Posts in inspiration
How Moving Can Change Your Lifestyle For The Better

Relocating to a new place is more than just a physical move; it’s a transformative journey that can significantly impact your lifestyle. This is particularly true for vibrant cities like Miami, known for their unique blend of cultures, climates, and opportunities. 

Embracing a new environment offers a chance for personal growth, a shift in perspective, and an array of new experiences. This article delves into how moving, especially to a city like Miami, can positively change your lifestyle, highlighting the benefits and the importance of a well-organized moving process.

No. 1

A Fresh Start: Opportunities for Personal Growth

Moving to a new city like Miami is akin to turning a blank page in the book of your life. It presents a unique opportunity for personal growth. The diverse and dynamic environment of Miami, with its rich cultural history and bustling urban life, offers endless opportunities for self-discovery and development. 

Here, you can redefine yourself away from the confines of your old routines and familiar settings. The act of relocating forces you to step out of your comfort zone, challenging you to adapt and grow.

In Miami, the sunny weather and beautiful beaches offer a natural incentive for a more active and health-conscious lifestyle. The city's focus on outdoor activities and fitness can inspire you to adopt healthier habits. 

Furthermore, the vibrant art scene, diverse culinary offerings, and rich cultural events provide avenues for intellectual and creative stimulation. Immersing yourself in this new setting fosters a sense of exploration and curiosity, which is crucial for personal growth.

No. 2

Streamlining Your Move: The Role of Local Movers

When it comes to relocating, the process itself can be as impactful as the destination. A smooth and stress-free moving experience sets a positive tone for your new life in Miami. This is where the importance of hiring local movers becomes evident. 

Local movers, familiar with the city’s layout and logistics, can make the moving process more streamlined and organized. For instance, Miami long distance moving companies specialize in handling the unique challenges of relocating in and out of the city. They can provide valuable insights and services that cater to the specific needs of moving in Miami’s urban landscape.

Local movers offer a range of services that can significantly reduce the stress and physical strain of moving. From packing and loading to transportation and unpacking, their expertise ensures that your belongings are handled with care and efficiency. 

This organized approach not only safeguards your possessions but also allows you to focus on the excitement of starting anew in Miami. With the logistical aspects in capable hands, you can direct your energy towards exploring your new neighborhood, acquainting yourself with the local culture, and envisioning your new lifestyle.

No. 3

Cultural Integration: Embracing Miami’s Diversity

Miami is a melting pot of cultures, and moving here offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in its diverse community. This cultural integration can be a significant lifestyle change, exposing you to new perspectives, traditions, and ways of life. 

The city's diverse population, ranging from vibrant Hispanic communities to various other ethnic groups, enriches your understanding and appreciation of different cultures. By engaging with the community, attending cultural events, and trying out various cuisines, you open yourself up to a world of new experiences.

The multicultural environment in Miami also encourages tolerance and inclusivity. It's a place where you can freely express your identity while respecting and learning from others. This cultural exposure can lead to a more open-minded and empathetic worldview, an essential aspect of personal development.

No. 4

Building Connections: Networking and Social Opportunities

Relocating to Miami brings numerous opportunities for networking and building new social connections. The city's dynamic social scene, professional opportunities, and community events provide platforms to meet people from various backgrounds and industries. 

Whether it's through joining local clubs, attending social gatherings, or participating in community projects, Miami offers numerous ways to build a robust social network. These connections are not just beneficial for professional growth but also for creating a support system in your new home. 

No. 5

Exploring Miami's Dynamic Job Market: A Gateway to Career Advancement

One of the most exciting aspects of moving to Miami is the opportunity to explore its dynamic job market. This city, known for its thriving tourism, finance, and international trade sectors, offers a plethora of career opportunities that can significantly enhance your professional life. The diverse economy not only provides a wide range of job options but also fosters a competitive environment conducive to career growth and advancement.

In Miami, you're not just confined to a single industry or role. The city's economy is characterized by its versatility, ranging from startups and tech companies to established financial institutions and hospitality giants. This diversity allows for cross-industry opportunities, where skills and experiences from one sector can be leveraged in another, encouraging professional versatility and growth.

Additionally, Miami's status as a hub for international business provides unique opportunities for global networking and exposure, which can be pivotal for career advancement.

No. 6

Health and Wellness: Embracing Miami's Active Lifestyle

Another significant lifestyle change that comes with moving to Miami is the shift toward health and wellness. The city's year-round warm weather and scenic landscapes encourage an active outdoor lifestyle, which can have profound effects on your physical and mental well-being. 

Miami's beaches, parks, and recreational areas provide ample opportunities for activities like jogging, swimming, cycling, and yoga, making it easier to incorporate fitness into your daily routine.


Moving to a new city, especially one as lively and diverse as Miami, can significantly enhance your lifestyle. It's a journey that encourages personal growth, cultural integration, social networking, and adopting healthier habits. While the moving process can be challenging, utilizing the expertise of local movers can ensure a smooth transition. Embracing this change can open doors to a world of new experiences, helping you to grow and thrive in your new environment. In Miami, the possibilities are endless, and the change in lifestyle can be profoundly positive.

Cheer Up: How To Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down

Alright, so life just threw you a curveball, and you're sprawled out on the proverbial floor, eating proverbial dirt. Ouch! We have all been there. But hey, life happens, and more importantly, recovery happens. So, if you're currently chilling on rock bottom (or maybe just a bit below your usual awesomeness), here's your guide to getting back on your feet along with a little humor to lift your spirits!

No. 1

Embrace Your Inner Turtle

Did you know that turtles, when flipped on their backs, can do a wild neck stretch and rocking maneuver to right themselves? It’s all sorts of wacky-looking but super effective! So, when life's got you down, channel your inner turtle. It might take a wiggle, a stretch, or even a good old-fashioned flail, but you've got this.

No. 2

“Belly-Laugh” Therapy

Alright, so maybe you don't feel like laughing. But hear us out. Binge on your favorite comedy, be it stand-up, sitcoms, or those weird internet memes. Laughter, even if it starts forced, releases feel-good hormones. Soon, you'll find yourself laughing genuinely. And hey, life might just seem a smidge brighter after a hearty chuckle! It might not be as comprehensive as real therapy from (which is great if things are really tough and you can’t bounce back), but laughter does have a scientific basis for boosting mood, so ha ha ha away!

No. 3

The “Superhero Pose” is Legit

Stand in front of a mirror, feet apart, hands on hips, chin up, chest out. Hold it for a minute. Feel silly? Good. Now, notice that tiny spark of confidence? Superheroes get knocked down all the time, but they always get back up, often in style.

No. 4

Dance Like a Deranged Starfish

Music has healing powers. Throw on your jam and dance. Badly. Energetically. Emotionally. Like no one’s watching. Even if it’s just flailing arms and awkward leg movements. Let go of perfection, and let the rhythm guide your soul (and feet). You’ll soon feel so much happier and healthier.

No. 5

Seek Your Hype Crew

Your peeps, your tribe, your fam. Call them, text them, send a pigeon, whatever! Just connect. Let them remind you of your awesomeness. Vent, cry, laugh. And if you're feeling extra dramatic, reenact the scene where life knocked you down—theatrical effects and all!

No. 6

Redefine “Rock Bottom”

Rather than a place of despair, think of rock bottom as the coolest underground club where personal growth happens. You’re VIP, and the only way out is up. Plus, once you've hit the floor, you've got a solid base to springboard off!

No. 7

Accept the “Blob” Days

We all have 'em—days when getting out of bed seems like running a marathon. Allow yourself to have a blob day. But, set a limit. One day? Two days? Once you reach the limit, make small moves—even if it's just moving from the bed to the couch.

No. 8

Nature, Nature, Nature

Mother Earth has an incredible knack for healing. A walk in the park, a brief moment under the sun, or simply staring at clouds can have you feeling more grounded. Remember, nature’s had its fair share of storms, yet it stands tall and blooms. So will you.


No matter what you’re facing today, know that there’s always an opportunity to find the humor in the twists and turns that life can often take you on. Another day, another lesson, right? Eventually, once we come to the realization that life is always going to be full of surprises, we will grasp what it truly means to live.

The fact of the matter is that life is always going to provide contrast, and that is not entirely a bad thing. Depending on your chosen perspective of how to process what comes, hopefully, you will emerge with a greater understanding of yourself and the innate strength that you possess.

Things may get challenging, but isn’t that what life’s about? You may get knocked down, but you can always get back up again!

5 Ways To Capture Your Thoughts And Visualize Your Ideas

Oftentimes, our creative minds can feel overwhelmed. We live in a digital world surrounded by stimuli, and our minds have gotten used to operating at top speed, often making it difficult to process information at the rate at which it is being created. Our thoughts can race at a hundred miles an hour, and creative ideas can get lost amongst the chatter, so how can you make sure to capture moments of innovation and visualize your ideas to give you some much needed mental clarity? 

No. 1

Carry a small notebook with you to capture your thoughts

Creativity and moments of genius can strike at any moment—on the bus, over a coffee, while you’re in the supermarket or sitting at your desk answering emails. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ll remember these ideas later, write them down straight away and then revisit them when you have time to properly consider them and give them the attention they deserve. The easiest way to make sure you’re always prepared to take note of any inspiration is to carry a small notebook with you in your pocket or handbag or to install a note-taking App that can be easily accessed on your phone. Whether you choose to write your notes down or type them into your phone will largely depend on what kind of person you are. Some people find that the action of writing something down can help to solidify it in their brain, whereas others find that they are more efficient using a digital device. Most phones have note-style Apps built-in, but be sure to put the shortcut on your home screen to make it easy to access on-the-go.

No. 2

Write to-do lists to stay focused

With so many things on our minds and new stimuli coming in every second, it can be all to easy to forget our everyday tasks and live in a perpetual sense of catch-up. Make room in your brain for creativity and new ideas by writing down your daily to-do list. This will not only free up your mental space for moments of inspiration, but it will also ensure that you don’t keep missing important deadlines and dates or letting daily chores rack up. Along with a to-do list, another great tool to make use of is a calendar, whether that be on your phone or combined with your to-do list. Calendars are lifesavers for people from all walks of life, and the best way to store important dates and set reminders for events or deadlines, which you may otherwise forget.

No. 3

Make use of mind maps to visually organize information

Freeing up your mental space for new ideas and creativity is all well and good, but how can you expand on those ideas and make sure you efficiently and effectively digest them when they arise? The answer is through the use of mind maps. Mind maps are diagrams that can help to organize information and show relationships between ideas or concepts. One of the most common types of mind maps is the spider diagram, but mind maps come in all shapes and sizes depending on the type of information you are trying to display and the relationship between its parts. Because of the sheer volume of ways in which information can be displayed in a mind map, they can seem a little daunting, so check out this article if you want to find out how to get started creating one for yourself -

No. 4

Slow your mind down

The speed at which our minds are working, and the sheer volume of stimulus they need to work through in a day, can make it hard to capture our thoughts and visualize our ideas, so it’s important to find ways to help our minds slow down and focus on what matters. Mindfulness and meditation are two of the things that people tend to turn to when slowing their minds down. Mindfulness is the practice of living in the present, switching off thoughts about the past and future, and connecting with the hear and now and often revolves around a connection with your breath. Meditation can sometimes incorporate mindfulness and involves the practice of achieving mental clarity by focusing the mind on a particular object or activity, such as your breathing when practicing mindfulness.

No. 5

Practice visualization techniques

Although mind maps are a kind of visualization, you can also practice visualization without a diagram through the practice of visualization techniques. In essence, visualization is like creating a mind map in your mind; you may picture a scene, object or idea, and then explore it mentally in the same way as you would on paper. Alternatively, visualization can also be used in collaboration with meditation in order to allow your thoughts to organically do what comes naturally. These visualizations that occur during mediation are a great way to gain insight into your brain as they are not constructed and instead occur through their own merit.  

inspirationHLL x Contributor

Level Up Your Creativity With These Helpful Tips

Everybody has had moments where their creativity becomes drained. One moment, you're on the top of your game, and the next, you're struggling to come up with ideas and continue with what you need to do. This is especially true for writers, and even more so for writers who have to keep up with the workload. Sometimes, staying productive and creative is hard, but it is possible to move past a creative block and get back to blowing through projects. 


In fact, there are many ways to level up your creativity, including:

Getting Out Of Your Zone

Everyone has a zone or a place that they usually work in. For many, it's a room in their house where they feel comfortable and have what they need. However, sometimes this zone gets boring, and boredom could easily wreak havoc on your creativity. To try to displace this and unblock your creativity, try heading outside. Nature provides the perfect backdrop for inspiration. Find someplace new to sit and enjoy yourself, bring your laptop or notebook to a park or a new coffee shop, and just take in being somewhere new. You just may find that it helps beat your creative block in just one go.


Try Supplements

With so many productivity-inducing supplements on the market today, it’s always worth a try with something new, such as a nootropic supplement. These "smart drugs" can do wonders for creativity. However, trying them is the only way to know if smart drugs help with creativity as there are a lot of different types and ways to take them. Read more about them and consider exploring different supplements. You may be surprised at how much they help you blast past that creative block. 

Put On Music + Have Fun 

Sometimes the best cure for a creative block is to have fun. By giving yourself a break to have fun, maybe even dance around your room, you'll release all of the tension. Tension is a major creativity killer. Playing music may also help you get through a creative block, as music has been known to activate certain parts of the brain and aid thought and mood control. Because of this, playing a favorite album or two may not only boost your enjoyment, but it just may help get your gears turning once again. 



Many people find that entering some sort of creative collaboration will help break their creative block and boost their overall creativity in general. Find someone you enjoy working with and try starting a new project (learn how to start a craft business), even if it's just for fun, like writing a role-play together or taking on a new, fun project. This little exercise may reinvigorate your creativity, and may even be a lot of fun too, which is never a bad bonus.


There are plenty of good ways to help boost your creativity, and not all of them will work for you. Never fear though, because chances are that something will work for you. Whether it be a supplement, music, taking a walk, starting something new, or even just reorganizing the room you work in. No matter what method works best for you, always remember that every creative person goes through periods of low creativity and that you'll eventually get out of it soon.

inspirationStina X

Get The Job You Really Want
Hello Lovely living

It can be relatively easy to find yourself slipping into a career when you’re fresh out of college. While still trying to get your feet on the ground, you’re forced to make a huge life decision based on little more than the degree you have earned, where you live, and how desperate you are to get some cash in your bank account. You may find yourself taking the first job that you are offered, or perhaps you opt for the position that gives you the largest wage. However, are these really the best reasons to select your first job role? Fast forward a decade, and you may find yourself in a role that you hate, a career that you wish you hadn’t chosen, and a professional existence that you feel stuck in.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There is no such thing as a job for life anymore, and more and more people are choosing to switch careers in their twenties, thirties, and forties. You can do the same. All you need to do is make sure that you are proactive and seek out opportunities that will transform your professional life. Take a look at these three sure-fire ways to get the job that you truly want.

No. 1

Get skilled up

Changing careers will inevitably require you to retrain. This can be daunting, especially if you need to commit to a few years’ worth of study. However, many degrees now, like the ones offered by the University of Southern California, can be completed online rather than by attending a physical campus. This gives you greater freedom to study from home while you are still working in your current role. While this position might not be thrilling for you, it is ideal to ensure that you are still getting paid while you retrain for a brand new career.

When swapping to a career not linked to your current one, you may have to enroll in a variety of courses. People who have slipped into a teaching career and now want to be doctors will need to undertake specific qualifications in order to practice and get the job that they want. Retraining may sound like a lot of hard work, and it’s true that you will need to commit to a couple of years of qualifying rather than simply walking into a role. However, in the grand scheme of things, this is a couple of years out of your life when you have a further thirty years or more of working in a role that you should enjoy.

No. 2

Join a recruitment consultancy

Recruitment consultants are given quite a hard time by those seeking a new job. Job seekers will often provide a recruitment consultant with a concise and nuanced wish list for a role, only to be offered something dramatically unrelated. However, find yourself a good recruitment consultant, and they could be worth their weight in gold. Find a specialist consultancy that only sources for positions in your chosen industry. Go into their offices and meet your consultant in person. Show them your resume, and take their advice on how to enhance it. Complete courses, get the necessary qualifications, and change the formatting as advised.

When a recruitment consultant puts you forward for a position, it’s time to brush up on your interview skills. Follow a format to answer each question. The STAR strategy is effective as it helps you to structure your answers effectively. You will describe the situation, detail the task, explain your action, and demonstrate the result. This keeps your answers focused and nuanced. Some recruitment consultants will even hold a mock interview for you to help boost your confidence and give you a dry run, especially if you haven’t been for an interview for a few years.

No. 3

Gain experience

While work experience can be impossible to obtain, especially when you already have a full-time job, you can shadow a professional in a voluntary capacity. This may require you to take a couple of weeks of vacation to achieve, but this will be invaluable to your resume. Even if you usually work as an advertising executive, for your voluntary shadow experience, you could be working alongside a florist, a teacher, or a lawyer. It’s up to you to find these opportunities for yourself. So, write to local companies that you are interested in working for, and get your foot in the door. Many employers are eager for unpaid help, so you have nothing to lose in sending off some speculative emails.


While you may feel stuck in your current career, don’t feel like you can’t do anything about it. Your career is not set in stone, and it’s okay to shift and morph from one job role to another. Think about what is important to you, strive for a decent work-life balance, and work towards finding your dream job as part of your ideal career path.

To gain experience, you can look for job opportunities on specialized sites like Jooble.

3 Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Life

Have you ever heard the saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” or “I am the way I am”?

These sorts of sayings are there to convey a very specific message—namely that there’s a particular status quo in effect specifically with regard to someone’s behaviors, lifestyle, and personality traits—and that this status quo simply can’t, or shouldn’t be tampered with.

Sometimes, these phrases will be trotted out by people who are nervously trying to prevent “friends” or family members from embarking on ambitious campaigns to change or improve their lives, but more often, people will apply these catchphrases to themselves in order to justify why they are avoiding the hard work of trying to pursue self-improvement in one way or another.

Sometimes, we are resistant to embarking on a self-improvement crusade, because we are fundamentally insecure about our ability to actually make meaningful changes and get the most out of life and don’t want to have to confront the possibility of failure head-on. Even pain you’ve lived with all your life like TMJ pain and chronic jaw pain can be resolved with the right treatment.

At other times, we may be jaded enough to genuinely believe that any such effort is ultimately pointless and that we are just stuck being the way we are, come hell or high water.

Ultimately, though, a life that is lived based on the assumption that self-improvement is impossible is bound to be a deeply unfulfilling, stressful, and nihilistic life, in a variety of ways. On the other hand, believing that you have the ability to steer the ship of your life as you see fit is a recipe for improved autonomy, happiness, and achievement.

So, if you’ve been telling yourself negative things about your own ability to change your circumstances, here are a few reasons why it’s never too late to improve your life.


Because it’s a big world, and it’s guaranteed you haven’t tried every solution yet

Here’s a pretty undeniable point: It’s a big world, and the world is full of all sorts of different people, pastimes, careers, productivity, lifestyle strategies, and so on.

If you feel as though there are specific problems in your life that are insurmountable, a clear question to ask before you allow yourself to surrender hope is “have I tried every possible solution yet?”

No matter who you are, no matter what specific situations you are faced by, it is guaranteed that you have not, in fact, explored every potential avenue, or tried every potential solution.

If you’ve tried many different things in order to address a particular problem in your life, and those things haven’t worked, the most empowering and accurate way to look at that situation isn’t “there’s no way for me to get past this,” it’s “I’ve found a bunch of ways that don’t work, so I must be getting closer to some solutions that do work.”

Giving up early is a choice. It’s a way of relieving yourself of the responsibility of having to keep pushing forward. But it’s not inevitable, and it’s unlikely to ever be due to the fact that you’ve actually tried everything, and just haven’t found a solution.


Because anything you do to make things better, even by a small degree, will create a positive ripple effect

It is possible to end up in a situation in your life where you feel that there is no way that you could really make dramatic and sweeping changes to the way things are or achieve enormous things in a certain span of time.

Even assuming that these points were true, however—and there’s no reason to assume they are—this still overlooks the fact that even the smallest possible actions you could take on a daily basis, such as consulting an anti-procrastination helper, would have a significant impact that could reach far beyond your own personal life.

Something as simple as mowing your lawn can motivate your neighbors to do the same and might end up changing the entire neighborhood, in a subtle but meaningful way. Likewise, taking small steps to get your own life in better order can dramatically improve the net happiness of the people who love and care about you, and who are invested in your well-being.

There’s a powerful reason why it’s never too late to improve your life—because you don’t need to suddenly become the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company in order for any change or improvement you make to be deeply meaningful. You just need to do something—anything at all—in order to make things a bit “better,” and you will create a ripple effect that can spread further than you might ever have imagined.


Because changing the kind of person you are has more to do with your daily systems than your overarching goals

A lot of the most successful and renowned people in the world, in different domains, had no idea that they were on track to achieving that success, until it one day “happened” as if by magic.

There are plenty of world-renowned authors, musicians, and other acclaimed public figures, who were just “doing their thing,” and then eventually became rich and famous because of it.

The reason why this can happen is that becoming a certain kind of person has a lot more to do with your daily systems and habits than it does with your overarching goals.

Many people set very ambitious goals for themselves, and of course, far fewer people actually achieve those lofty goals. If you set yourself a goal such as “I will be a million-dollar painter within three years,” you may well not achieve that goal. But, if painting is something that means a lot to you, and you set yourself a daily “system” or “habit” of painting for an hour or two every day, your life will improve in various ways, thanks to that. And, maybe you will end up becoming a great success as a result of it.

One of the major implications of this is that “transforming your life” for the better, doesn’t have to mean “achieving an ambitious goal” at all. It can—and generally should—mean changing the kind of person you are today, in terms of your everyday actions. And the effects of doing this can be quite tremendous.

Wanderlust To Australia - A Day In Fremantle

Ever since I moved from Guam to the mainland USA in 2013, I have gained a greater appreciation for places closer to home. One of those places is Australia. It is a less than 5-hour flight from Guam, but I had never traveled there, and that makes me so sad now that I am living much further away. There are so many amazing places to visit in the Western Pacific, so my newfound appreciation has made me want to return back one day and explore the area.

Today, my wanderlust takes me to Western Australia’s largest and busiest cargo ports rich in history and the perfect destination for exploration in the area. Come along for a full day of adventure and bookmark for later if you plan to visit the region. This article is a helpful resource that will guide you through a full and eventful day in Fremantle. With the help of Katie from Be. Fremantle accommodation, we’ve put together the perfect locals guide to a one-day travel itinerary in Fremantle. Hope you have your walking shoes, cameras ready, and an appetite for exploration.


Breakfast at Chalkey’s

Kick off your day with a cup of fresh brew from one of Fremantle’s most popular breakfast eateries, Chalkey’s. Join the locals who flock to the café for a delicious taste of the signature dishes – cakes and pastries, scrambled eggs made with truffle oil, muffins, and more. Dine in with exceptional service, enjoying the ambient background music while awaiting your hot meal to arrive at your table.

Fremantle Roadhouse

You’ll find Chalkey’s on High St., located in a high traffic area of Fremantle. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of parking for you, especially arriving early. If you need a landmark reference, look right across the street to see the Fremantle Roundhouse, a major tourist attraction.

Whaler’s Tunnel

Now that you’re stuffed and ready to begin the day, take a stroll along the avenue or venture through Whalers Tunnel, the first tunnel ever built in WA back in 1837.

Sightseeing on High Street

High Street is the perfect place to be for walking off your morning meal. Wander throughout the historic streets of the popular Fremantle district. There’s a ton to discover, from the landmark sights to the hidden laneways. Keep your camera ready as you move past the Fremantle Town Hall, town squares, and reaching the West End Heritage Area.

West End Heritage Area

The West End Heritage Area is a designated heritage region of Fremantle. Gaze your eyes upon the distinct architecture here. Old hotels, banks, and other buildings line the streets; some built as early as the late 1800s. It’ll be almost time for a quick snack after snapping all of those photos.

Kakulus Sisters Delicatessen

Hop on a tram to the Kakulus Sisters Delicatessen, one of Fremantle’s premier boutique shops on Market St. Pop in for some exotic cheeses, Mediterranean snacks, freshly made bread, or a handful of nuts before continuing your Fremantle journey.

Fremantle Markets

No trip to Fremantle is complete without visiting the Fremantle markets. You’ll be amazed by the offerings from over 150 vendors inside. Shop artisan crafts and souvenirs or taste test some local treats as you wind through the rows of stalls. Music fills the air, creating the perfect atmosphere for spending a part of your day. It’s a great chance to interact with locals, too! Learn about some of the hidden quirks about living in Freo and some recommended places to check out nearby.

Esplanade Park

All of this exploring of Fremantle deserves a break, especially in the Western Australia sun. Head down to Esplanade Park, the perfect destination for family picnics. Escape the city hustle-and-bustle in one of Freo’s popular green spaces. Let the kids run around the park’s fields while you lounge in the shade, enjoying picturesque views over the ocean. Park facilities include pavilions and benches for hosting your picnic meal.

Ferris Wheel

Be sure to look up while in the park to see the towering Ferris wheel. Grab a seat and take a smooth ride to the top of the wheel. Breath-taking views await you as you take in the bird’s eye view of the city below. See how many landmarks you can spot that you’ve seen earlier.

Fremantle Visitor Centre

At this point, we’re sure you’ve done your fair share of walking. Fremantle is a beautiful city to explore on foot, but there are so many more exciting things to see and do during your day in Fremantle. Head back up to the Fremantle Visitor Centre in the Fremantle Town Hall to make sure you won’t miss a thing.

The Fremantle Visitor Centre is your one-stop-shop for all things Fremantle. Hire a bike, grab park passes, book tours, or grab a map of the city to figure out your next destination. Official Fremantle Ambassadors, volunteers stationed at the visitor centre, can lend a hand with learning a bit more about Fremantle. They’ll be glad to give you a tour or point you in the right direction for your next activity. You can find out about the latest buzz for events happening during your stay. And the best part: FREE WIFI!


South Beach

It’s time to experience one of the natural wonders of Fremantle that all visitors enjoy: the beach. There are several favorite beaches to choose from along the Western Australia coast. Hop on your bike and cruise along the trail running along the coast down to South Beach. South Beach is one of the main Fremantle Beaches, known for its white sands and blue waters. Kids will enjoy playing in the water or the grasslands and dunes around the beach.

South Fremantle

Take time to explore Fremantle’s trendiest area, South Fremantle. Boutique shops, cafes, and international dining options are all available in this part of town. You’ll have great views of the Fremantle Boat Harbour. Pick out your favorite boat docked here.

Fremantle Harbour

The Fremantle Harbour is a short bike ride away from South Fremantle. You’ll be glad that you saved the best part for last as the day winds down. Stop by the famous Joy Kitchen for the finest Cantonese style Chinese food in Fremantle. Fresh catch arrives daily from the harbour to the restaurants. Grab a plate of the best Fish and Chips in the world at Cicerello’s.

Bathers Beach

Before the day ends, head down to Bathers Beach, adjacent to the boat harbour. You’ll be just in time for the iconic Fremantle sunset. Sit back, relax, and watch as the sun drops below the boat masts in the harbour. You’ll soon realize that Fremantle is paradise by the time you return to your hotel for the night.


I hope you enjoyed today’s wanderlust. Australia is a destination that must be experienced at least once in your lifetime. I know for sure that I will visit one day and be in absolute awe over it. There is so much beauty to experience there, and as this article has illustrated, there is so much to do and so much to see to make it worthwhile with memories to last a lifetime.

How To See The Good In Every Situation

Normally, when we’re in the midst of a bad situation, we tend to focus primarily on the negative, which is understandable.

However, in order to actually learn from the bad experience or to move forward from it, we actually have to take control over our thoughts and look at what role we have played in allowing this situation to manifest.

Of course, each experience would be different because we obviously can not control certain things that happen in life. We also have to look at how we could have approached the situation a bit differently.


On the bright side of every negative experience, there’s always, as they say, a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything that happens will never last forever, which can ultimately be a good or bad thing depending on the viewpoint you choose to adopt.

For example, when on vacation, you likely want it to never end, and it seems to be over within the blink of an eye. Likewise, when you're in the middle of a difficult situation such as a breakup, you want the pain to be over as quickly as possible. The bittersweet thing is, nothing lasts forever, and we just have to appreciate each moment for what it is.

With every bad situation, there definitely comes a learning experience, so instead of focusing on the negative and what happened to you, try to develop some good thoughts around the situation, and look at what the positive outcome was - no matter how small.

Realistically, it’s not always easy or possible to be optimistic during difficult times, so if you’re really struggling with your mood and not being able to look at the positive side of things, then you may be dealing with something like anxiety or depression which requires treatment. This can be treated in various ways - through medication, therapy, or even natural and alternative methods like you’ll find at places such as bud express.

Although during the time you are going through something, it may be hard to see when you're in the midst of a bad situation, the answers are definitely there if you look hard enough. It won’t always show itself in the most obvious of ways, but you can be assured that that it will always make itself known over time regardless of you seeing it right away or not.

One way of looking at things (and changing your perspective around the situation that you're in) is to journal and show gratitude for every experience that you have.

For example, you may have a really bad cold or flu that makes you feel lousy and prevents you from doing something that you had planned, so that puts you into even more of a state of feeling sorry for yourself and not feel good in general. Instead of focusing all of your energy and thoughts on your bad feelings, take to your journal and be grateful for the fact that you don't have a serious illness that prevents you from living your life in the long term. This is only a temporary experience in the grand scheme of things, and you will be back to normal soon.

Changing your mindset can really make a huge difference because it will cause you to start seeing the bigger picture, and you’ll be able to differentiate between the things that are important versus the things that are not. 

Don’t get us wrong, there are always going to be days when you feel bad. Nobody's saying that you should put your bad thoughts away or that you should not be allowed to feel down or negative about anything, ever. That’s absolutely not the case, and you wouldn't be human if you didn't have days like that.

The truth is, holding onto negative emotions just does not benefit you in the long run. It’s not healthy to constantly sit and wallow in the negative thoughts and things that are going on around you.  Be grateful for the small things that are good, and you’ll find that you’ll soon start to attract more of those same things that you want to receive into your life.


How do you stay positive throughout life’s challenges?


Another Year Older - A Note To my Sons

Last month was my birthday, and the reality hits me every time another year passes that my time is getting shorter and shorter on this earth. I know. You must be thinking I’m crazy for being so dramatic. Heck, you probably think I’m still in my 20’s! #iwish

I may still be in my early 30’s, but I feel like the years go by faster these days than any time in my life. I can’t help but think about the value of time more seriously and try to come to terms with how I am not getting any younger with each day that passes. Just as I can’t come to terms with how my children are growing so fast and getting older, I look at myself and realize that I have less time to be here to enjoy them and life itself. I am so much more aware about how limited time is that it has become something that I think about a lot these days.

For purposes of being more dramatic, here is a note to my boys that I thought I’d share: Dear Kodi and Uriah, If you every get a chance to read this, although it is a little early to be having this conversation, I want you to know that I am getting OLD(er), and although I may be considered “young” right now, one day I will lose my strength and need you both: my two strong boys to come to my rescue. One day, I will be the one needing you both more than you need me. Ps. On a lighter note, I hope you both give me a gazillion grandkids! LOL

All joking aside, I also think about my mom and how she is getting older too - even though she never seems to age! I think about how I want her to start enjoying her years more and to finally be the one who is cared for at this time in her life. I wish she didn’t have to worry about anything anymore and that every burden could be lifted from her. Now that I know what it is like to be a mother, I can say that I have walked a day in her shoes and that she deserves the world for keeping it together all these years.

I remember how my mom cared for my grandmother, and how she lived to be 92 years old. Seeing my grandma reach the age where she was changing mentally and physically really took a toll on me. I remember visiting her one day and dropping off a flower arrangement I had made in one of my college classes. I didn’t get to give it to her directly because she was resting at the time, but I just remember hoping so much that she would know how much I loved her even though she wasn’t able to understand things like she used to.

With all that said, let’s not forget about our parents and our elders and really think about ways that we can help them, even in the smallest ways. What can you do today that could show your parents or elders how much you care for them? Here are a few ways to show concern and care for them as shared by a Hello Lovely Living contributor.

Look Up Helpful Information

Thanks to the internet, we can find out about pretty much anything we want. There are hundreds of articles and videos that can explain how our parents are feeling as they age, what they can do to keep busy as the years pass, and how you can contribute to their life at each stage.

Simply Visit

Just showing up and being there for them can mean so much. In some cases, a lot of seniors are left isolated in their homes with nobody to talk to, and it can be a sad existence. Being social is very healthy for the mind, and being around others regularly can do a world of good for them.

Hire A Care Service

If you’re finding it a little difficult to do things yourself, you can always get the help of professionals. There are specialists near you who have worked in senior home care for years and will be able to shift the weight off your shoulders and ensure your loved one’s safety at all times if there are things that have become overwhelming to handle on your own. It can save you a lot of stress, and you can use the time you do have with them to simply enjoy each other’s company.

Help Them Feel A Sense Of Purpose

As people get older, they find that they can’t exactly do things they could before – and if they were passionate about them, it could bring them down and make them feel like they don’t have purpose anymore. Try to help them find new hobbies and interests that can lift their spirits and bring smiles.

Keep Them Active

If they are still somewhat able, perhaps encourage them to go for walks – maybe even jogs if they can. If they are unable to move well, there are still many exercises that older people can do to keep the blood pumping and the endorphins releasing. It might be a struggle, but it’s obviously way better for them than just sitting around.  

Keep Them current With Technology

Technology is advancing quickly, and many people are utilizing the newest tech. It’s not essential, but maybe introducing them to the latest gadgets and updates can be of interest to them. The new tech could help them keep in touch with friends and family, and they won’t feel as intimidated about learning about it with your help.h

I hope you enjoyed this post! Our elders need us more and more as time goes by. I hope you will reach out to someone special in your life and show them just how much they mean to you. We have such a limited time to do it, so why not do it today.

What is one thing you can do today to show your elders you care?

Feel Like Starting A New Career? Here Is How To Do It
Hello Lovely Living

I am back with another article on the topic of careers. If you haven’t read my previous article, Career Growth Tips For The Career Driven Womanthen click over after this one as it will be another helpful article on this topic as well.

Today’s article is all about getting you to take action if you have been on the fence about starting a new career or advancing yourself in your current one. This article is brought to you by a Hello Lovely Living contributor who is sharing this helpful information for all the career-driven ladies out there. I hope you will find it helpful!

Life is full of big and small surprises. Sometimes we may feel like the path we chose, originally, isn’t quite right for us after all, or we might just have closed an important chapter already and feel ready for a brand new one.

Nonetheless, it’s the perfect time to reset your brain a bit and try to think about everything you’ve wanted to do. Going from a stay-at-home mom to starting a small business, for example, can be a huge transition, but it’s also a lot of fun and definitely a risk worth taking.

Similarly, you may want to change your career field after struggling away in the same job for years. While it may seem difficult to overcome, at first, it’s a challenge that will make you grow both personally and professionally.

Here is a handful of ways to get started on something new with your career so that you can feel like you’re heading somewhere more rewarding. It won’t necessarily be easy, and you will have to be prepared to put in a lot of work, but the end result is within reach.


First: Use your contacts

Sure, getting started with a brand new career can’t be done overnight, but with the right contacts, the whole process can be so much easier. If you try to see this whole networking process as a way of making new friends and gaining new acquaintances, it won’t feel that awkward.

Keep in mind that the people you will meet might want to boost their own careers as well. It’s an advantage to be aware of this, though, as it opens up a lot of new opportunities, and it will make it a bit easier to build meaningful connections. Go out there with the intention of helping others as well, listen to them when they talk, and try to be interested in them rather than trying too hard to be interesting.

Just like you, these people are out to make career connections and get ahead in life. Take their needs into consideration as well, and try to see if you’re able to help them. The chances will be much higher that they would like to help you in return if they sense your genuine desire to help from the start. 

Another point to this is that networking is something that doesn’t just happen at regular networking events. You could build a few more connections in the company you’re already in, for example, or reach out to the people you know who are in the field you’d like to break into.

See all the interactions you have with other people in your field as a type of networking, and you might be able to get a serious career boost out of it.


Next: Broaden your knowledge

There is no denying that those with a bit more education tend to have a better chance of getting a job interview. They will also have a higher salary, which should make it even more enticing to pursue that degree you’ve been thinking about. With the availability of online courses, pursuing something that you know is sought-after in your career field is simply a click away.

A particular form of computer literacy, for example, or even a master's in lean manufacturing to build on your existing bachelor of science could be just the advancement you need. The great news is, of course, that you can take many of these courses and degrees online to make it easy to fit into your existing schedule.

The good thing about online courses is that you won’t have to compromise in terms of your full-time job or your family, and it’s going to be much easier to follow through with the goals you’ve set for yourself.

However, to achieve the set goals, you must keep yourself motivated and encouraged. Because pursuing a degree alongside a full-time job may sometimes feel exhausting, therefore, you should do different things to keep your morale high.

For instance, you can buy a degree online that acts as a source of motivation. Moreover, hanging it in your room can act as a constant reminder that you have the ability to accomplish your desired objectives. Similarly, treating yourself to solo outings can be a way to express gratitude for the effort you have invested in enhancing your skills.

If you’re not completely sure about which course or degree you should pursue in order to get that promotion or have a better chance at landing your dream job, it’s a good idea to talk to your current employer or just someone you know who works in the field you’re interested in.

They will have a much better understanding of what’s needed and where their businesses are lacking; plus, it’s going to make it pretty clear that you’re the kind of go-getter candidate that they’ve been looking for.


Feeling stuck? Get a mentor

While it’s easy to cough up a lot of different options in terms of boosting one’s career, it’s not always that simple to pick the right one. Pursuing a new degree or spending time taking a course is going to feel pretty meaningless if you’re not feeling 100% sure that this is what you need in order to get that promotion or land your dream job.

An excellent way around this is, of course, to seek out a mentor. There are a lot of different websites you could try your luck with, or you could just approach someone with a bit more experience in your company.

Let them know that you’re looking to learn a bit more about what they’re doing and that you feel that they would be a great person to shadow or to just ask some questions. It’s more likely than not that they’ll be flattered and willing to help out someone who looks up to them career-wise, and you’ll have someone to turn to in case you should feel a bit stuck sometimes.

Keep in mind, however, that whoever you’d like to have as a mentor already has a lot on their plate. Make sure that they know that this isn’t some obligation that will take up a lot of their time, and try to find someone who you already have some form of connection with. This will make communication a lot easier, and your mentor won’t feel like they have to spend a lot of time guiding you through your career, either.

While figuring out which steps you should take in order to get to where you’d like to be can be tricky, the most important thing you can do is to do something. Anything at all, really, and remind yourself that every little step helps and is much better than doing nothing at all.

I hope this article gave you that extra push you need to go after what you want regardless of where you are at in life. It’s never ever too late!


Have you been considering starting a new career or advancing your current one?

Guest Post | Design Matters: An interview with branding expert Debbie Millman

I’m back with another post, and today we’re talking about a few important tips to creating a brand presence that is authentic to you. On this blog, I love to discuss topics that are real and often vulnerable, and in this article, we reinforce the idea of getting outside of our comfort zones.

I often work with women that are starting a brand new blog or website, and if there’s any advice that I try to share with them from the get-go, it is exactly the advice that you will read in this article. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it inspires you to just get out there are share your story (struggles and all), be yourself, and be confident in it all.


We recently got the opportunity to sit down with Debbie Millman: author, educator, curator, and host of the podcast Design Mattersone of the world's first and longest-running podcasts. 

As the host of Design Matters, Millman has interviewed over 400 artists, designers, and cultural commentators. In the 13 years since its inception, the show has garnered over five million downloads per year, honored with a Cooper Hewitt National Design Award, and designated one of the best overall podcasts by iTunes. 

Debbie is the author of six books and President Emeritus of AIGA, one of five women to hold the position in the organization’s 100-year history. She's a frequent speaker on design and branding and has been a juror for competitions including Cannes Lions, The Clio’s, the One Club and many, many more.

Here, she shares her thoughts on authenticity and vulnerability in branding and life. 

Debbie, tell us a little bit about yourself.  

I am a designer, an author, and an educator at the School of Visual Arts. I co-founded and run a graduate program in branding. I'm also the host of a podcast called Design Matters.

What tips can you offer to someone who wants to create a new brand presence for themselves?

Well, I wouldn't recommend that someone ever recreate themselves; I would recommend that they feature who they are on their best day, in a way that feels very authentic and true to their soul and being. People tend to respond more favorably to people that are being themselves, and, in many ways, holding that "freak" flag really high, because they can then relate and be able to connect with them in a much more visceral manner.

So, my recommendation would be to celebrate who you are on your best day, speak from the heart, and offer an opportunity for people to get to know who you really are.

A lot of people are hesitant to really put themselves out there. What would you say to them?

Watch Brené Brown's TED Talk about vulnerability. I really, truly believe that vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, and you can't be creative and say something that is going to touch or reach other people unless you are doing it with your own open heart. So there really is no choice. If you're not comfortable with being vulnerable, my strong recommendation would be to get comfortable being vulnerable, because why else would anybody want to get to know you or pay attention to what you have to say? What are they getting to know, then? Some false friend?

How can people get out of their comfort zone and become more authentic?

Take small steps, small moves. You don't have to reveal everything about your childhood in your first email, but if you can share some part of yourself that you feel is worthy of connecting with other people, and people will feel is honest, then why wouldn't you want to do that?

That's what people want to know about you. They don't want to know all of the successes and all of the amazing things you're doing. They want to know how you've struggled, or how you've overcome an obstacle, or what lesson you learned in the process of doing something. And the more you can share that, I think the more value it has, both to yourself and to others.

Specifically, what kind of value does sharing your failures provide?

Well, everybody has experienced failure. And if you aren't able or capable of sharing what you've done wrong, why would anybody care if you're sharing what you've done right? And I feel that if we're putting a face forward that's only positive and only impressive, then we're manufacturing our meaning, because that's only one small part of what it means to be human, and strive, and long for things, and create things, and make things. And there is none of that without failure, rejection, vulnerability, fear. All of those things are just part of the process of being a maker.


Are there any particular failures or struggles that you can recount from your professional career that helped you become who you are today?

Well, almost anything I've done has been fueled by an enormous amount of rejection, whether it be book ideas, business ideas, or new pitches. My past is riddled and littered with rejections and failures. But, there are very few that I can actually look back on now and say, "I didn't either learn something, or overcome something to get to a better place, or create something out of that failure, that then became successful."

And, of course, it's easy to look back on it and say in hindsight, "Well, if that hadn't happened, then that wouldn't have happened, and then that wouldn't have happened, and I wouldn't be sitting right here," but I can tell you that it's really true.


Are there any other places that you turn to for inspiration in your career? 

Well, I love to read. I love to learn, so for me, some of the people that I'm either mentored by or inspired by are people like Seth Godin, who is one of the most generous, smartest, kindest people on the planet. And he does a daily blog, seven days a week, and so you can get daily morning inspiration from him. Also, Steven Heller. He's somebody that has also been enormously supportive and helpful to me, and mentored me, and inspired me, and educated me in ways that I could never have imagined. So those are two people, on a daily basis, that I turn to, both personally and professionally, online and offline.


Finally: What's your number one tip for brands who want to create a better connection with their audience?

Think about the benefit you can provide your audience. People aren't really interested in another form, or another flavor. They're interested in what kind of difference you can make in their lives. So, what can you offer your audience that will help them grow, help them become more successful, help them learn something that they wouldn't have expected or had the opportunity to do? What can you offer your audience that no one else can?


Interested in hearing more from Debbie? Check out her podcast, Design Matters


I hope you enjoyed that short inspirational post. I know how hard it is to be vulnerable, especially in this online space. I can personally say that I have shrunk back a little just due to a lot that has happened within the past couple years within my personal life. I feel like I have a lot to share, but I don’t know where to start. It can be overwhelming. It IS tough to share our struggles, but at the end of the day, that is what helps us get through them.

Lately I’ve just been feeling the pressure to have it all together. Perhaps this opens a new chapter for me to share more struggles that I’ve been through. This interview really brought me back to why I’m here in the first place. I want to continue to create a space that is inspiring and real. This may be the start for more sharing and being confident in my imperfect story.

A special thank you to Emma for this guest post. They have many amazing marketing resources to help you with your online business. I especially enjoy their Email Showdown series where they compare the email marketing of two brands. I highly recommend their resources, so do check them out if you are needing help with email marketing and want marketing tips from the pros!

In addition, if you are needing help developing your brand, I am here to help you from start to finish. Get in touch with me here for a free consultation.

is being vulnerable something that you struggle with and how? i’d love to have a discussion below.

Dear Diary Entry 01 | You Are Not For Everyone, And That is Your Superpower

These past few weeks, I've been thinking about the direction my content is taking, and I want to bring it back to me being able to express myself more. Writing is such a therapeutic outlet for me. I feel like certain platforms are not very suitable for sharing many of the deep thoughts and conversations I want to be having. This is where my blog comes into play. I want it to be a space where I can share myself in full transparency and be able to talk about things that are important to me on a more personal note.

Hello lovely living

I get the question a lot about what I "do", and in all honesty, this is a very complicated question for me to answer because I am not a cookie-cutter personality that can be perfectly packaged. I have accepted the fact that I do not fit a certain type of mold that is easily digestible. I accept the fact that I am not for everyone and that some people may not have the time or patience to understand me or what I have to offer.

With that said, I am creating a brand that is my own and not forcing myself into a niche or category that limits me and makes me feel trapped. Today, it is easy to listen to advice that says that you have to do this, that, and the other to succeed. I need to put one fact out there into the universe: I was never one to follow the rules or do what everyone else is doing. I do what I want and how I want to do it. I do not believe in limiting myself or allowing other's opinions to drive my creativity. I truly operate from my heart, and when I feel like I am veering away from that, it genuinely hurts me.

If you look all around in today's creative community, you'll see that everyone is able to carve out a space for themselves that is uniquely theirs. That is happening today, and that is the climate of the future. Everyone is their own brand. Everyone has something valuable to offer by simply being themselves. I see that authenticity and vulnerability is at the core of all of this. In that same token, it is realizing that you will not be for everyone, and that is ok. The people that do connect with you will truly be for you, trust in you and your work, understand what you have to say, and want to support you naturally because they have a genuine connection with you. It's important to never compromise your value to please someone else when they have expectations that go against the very fabric of who you are.


I came across a video last night by Brendon Burchard, and it is a message that I'd like to share with you as well. It was on the topic of what to do when people don't support you. Basically, anyone's opinions, criticisms, and judgments are none of your business. People are not required to do anything for you, just as you're not required to do anything for them. There is a common exchange that happens when, oftentimes, we take what people say or do, and we use that to influence the direction of our thoughts and actions. That is completely unhealthy to do. Instead, we need to be focusing on our goals, aspirations, and dreams and putting energy toward that - not what anyone has to say in response to it. Not everyone is going to understand us, and it is not our job to explain ourselves to people who are committed to misunderstanding us. 

I hope this maybe sheds some light for you if you are a creative or just someone who is feeling discouraged. Truly, no one has that power over you, so don't feel so pressured to do anything that you are not comfortable with. You are a respectable person with integrity by choosing to stand your ground. We are more than what we do, and at the end of the day, we have the choice of what direction we want to take whether or not anyone agrees with it.

What are your thoughts and experiences on these topics? I'd really love to hear your story and how you've dealt with these things. It would really help me, and I'm sure many others. | Dear Diary Entry 01 | You Are Not For Everyone, And That is Your Superpower

I hope that you enjoyed that little diary entry. In this series, I want to really be open to discussing any topic that I feel is on my mind. It's a way to open the communication for us to not feel alone about things that are often hidden and that are too taboo to talk about on a perfectly curated feed. If you have any topics or things you'd like me to touch on, do feel free to post those in the comment section below. This is a space where we can talk about real topics that impact us and is a safe zone to share things without judgment.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share a little bit about my glasses that I'm wearing in these photos! What do you think of them? Personally, I am absolutely obsessed with them and haven't taken them off since haha! Actually, before I get into how much I love them, I wanted to share a little side-note with you. The truth behind these photos that you see here is that I just had one of those moments where I just needed to breathe and get away and have a moment to process everything that's been going on in my life right now. These were candid moments where I was literally at the end of my rope, and I didn't know how to make myself feel better other than get into an empty room and have a minute to myself.

Honestly, it really helped to just get away for a moment (even if that was just to my bathroom) haha! I know other moms do this! It's really so important to set aside time for yourself so that you can process things in a healthy way. Anyway, back to the glasses! I chose a tortoiseshell frame because I have always wanted to own a pair. These are from Glasses Gallery, and I actually had several choices, but this is the one I settled on.  It is from a brand called Evisu, which is a Japanese brand. One thing that I loved about Glasses Gallery is that they have a virtual try-on feature, kinda like a Snapchat or Instagram filter! It was so fun trying out some of the glasses. Uriah also got in on the fun as you can see below!


Can you believe that these frames are only $95. Of course, prescription lenses added onto that price, but I think this is so worth it because they offer designer glasses that are so affordable. They are actually currently having a promotion for free prescription lenses on select frames for $95, so do check it out. It did take a little over a week for me to receive my glasses because they did ship from Hong Kong and USPS was late a couple days, but I am very pleased with them, so it was worth the wait. I am so glad that they match my face shape and that they fit so well because I had never physically tried them on, so I was a bit worried that I may not like them. It really did help that they had that try-on filter because it eliminated me having to wait for frames to try on, return those, then wait again for a pair that I decided on. In actuality, this process is a lot quicker in that sense.

I highly recommend Glasses Gallery if you are looking for an online retailer that offers designer eyeglasses, sunglasses, and sports glasses at affordable prices. You're sure to find something that you like. I was impressed because they have brands like Marc Jacobs, Ray-Ban, and Jimmy Choo along with various others for any look or budget. I personally am not into designer brands, which is why I strictly went on look alone, but I did appreciate that they did have such a great selection for me to choose from.

Okay, I think that's it for this post! Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below, and I look forward to another Dear Diary very soon. xo


what topics do you want to hear about in my next dear diary?

A special thank you to Glasses Gallery for partnering with me on this post. Be sure to check them out for all things glasses!  

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.


Wallpaper Wednesdays 33 | Artist Feature - Wilder

Words hold powerful meaning, but more powerful than that is the feeling behind them and the emotions that they can evoke within you. I've recently rekindled my love for poetry, and with that have come across so many amazing artists in that process. One of the artists that particularly captured my heart was Wilder. The way she combines imagery and words to create a visual story captivated me and put to words so many emotions that I could only wish to express within myself. With that, I'm so thrilled for you to meet her and to be touched by her beautiful work. | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder

Wilder takes you on a visual journey through her Instagram feed, pairing her powerful words with images that will be sure to strike a chord within you. She uses a feminine tone in most of her pieces, and you can't help but instinctively place yourself in her character's shoes. Combining both light and dark moods, there is so much emotion within all of her pieces, and they force you to confront those inner thoughts that maybe you've never known how to express or - better yet - never knew existed. | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Wilder

To be wild is to be free, which is a recurring theme throughout and embracing everything about what it means to be wild + free - the beautiful, the ugly, and everything in between. Let her work take you on a wild journey, refresh and inspire you, and give you all the feels your heart can handle. Intertwined within her wilder themes, there are also stories of love and all of its deep complexities. Wilder is raw. She is deep. She's a truly unique artist that I am so happy to have came across because her work has really touched my spirit. Get to know her a bit more below + show her some love by visiting her on Instagram and discover the entire Wilder Poetry visual experience for yourself.


Q & A


wilder poetry





I am an artist. A creator. One of those types that tries a bit of everything to find a beautiful place to land. find myself in this world of poetic freedom. Writing words to feel and see, to rest my head and heart. What began as an outlet for my creative broken heart has turned into a true love for my mind, body and soul. Mixing visual aesthetics through typography and photography and allowing the story to be told tile by tile on Instagram’s simplistic spread. My discovery of this passion was a completely organic experience. An unexpected treasure that has changed my world.


Peculiar. Delicate. Moody.



Forgiving. Passionate. Unique.



Inspired. In everything that I touch, my hope and desire is to always inspire - myself and others. To offer someone the opportunity to see things differently. To have one embody a feeling within that makes them look at themselves or the world differently. There is no greater gift.



A few months ago when I was browsing my favorite poet’s account (@atticuspoetry), I found myself inspired...his words so often leave me blanketed in this emotional state. Leading up to this moment I was feeling creatively broken, like a dark light was casting shadows all around me - creating barriers that I could not escape. I remember the moment distinctly - reading his words and feeling this nudge within telling me that I, too should create words to feel and love. That day, I created Wilder Poetry and haven’t steered away since.

There are so many talented poets on Instagram, but I knew I wanted to create an experience...not only through my words but through visuals as well. I wanted my gallery to tell a story. That is when I thought to look outside of those small tiles - to expand the eyes beyond those lines. I call it a “grid” layout - I certainly am not the only one that incorporates this into their gallery, but the entire collection of my space embodies this presentation. Each individual tile is home to one poem - giving the individual space something of value, but upon viewing my entire gallery feed, there is a larger story to be seen.


Oh my! This is so difficult. I find myself falling in love with certain collections of my poetry with every new posting. My process is rather quick - writing short poems in abundance (having written just over 800 short poems in 4 months) looking back, it’s as if I wasn’t the original writer. It’s a surreal experience. Upon looking at my gallery now, I would say my favorite piece(s), because I truly can’t pick only one, is “be still the wolves are coming” and “lay your monsters down”

There is something so evocative to me in these - so few words - but they make the mind go wild.



The connections I have made in such a short goodness how unbelievable they have been. To be surrounded by their endless love and support. Truly, this is what keeps me going...this is what keeps me inspired to continue writing words and creating these stories through visual presentation. What began as a self healing project for myself has turned into something that is for all of us. It’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever been a part of.


Surround yourself with things that are beautiful to you. Whether it be words, photography, textures, colors, music...anything. This can be something that is tangible, but also digital. I turn to Pinterest, blogs and Instagram for inspiration near always. In this space, there is an endless world of possibility. To me, it is transformational. I have discovered and rediscovered myself and my passions time and time again. Like a new chapter in a book that keeps getting better over time.



I would want to be known as someone that is kind. No matter the day, no matter the time. Kindness, to me, is what makes the world go round. It costs absolutely nothing to be kind. It has its own universal language and through kindness we inspire others to be kind as well.



Honestly, I feel as though Wilder is leading me. I am not leading it. Several opportunities have surfaced over the last month that I am incredibly excited to share (very soon). My hope is that Wilder will continue to be very alive on this platform and in every way that make sense. I have a love for beautifully tangible things. To have my words in the hands of others, in one way or the other would be the greatest dream come true.


I AM ...

humbled by this opportunity and all the others that have been gifted to me. Mostly, I am thankful and honored that so many have found something to love inside the story of Wilder.



I believe things happen for a reason. My life has been a continuous roller coaster of ups and downs. Dark and light moments that have shaped me into the very person I am. Here I am doing something that I never expected - and the path has been so unbelievably beautiful.


I LOVE ...

fog, moss filled forests, wildflowers, creatures of this earth -  all of the beautiful things that make the color wild.



living life in fear.


My greatest lesson in life so far is ...

to never underestimate your capabilities. Our passions are passions for a reason. Never stop fighting for the things that your head and your heart want.


I am proud of ...

my overcoming my recent darkness. It is a space I rarely find myself, this most recent experience was particularly paralyzing...but here I am, on this new journey finding myself along the way and how beautiful it has been.


My greatest accomplishment is ...

living life fully...every day - no matter how many monsters may be knocking at my feet trying to take me down!


A quote I live by is ...

I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life. Elsie De Wolfe


My idea of a perfect day is ...

a rainy day! There is something so beautiful about grey clouds resting above my head -  rain against the window while I work, read, create.


My dream is ...

to touch the lives of all those who cross my path during this life.


I will ...

not be defined by my failures, for my failures are the stepping stones that deliver me to this wildly beautiful path I call growth.


I can't get over her, isn't she an amazing soul! So much beauty in her words and in who she is. What's interesting is that she and I have a lot in common - we're both graphic designers and have an overall sense of creative passion in the type of work that we choose to do. I can completely related to her when she said that she "tries a bit of everything to find a beautiful place to land." I can totally see myself in that statement. Her story is beyond inspiring and encouraging, and I hope that it has given you a sliver of light in your personal journey as well.

To show your support for Wilder, be sure to watch out for her very own book, "wild is she", which is scheduled to release in August 2017. Wilder will also be working with The Colour Wild on an ongoing collaboration - a collection inspired by the wild. So many exciting things are in the works for her, and I can't wait! Be sure to stay in touch with Wilder for more updates by following her at the links above.

*CHEERS* to Wilder and to the amazing wallpapers below that she collaborated with me on and made with love for all of you! Happy downloading, beauties.

Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |


Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |


Thank you so much for stopping by and sticking around until the end of this post. Isn't Wilder amazing! Please do me a favor and show her some love at the links provided above, and let her know that I sent you (to stalk her, of course). There are tons more free wallpapers available at the button below, so click it and be happy because free stuff is always a good idea! To stay in the know of all current happenings, you can follow me along on Instagram ( @hlovelyliving ) for exclusive content that I only share there. If you tag me on your photos of you using your wallpapers, I'd love that so much because that means that you're enjoying them, and that means I'll keep them coming!

What inspires you about Wilder's story? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. Photos belong to their respective copyright holders. I love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy!
inspiration, profilesStina X

This Boss Babe Quit Her Corporate Job To Start A Business

There's a Boss Babe in Oklahoma City that I've had the pleasure of getting to know from the very early stages of her starting her business. She's my favorite Boss Babe in all of Oklahoma, not only because I know her personally, but because I can't help but love her! Her name is Mai, and she's one of the sweetest people you will ever have the chance to meet. Her bubbly personality and bright smile fit perfectly with the type of business that she chose to pursue - an open air photo booth company. Read on to learn more about her story! | Mai Nguyen pikCHER Booth Oklahoma City, OK

Upon sharing our stories with each other, I quickly discovered that we both had a very similar job experience that impacted us in very big ways, which was a major influence for us wanting to pursue a more rewarding and fulfilling career path. It was a relief to know that I had someone to relate to and that I wasn't the only one that was trying to figure things out after what seemed like a life-changing experience. Interestingly, our negative job experiences both drove us to be self-employed, and here we were coming together and really supporting each other in that process.

It's amazing how having someone to relate to can easily put things into perspective because many times, we feel alone. Showing you that you aren't alone is one of the main reasons why I started doing these features. I want you to know that you have so many people and stories to fall back on and to be encouraged by. 

I'm so proud of her and what's she accomplished so far, and I can't wait for you to get to know her. Without further ado, let's do just that!


Q & A







After quitting my job that made me very unhappy, I started to seek new opportunities. My turning point was realizing I didn't want to continue my profession. My experience in the corporate world made me realize it wasn't for me. I decided to follow my passion and create a new path that lead me to pursuing my own business.



I was definitely scared. Scared about the change, scared about the future, and scared about not making it. I still fear about it all, but I’m also very proud of myself for taking that first step, the hardest step.



100% my fiancé Jordan Trabue, he believes in me more than I believe in myself. It’s his love and support that keeps me going <3.



After deciding that I wanted to start my own business, I had to ask myself THE QUESTIONS: What do I enjoy doing? How can I incorporate that into a business? Is there a demand for this kind of business? Once I said yes confidently, I began to educate myself about the industry.



pikCHER booth is an open air photo booth that can service to just about any kind of event you can think of. It is group friendly and made to be enjoyed by all ages. My clients and their guest have the time of their lives creating moments in the photo booth. It's a great feeling to be able to capture these moments and an even better feeling when the photos are proudly shared with their family and friends.



Honestly, it’s been a challenge from the very first day I decided to start my own business. My list can fill a couple of pages if I listed everything in detail. At this moment though, my biggest challenge is getting more bookings for this year. The bookings will exhibit how well I’ve done and set the tone on where my business stand for the upcoming year. I intend to reach out to local business in hopes of doing some promotional work and will also continue to push in my social media marketing efforts.



One principle I can apply from my past business experience is how you serve your clients. Your clients will make or break your business. Serve your clients with respect, love, and passion, and success will follow.



I love the fact that I can utilize my creativity and talent on a daily basis. My personality is also able to shine through my business, from verbiage to presentation, I am presenting my authentic self. To be my own boss means I don’t have to worry about anyone telling me what to do and I get to set my own schedule. It is freakin' AWESOME but….that also means it’s up to me  to get things done.



To be featured in an Oklahoma magazine as a well respected and reputable business would be the ultimate accomplishment. In 5 years, I will expand and provide opportunities to those who desire to work in a non corporate environment. Entrust a team to help run the business so that I am able to focus more time on traveling the world with my love ones.



Believe in yourself that you can do it, and don’t use excuses to keep you from moving forward.


I AM ...




you can direct your destiny.






not having enough time to do all the things I want to do with the people I love most.



truly loving myself and knowing my self worth.



the woman I’ve become and all that I’ve accomplished so far.



graduating college. Poverty and war limited my parents from getting any kind of education, they lived vicariously through me, so when I became the 1st generation to graduate, it was a huge success for my parents and my family.



"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will” - Vincent T Lombardi



Waking up cuddled up next to my soon to be husband, followed by HIM cooking me a healthy delectable breakfast ;) 



to be financially stable enough to take care or my parents so that they can retire and enjoy life.


I WILL ... 

keep pushing forward no matter what.


One thing that was most inspiring to me about Mai's story was that she left a job that made her unhappy and took a huge leap of faith to pursue a more rewarding path. She didn't have a back-up-plan, but she did have the drive and determination to see it through. Not everyone may want to do what she did or have the means to go to that extreme, but Mai's story proves that it is possible. If you are unhappy with where you're at in your professional career, you can change that. It's never too late! You will always have time to rewrite your story and to create a life that you are truly happy with.

If you're looking for an open air photo booth to service your event in Oklahoma City or the surrounding metro areas, Mai is your girl! pikCHER Booth was recently featured in Brides of Oklahoma in their Fab Finds for the Oklahoma Bride and is listed as a preferred vendor. Yes, she is your go-to woman and is the sweetest person to work with! She offers superior lighting with high resolution digital downloads, custom props and backdrops, and an online gallery. To see all of her available packages and samples of her work, click here. With wedding season just around the corner, this is the perfect time to book an event with her and start working out the details. Make sure to give her a follow at her social links listed above in case you ever need to book her for your future event!



I hope Mai's story adds a little fire to your day and that it inspires you to never settle for less than what you deserve! You deserve only the best, and if you aren't satisfied with your current position in life, you can change that! Take it from Mai to crush fear and face those goals of yours with the will to see them through no matter what. Have an amazing rest of your week, and as always, stay beautiful! 

What inspired you the most about Mai's story? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! | Sharing Is Caring

Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn

Meet Chelsea Vaughn, my featured artist and boss babe for this week's Wallpaper Wednesdays! If you're drawn to a calming, cool-toned, and white color palette with a sprinkle of watercolor and hand lettering - you may just end up like me and not be able to get enough of her work. Who am I to not invite her to create free wallpapers and to share her story? You know I just had to introduce you to her! | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn

Chelsea is the founder and owner of Ten Acre Paper Co. - a creative paper goods business focused on the art of watercolor and hand lettered designs. One of the first words that come to mind when I think of her work is clean. Her work truly stands out on its own without any distraction - and when viewed together as a whole, forms a cohesive brand that is so tranquil and calming. Okay, so let me just show you some of her work so, you too, can be amazed! | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn

Didn't it just woo you just now? Scrolling through her Instagram feed, you will be delighted with quotes like the one above in her signature hand lettered style along with beautiful imagery that makes you want to keep scrolling. Recently, I've noticed that she's been adding a few new things to her shop: watercolor states and new wedding suites, which you can take a peek at below. In her Etsy shop, you'll also find a collection of art prints, cards, and stationary. She's been getting busy since she launched her shop in June of this year (2016) and has already created quite an impressive selection to choose from. | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn | Wallpaper Wednesdays 32 | Artist Feature - Chelsea Vaughn

Can you see how it's totally not hard to fall in love with her work? It speaks for itself. I have been over here rooting for Chelsea ever since I discovered her because I absolutely love what she does and how true to her style she is. I can't wait to see what she comes up with as time goes on, but a little birdie did tell me that she'll be coming out with some new bookmarks and Christmas pattern cards soon, so that's something to look out for! 

Let's get to know Chelsea even better and be inspired by her journey so far as a creative entrepreneur. Then, scroll to the bottom of this post to see + download all of the lovely free Fall + Thanksgiving wallpapers that she designed for you all to enjoy!


Q & A

chelsea vaughn

ten acre paper co.

Holly Springs, North Carolina

website | etsy | instagram | facebook



I think the biggest turning point was realizing that it was actually something I could do! I feel like there is always a fear behind doing something on your own, without complete knowledge of the whole process, but you learn as you go and it has been a great experience for me so far. // “Great people do things before they’re ready” - Amy Poehler



It was so great and pretty freeing, actually. Obviously there was a lot of work ahead, but when you do something that you have so much passion and drive for, the work is pretty enjoyable :) - And it was so exciting to start on something this big from scratch and be the one in charge its whole creation - so many possibilities!



Reassurance and support from my husband, my family and other entrepreneurial creatives - then confirming with myself and being confident that I could do it! I also listened/watched a good amount of free webinars and videos by other creatives that were packed with super helpful and interesting information and they really inspired me to stay confident about this big decision!



I made a list of everything I could think of that needed to be done before launching and went step-by-step until the end! I did a lot of research, talked to a friend who is a great CPA, thought of a name (which took so long! I also blogged a little about this process), gathered inspiration, created a cohesive brand for TAPC and started brainstorming + creating my first products!



Ten Acre Paper Co. launched in June, 2016 with a passion for watercolor and hand lettered design. Beginning with a focus solely on greeting cards and art prints, TAPC has already expanded to include stationery, wedding suites and custom paper goods! Ten Acre Paper Co. is all about finding space for the meaningful things in life and I hope my designs help remind you to do so.

I chose to pursue a creative paper goods business mainly because of my love for tangible art. I love being able to hold an art print or receive a greeting card in the mail from a friend. I am a full-time graphic designer by day and am facing a computer screen a good bit, so this was a great way for me to explore my hobby and expand my creativity by working with my hands.



A big challenge for me is trying not to over do it by doing too many things at once! You’ll see that I listed the quote I live by as “you can do anything, but not everything” - and it’s something I struggle with all the time! I have so many ideas running around in my head and sometimes it’s hard to figure out which to really pursue and prioritize. I also want to be as productive as possible and do things that are best for my business, so the decision to do one thing over another is sometimes daunting!



As I mentioned briefly above, Ten Acre Paper Co. is all about finding space for the meaningful things in life. Other principles and values that build up TAPC are being bold, brave, kind and mindful. I try to not only portray these principles and values in my art work, but also incorporate them into my own life. I believe that living out the things you promote is one of the best ways to carry it through to others.



I’ve come to really love having my own business and being my own boss because of the amazing freedom. I grew up as an only child and have always been pretty independent, so I think that characteristic funnels well into doing this on my own and staying motivated. I also generally have a tough time making big decisions, but this position has really pushed me to learn to think quickly and act upon things that need fast turnaround. I also love that I am involved in all aspects of running my small business - from gathering supplies, keeping track of accounting info, communicating with clients and setting up collaborations with other creatives to, of course, creating the artwork. I’m always learning something new!



In 5 years, I’d love to be a well-known paper company that offers many more products and variations of paper goods that really exemplify the principles and values of the Ten Acre Paper Co. brand. I can’t wait to grow personally as well as creatively and really hone my watercolor and lettering skills - maybe even branch out and explore other techniques! I also hope to build connections and friendships + collaborate with many, many more creatives.



Four things-

1. You can totally do it.

2. Have patience and don’t feel discouraged about taking small steps.

3. Reach out to other creatives and connect to those within your local community.

4. Build your business around principles and values that keep you positive and motivated.


I AM ...

excited for the future.



in working hard for your dreams and doing whatever it takes. It doesn’t come easy, you’ve gotta earn it!



my friends and family, comfy jeans and striped t-shirts, decorating my home, connecting with other creatives, the fall season and everything that comes with it, coffee, netflix, mountain views, black and white photographs, laughing endlessly with my husband and staying up late!



taking something for granted and not realizing it until it’s too late.



things happen and sometimes you’ve just got to say “c’est la vie!” ( aka: “that’s life!” )



my continual motivation and drive for this company.



marrying my husband, Spencer.



“you can do anything, but not everything” - David Allen



open-ended watercolor at home in the morning light with coffee and a candle, a walk in the park with my husband (+ our future dog :)), an afternoon nap + snuggles with my cat Ferris, dinner out at a cozy/casual/southern-style restaurant and then champagne and cake back at home with board games and Netflix.



to leave a positive impact on the world in more ways than one.


I WILL ...

never stop trying to improve.


I love Chelsea's story! The idea of starting a business from scratch is overwhelming to say the least, but once you make up your mind, there is nothing that can stop you from making it happen. An idea may sprout in the mind, but in order for it to grow, you have to be the one to bring it to life. Chelsea is the perfect example of someone who had an idea and who did not let the fear of the unknown stop her from figuring things out and paving her own path. She had a plan, stuck to it, and the most important part - she was confident. Her turning point was that she knew she could do it! It's amazing to think that she just started this journey four months ago. Look at what she has built thus far, and she's only getting started.

Chelsea's story is so encouraging, isn't it! Realize that you too, are capable of walking out your dreams and are able to create something amazing from scratch. You don't need to know everything, you just need to be willing to take the first step and learn along the way. There's no better time than now to take your ideas and make them a reality. Move your ideas from the stages of dreaming to doing, and you will see incredible things happen just as Chelsea has. Have confidence in yourself and trust in the process that you must go through to get to where you want to be.

Cheers to Chelsea, another inspiring boss babe who touches us not only with her story, but with her beautiful work!

Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |

Oolala! Loving these FREE wallpapers!
Get yours here.

Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |
Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop + Phone |


Thank you so much for stopping by and sticking around until the end of this post. Isn't Chelsea amazing! Please do me a favor and show her some love at the links provided above, and let her know that I sent you (to stalk her, of course). There are tons more free wallpapers available at the button below, so click it and be happy because free stuff is always a good idea! To stay in the know of all current happenings, you can follow me along on Instagram ( @hlovelyliving ) for exclusive content that I only share there. If you tag me on your photos of you using your wallpapers, I'd love that so much because that means that you're enjoying them, and that means I'll keep them coming!

What inspires you about Chelsea's story? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. I love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy! | Sharing Is Caring

This Boss Babe Runs Two Businesses All While Working Her Day Job

Amy Jade Lore of Amy Jade Designs and Beautycounter is one busy woman. As if one side hustle wasn't enough, she decided to take on the world with two - while still managing a full-time job. I think we can all agree that having a full-time job is demanding in and of itself. Just how she manages to juggle the demands of all three is beyond me. Go Amy! | Amy Jade Lore - Amy Jade Designs & Beautycounter | This Boss Babe Runs Two Businesses All While Working Her Day Job

Based out of Montreal, Canada, Amy is a graphic designer and calligrapher and founded Amy Jade Designs, where she combines her two creative talents to design lovely commissioned pieces. Her passion soon led her to Beautycounter, a company whose goal is to get safer personal care products into the hands of everyone. As a Senior Consultant at Beautycounter, Amy has found purpose in spreading the mission and purpose of the company and in educating everyone about the benefits of choosing safer personal care products.

Let's get to know Amy a bit more! I asked her a few questions that I really felt would help all of you aspiring boss babes in your personal walk. It helps to get to know other women on a more personal level and to understand that we are all figuring things out one step at a time. I hope you enjoy this!


Q & A

amy jade lore

Amy Jade Designs and Beautycounter



What was the biggest turning point in your life that made you want to pursue your own business?

I’ve always had my freelance Graphic Design and now Calligraphy business on the side of my 9-5 day job. When I discovered Beautycounter and began researching their company’s mission of getting safer beauty products out to the public and creating awareness, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of. I was sent the “We deserve better” video, which talks about the lack of regulations in the beauty industry, and I was so shocked by the statistics and immediately wanted to help share this message with friends and family.


How did you feel when you made that decision?

I was a little nervous about the new challenges it would bring, but mostly extremely excited for the future.


What inspired and motivated you to follow through with your decision?  

Being my own boss has always been something I’ve wanted to do. I enjoy the flexibility but even more I enjoy being a part of something that matters. When I introduce someone to a Beautcounter product, like the Charcoal Cleansing Bar, and it helps clear up a skin issue that they have been struggling with for years, I find it extremely fulfilling and it makes me want to continue this journey.


What were the first steps you took to get the ball rolling?

One of the things that made the transition of joining Beautycounter as an independent consultant easy is all the training and information available. As a consultant, I am connected to a mentor, who basically has guided me through the initial process and answered any questions that I have. The company also has an influx of “how to” materials that really walks you through the steps of creating a successful business and being a successful independent consultant.


Tell us about your business and why you chose to pursue that particular business.

Unfortunately like many people, a lot of my friends and family have health issues. All four of my grandparents have had cancer, and one thing I hear constantly is that, had they known at a younger age that the things they were doing when they were younger were not good for them, they would have avoided it. Now we have so much information at our fingertips about making safer choices, so the idea of being able to spread this knowledge has definitely given my decision to enter this business a purpose.


What types of challenges have you experienced so far and how are you overcoming them?

I’ve always been a little bit of an introvert. The idea of trying to market myself as an artist and reaching out to new contacts, at first, was daunting. However, there are so many tools available to overcome these fears. I find that social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, has been wonderful to really connect with others and to be a part of a strong community. Although graphic design is a completely different field than the beauty industry, I still find so many similarities since, in both realms, I am working for myself, so I am able to transfer the skills I learned in each.


Which principles and values have you based your business upon and how do you hope to carry that through to your customers?

Beautycounter has been the perfect company for me to get involved with since they have such a strong mission of getting safer products out to people and educating them on the importance of knowing what is going onto theirs and their loved one's skin. Each day I’m able to reach out to a wider audience to share these values, and knowing I am confident in the product and mission makes it that much easier to accomplish. 


What do you love about having your own business and being your own boss? 

I love being able to know that the hours I am putting in are for myself and that I can see the results directly and know that it pays off.


What would you like to accomplish and where would you like to see yourself and your business in 5 years?

I would love to continue with what I am doing now but grow both my businesses. My main goal is to reach as many people as possible and get safer products into everyone’s home.


What advice would you give to someone who is considering starting their own business? 

I would definitely encourage it! I personally started out both as side jobs and would suggest going that route. Take the time to create a name for yourself and really establish relationships with potential clients. At one point you will see a shift and realize that you are getting more clients and work and that you can pursue that as a full-time career. It’s definitely time-consuming, there will be a lot of late nights, and you’ll hear “no” often, but in the end, you’ll be at a job that you really enjoy.


I am ...

not afraid to speak my mind.


I believe ...

in making time for friends and family.


I love …

Coffee - slightly addicted. :)


My greatest fear is …

taking on too much and burning out.


My greatest lesson in life so far is …

to create a balance between work life and personal life in order to achieve happiness and success.


I am proud of ...

anyone that pursues their dreams.


My greatest accomplishment is ...

taking the leap of establishing my own business.


A quote I live by is ...

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” - Neale Donald Walsch


My idea of a perfect day is ...

a relaxing day at the beach with friends.


My dream is ...

to be happy and not have any regrets.


I will ...

never stop challenging myself.


Amy serves as an inspiration to those of you who have a career, yet are feeling pulled toward stepping outside of that. Not only is it possible to pursue your dreams while managing a full-time job, it is oftentimes necessary until you have built something substantial enough to pull the weight that your full-time job only could. It can be overwhelming just thinking about how you could possibly build a business while juggling a full-time job, but if you have the drive and determination to do it, there's no limit to your potential.

No matter what obstacles you may face, including having to support yourself and your family while pursuing your dreams, small steps are bigger than no step at all. So, if you have a dream that you are wanting to pursue, take it from Amy to go out there and do it! It will be a challenge, but it will be so worth it.

To learn more about Beautycounter and how you, too, can get your hands on safer personal care products, or if you are interested in being a part of the company's mission, you can get in touch with Amy, and she will be happy to help. 

This month, Beautycounter launched their Holiday Gift Sets, and they are gorgeous! Just take a look down below for some snapshots of some of them. I'm all about companies that are a part of the clean beauty movement and who are holding themselves to a higher standard, so this is seriously stuff that I love to show my support for. I've also tried a few of their products from their skincare line, and I really enjoyed them.

To show my support for Amy - for a limited time (from now until November 19) - I will be hosting a Beautycounter social, which is basically just a fun way to shop together (virtually). Every purchase is an automatic entry into our giveaway, where you could win a Luminous Nudes Gift Set - valued at $75! How amazing is that - I'm so thankful that Amy is able to do this. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee on all orders. I hope you join me! You can shop directly at the button below. 



I hope you enjoyed this post and gained inspiration from Amy's story. There will be more inspiring stories to come as I feature other women who are taking charge of their dreams and their future. Until then, have an amazing week and stay beautiful babes!

Are you an aspiring boss babe with big dreams? I'd love to know how I can help you get there. Let's chat in the comments below! | Sharing Is Caring

Wallpaper Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton
Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton

Wallpaper Wednesdays is now back in session, and this week we are getting inspired by one of the most genuinely sweetest people you'll have a chance to come across online - Mallory Overton of Castle Paper Co. I was instantly drawn to her work because her calligraphy style is so unique, and scrolling through her images immediately made me feel inspired and uplifted. 

Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton
Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton

Reading through her captions, you start to get a sense of her personality - she's authentic, down-to-earth, and the type that you'd want to be BFFs with! You can see it in her writing that she puts a ton of heart into her work and it is truly a reflection of who she is on the inside.

Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton

Taking a look through her work, she creates beautiful wedding stationery, place cards, invitations, and prints (to name a few) and they are all sophisticated with a touch of playful whimsy. I just love them ALL! Her work has been featured on Style Me Pretty, and rightfully so because she's got major skills.

Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton

If you ever find yourself in search for a calligrapher, Mallory's your girl. Head to her site and tell her what you need. Whether it be for a wedding, event, business, or even for your home - she can design something that you will be absolutely head over heals for. And since she's one of the most down-to-earth people you will ever meet, the process will be even that much more fun and stress-free, I'm sure. She also does copy editing. What can I say, the girl knows her stuff!

Wallpapers Wednesdays 31 | Artist Feature - Mallory Overton

If you're the type that could stare at calligraphy for hours, do yourself a favor and follow Mallory on Instagram because she posts the prettiest photos of her life and work and makes everything look so completely effortless. I couldn't include all of her pretty calligraphy photos if I tried - so go ahead and see for yourself. 

Wrapping it up, I asked Mallory to answer a few questions for us - so enjoy - and at the end of the post download her free wallpapers that she totally made for all of you. 


Q & A | Mallory Overton - Castle Paper Co.



I have always had a passion for beauty, and I’ve always had a strong sense for the way things look and feel + can observe that from an early age.  I do consider writing to be an artform, and I started pursuing that in high school.  I only started to pursue art as an endeavor about two years ago, so that piece is pretty new for me!  I like it, though.



Outside.  I love gardens.  They bring out my inner eighty-year old.  I get a lot of thinking done as I walk around; I love walking through my neighborhood to start the day.  I’m also really inspired by museums + libraries, which feels a little cliche but it’s true.  Museums because they make me feel small but in a good way, and remind me of the human spirit + how great it is to be a member of a group of creatures that can’t help but to create.  Libraries for a similar reason, but with the added layer of story.  Books carry so much nostalgia for me, as I was a much better reader as a child.  I still love the idea of reading but find my attention so divided with things like, well, Instagram.   



Paper :)  does that count?  I have always loved + collected paper.  I use a lot of markers, Tombows are my fave for brush markers, and Le Pen for felt-tip.  I also use watercolor and acrylic ink for calligraphy and for painting.  My new thing is to make tapestries out of linen that I can write on, so fabric is being added ot the list!



Okay, well whimsical would be one word.  And sophisticated (sometimes).  And then also intentional, because it’s both how I approach creating and how I try to use what I create.



Yes, that or a podcast.  But usually music while I’m creating -- right now, I have Spotify’s 70s Smash Hits playlist on repeat.  But I mean, I also listen to Bieber.  I’m all over the place.  It has everything to do with my mood.



A large-format piece hanging in my bathroom.  Usually the things I make I grow tired of from spending so much time with them, or I see the imperfections + that prevents me from enjoying the finished product for what it is.  But this piece that I love I wrote because the words moved me so much + I wasn’t worrying about how it looked, I was just writing it because I wanted to.  I often think that I’ll probably have it forever -- it’s a C.S. Lewis quote about God’s love for us, and I love to read it every day.   



Oh, man.  Just one?!!  Well, I am really inspired by Ali Nelson, of Ali Makes Things.  The way she combines words + her story feels very close to my own heart!  I am always interested to see what she is putting out there.



Don’t worry about what skills, tools, expertise, experience or vision you don’t have.  Use what you do have, right now.  If you are in this for the long term, you WILL have days where it feels like you’re going nowhere.  We all do, so try not to get discouraged.  Try instead to zoom out and ask yourself what you can do today that will bring you closer to your long-term goal--whether it’s based on a month, year, or lifetime of work.   



Honestly, as a creative I imagine myself to be capable of way more things that I probably am, but I could see myself getting back into flowers, and I often dream of having a co-working/event space where a couple of my friends and I could work and plan fun events together + use our space to give to people!  I have some dreams for it, but we’ll see what happens :)  




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Thanks for stopping by! For wallpaper updates, sign up for my newsletter by clicking the button below. Follow me, @hlovelyliving on Instagram, and search #cheekyliving to see when new designs are up. Tag me using your wallpapers so I can feature your photo!

Which designs and artists would you like to see next? Share with me in the comments below! 

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. We love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy! | Sharing Is Caring

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa
Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

This week I'm featuring Seattle-based commercial artist, Ash Sta. Teresa whose patterns, illustrations. and color palettes will bring on the calm as soon as you set your eyes on them. 

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

She finds inspiration through her 3 kids and interestingly, it wasn't until she had her second child that she began to develop her skill. I love how children have a way of inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves. You can see the love through her work and many of her illustrations have that child-like charm and innocence, like this illustration.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

Her use of pastels and dreamy botanical illustrations are what first drew me to her art. Then, upon scrolling through her Instagram feed, I discovered a playful side that really stood out to me. It's been fun seeing what she comes up with in her 100 day project #dashofombre

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

One of my favorites is where she shows how ripping paper can looks so beautiful. She really inspired me to take time to do something art-related no matter how small it is and to think outside of the box like what she did above and below.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

She has a lot going on and has a zillion patterns available for purchase on home decor, phone cases, and more.  If you want to check out all of her amazingness and get to know her more, you can also find her on Minted, Deny Designs, Casetify, and her Website, Dash And Ash

Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa
Wallpaper Wednesdays 30 | Artist Feature - Ash Sta. Teresa

Her latest endeavor has her launching an organic children's clothing line, which she hand carves herself. I could definitely see my little one, Uriah rocking these. Give her a follow and help support "Made In The USA"!

Ash shares a bit more in my short Q & A, and before you click out, download the 4 free wallpaper designs she made at the end. Happy downloading!


Q & A


I really never imagined doing anything else. I always loved creating and didn’t fully develop my skills until after having my 2nd child.

WHERE DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION? and my kids. They actually tell me what to paint sometimes.


Right now mostly watercolor and linocuts. I sometimes play around with acrylic and love drawing on my Wacom.


Pattern, Airy, Simple


I used to love music and I just haven’t made time for it since kids. I feel like noises just come at me all day. I do a ton of thinking while painting and I enjoy the silence of all 3 kids in bed.


I had a baby boy in February. I was in a horrible creative place during pregnancy and then suffered a postpartum hemorrhage afterwards, I actually thought I died on the bathroom floor. I was really lucky to be at a great hospital that acted fast. Recovering was a long time spent in bed, I would draw between feeding the baby and sleeping. I decided then to just spend time on art that only I would be proud of. You can see the piece here: Arrlo the Buffalo


I have to name Four: Ashley Goldberg, Frida, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lisa Congdon


Just start and create art everyday, even if it’s for 5 minutes.


I’m in a transition to get more of my art on clothes. I hope that I will have a successful baby clothing line.


New York.

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Free Wallpapers For Your Desktop & Phone |

Thanks for stopping by! For wallpaper updates, sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar or simply follow @hlovelyliving on Instagram. Search #cheekyliving to see when new designs are up and tag me with which wallpapers you picked so I can feature your photo!

What types of designs and artist features would you like to see next? Share with me in the comments below! 

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. We love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy!

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Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz
Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz

Wallpaper Wednesdays had a short hiatus, but have no fear - it's back! This week, I'm featuring Laura Fedorowicz, a Canadian artist that I came across on Instagram. She makes the most vibrant pieces of art that have a soft and feminine feel while also giving off energy and movement.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz

Laura's strong use of contrasting colors in vibrant and pastel hues make her art feel very bold, yet soft. Her artwork is perfect for anyone who wants to incorporate color into their home without having to paint the walls. As you can see in the photo above, it accomplishes just that. Her pieces add that perfect modern touch and are filled with abstract patterns, which I can see make any space a happier place because of them.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz

I really love Laura's use of color and the color palettes that result from her work. Sometimes it can be intimidating to use so many colors, but she uses them so perfectly well that everything comes together without looking overpowering. The patterns she comes up with - well, I can stare at them all day. And her paint swatches look just as beautiful as her finished pieces. 

Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz
Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz

You can catch Laura running her Etsy shop, Elle and Kay Collection where she sells a wide variety of original modern prints. She also posts regularly on Instagram. Just scrolling through her feed will make you have heart eyes; You'll find beautifully composed pictures of her art and behind the scenes beautiful messes (like above). Isn't it just pretty! She also shares candid moments as an artist and mom of a toddler who knows how to color coordinate with her artwork. Her pup is cute too and can be seen living the good life taking a nap with her art adorned pillow and throw blanket.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 29 | Artist Feature - Laura Fedorowicz

But that's just the beginning for Laura, who is quite the busy-bee. I was really excited to find out that her designs can be found on so many products from gift wrapping paper to home decor. I just about wanted everything I saw! Her recent collaboration with Hedoe Paper (above) will make it hard for anyone to want to rip their packages open. I know I just couldn't see myself destroying such beautiful wrapping paper. 

Laura is also active on Deny Designs, where her art has been placed on home decor, cellphone cases, makeup bags, and more. There's literally pages and pages of amazingness happening with her art. I hope you stop by and check her out and give her a follow, but before you do, below is a short Q & A to get to know her a bit more! She also created four amazing free wallpaper designs for your computer and phone toward the end. Happy downloading!


Q & A


I have always been passionate about art and design. I can remember re-doing my room at about 10 and going to the paint store, and being so specific about how the room would and should look. The salesperson looked at my mom and said, “She’s going to be an artist”. I spent free time at home painting, and spare periods in high school in the art room creating. After attending OCAD University for Environmental Design, I took a break from creating. I started back up while on maternity leave with my first child and haven’t stopped since. 


I find my inspiration all over the place. In everyday life, from fashion trends, floral arrangements, pretty skies. I find since I have started creating again, everywhere I look there is inspiration. (and it is a lovely feeling!) 


I stick to acrylics currently, adding detail in ink when needed. When I first started creating again I used water colors, and I am so itching to play with oil paint. I think my abstracts would be so delicious in the texture that oils bring! 


Enthusiastic, Bright, Feminine 


Yes, always. A wide mix, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Drake, and then on the opposite side….I’m a country girl too, Maren Morris, Clare Dunn, Miranda Lambert and obsessing over Thomas Rhett’s “Tangled Up” currently! Just depends on my mood.


My Wild and Free Canvas represents a big breakthrough for me. I realized in that painting - that my very own style and developing voice was one to be proud of. Sharing your art with the world in the beginning is a scary thing - this represents moving on from the fear and stepping out - proudly. I have since turned that canvas into a set of art prints, so others can have Wild and Free in their home.


Britt Bass - Her color and the feeling in her abstracts are so stunning. 


Just Create. Focus on your creative drive, your need to create, and just keep moving. You will get distracted, you will sometimes feel defeated or stuck. But just keep going. Usually after those down periods, something wonderful comes. You were meant to create exactly what it is you are creating, and no one else can do it how you do. 


I want to be running a successful online boutique where I can sell not only my own art, but the art and accessories of other artists. I want to curate a shop full of beauty! 


Hawaii. My husband and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and we secretly dream of moving our family there and living a simpler life. 


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Thanks for stopping by! For wallpaper updates, sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar or simply follow @hlovelyliving and @cheekybillo on Instagram. Search #cheekyliving to see when new designs are up and tag us with which wallpapers you picked so we can feature your photo!

My Wallpaper Wednesday partner in crime - the lovely, Ena Chahal - can be stalked over here: Instagram | Blog | Casetify | Society 6 

What designs and artist features would you like to see next? Share with me in the comments below! 

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. We love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy!

Sharing Is Caring |

Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene
Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene |

This week, I'm excited to share with you a new artist feature! I found Rachel on Instagram, my go-to place for seeking out other creatives. If you visit her Instagram feed, you'll quickly see why her work stood out to me. Through her work, she shares inspiring and motivating messages and scripture for women. I ended up with a permanent smile on my face after reading them. 

Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene

Rachel is part of the growing movement of women who are creating the life and career they want by pursuing what they love and what sets their heart on fire. She discovered calligraphy and fell in love with it so much that she decided to take a leap of faith and start her own business. Now, she creates calligraphy and hand-lettered print products that allows her to spread her message while living out her dreams.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene
Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene

Many of her prints share encouraging scriptures that I absolutely love. She also appeals to the mug-loving-types, which is basically every woman known to man. See the rest of her lovely products in her Etsy shop.

Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene
Wallpaper Wednesdays 28 | Artist Feature - Rachel Allene

She's also a photographer, which explains why her photos are so beautifully styled and photographed. But the cake-topper is her brush-lettering and calligraphy. Looking at this beautiful form of art is therapeutic in itself. Throw in some light-hearted sayings and you have the perfect framed addition to add to your home. If you're loving her work so far, I'm sure Rachel would love for you to visit her (tell her I sent you). She can be found over on her website, Instagram, and Facebook. Get to know her a bit more below, and then download all of the free wallpapers she created for you at the end. 


Q & A


Yes, I have always loved art and have found great peace and comfort when creating things! I always loved studying art in high school and college. I considered double-majoring so I could get an Art degree, but I didn’t think I was skilled enough. Back then, I felt as if I never found a craft that I felt I could excel in or do for a living. Enter Calligraphy! Once I learned calligraphy and hand-lettering, I was hooked and knew that it was something that would be a part of my life for a very long time. Fast-forward to today and now I am a business owner selling my handmade goods and hand-lettered products. Life is a crazy ride!


I find a lot of inspiration through my fellow creatives on social media, but I also find inspiration when I am outdoors. I spend a lot of time outside, and most of my good ideas are a result of a good run, walk, or hike. My faith inspires and influences the majority of my work as well.     


I use watercolor for most of my brush lettering products, but I also digitize my work. As a result, I sell mugs, note cards, and lots of custom digital projects (like wedding invitations). A lot of times, the work I will eventually digitize starts with a sharpie and scrap piece of paper!


Empowering, feminine, inspirational.


Yes! I also listen to a lot of podcasts. My music playlists change a lot, but right now my favorite playlist includes Selena Gomez, Blake Shelton, Jason Derulo, Justin Bieber, Adele, Hunter Hayes, and Beyonce. My favorite podcasts are Radiolab, Serial, Reply All, and Mystery Show, if you were wondering :)


This is a tough question! I recently created a 2016 Calendar and each month has a  verse written out in calligraphy with a watercolor graphic. I love it so much! It was a lot of work, but I am really happy with how it turned out.


Jackson Pollock


Don’t give up! Don’t compare yourself! Be unique! And remember to hold yourself to standard of grace, not perfection.


I hope to have some babies running around the office with me and a team of people working together to empower, encourage and inspire women through my art.


In Italy with my husband, drinking a glass of red wine, and looking out onto a body of water.

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For wallpaper updates, sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar or simply follow @hlovelyliving and @cheekybillo on Instagram. Search #cheekyliving where Ena and I will be posting when new designs are up and tag us with which wallpapers you picked so we can feature your photo!

My Wallpaper Wednesday partner in crime - the lovely, Ena Chahal - can be stalked over here: Instagram | Blog | Casetify | Society 6 

What designs and artist features would you like to see next? Share with me in the comments below! 

Disclosure: All designs are original and for personal use. Artists retain rights to all designs and they may not be copied or reproduced in any form or likeness. We love when you share, but please link back to the original post. Enjoy!