Posts tagged personalgrowth
Tips For Lawyers Looking To Start Afresh In A New City
HLL x  Lawyers Starting Afresh In A New City

@hellolovelyliving in downtown San Diego, CA

Starting afresh in a new city is an exciting prospect for young professionals, but the idea may be scary if you have a family. You may have qualms about finding a lucrative job, logistical challenges, and settling down in a different location. Lawyers are in a good place career-wise because the American legal landscape is thriving, so opportunities abound everywhere. You can consider relocating to expand your horizons, join your partner, or unlock better education for your kids. Let us share a few practical tips for lawyers looking to start afresh in a new city.

Start with mental prep

The first step is to start with mental prep for relocation, and it is all the more crucial if you have a family in tow. Moving to a new city means cutting your professional and social ties in your current location, which is easier said than done. Your spouse and kids may be apprehensive about the move. Moreover, plan for the financial aspects of relocation as it may cost a bit. Once you are mentally ready, you can proceed with your journey.

Research the job landscape

Researching the job landscape of your destination city is crucial. Think long-term because relocating often is not the best outcome. Even if you have a job offer, ensure you review other enticing opportunities and growth prospects in the area. Fortunately, the legal industry is well-placed in the US, so you will probably not struggle much in this context. However, you must explore all of your options and be wise about your final decision.

Connect with local recruiters

Another valuable piece of advice for lawyers looking for a move is to connect with local recruiters to find dream opportunities. After all, collaborating with legal recruiters that know Austin is the best thing to do if moving to Austin, per se. Likewise, you must do it for any part of the country. The sooner you contact a recruiter the better because landing a job beforehand always alleviates much of the burden of making a big move.

Set a realistic job search timeline

Although a local recruiter can help you get a good start, you cannot be too sure about sealing a job offer before relocating to your destination. It may happen, however, relocating before you close on a job offer is not ideal. Setting a realistic job search timeline enables you to stay afloat financially and emotionally. Build a financial buffer to cover at least a few months' expenses so that you need not have to jump on a random offer.

Invest in good networking

Good professional networking can help you get a dream start in any part of the country. Maintain positive relationships with your current employer because their recommendations and referrals can be valuable. Also, connect with legal professionals and recruiters at your destination through professional networks like LinkedIn. Starting early is a good idea because robust networking can speed up your job search prospects. Moreover, you may end up finding some friends in the new location.


Relocation is often a wise career move, but you cannot do it on the fly. Taking the necessary steps for a smooth process well in advance will help to alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes with making an advantageous move. The goal is to gain a new position that propels you even further in your career while aligning you with your personal goals as well. A few things that could be at the forefront of your mind are moving to a better environment for your family and/or substantially increasing your earnings. Whichever reason it may be for the big move, follow these simple steps to be better prepared to land that dream opportunity at your desired destination.

The Trend of Co-buying A New Home

The dream of homeownership is becoming harder and harder to achieve for many people. According to a recent real estate report compiled by Homelight, agents are starting to see that many first-time home buyers are either pausing their home search or giving up entirely. The report also reveals that this segment of homebuyers is making this decision based on the increasing costs of homes and the higher interest rates. But there is another trend that is emerging for such distressed home buyers. Instead of qualifying for homes alone, some potential buyers are teaming up with friends and family, finding a real estate agent, and making the American dream work through co-buying a home. Keep reading to learn more about this emerging trend. 

What is Co-Buying?

If you find yourself in a similar predicament and having a hard time purchasing a home in this current market, co-buying or getting a small home like a DADU may be a great option. But what exactly is co-buying? Traditionally, most home purchases have been completed by people who are spouses. However, for nearly a decade, the emerging trend has been for homeowners who aren’t married couples to purchase a home together. The pandemic and recent interest rate hikes have continued to spawn this trend as middle-class homebuyers are finding it more challenging to buy a home on their own. As a result, friends, partners, and multi-generational family members pool their money and credit together to qualify for a home they can share. They are finding this to be a much more affordable solution than renting which has soared to between 11.3 and 40 percent in some regions of the U.S. 

Why Is Co-Buying Trending?

According to a recent article by U.S News, people purchasing homes with different last names soared 771 percent between 2014 and 2021. Some believe this trend is because housing is becoming less affordable, especially for millennials. Additionally, many homeowners aren’t getting married as young or at all as the previous generations. On top of this, many new home buyers carry much more student loan debt than previous generations. With no other solutions on the horizon, friends and families decide that the best option for attaining the American dream of homeownership is to purchase a home together. Either they are buying existing homes or qualifying for newly built homes

Tips on Co-Buying

Although many potential homebuyers are waiting to see where the market goes over the next year, you may want to consider co-buying. Here are some valuable tips to consider if you wish to purchase a home with friends, family, co-workers, or a life partner. 

  • Ensure that everyone wants this long-term

  • Decide who the principal applicant and the co-applicant are when applying for a loan

  • Get a real estate attorney involved

  • Try to get a home with people who are financially responsible

  • Determine how things will be handled if someone dies

  • Figure out how to handle a roommate who refuses to pay or can’t pay bills due to job loss

  • Determine how much everyone is responsible for in terms of the mortgage, insurance, bills, etc. 


Co-buying isn’t much different than renting with roommates. The advantage is that you and your co-habitants can build equity in the home that you purchase. The equity can be split upon the sale of the house to help each other get a start on homeownership. This could be an advantageous way to navigate the present roadblocks to ownership until the current market rebounds for buyers.

Are You Attracting Good Company?
Hello Lovely living

In a world of increasing detachment, it can be difficult to tell if a person is genuine or not just from first appearances. We are all looking for a partner, friend, or colleague who will be a valuable addition to our life. We want to surround ourselves with people who are pleasant and who show good character traits.

But how do we know if a person is really worth our company and who they say they are?

A good person can be identified by their actions and how they treat others. They will follow through with their word and display characteristics that will build trust over time. They will go out of their way to help you with your needs without expecting anything unequal in return. They will act with integrity, compassion, and respect towards you and others, especially when nobody is looking.

What makes a good person?

There are many signs that show that someone is a good person. For example, they may be kind, generous, honest, and helpful. They may also be open and extremely giving of their time, money, and support to others.

The definition of being a "good person" can differ from one person to the next. There are many different ways to define what it means to be "good". However, there are some common traits that people associate with being "good".

Being kind & being nice: What’s the difference?

Being kind and nice are virtues that are good determiners of a person’s character right off the bat. These are positive indicators that display consideration in any circumstance and in any environment.

What’s the difference between being kind and being nice? Kindness is an act of selflessness that comes from within, while niceness is more of an outward display of charm or decency.

Being kind will make you feel good about yourself because it is an act of giving to others; being nice will make you feel good because it is in your best interest to do so.

Deceptiveness can be rooted-out simply by knowing the difference between a person’s kindness and niceness. A person who is deceptive may show characteristics of a nice demeanor simply to get what they want out of the interaction and for personal gain.

Knowing how to identify when someone is genuinely kind and doing things from a place of selflessness is important in being able to gauge what other character traits will follow.

Manipulation happens all the time when people want you to believe they are a good person so that you will do things in positive response to what they are trying to gain from you.

Oftentimes, this manipulation is subtle, and it may take some time before we start to see a person’s true character unfold. Their actions will start to paint a very different picture.

Setting healthy boundaries

With that being said, a person’s kindness and willingness to be supportive are indicators of a good foundation for building upon your understanding of them.

Now, let’s turn the tables. What if you find yourself in a situation where you are too kind and supportive to those you have still yet to determine value from?

Well, this can be a problem too. Knowing how to be kind and supportive without sacrificing your own needs and desires is very important to your well-being.

One thing to remember is to never be afraid to say “no”. Never say “yes” when you really mean “no”. You might not always be able to say no, and that's okay, however saying it when you genuinely do not agree is the best way to show a person that you have boundaries and limits.

It can be hard to say no, but it's important for people to know what your boundaries and limits are. This is a display of self-care, and you will be able to weed out those who are not willing to respect your needs as well.

Trust takes time. The best way to avoid being deceived or misled by others you are just getting to know is to allow for time and space to learn about them and to allow them to show themselves first before you get involved further. Gather information and let things develop. You may even want to look into doing a search of public records, especially for business dealings.

If you’re just getting to know someone and don’t trust them yet, start with building strong open communication. At a bare minimum, open and solid communication should be the first thing we look for in validating a person’s intent. If they can’t provide for a basic need such as communication at the very beginning, this is a serious red flag.

Allow this to happen prior to you engaging in a more serious personal or professional partnership or relationship that way the substance of your interactions is built on a solid foundation. When someone knows exactly who you are and what you are trying to achieve in your interaction, you will have fewer questions posed later on, and you can expect the exact same from them in return.


Know how to identify the difference between a kind and a nice person, set healthy boundaries, and build upon open communication from the beginning.

Overall, a good person can be defined by five key qualities:

  1. The ability to show genuine empathy towards others.

  2. The ability to be honest and trustworthy.

  3. The ability to act with integrity.

  4. The ability to be kind and compassionate.

  5. The courage to do what is right at all times.

Feel More Confident Everyday
Hello Lovely Living | Feel More Confident Everyday

Confidence spreads like wildfire. It is a trait that all leaders have in common, and it is crucial for your career, your overall quality of life, and ultimate success. Confidence can also be difficult to develop for some, and innate for others. If you often succumb to self-doubt, it can feel like a very painful, uphill battle. However, if you develop this area regularly and practice healthy habits to maintain your confidence, you will attain the confidence you desire. You must work on loving yourself and being happy with who you are. Once you have done that, you have won half the battle, and you can work on believing in your abilities even further. Follow these simple steps to go down this path and be surprised at what a difference it makes in building your confidence.

No. 1

Adopt a health-conscious beauty routine

Developing healthy habits is a fundamental way to feel good about yourself. From your diet to your beauty routine, practicing healthy habits daily will take you further in gaining confidence than any piece of clothing will. Whatever we ingest shows up on the exterior more than we care to admit. If we pay attention to this simple fact, we can avoid many common stresses that have a significant effect on our confidence as a whole. For one, the types of foods we eat play a crucial role in our outer appearance and confidence. In particular, switching to a fruit and vegetable-based diet will provide phenomenal results in your energy levels, and in effect will cause you to be healthier and more prepared to present your best self to the world.

Similarly, improving or changing your diet can help you manage your weight, clear up your skin, address health concerns, and help you feel great on a daily basis. If you wash and moisturize your face twice daily and work on combatting acne or any other skin conditions, you can ease through a more natural beauty routine rather than just relying on makeup to cover up underlying issues. All you need to do is start focusing on perfecting a beauty routine that is naturally healthy for you in the long run. Additionally, simply understanding the importance of proper water intake can make all the difference in our body’s ability to function optimally. So, if you are concerned about your skin and overall health and how that affects your confidence levels, simply drink more water daily.


Learn Something New Every Day

Learning is a very powerful and empowering activity that we can partake in every single day. To start, read and develop your communication skills and knowledge base, or take classes and improve your social skills. If you do these things regularly, you will find that you have more to offer, and that is what builds confidence over time. Get out there into the world and learn about things first-hand or enjoy a documentary after work. By learning something new every day, you better yourself every day. The result is an empowered feeling over time, and it is a great way to build confidence, effortlessly. Find what you enjoy learning about and make it a natural fit in your daily life. Knowing that you are invaluable with so much to offer the world and others will enable you even further along your confidence-building journey. We like to feel needed and have the persistent desire to feel heard, noticed, and appreciated. Doing the above will provide a way to achieve that in any environment. Challenging your brain daily is also a great way to keep it active and engaged in any and every situation.

No. 3

Be mindful of your appearance

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “first impressions matter.” Well, this is a very true statement because as human beings, we subconsciously judge appearances all the time. It’s a natural way for us to gather information about a person, place, or thing based on appearances first. In that regard, fashion is a way to express who you are without even speaking. We can be happier with who we are and how we present ourselves if we let our creativity and individuality shine through in the way we present ourselves and maintain our appearance consistently. It might sound vain, but feeling good about how we look is an important part of loving ourselves.

If your current attire does not reflect your genuine sense of style or taste, it may reflect negatively on the way you present yourself to the world. You may not feel as confident when meeting people for the first time or you may not have a cohesive first impression that matches other obvious reflections of yourself. If this is the case, you can apply simple changes. For example, this is especially true if your clothes are too tight or make you feel uncomfortable. Dressing for your body type is the best way to feel good in your clothing, look better, and acquire more overall confidence. Look for clothing that feels comfortable and looks good on you, not just what is trending at the moment. Spend some extra time and effort on identifying common dressing troubles such as the best bras for large busts or finding brands that cater to your particular body shape or type.

No. 4

Travel alone

If you really want to test your confidence and build it at the same time, travel alone. Solo travel, especially if you are a woman, is often seen as dangerous or taboo, but it can actually be one of the best ways to travel the world and cultivate your independence. After all, when you are by yourself, you have more incentive to make friends along the way. You are in charge of your future and your safety, and getting through your trip and enjoying it is one of the most empowering things you can do for your self-development. You are completely in charge of your own decisions, and you must learn to rely on yourself and the decisions you make along the way. This will in turn give you confidence in your own decisions after you finish your adventures, and everyday life will suddenly seem that much easier.


There is no right or wrong way to become more confident. In fact, the only thing that matters is that you believe in yourself and know your worth. Each of us has so many reasons to believe in ourselves and to feel empowered because we all possess unique gifts that equip us for our life experiences. Allow yourself to naturally discover the things that make you feel distinct from the rest, then focus on that as the mechanism upon which your confidence is built. Only you know the answer to that. Once you go inside yourself, you will be able to lift whatever hinders you so that you can reveal your true nature and self. You deserve to become the confident, independent person you dream you can be. Look within.

3 Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Life

Have you ever heard the saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” or “I am the way I am”?

These sorts of sayings are there to convey a very specific message—namely that there’s a particular status quo in effect specifically with regard to someone’s behaviors, lifestyle, and personality traits—and that this status quo simply can’t, or shouldn’t be tampered with.

Sometimes, these phrases will be trotted out by people who are nervously trying to prevent “friends” or family members from embarking on ambitious campaigns to change or improve their lives, but more often, people will apply these catchphrases to themselves in order to justify why they are avoiding the hard work of trying to pursue self-improvement in one way or another.

Sometimes, we are resistant to embarking on a self-improvement crusade, because we are fundamentally insecure about our ability to actually make meaningful changes and get the most out of life and don’t want to have to confront the possibility of failure head-on. Even pain you’ve lived with all your life like TMJ pain and chronic jaw pain can be resolved with the right treatment.

At other times, we may be jaded enough to genuinely believe that any such effort is ultimately pointless and that we are just stuck being the way we are, come hell or high water.

Ultimately, though, a life that is lived based on the assumption that self-improvement is impossible is bound to be a deeply unfulfilling, stressful, and nihilistic life, in a variety of ways. On the other hand, believing that you have the ability to steer the ship of your life as you see fit is a recipe for improved autonomy, happiness, and achievement.

So, if you’ve been telling yourself negative things about your own ability to change your circumstances, here are a few reasons why it’s never too late to improve your life.


Because it’s a big world, and it’s guaranteed you haven’t tried every solution yet

Here’s a pretty undeniable point: It’s a big world, and the world is full of all sorts of different people, pastimes, careers, productivity, lifestyle strategies, and so on.

If you feel as though there are specific problems in your life that are insurmountable, a clear question to ask before you allow yourself to surrender hope is “have I tried every possible solution yet?”

No matter who you are, no matter what specific situations you are faced by, it is guaranteed that you have not, in fact, explored every potential avenue, or tried every potential solution.

If you’ve tried many different things in order to address a particular problem in your life, and those things haven’t worked, the most empowering and accurate way to look at that situation isn’t “there’s no way for me to get past this,” it’s “I’ve found a bunch of ways that don’t work, so I must be getting closer to some solutions that do work.”

Giving up early is a choice. It’s a way of relieving yourself of the responsibility of having to keep pushing forward. But it’s not inevitable, and it’s unlikely to ever be due to the fact that you’ve actually tried everything, and just haven’t found a solution.


Because anything you do to make things better, even by a small degree, will create a positive ripple effect

It is possible to end up in a situation in your life where you feel that there is no way that you could really make dramatic and sweeping changes to the way things are or achieve enormous things in a certain span of time.

Even assuming that these points were true, however—and there’s no reason to assume they are—this still overlooks the fact that even the smallest possible actions you could take on a daily basis, such as consulting an anti-procrastination helper, would have a significant impact that could reach far beyond your own personal life.

Something as simple as mowing your lawn can motivate your neighbors to do the same and might end up changing the entire neighborhood, in a subtle but meaningful way. Likewise, taking small steps to get your own life in better order can dramatically improve the net happiness of the people who love and care about you, and who are invested in your well-being.

There’s a powerful reason why it’s never too late to improve your life—because you don’t need to suddenly become the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company in order for any change or improvement you make to be deeply meaningful. You just need to do something—anything at all—in order to make things a bit “better,” and you will create a ripple effect that can spread further than you might ever have imagined.


Because changing the kind of person you are has more to do with your daily systems than your overarching goals

A lot of the most successful and renowned people in the world, in different domains, had no idea that they were on track to achieving that success, until it one day “happened” as if by magic.

There are plenty of world-renowned authors, musicians, and other acclaimed public figures, who were just “doing their thing,” and then eventually became rich and famous because of it.

The reason why this can happen is that becoming a certain kind of person has a lot more to do with your daily systems and habits than it does with your overarching goals.

Many people set very ambitious goals for themselves, and of course, far fewer people actually achieve those lofty goals. If you set yourself a goal such as “I will be a million-dollar painter within three years,” you may well not achieve that goal. But, if painting is something that means a lot to you, and you set yourself a daily “system” or “habit” of painting for an hour or two every day, your life will improve in various ways, thanks to that. And, maybe you will end up becoming a great success as a result of it.

One of the major implications of this is that “transforming your life” for the better, doesn’t have to mean “achieving an ambitious goal” at all. It can—and generally should—mean changing the kind of person you are today, in terms of your everyday actions. And the effects of doing this can be quite tremendous.