can rejuvenate your space. They also make every moment spent in the bedroom feel like a retreat.


There you have it—a handful of projects that promise to breathe new life into your home without much hassle. Set aside some time during the weekend to add those touches that truly transform a house into a welcoming atmosphere.

4 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Living Space

Your home is more than just a place to sleep and eat. It is where you spend most of your time, where you create memories with your loved ones, and where you can truly express yourself. This is why it is essential to have a beautifully decorated home that reflects your personality and design taste.

Home interiors play a crucial role in creating an atmosphere that promotes relaxation, productivity, and creativity. A well-designed space not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also has practical benefits. It can help improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and increase the value of your property.

Investing in interior design or home improvement projects may seem daunting at first, but it is worth it in the long run. With the right decor choices, you can transform any room into a sanctuary that feels like a true reflection of who you are. Whether it is adding pops of color, or incorporating unique textures, there are endless possibilities for creating a space that feels like home.

No. 1

Add a Touch of Nature to Your Living Space with Indoor Plants

Incorporating indoor plants into your living space not only adds a touch of nature but also has numerous benefits for your health and well-being.

From air-purifying plants to succulents, there are many indoor plants to choose from based on your preferences and the amount of light in your home. Air-purifying plants help remove toxins from the air, making them perfect for those concerned about indoor air quality.

Succulents require minimal maintenance and can add a unique touch to any room with their various shapes and sizes. For those short on space, vertical gardens are a great way to bring the outdoors inside without taking up too much room.

Whether you are an experienced plant parent or just starting out, adding indoor plants to your home can elevate its aesthetic while also providing numerous health benefits.

No. 2

Liven Up Your Walls with These Simple Tips and Tricks

Your walls are a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a stunning display of art and creativity. The right wall decor can completely transform the look and feel of your space, making it more inviting and personalized.

One popular trend is creating an accent wall, which adds depth and dimension to any room. Another option is creating a gallery wall, where you can showcase your favorite pieces in an eye-catching arrangement.

Whether you are into fine art or prefer more eclectic pieces, there are many ways to liven up your walls. For instance, an amazing artwork by renowned artists such as christopher anderson photographer can help you make beautiful focal points in your house.

With so many options available, it is easy to find the perfect wall art that reflects your personal style and enhances the overall aesthetic of your home or office.

No. 3

Brighten Up Your Rooms with These Lighting Ideas and Techniques

Lighting plays a vital role in creating the ambiance of a room. The right lighting fixtures can transform a dull and dreary space into a warm and inviting one. From lamps and shades to luminaires, floor lamps, chandeliers, and pendants—there are numerous options to choose from when it comes to brightening up your rooms.

Lighting is an essential element in interior design, and it can greatly affect the overall mood and feel of a room. Whether you want to create a relaxing atmosphere or add drama and flair to your space, the right lighting can help you achieve your desired look.

Lamps and shades are a classic choice for adding warmth and coziness to any room. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and materials that can complement any decor style. Floor lamps are also great options for providing ambient lighting while adding an eye-catching focal point.

No. 4

Rethink Your Furniture Layout to freshen up the Look of your Rooms

By simply rearranging your furniture, you can create a whole new atmosphere and vibe in your room. There are countless furniture layout ideas that can transform the way you use and interact with your space. From creating cozy conversation areas to maximizing natural light, there are many ways to make the most out of your room's layout.

Keep in mind, however, that this is not just about moving around pieces of furniture; you can also consider choosing new living room furniture, changing up the colors, or painting select pieces to add a pop of color or interest.

With just a few furniture rearranging efforts, even small spaces can feel more spacious. Applying these simple changes can completely transform a room, creating a new aesthetic to liven them up and make them feel like new.


Whether you are on a tight budget or have the means to splurge, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home is more so about expressing your personality and taste. By incorporating small additions and attention to detail, you can really transform your space and make it feel more like home.

From adding plants and artwork, to rearranging furniture and experimenting with lighting, these tips are easy to implement and will make a a lasting impression on the overall ambiance of your home.

By expressing your creativity in this process, you will discover that a home is a reflection of you—so enjoy creating your ideal living space and know that there is no such thing as perfection; every attention to detail will add up to make your space meaningful.

9 Common Summer Pests and Their Usual Hiding Spots

As the summer season approaches, so does the arrival of various pests that can disrupt our outdoor activities and invade our homes. Knowing the common hiding spots of these pests is crucial in preventing infestations and ensuring a pest-free summer.

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@lucreziaworthington showing us the beautiful view from an ex monastery converted into a wonderful, rustic hotel nestled near the hills of the Chianti Classico in Tuscany, Italy.

In this article, we will explore seven common summer pests and the usual places they hide, providing you with valuable insights to safeguard your home and enjoy the season without unwelcome guests.




Those relentless summer nuisances have specific hiding spots where they thrive. Stagnant water acts as a magnet for mosquitoes, making flower pots, bird baths, gutters, and discarded containers potential breeding grounds.

To prevent mosquito infestations, it is crucial to eliminate stagnant water sources by regularly emptying and cleaning containers, clearing clogged gutters, and ensuring proper drainage in your yard.

Additionally, keeping your lawn well-maintained, trimming tall grass, and reducing shaded areas, can discourage mosquitoes from resting and breeding during the day. Taking these proactive measures will help you create a more enjoyable and mosquito-free outdoor environment.



Ants are notorious for invading our homes in search of food, and they have several common hiding spots. These industrious insects often find their way through cracks and crevices in the walls and foundations. They may also establish nests in wall voids, behind baseboards, or underneath kitchen appliances. Outdoors, they can create colonies in the soil, garden beds, or near tree stumps.



Flies are not only bothersome but can also pose health risks as they carry disease-causing pathogens. To keep flies at bay, it is important to address the areas where they tend to congregate. Apart from garbage bins, compost piles, and pet waste, flies are often found buzzing around outdoor dining areas, especially if food is left uncovered.

By practicing proper sanitation and ensuring food is tightly covered or stored appropriately, you can significantly reduce the presence of flies and create a more enjoyable outdoor experience. Additionally, installing fly screens on windows and doors can act as a physical barrier, preventing flies from entering your home or indoor spaces.




Wasps can be aggressive and deliver painful stings, making it crucial to know where they hide. These stinging insects build their nests in protected areas, such as eaves, attics, or tree branches. They may also construct nests underground or inside wall voids. Identifying their nests early on can help you avoid unwanted encounters. Be sure to call in dependable pest control providers if you notice wasp nests near high-traffic areas or areas where you spend a lot of time, such as your backyard, patio, or near entryways.




Bedbugs, those nighttime pests that feed on human blood, have specific hiding spots in our homes. They typically reside in mattresses, box springs, and bedding, where they can easily access their human hosts. Bed Bugs also hide in cracks and crevices around the bed frame, furniture seams, and even behind wallpaper.




Ticks, the small arachnids that can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, thrive in specific environments. They typically hide in tall grass, wooded areas, and leaf litter. Ticks wait on vegetation for passing hosts to latch onto, so be cautious when spending time in areas where ticks are prevalent.




Cockroaches, the resilient pests that can cause frustration, have preferred hiding spots within our homes. They seek out warm and humid areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and kitchen cabinets. These nocturnal insects can squeeze into small cracks and crevices, making them difficult to detect and eliminate.




Spiders are commonly found in homes and gardens during the summer months. They tend to hide in dark, undisturbed areas such as closets, basements, attics and sheds. Spiders also create webs in corners, windowsills, and outdoor structures. Eliminating clutter and regularly cleaning these areas can help prevent spider infestations.




Bees play a vital role in pollination, but their presence can be concerning for those with allergies or phobias. Bees often build their nests in sheltered areas such as tree hollows, wall voids, or even underground. They are attracted to flowers and flowering plants, so gardens and outdoor spaces with abundant blooms may attract bees.



By familiarizing yourself with the common hiding spots of summer pests, you can take proactive measures to prevent infestations and protect your home. Regular home maintenance, inspections, proper sanitation, and implementing natural and effective pest control measures will go a long way in ensuring a comfortable and pest-free summer season.

Remember, early detection and prompt action are key to minimizing the impact of pests and maintaining a healthy living environment. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and enjoy a pest-free summer!





Force of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that put people, and our planet, first.

Force of Nature’s formula, made from only three natural ingredients: water, salt, and vinegar, is an EPA-registered medical-grade disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs*. It has no harmful fumes or residues to rinse.

Along with that, Force of Nature is on EPA’s approved lists for COVID-19 & Monkeypox virus. Their formula also kills respiratory viruses and the viruses that cause the flu.

To get started, all you do is order a starter kit, which includes everything you need to easily start making your multi-purpose cleaner at home, whenever you need it. Watch a demo here.




11 Ways to Ensure Your Home Always Looks Amazing

We all desire to come home to a place that looks sparkling clean, fresh, and inviting. Maintaining such a standard may seem difficult, especially with busy schedules, but it does not have to be. There are practical steps you can take to ensure your home always looks amazing—from effective cleaning habits to utilizing professional services, this article touches on several helpful tips.

Hello Lovely Living


Have a regular cleaning schedule

The first step to maintaining a tidy and appealing home is implementing a regular cleaning schedule. This does not have to be intensive; simple tasks like wiping down counters after cooking, doing the dishes after each meal, or vacuuming the living room twice a week can make a huge difference. Regular maintenance prevents messes from accumulating, making your home consistently pleasant and organized.

If you do not have the time to keep on top of your cleaning schedule on your own, then using maid services, if you can afford to do so, is an excellent way of ensuring everything gets done and your home stays as clean and fresh as can be no matter how busy life gets.

For larger spaces or tougher cleaning tasks, incorporating commercial floor scrubbers can be a game-changer in maintaining cleanliness. These powerful machines efficiently handle dirt and grime, especially in high-traffic areas, ensuring your home not only looks but also feels impeccably clean.


Declutter regularly

The phrase "a place for everything and everything in its place" is a golden rule for an amazing-looking home. Regular decluttering helps you maintain control over your belongings. Discard items you no longer need, and organize the remaining ones in dedicated spaces. This action not only makes your house neater but also gives it a spacious feel.


Add some green

Indoor plants do wonders for your home. They add a fresh, vibrant touch to your living space, promote better air quality, and can even boost your mood. There is a plant for every level of green thumb and for every type of room—sun-drenched or dim. Find the ones that work best for your lifestyle and your home's conditions.


Personalize your space

Your home should reflect your personality and style. Add personal touches, such as family photographs, art pieces you love, or unique furnishings that tell your story. These elements give your home character, making it more appealing and welcoming for you, your family and your guests too.


Update your lighting

Lighting plays a vital part in determining the ambiance of your property. Make sure every room has appropriate lighting: bright for the kitchen and home office, dimmable for the living room, and soothing for the bedroom. Also, take advantage of natural light. Open curtains and blinds during the day to let in sunlight, which can make your home feel airy and spacious and save on energy bills.


Freshen up with paint

A fresh coat of paint can drastically transform the look and feel of your home. Light, neutral tones can make your rooms appear larger and more welcoming. If you are feeling adventurous, you can paint an accent wall in a bold color or use wallpaper with a fun pattern.


Regular maintenance

Routine home maintenance is vital for keeping your home looking its best. Regularly check for issues such as leaky faucets, damaged paint, or broken fixtures. By catching these problems early, you prevent minor issues from becoming major headaches that tuin the state of your home.


Use aromatherapy

A beautifully scented home is an inviting one. Choose diffusers, scented candles, or incense that reflect the mood you want to create. For a refreshing and clean feel, opt for citrus or pine. For a calming environment, choose lavender or chamomile.


Prioritize high-traffic areas

High-traffic areas like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom can quickly become messy. Prioritizing these spaces can keep your home looking tidy. Keep surfaces clear, manage wires from electronics, and ensure these areas are well-lit.


Update your decor seasonally

Refreshing your home decor according to the season can make your space feel lively and current. Something as simple as changing your throw pillows, adding seasonal plants, or displaying holiday-themed decor can make a big difference


Utilize the right storage solutions

Effective storage solutions can help prevent clutter. Consider using decorative baskets, shelving units, or furniture with built-in storage—not only can these options help organize your belongings, but they can also serve as appealing decor pieces.


As you can see, there are a lot of simple things you can do to ensure that your home always looks, feels, and even smells amazing, and it is worth implementing as many of them as you can because when your home always feels amazing, it is much more comfortable for you, your friends, and your family to spend time in.





Force of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that pForce of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that put people, and our planet, first.

Force of Nature’s formula, made from only three natural ingredients: water, salt, and vinegar, is an EPA-registered medical-grade disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs*. It has no harmful fumes or residues to rinse.

Along with that, Force of Nature is on EPA’s approved lists for COVID-19 & Monkeypox virus. Their formula also kills respiratory viruses and the viruses that cause the flu.

To get started, all you do is order a starter kit, which includes everything you need to easily start making your multi-purpose cleaner at home, whenever you need it. Watch a demo here.


Get 40% off with code: WOWCLEAN


7 Ways To Use Mirrors To Create Good Feng Shui
Hello Lovely Living

@hellolovelyliving at Restoration Hardware Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA

If you are looking to create good feng shui in your home, you may be surprised to know that mirrors can actually be quite helpful. Mirrors have the ability to reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up a space and making it feel more open and welcoming.

Here are 7 ways you can use mirrors to create good feng shui in your home:


Hang a Mirror Near the Front Door

One of the best ways to use mirrors for good feng shui is to hang one near the front door of your home. This will help reflect any positive energy that comes into your home, as well as any negative energy that might try to enter.


Place a Mirror Opposite a Window

Another great way to use mirrors for good feng shui is to place them opposite windows. This will help reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up the space and making it feel more open and inviting.


Hang a Mirror in Your Dining Room

Hanging a mirror in your dining room is a great way to create good feng shui, as it will help reflect any positive energy that comes into the room while you are eating.


Place a Mirror in Your Living Room

Placing a mirror in your living room is another great way to create good feng shui. Mirrors help reflect both natural and artificial light, making the space feel brighter and more welcoming. They can trick your brain into giving you the illusion of more space. Also, a larger mirror fits perfectly in the living room. Installing it should not be a hassle with the help of an expert like Gatsby Glass; they have the right tools and equipment.


Hang a Mirror in Your Bedroom 

Hanging a mirror in your bedroom is a great way to create good feng shui, as it will help reflect any positive energy that comes into the room while you are sleeping. Plus, it will also help give the illusion of more space, which can be helpful if your bedroom is on the smaller side.


Place a Mirror Near Your Desk 

If you work from home, placing a mirror near your desk is a great way to create good feng shui. Mirrors help reflect both natural and artificial light, making the space feel brighter and more welcoming.


Hang a Mirror Outside 

Hanging a mirror outside is also said to be helpful in creating good feng shui. This is because mirrors have the ability to reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up any space they are placed in. Additionally, hanging a mirror outside can also help protect your home from negative energy coming from outside sources. 


As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can use mirrors to create good feng shui in your home. So, if you are looking for ways to bring some positive energy into your space, consider giving some of these tips a try!

Photo Diary: My Stay At Ours Los Angeles
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Hello Lovely Living | Design For A Better Sleep
Hello Lovely Living | Design For A Better Sleep
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Hello Lovely Living | Design For A Better Sleep
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Hello Lovely Living | Design For A Better Sleep
Hello Lovely Living | Design For A Better Sleep
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7 Nightstand Decor Essentials
7 Nightstand Decor Essentials

Believe it or not, there is a formula to designing the perfect nightstand. Explore my curated collection, and get inspired to take on your own space. Nightstands are a major part of the focal point of the room, with the bed being front and center, so you want it to be balanced and grab everyone's attention as soon as they enter the room. You also want your nightstand to speak something about you, so add your personal touches. Let's have a look at these inspiring spaces!

From simple, to elaborate, these nightstands all have on thing in common: I want them all! But really ... don't these spaces make you want to cozy on up in bed? It's amazing what a little thought can do for those small little tables to give each room character. Here's to helping you design your very own nightstands that will make your bedroom look as if it popped out of a Pinterest board! Read on for my 7 Decor Essentials.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

1. Nighstand: A stool gives this bedside a cheery, vintage vibe. The tables you choose will give your bedside character, so here are some points to help you decide what type of tables to go for. 

+ Decide what look you want to go for - perhaps a vintage and whimsical or polished and modern feel? For a vintage feel, try using a wood stump, an old chair, crates, or anything with a weathered appearance. For a more polished feel, opt for dressers with clean lines that are symmetrical. You may even combine the two and get an even more interesting outcome. Interesting alternatives: desk, stool, cabinet, dresser.                                               

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

2.  Lighting: With so many lamp styles available, look for a pair that compliment your nightstands. Wall and pendant lamps are a break from the traditional table lamp and can free up some extra table space too. Try these unique firefly lights for a more ethereal feel. It'll make your bedroom feel all fairytale-like. 

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

3. Art: Creating a gallery wall like this above your nightstand is so much fun. You may also extend it all the way around the wall above your bed if you've got the patience! If you don't think taking on a project that big is in your stars, try stacking frames on top of your nightstand instead - a very easy and casual way to display art. Incorporating some type of framed piece, whether it be a picture, art, a mirror, or another wall decor can really create a ton of visual interest in your room. 

(featured image via The Design Chaser)

(featured image via The Design Chaser)

Another way of adding art to the walls and giving a room some character and warmth is the stick on wood wall, which is higher now in play. With the help of this innovative solution, you can quickly turn any space into an inviting retreat without the cost of the old way of wood paneling.

Stick-on wood walls are quickly replacing the old as many interior designers and DIY enthusiasts turn to them for their easy application and realistic wood grain. They are not only eco-friendly and inexpensive, but they also provide a sense of rustic charm.

Minted is a great place to find tons of wall art from independent artists. Stay tuned for my upcoming post on how to create your very own gallery wall featuring beautiful art from Minted

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

4. Plant: A leafy plant like this one is one of my favorite plants to use in the bedroom. Not only will it last you longer than flowers, but it is low maintenance and won't die if you lack a green thumb (like me). Flowers are great too, but fresh is always best. Want to be different? Succulents or cactus are perfect as well, because like leafy plants, they too last long and are low maintenance. You can even try a vase filled with eucalyptus and it'll fill your room with a wonderful scent too. Don't care for plants at all - an assortment of empty vases are just as pretty.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

5. Books: Here, a floral arrangement sits atop a few monochromatic books to add height. Not only is it nice visually, but having a few good reads nearby is always a good thing, especially before bedtime to help you get relaxed for the evening. Think of books as a pedestal for whatever you place on it.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

6. Storage: Having a jewelry dish or bowl on your nightstand is a pretty way to display some of your jewelry, and of course, prevent you from misplacing those studs as you take them off before bed. A glass shadow box is another pretty way to store and display valuables on your nightstand. 


7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

7. Objects: Choose one or two small objects to place on your nightstand to add a touch of personality. Decor ideas: Candle, mug, animal figurine, shell, vase, clock, etc. Place them atop your stack of books like the above picture. 


  • Try incorporating a number of these decor essentials into your existing nightstand setup.

  • To create balance, try to design both nightstands with a unifying piece or pieces - identical tables, lamps, plants, etc.

  • You don't need to use all 7 decor items - choose a combination. Maybe you want to use a plant and some books - that works perfectly well. Get creative with your space and do what works for you. 

  • Look for items around the house. You usually have all of these items already.

Does this inspire you to update your nightstand or design one from scratch? Let me know in the comments. 

Share your nightstands with me on Instagram - tag @hellolovelyliving for me to see! <3

Featured image via The Every Girl