Posts in lifestyle
DIY Minimalist Floating Wood Shelf

For a while now, I’ve been shopping for a minimal raw wood floating shelf, but to no success. Knowing that adding shelving to your walls will enhance your space, I always make it an effort to do so. I have always loved floating wood shelves in particular. So, I decided to take it into my own hands and design one that was not only pretty and the exact aesthetic I was going for, but inexpensive and easy to make.

This post is meant to provide the exact measurements and supplies that you will need. I also filmed a video of me making this exact shelf from start to finish so that you can easily visualize each step and refer back to it if you decide to make one for yourself.

Hello Lovely Living

All supplies besides the drill set (which was purchased at Ikea) where purchased at Home Depot, so this is an easy one-stop project. It is a very affordable project as well at under $15 for all supplies, and you could easily make multiple shelves for under $10 with leftover supplies.

Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on how to make this floating shelf!


• 1 - 0.75” depth x 5.5” width x 24” length piece of maple wood board

• 60 sandpaper for wood (comes in pack of 5 sheets)

• 2 - #10x3” phillips wood screws (comes in pack of 2)

• 2 - EZ Ancor drywall anchor that hangs up to 75lbs (comes in pack of 4)

• #12-24 Everbilt machine screw nuts (comes in pack of 10)

• 3/4” diameter x 48” length wooden dowel (cut down to 2 - 7” pieces.

• Drill bit and phillips screwdriver



Cut dowels

Home Depot has a saw station that you can use to cut down your wooden dowels. Cut 2 - 7” pieces. With remaining wood, you could easily make 4 more pieces depending on if you are making multiple shelves. Of course, you’d need to adjust your amount of supplies if that is the case.


Sand dowels

Sand down the ends of the wooden dowels until smooth.


Drill dowels

Drill one side of each dowel 2” deep and at a circumference that allows for the head of the phillips screw to be completely inserted. I drilled my holes to a width of 1.25 cm since my screws had a lip that wide.


measure your wall

Measure the width of the wall you are planning to hang your shelf on. Since the piece of wood is 24” in length, you will need to leave an equal amount of space at each end in order to center it on the wall. This amount will depend on your individual space. Once you’ve identified how much space you need for each side, measure 3.25” from each edge of the piece of wood. This is where your wooden dowels will be placed and where you will place your holes in your wall. Use a leveler to make sure that everything is even before drilling your holes. I just downloaded a leveler in the app store and used my phone to do this.


Install drywall anchors and screws

With your drill bit, drill your holes into the wall and then screw the drywall anchors in place with a phillips screwdriver. Take your phillips screws and run a screw nut through each before you install them. Screw in until secured and tight (about 1”). Leave a 2” allowance to insert the wooden dowels into.


Insert wooden dowels and hang

Insert the wooden dowels into the screw and nut until secure. Hang shelf and then style with finishing touches. Make sure to keep shelf flush to wall so that all the weight is held up against the screws.


Wasn’t that an easy project! If you try this project, make sure to tag me @hellolovelyliving on Instagram so I can see!

I also have another hanging wood shelf project you may be interested in too. You can see that here!

What home decor projects have you been wanting to do lately?

10 Steps To Supercharge Your Wealth Early In Life

Welcome back to the blog! Today, I am bringing you another article on the topic of money and financial health. This topic has been at the forefront of my mind on a daily basis, and I’m sure it dominates your thoughts on the regular, too. It is so important for us to think long-term when it comes to our financial wellbeing. If we want security, we need to plan ahead and be very strategic about the choices we make. Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in mindset to achieve change. Here are ten steps provided by a Hello Lovely Living contributor that will help supercharge your wealth early in life. I hope these give you actionable steps that you can implement right away!

When you’re young, the priorities you have might not seem all that serious in the grander scheme of things. Sometimes you want a nice car, you want to find love, and you want to look great, too. When you graduate, it may even be that you think about finding your dream internship or starting job - and that’s about as serious about the future that you want to get. Most of the time, this is absolutely fine because your twenties are for living, for learning, and for having fun. Yet, sometimes, you absolutely want to think about trying to get a lot more serious about things that are further ahead. When it comes to your career and your finances, you are going to find that the earlier you start, the better. Yet, this can often seem overwhelming.

Hello Lovely Living

However, the world of building a lucrative career and growing wealth from an early age can be much simpler than you imagine because it’s the same with everything - the earlier you get started with it all, the easier and more efficient it’s going to be down the line. You know that it’s going to take you a long time to get to where you want to be in your career – especially when you’re in your twenties or early thirties, and the same goes for your wealth. You may not get to where you want to be overnight, but the earlier you start, the better. Let’s take a look at how this can work.

Be Responsible With Your Money

First of all, you just have to begin with being responsible. If you can master this, then any of the following nine points will be painless. Since you have to be financially responsible, you need to be able to manage your own money and not always be asking to borrow from others if you ever intend to be wealthy.


When you know that you’re ready to be responsible, and you actually want to grow your money, it’s time to create a budget. Take your monthly net salary and divide it up between everything that you pay for. Rent, bills, groceries, clothes, savings, eating out – all of it. By managing your money this way, you’ll have more control over it.

Set Goals

You need to make sure that you’re setting some financial goals because if you want to grow your wealth, you need to be intentional about it. Whether you want to start investing, buy a house, launch a business, travel - anything - you may need to set a goal and then align your financial attitude and actions towards that goal.

Live Within Your Means

For most people, this point seems really obvious, but that’s not always the case. You really do have to live within your means to be wealthy because it’s easy to spend on credit cards and feel as if you can afford everything, but you can’t. You really do have to make sure that you’re only spending money that you have, and this is why budgeting can be so important as it allows you to foresee all of your expenses and set restrictions on your spending.

Spend Wisely

Now, you know that you’re going to spend money – you’re only human - but when you’re buying clothes or groceries or anything else, just make your purchases count. If you are spending wisely and the things you buy are very conscious purchases, you’ll have much more money available to set aside.

Save, Save, Save

The flip side of getting your finances in order and spending well is to then to start saving. First, you’re going to want to start with building a safety net if you don’t have one already. When you have a regular salary, you may wonder why you need money set aside, but it’s important to have an emergency fund in place in case you need cash for any unforeseen expenses that may arise. Additionally, it can get you into a good habit of saving for much larger purchases down the road, like a house.

Plan For The Future

You’re also going to want to make sure that you’re thinking about your retirement. Sure, when you’re in your twenties, this is often the last thing you want to spend your money on because it seems so far away, and you’d rather spend on the here and now, but if you can put away for your retirement now, you’ll have a more lucrative life in old age.


When you’ve got your savings in place and your retirement covered, you might want to also think about growing your money with investments. You will find that instant access to savings may not give you the best return, so why not make a longer term investment? You could look at tying the money up, buying a property, looking for land for sale, or even other commodities. The idea here is to invest in something that will give you a higher return than instant access savings. If you want to manage your money or your investment income easier, be sure to check out Swissmoney.

Be Secure

Now, it’s important to invest your money early if you really are looking to grow it, but it’s very important to adopt a long-term strategy. Some people think that to invest, you have to bet big to win big, but you may find that the best strategy is to put your money into a reliable stock or bond for a long period of time for the best possible returns. Of course, if you start young, then it’s going to be much easier for you reap larger returns over a much more extended period of time.

Make Smart Decisions

Finally, there’s really nothing more important here than for you to do than just be smart about your money and your financial situation, overall. Always look to save, think about climbing that career ladder and earn more, maybe even consider starting your own money-making endeavors. You know the basics, so stick to them because the smarter you can be about your finances early on, the more financial success you will achieve, and that’s how you build real wealth.

That is it for this post! Thank you to our contributor for giving us very useful steps to get our financial health in order. The sooner we become disciplined about money, the sooner we can begin to benefit from the rewards of it. I look forward to covering more on this topic again soon.

Do you enjoy these types of posts? Let me know what topics you’d like me to cover below.

Another Year Older - A Note To my Sons

Last month was my birthday, and the reality hits me every time another year passes that my time is getting shorter and shorter on this earth. I know. You must be thinking I’m crazy for being so dramatic. Heck, you probably think I’m still in my 20’s! #iwish

I may still be in my early 30’s, but I feel like the years go by faster these days than any time in my life. I can’t help but think about the value of time more seriously and try to come to terms with how I am not getting any younger with each day that passes. Just as I can’t come to terms with how my children are growing so fast and getting older, I look at myself and realize that I have less time to be here to enjoy them and life itself. I am so much more aware about how limited time is that it has become something that I think about a lot these days.

For purposes of being more dramatic, here is a note to my boys that I thought I’d share: Dear Kodi and Uriah, If you every get a chance to read this, although it is a little early to be having this conversation, I want you to know that I am getting OLD(er), and although I may be considered “young” right now, one day I will lose my strength and need you both: my two strong boys to come to my rescue. One day, I will be the one needing you both more than you need me. Ps. On a lighter note, I hope you both give me a gazillion grandkids! LOL

All joking aside, I also think about my mom and how she is getting older too - even though she never seems to age! I think about how I want her to start enjoying her years more and to finally be the one who is cared for at this time in her life. I wish she didn’t have to worry about anything anymore and that every burden could be lifted from her. Now that I know what it is like to be a mother, I can say that I have walked a day in her shoes and that she deserves the world for keeping it together all these years.

I remember how my mom cared for my grandmother, and how she lived to be 92 years old. Seeing my grandma reach the age where she was changing mentally and physically really took a toll on me. I remember visiting her one day and dropping off a flower arrangement I had made in one of my college classes. I didn’t get to give it to her directly because she was resting at the time, but I just remember hoping so much that she would know how much I loved her even though she wasn’t able to understand things like she used to.

With all that said, let’s not forget about our parents and our elders and really think about ways that we can help them, even in the smallest ways. What can you do today that could show your parents or elders how much you care for them? Here are a few ways to show concern and care for them as shared by a Hello Lovely Living contributor.

Look Up Helpful Information

Thanks to the internet, we can find out about pretty much anything we want. There are hundreds of articles and videos that can explain how our parents are feeling as they age, what they can do to keep busy as the years pass, and how you can contribute to their life at each stage.

Simply Visit

Just showing up and being there for them can mean so much. In some cases, a lot of seniors are left isolated in their homes with nobody to talk to, and it can be a sad existence. Being social is very healthy for the mind, and being around others regularly can do a world of good for them.

Hire A Care Service

If you’re finding it a little difficult to do things yourself, you can always get the help of professionals. There are specialists near you who have worked in senior home care for years and will be able to shift the weight off your shoulders and ensure your loved one’s safety at all times if there are things that have become overwhelming to handle on your own. It can save you a lot of stress, and you can use the time you do have with them to simply enjoy each other’s company.

Help Them Feel A Sense Of Purpose

As people get older, they find that they can’t exactly do things they could before – and if they were passionate about them, it could bring them down and make them feel like they don’t have purpose anymore. Try to help them find new hobbies and interests that can lift their spirits and bring smiles.

Keep Them Active

If they are still somewhat able, perhaps encourage them to go for walks – maybe even jogs if they can. If they are unable to move well, there are still many exercises that older people can do to keep the blood pumping and the endorphins releasing. It might be a struggle, but it’s obviously way better for them than just sitting around.  

Keep Them current With Technology

Technology is advancing quickly, and many people are utilizing the newest tech. It’s not essential, but maybe introducing them to the latest gadgets and updates can be of interest to them. The new tech could help them keep in touch with friends and family, and they won’t feel as intimidated about learning about it with your help.h

I hope you enjoyed this post! Our elders need us more and more as time goes by. I hope you will reach out to someone special in your life and show them just how much they mean to you. We have such a limited time to do it, so why not do it today.

What is one thing you can do today to show your elders you care?

How To Sleep Better - My 6 Tips To Prevent Insomnia

Welcome back to the blog! I am here with another post that will hopefully aid us all in getting a better night’s rest - or any rest for that matter. If there is anyone that has suffered from insomnia, it would be this girl.

I’ll admit, I’m a night owl through and through, and I am one of those creatures that actually doesn’t like going to sleep at night and must force myself to do it. It kinda sounds like we’re talking about my toddler son, Uriah, right now. Ha!

Well, yes, I guess you could compare me to a toddler in that case. I ALSO need to be forced to sleep! I typically love to stay up late and work because it is during this time that I am most able to focus, have a clear head, and be productive without any interruptions. Mix that with being a night owl and a mom who values the freedom that only comes when her toddler is asleep, and there ya have it - an insomniac!


The real fun part in this whole cycle though is when I do want to go to sleep early, and I just can’t. *cue insomnia* It then becomes a game of strategy of how to get to sleep in time to get enough rest before the sun rises - and before Uriah wakes up! I am easily one of those people who can struggle with insomnia if I don’t actively and consistently take steps to prevent it. I am also one of those people who would probably google, “how to go to sleep”. If you clicked on this post, you’re probably one of those people too! Right?

That’s where this post comes in handy. In this post, I will be discussing tips on how to sleep better and prevent insomnia. Not to mention, these tips actually work. Trust me, they do because I’ve tried them! Let’s get started.

These points are mainly steps for breaking the cycle of insomnia, to begin with. For me, it comes down to correcting unhealthy sleep patterns that I have been accustomed to, which is caused by my overall disposition to be more alert and active in the evening hours. I am not 100% perfect when it comes to sleep, but this is what I have learned.

sleep at a decent time / Restart your sleep cycle

The first thing that you must do is restart your body clock or sleep cycle, and by this I mean STOP GOING TO BED LATE! Sorry for the all-caps but I just had to emphasize that. It’s so important to set a schedule that ensures that you are going to bed at a decent time and holding yourself accountable to a consistent and predictable sleep schedule.

Personally, I don’t like schedules, so this has been a tough one for me, but this is really important, and it has helped me so much in my mission to sleep better. I have found that when I sleep a lot earlier, I wake up way more rested and prepared to wake up at an earlier hour versus if I had gone to bed later and woke up later. Even if I had a solid 8 hours of sleep in both cases, I would still wake up feeling not so fully rested on the day I had gone to sleep at a later time.

Get a solid number of hours of sleep consistently

Have you ever experienced getting less sleep - we’re talking 4 hours - only to wake up feeling so vibrant and refreshed? Yeah, it’s crazy, but for some people, less sleep is more. The key here is to get a consistent amount of sleep every night so that your body is not feeling deprived. For some people, 8 hours of sleep is needed. For others, it is 6 or even 10! It just depends on you, so listen to your body and find the optimum number of sleep hours that you feel works best for your body.

For me, I can sometimes do really well with less sleep, but that only lasts so long until I start to feel drained again. I think my optimum sleep hours is 8, but I still need to work on this a bit more because I don’t always get the same amount of sleep every night to accurately determine the exact amount of hours I need. I feel like it just depends, so that’s where it gets tricky.

Create a relaxing sleep environment

I’m sure you’ve heard that the colors in your room directly affect your mood. It is very true, so make sure to be conscious of the way you choose to decorate your bedroom space. Instead of making it busy, keep it simple and as a space that is only used for sleep. Designate TVs to only being in your living spaces such as living room, family room, and areas of entertaining instead of in the bedroom.

One of the most important things you can do is to make sure that you have quality bedding and a premium quality mattress. These days, you can buy a luxury mattress at down-to-earth prices and have it shipped directly to your door. In most cases, you could order a mattress online and even try a mattress for free for several months before you dive in and splurge. Make sure to look at reviews before you make your decision because it will be one of the most important decisions you make in the quality of sleep that you receive for many years to come.

Another important thing is to make sure that it is completely dark and silent when you go to sleep. I have found that when lights are left on or when there is any noise, my body isn’t able to fully rest. It’s as if I am half awake when there is any type of sensory distraction, so I always make sure to turn everything off.

Leave your phone in a different room

I tried this several nights and it was a game changer! Leave your phone to charge in a different room and put it on sleep mode so that it won’t distract or tempt you. I’m telling you, my phone is literally one of the main reasons why I have insomnia on most nights. I often have the intention of going to bed at a decent time, then once I’m in bed and my phone is by my side, I either stay up browsing or pick up my phone after tossing and turning for 30 minutes because I can’t fall asleep. It doesn’t help that all of my best ideas come to me at night and I want to research all of them on my phone at 1 in the morning!

If you want to be a little more extreme, just ban your phone from being in the bedroom. It will do wonders and will solve more of your sleep problems than you know. I am still working on adhering to this self-inflicted policy, but I have tried it, and when I follow this rule, I have the best sleep a girl could ask for.


Get yourself relaxed and in “sleep mode”

Preparing to sleep shouldn’t start when you turn off the lights and lay down on your bed. It should start several hours prior to you getting into bed. This is the time when you will be mentally and physically preparing yourself for rest.

One of the first things that you can do is diffuse some relaxing essential oils like lavender throughout your home. Spray it on your bed sheets, pillows, or mattress or add it to a warm bath. Lavender is an effective natural sleep aid and remedy for insomnia along with chamomile, which is also another good way to get your body relaxed.

Prepare some chamomile tea and be amazed at how sleepy this gets you. I’m actually getting sleepy just thinking about it. I love chamomile tea! If you’ve ever tried Sleepytime Tea, well, chamomile is the active ingredient, and I grew up on that stuff as a child. My mom used to give it to us all the time to get us tired! They even now have Sleepytime Extra, which I just discovered.

Instilling better sleep habits for your children is essential as well in your quest for better sleep. By creating healthy sleep patterns and habits for your children, you will be able to effectively create a peaceful nighttime routine and setting so that you can look forward to your personal downtime every evening. You will avoid the bedtime stress that often comes with getting children settled in so that your family evenings can be more peaceful.

Magnesium is another amazing way to get your body ready for a restful sleep. It is known as the calming mineral, so it will help relieve any tension or stress within the body and mind. Magnesium can be found in different foods, but I prefer to just take them in pill form.

I have also found that CBD oil works amazing for insomnia. Whenever I have taken it, it gets me drowsy, and I have had the absolute best sleep without any interruptions. I have several articles on my experience using CBD oil, so make sure to check those out for its other benefits as well. If you suffer from other conditions that make it difficult to sleep, exploring natural options is worth a try.

Avoid caffeine and sugar throughout the day

If you want to do yourself a huge favor, just stay away from caffeine and sugar altogether. However, if you are like me and love green tea and need to stay alive during the day, then just drink that and stay away from coffee. Sorry, coffee lovers! The reason I say green tea is okay is because you won’t crash from it as you would with coffee. You will still be able to sleep, but of course, the best thing would be to give up any type of caffeine for the best results.

If you are still wanting caffeine alternatives, the best alternative to caffeine would be taking a daily Vitamin B complex. It works so amazingly well to boost energy levels, but naturally. A daily multivitamin can also do the trick. If you are one of the brave ones, try this apple cider vinegar drink. It is also a natural energy booster that I promise you works great when taken in the morning instead of coffee.


Well, that is it for now! I have a lot more to say on this topic, so I will be back again on the topic of sleep in future posts. I hope that these simple tips offer some very helpful ways that you can apply to help prevent insomnia and help you sleep better. Make sure to share your response to the question below in the comments!

Do you have any sleep tips? Let us know in the comments.

lifestyle, wellnessStina X

Career Growth Tips For The Career Driven Woman

Welcome back to the blog! I’ve been on a roll with this money series. In my previous post, we talked about a few paths to financial freedom.

Today, I have another post by a Hello Lovely Living contributor that offers a few tips for the career-driven woman and how you can propel yourself further in your professional career rather simply by applying any of these tips.


Change doesn’t happen over night, but by applying simple solutions to often daunting long-term goals, you can steadily work your way toward achieving all that you want in your career and in life.

Knowing where to start is often the greatest challenge, so here are five ideas that will help to get that ball rolling toward achieving more in your career in 2019 and beyond.


Get Your Life Under Control

The harsh reality of life is that it’s very difficult to focus on your career when pressures from all areas of your life are constantly at the forefront of your mind. The key is to be conscious of how your personal life impacts your career and to make sure that you are addressing any problems before they get out of hand.

Managing the financial fallout from your college years is one of the most important things you can do first because this is often where the financial burden originates when you are just starting out in your career. Being sure to have a plan in place is critical in relieving yourself of a lot of the pressure down the road, especially as new responsibilities begin to mount.

Meanwhile, stable relationships and living arrangements can have a telling influence on your career, too. Naturally, a clear head free of negative energy allows you to focus more on your work. In turn, this can only encourage quicker progress towards your career goals.


Invest In Your Look

First impressions count for everything in business. As such, it’s never a bad idea to invest in your appearance to boost your confidence and ensure you looking and feeling your best at all times.

A haircut, a few sessions in the gym, or a new dress can make a huge impact in how you feel about yourself and how you present yourself to the world.

It’s not all about physical appearance, though. A new resume or business cards could be the key to creating a more memorable impression.

Alternatively, a new website or portfolio will allow you to stand out in positive way. The importance of getting your foot through the door to be considered is huge, especially being that competition is steep these days, so be sure to always pay attention to the details in your presentation both on paper and in person. | Career Growth Tips For The Career Driven Woman

Invest In Your Development

Education truly is the ticket to a better future. Even when you are well-educated in your chosen field, there's always room for further growth.

Medical experts, for example, can use online DNP nursing programs to further their education. Even if courses directly linked to the industry aren’t applicable, management courses can work wonders.

A better understanding of the latest tech developments in any chosen field would enable you to boost your productivity and value. This can only lead to larger earnings. 


Speak To Your Bosses

Nobody is going to give you a higher salary if they believe that they can get away with underpaying you. With this in mind, merely asking for a raise could be the quickest route to an improved salary.

Check job boards to see whether the company is paying you a fair amount. If not, crafting an effective argument as to why you deserve a pay raise should be a lot simpler.

Even when increased wages aren’t possible, you can look at additional perks. If your employers won’t do either, perhaps it’s time to move to a new company. 


Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

If the opportunities aren’t presenting themselves to you, there is another solution. Taking matters into your own hands by starting a business is worth consideration.

Even when cash is short, you can look to crowdfunding ventures and private investments to get your plans up and running and with the support you need to get started on a new path.

A lot of work is involved, but there’s no greater reward than being in charge of your own destiny. The fact that it could lead to huge financial rewards is also promising, so it shouldn’t be ignored as a potential gateway to achieving your career goals.


That is all for this post! I hope that this was helpful and that it offered a few solutions to how you can grow in your career regardless of where you are currently at. I support all the working ladies out there who hustle and grind day in and day out. No matter what we are called to do in our professional lives, we all have a unique purpose, and we’re ALL important. I’m all about supporting each and every one of you where you are at now while helping you to get to where you ultimately want to be.

Thanks for joining me! I will back again with another post really soon.

What career field are you in? what are your career goals for 2019?

lifestyleHLL x Contributor

Three Paths To Financial Freedom

As promised, I am back with another article in my money series. In the first article, I talked about how to earn real money using an app, not just points or gift cards. I am always looking for ways to make my dollar go even further, so with this series, I share my money making tips in hopes that you can benefit from them too. | Three Paths To Financial Freedom | As promised, I am back with another article in my money series. In the first article, I talked about how to earn real money using an app, not just points or gift cards. I am always looking f…

There are so many ways that I have found to be effective money generating avenues. I believe in having multiple sources of income, so I am ALWAYS looking for more opportunities. Many nights, I don’t go to bed without coming up with more money making ideas because this activity alone truly helps encourage me and keeps me motivated. Working for myself has taught me to be very resourceful and to never toss out an idea. The more you train yourself to think outside of the box, the more you will see the opportunities right in front of you.

In this article, a Hello Lovely Living contributor will be sharing three options you can consider if you are looking for avenues to explore that are more of a long-term solution. Investing in your future should be your top priority, and with these three paths to financial freedom, you are sure to see results in time. Everyone is different, so what may work for one person may not work for another, so take these ideas as a starting point in brainstorming ways to get to your financial goals. I hope you enjoy this brief article!


Enter Into The World Of Business

Business is the place to be, and what we’re referring to here is the corporate level of business. The companies we encourage you to consider working for are the big corporate companies where you could thrive in the working environment and rise to positions that promise huge rewards.

Of course, it’s not so easy to advance quickly if you don’t have the qualifications to make yourself competitive, so consider getting qualified with a degree of your choice or a degree that is highly sought after such as an online communication masters degree. The more qualified you are, the greater probability there will be that you will be able to land better positions, take on higher roles quicker, and of course, with higher roles comes more money. | Three Paths To Financial Freedom | As promised, I am back with another article in my money series. In the first article, I talked about how to earn real money using an app, not just points or gift cards. I am always looking f…

Be Your Own Boss

Perhaps you’ve always dreamt about working for yourself and owning your own business, never having to answer to anyone again. It’s the dream that many of us have, and it could easily be yours if you take the right steps.

One of those steps is to develop a business idea that you are passionate about, then take the necessary actions to setup your company. You must be very proactive from the start and follow through with your business goals even on days when you feel discouraged.

If you are on the fence with your business idea, seeking professional advice first by talking to a financial advisor and a business analyst will help give you things to consider before you take the plunge.

Trying Your Hand At Investment

This is one option you can easily do from home or on the go in addition to the job that you currently have. Consider diving into the world of investing and learning about one of the most lucrative markets there is while you have a steady stream of income already coming in. It can be risky, but then again, what worthwhile decision with the potential for great rewards isn’t?

Forex trading is extremely popular at this time, and something we definitely think would be a great option if you already have a job, but you are looking for ways to make your money work for you. If you succeed at it, it can be highly rewarding and bring you the financial peace that you are seeking with the potential to become a full-time investor down the line.


That’s it for this article! It was short and to the point, but three very viable options if you are looking to advance yourself financially. I hope you enjoyed this article! I look forward to sharing more articles on the topic of money very soon.

Would you consider any of these options?

lifestyleHLL x Contributor

My Relaxation Techniques - How To Unwind And Destress During The Work Week

This post is sponsored by POP SECRET® but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

I believe it is so important to listen to our bodies and to be proactive about responding to it in a caring way. Sometimes we just need a little break, so having a number of things to fall back on to help us unwind is essential in recharing and getting back in line with being able to present the very best version of ourselves the next time around.

In this article, I’ll be sharing a few ways of how I unwind and destress during the week because who wants to wait until the weekend! I hope you enjoy this post, so let’s get into it!


 work on something new

I know that many people might attribute work to stress, but that is not always the case, especially if you are doing something that you are passionate about and that you love. I do agree that there are some parts of my business that aren’t as enjoyable as others, but there are many other aspects of it that I truly do enjoy and feel rewarded by. 

My favorite aspects of my creative business are blogging, making videos, photography, and designing, so these are things that I love to do when I want to unwind. I just love to create, so when I start a new project, I feel excited and fulfilled in so many ways. I turn to these things when I need that boost, and I am at my best when I am creating and coming up with new ideas for my business.

If you have a day job that you are not happy with, try to create a side-hustle that you can find joy in. When you are looking to unwind from your day job, turn to it, and watch it grow little by little. You’d be surprised at how eager you will become to work on this new gig, and it will become a way for you to put your energy toward something that you are truly passionate about. You’ll develop a sense of purpose in this process, and who knows, you could potentially make that into your full-time career!


Make something by hand

I recently picked up macrame as a new way to express myself, and I have found it to be so relaxing. I have always loved to make things by hand, so learning macrame and being able to create new designs has been so fulfilling.

I have found that handmade projects are so relaxing because it really forces me to focus on what I’m doing instead of what I’m thinking. This is why it’s such a great way to relax. I literally zone out when I am making a piece and enter a really peaceful place where I can focus my thoughts around the beauty of what I’m making and the anticipation of what it will turn out to be.

At the end of it, I feel rewarded by the outcome of my macrame piece because the end result is always different from what I had expected. I also learn so much along the way, which builds my skill little by little. 

I encourage you to do a handmade hobby as well. You can pick up on a hobby that you had when you were little or start a new one. There are so many things to do these days, so just start with anything that you’ve always wanted to learn or do, and just go for it! You’ll be surprised with what you get out of it. 


treat your tummy

Who can ever disagree about the power of food! I love to eat, and I don’t always indulge, so when I am feeling the need to unwind and destress, snacking always does the trick. There’s something nostalgic about eating snacks from my childhood, so I typically try to pick up any of those types of snacks, but of course there are classics like POP SECRET® that I can just literally buy anywhere. I can even buy Pop Secret on Amazon. There’s something about curling up with a big bowl of warm, freshly-popped POP SECRET® popcorn that just feels so homey and relaxing, right! 


If you follow me on Instagram, I sometimes share what I’m snacking on in my stories. The other day it was nachos, prior to that it was asian snacks, and sometimes it is an artichoke or a baked potato with cheese, so it really depends on what I am craving


I’m sure I just made you hungry right about now, but isn’t it the truth! Sometimes you just need those feel-good foods in your system, especially if you are usually strict on yourself and rarely indulging in the foods that make you happy-happy


care for your plants

Caring for my plants has always been a small practice during the day that can instantly boost my spirits. I can be in the middle of a long and stressful day when I take a minute to touch and acknowledge my plant-babies, and it immediately makes me so happy and changes my mood.

Recently, I did a video about how to propagate a rubber tree cutting, which is a perfect example of me unwinding and destressing. I remember feeling overwhelmed and not in such a productive mood that day, so I decided to film that video and share it with you guys. It was such a simple task to do, but it really brightened my day and made me feel so good.

If you are not a plant person, perhaps you have a pet that can instantly brighten your mood. Turning to something or someone who is nonjudgemental and that can simply be there as a source of love is so uplifting. The truth is, it is not always useful or necessary to turn to people when you have so many other ways of venting and expelling that negative energy. You wouldn’t want to pass it onto them if it’s something you can easily take care of yourself.


care for yourself

It’s so important to take care of yourself just as you would your loved ones. Sometimes we can feel guilty about giving ourselves too much attention, but that is the only way that we are going to be happy and whole and able to put our best foot forward.

When you are feeling overwhelmed with things, try to do at least one thing that shows care for yourself. It could be as simple as taking a bath, plucking your eyebrows that you’ve let grow out for a week, or playing your favorite sounds and dancing away in the shower. Selfcare is just being in tune with what makes you happy, so it really depends on you and what you’re feeling at that moment.

Some of my favorite daily self-care activities are starting my day with warm, green tea, music, and a great breakfast so that I am ready for the day ahead. If I’m feeling like I need that extra boost, I will do something that makes me feel pretty such as giving myself a mani and pedi or doing my makeup even if I’m just heading out for errands. It’s the small things that truly make a difference.


So, there you have it - 5 ways to unwind and destress during the work week! I hope you found some useful tips from this article. Please do share how you unwind and destress in the comments below. Until next time, have a wonderful day!

What are some ways that you unwind and destress? 

lifestyleStina Xunwind

My Healthy + Quick 5-minute Breakfast | Stir Fry Yu Choy & Eggs Recipe

Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite meals to eat for breakfast. It’s healthy and easy to make, and if I could have this for breakfast every day, I would! I typically use kang kung (water spinach) with this recipe, but when it is unavailable, I like to use yu choy. Chinese vegetables are so delicious! I highly recommend you pick some up the next time you are at an asian market.


If you haven’t had yu choy yet, it has a mild flavor, so it soaks in all the flavors of a dish really well. Typically, I stick to a few main ingredients when I season asian vegetables. The ingredients in this recipe are what I use for literally all of my vegetable dishes. You can use the same ingredients to experiment with other vegetables as well.

Now, let’s get into the recipe! Watch the full video below first, then refer to the specific measurements and ingredients within this article. Happy cooking!


Stir Fry Yu Choy & Eggs

Servings: 1 serving
Prep: 5 mins
Cook: 5 mins
Total time: 10 mins


  • 6 stalks yu choy
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 stalks green onion
  • 2 Tbsp yellow onions
  • 2 Tbsp fried shallots
  • 1 tsp chicken bouillon
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp water
  • garlic powder
  • black pepper


  1. Heat wok or skillet on high. Add 1 Tbsp butter to pan, and add garlic, onions, and green onions. Saute for a minute until transparent and slightly golden on the edges.
  2. Add vegetables and water, then stir fry for several minutes. Add garlic powder, black pepper, and fried shallots. Stir fry until vegetables are a bright green and slightly cooked through until crisp, but not overcooked. Remove from heat, and set aside.
  3. With the same pan, add 1 Tbsp butter and pour in scrambled eggs. Lightly move eggs around until cooked through, but not overcooked.
  4. Assemble plate with vegetables and eggs, and enjoy!


  • Substitute yu choy with other vegetables such as kang kung (water spinach), bok choy, or other vegetables of choice. | My Healthy + Quick 5-minute Breakfast | Stir Fry Yu Choy & Eggs Recipe

What is your go-to healthy breakfast?

wellness, lifestyleStina X

Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul

We’re two weeks into 2019, and I’m making it a point to explore a lot more of California and hopefully travel out of state a few times this year. I love to travel, and I am already getting antsy from keeping still for too long, and I’ve only been in California for a year. I believe traveling and getting beyond your comfort zone is so important for growth and in realizing that there is so much more beyond us and outside our little box that we create for ourselves sometimes.

Over the weekend, we took a drive to Oceanside, which is around an hour from where I live. You don’t need to hop on a plane to travel - just hop in your car! I was absolutely blown away by the colors of the sunset and the water when I arrived. I did not want to leave! I’ll be sharing a few photos from that day and a brief writeup from one of my Hello Lovely Living contributors about why traveling is so good for you.


Have you booked your next vacation yet? You should, as traveling is good for your mind, body, and soul. If you know you are long overdue for a holiday, let this article offer you the incentives you need to book your next flight and escape into your nearest getaway. You might then reach new levels in your life, giving you a sense of renewal in a holistic and meaningful way.


Traveling is good for the mind

You probably don't need us to tell you this, but for your mental wellbeing, traveling is a must. It will sharpen your mind, and you will be forced to think on your feet, such as when you're trying to navigate new places or make sense of foreign languages.

According to this article, traveling is also a number one mood booster because getting away from it all is an effective way to alleviate the symptoms of stress and depression.

You will also increase in knowledge since while traveling, you will get to experience new cultures, tastes, sights, and sounds, each of which will grow your mind and your perspectives on life. | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California

Traveling is good for the body

This depends on you, of course. If you spend all of your vacation time sunbathing on the beach and eating and drinking anything that is an escape from your usually carefully-prescribed diet, then you are doing your body a disservice.

On the other hand, if you explore your surroundings by hiking on foot or by using a bicycle, spend some of your days swimming in the sea or in the pool, and make use of the exercise facilities at the hotel, then you are going to do your body a lot of good.

That mixed with the health benefits of the sun in more tropical climates and the courage to try some of the more healthier cuisines will ensure your body feels the benefits while away. | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California

Traveling is good for the soul

We aren't necessarily talking about the religious benefits of traveling, although many people do find the ability to connect with their faith when away. Rather, we are suggesting that traveling is a good way to help you connect with yourself.

This is your opportunity to get away from it all, so while you might still keep in touch with friends and family back home through phone or this physical address service, you might also want to remove yourself from the chaos and people of your life by finding time to be alone.

It's while you are away that you will be able to gain a new perspective on your life and on who you are as a person. You might spend time meditating on mountain tops or on a secluded part of a tropical beach to ponder life's bigger questions.

You will have the opportunity to think without your usual distractions getting in the way. As you learn new things about yourself, and as you get a better sense of reality away from life's worries, you should return home with a renewed soul and vigor for life. | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California

So, what are you waiting for? For both body, mind and soul, getting away from it all could be the best thing you do this year. Book a flight away, and renew every aspect of your life. It could be just what you need to do to feel complete again.

If you are looking for a place to stay while traveling, I highly recommend Airbnb. You can find really affordable and convenient places to stay within the area you want to explore while still feeling at home. Get $40 off your first Airbnb trip with the link below!




discount codes | Traveling Is Good For Mind, Body, And Soul | Oceanside Pier, California

where are you wanting to travel to this year?

This post contains referral links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.


DIY Urban Outfitters Hanging Wood Shelves | Daiso Hack!

Today, I’ll be showing you how to make these oh-so-cute hanging wood shelves. The idea came to me after coming across wooden cutting boards at Daiso. If you’re not familiar with Daiso, it’s a popular discount store that sells Japanese products for $1.50 and up, so you can find many things for the home there for very cheap. Daiso is everywhere here in California, so I am living for it!


I purchased the wood cutting boards not knowing for sure what I was going to make with them until I remembered this Urban Outfitters hanging shelf that I had bookmarked a while back. I realized that the wood pieces from Daiso would be perfect for creating a product dupe for much less. In all actuality, these DIY hanging wood shelves probably cost less than $5 each to make, and being that I already had everything I needed to make these except for the wood, it only cost me $3 for two - what a steal!


I love how they turned out (I made two of them), so I hope you try making them too. This is one of the easiest wood shelving ideas, especially if you live in one of these apartments for rent in McKinney and you want floating wood shelves, but you are looking for more of a quick and easy way to do it. I absolutely love the raw and natural wood look of these too, so these came out perfect and fit my aesthetic and decor so well. They also have that minimalist + bohemian + Tumblr vibe going on, and we are all about that life over here!

Watch the video below to learn how to make it, and if you are needing a to refer back to the instructions, I have written them out below. I have also listed all of the supplies needed for this project. Enjoy!




2" Natural wood rings

Off-white yarn

• Daiso wood cutting board 30 x 19 x 0.9 cm (11.81 x7.48 x 0.35")

• IKEA Drill

• Scissors

• Pen

Wall hooks




mark holes + drill

At each corner, mark 1” in from each side, then drill a total of 4 holes.


cut yarn + string through holes

Cut 2 - 4’ pieces of yarn and then string each piece along the landscape orientation of the wood. Evenly distribute yarn so that when it is held upright, you have even lengths of yarn at both sides.


loop strings through wood ring + adjust placement

Gather strings through the wood ring and then place the shelf up against a wall to test out the placement of the strings. To ensure that the wood piece hangs level to the wall, adjust the string’s tension by allowing the wood piece to even out so that it is laying flat. Your strings will be angled slightly, so just hold them tightly against the wood ring because a knot will be placed around them at this length.


cut a 12” piece of yarn + make a gathering knot

Watch my YouTube video above for how to do this part because this is the tricky part!


hang + enjoy

Hang your shelf anywhere on your walls with a picture hanger hook which provides a bit of an angle for the wood ring to rest in. These are the exact ones I used to hang mine. | DIY Urban Outfitters Hanging Wood Shelves | Daiso Hack!

Wasn’t that so simple?! I thought it was a very easy project to do. Two shelves could very well be done in less than 15 minutes, so it is also a very quick project. If you decide to make these, let me know how yours turn out. I’d also love to see how you style these.


what home decor items have you been eyeing lately?

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Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs - Follow Us To Palm Springs!

This post is sponsored by Palm Springs but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Uriah and I took a day trip to Palm Springs over the weekend, and I wanted to share what we did, so in this post I will be doing just that. If you are in the SoCal area, Palm Springs is a great destination for a quick getaway. I wanted to plan my trip so that it was kid-friendly since it was Uriah and I on this trip, so I have compiled a few places that you can consider if you have children too. The Palm Springs Home Page was a great resource for me to start when planning my itinerary for the day.


On the way to Palm Springs, the perfect pit stop is less than 30 minutes out from Downtown Palm Springs if you are heading east from Orange County. Cabazon Dinosaurs is an iconic pop culture attraction located just outside of Palm Springs and was featured in Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure and The Wizard. Mr. Rex’s Dinosaur Adventure includes a dinosaur exhibit featuring over 50 lifelike dinosaurs, a dinosaur dig, fossil panning, and access to climb inside Mr. Rex all the way up to his mouth.


Uriah absolutely loved it there, even if we didn’t get to go into the exhibit. It’s a nice stop and we simply enjoyed the large dinosaur statues that were outdoors and the dinosaur-themed shop that was located inside one of the dinosaurs. This is a must-go for snapping some photos of some unforgettable memories. | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs

That was our first stop, and then we were headed straight to Downtown Palm Springs. On our way, we could see the vast amount of windmills sprawled across the desert, which is also a popular attraction that is worth the view along with the beautiful mountainous landscape.

Once we got to Palm Springs, we were welcomed by beautiful palm trees and a drive through the main downtown strip that is lined with an abundance of shops and restaurants. Instead of exploring the usual attractions, I chose Frank In Bun as our lunch spot since I knew they had kid-friendly food options such as fries, corn dogs, etc., and of course, their interior was Instagram-worthy and very charming, which was a must! It’s great to go off and explore places that are a little hidden and off the beaten path, so that is what I chose to do. | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs

Once we were all finished with lunch, we headed back to the downtown area which was just a couple mins away, and I parked a few blocks out so that I had effortless parking and could just walk a few short minutes. On our walk, we came across a beautiful mural of Marilyn Manroe and we could see Palm Spring’s version of The Walk of Stars along the sidewalks. There is a lively arts district in Palm Springs, and you can find many art museums and shops in the area, so be sure to explore.


We then headed to a small boho shop called Thick As Thieves. It is located along Downtown South, which is at the very end of the Downtown strip, so it was less busy, and I loved that. The shop was quite small, but had miscellaneous and cute bohemian-themed home accessories and decor. | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs

Along the side of the shop, there was a cute alleyway with additional shops, which happened to be my favorite spot from the trip because there were perfect little photo backdrops that I just loved. It had a very cottage-like feel, and it was a cute area that Uriah enjoyed exploring and running through. I also took a lot of cute shots of him there.


We then crossed the street, and in a few minutes, we were at Rudy’s General Store Museum, a recreated 1930’s shop filled with old fashioned, unused products. It was pretty interesting to see how many authentic products they had that were in such great condition. None of it was on sale, though - bummer! I also thought it would be fun for Uriah, but he didn’t really get the concept yet haha, so we didn’t stay too long, plus it was a very small shop, so look to spending only a few minutes there browsing through. They also charge a $1 admission, but that is not too bad at all!

After that, we stopped by at a candy shop just located right outside of the museum called Palm Springs Fudge & Chocolates. They have various sweet options as well as Dippin’ Dots. Uriah just got bought a ring pop, then we headed back to the car because we only had an hour before the sun would be going down. | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs

I decided to find an outdoor park/playground for Uriah to get his energy out at and have some fun since much of the attractions were geared toward indoor activities. I found a playground called Demuth Park, which had really great reviews and looked like a fun spot for him with huge slides. It was only about 10 minutes away. So, we headed there, and he had such a great time. | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs | Kid-Friendly Things To Do in Palm Springs

Before the sun went down, I decided to find “That Pink Door”. If you are an avid Instagram-addict like myself, you would have seen and heard about this popular Palm Springs Instagram-photo-op destination. Since it is private property, I simply drove past and didn’t stop to take photos, but happy nonetheless to see it in person. The homeowners have since announced that they do not want anyone to take photos there anymore, so I respected their wishes! Watch my vlog for all the footage though of me driving through and getting excited to see it in the wild.

So, that was it and the end of our trip! The sun had gone down, so I headed back home which was a 2-hour drive. I enjoyed our quick little mini getaway! Exploring a different environment and soaking in the different scenery is always my favorite thing to do to reset and recharge. There is a lot more to do in Palm Springs that I would have loved to do, so I will list just a few other things that may be of interest to you if you are planning a trip there soon! Another great resource that I highly recommend is the Palm Springs Home Page, so make sure to check them out for ideas of what to do in the area.


Links to Places Mentioned


other kid-friendly things to do


save money



discount codes



I hope you enjoyed this little travel inspiration post! I encourage you to get out there and explore your area! There is so much to see and do, and you don’t need to go out of state or spend a ton of money to experience different things, sceneries, and environments. Be sure to also watch our vlog from this trip for some extra footage of Palm Springs on my YouTube channel or click the video below.


have you been to palm springs? what is your favorite spot?

lifestyleStina X

Get Real Money | Money Making Apps That Really Work: Ibotta

I love to save and earn money whenever and wherever I can, so today I am starting a series in which I feature ways to do just that! As a business owner and single mom, I am always looking for every opportunity to make my money go even further. Every single thing adds up, and if you are going to spend money anyways, why not save a few bucks? These days, there is always a deal and there are always ways to save - you just have to be resourceful and not impulsive when it comes to purchases. I look forward to sharing more of my money-saving and money-making tips in this series, so I hope you enjoy it and find it to be helpful!



Ibotta is a cash back app that allows you to transfer 100% of your Ibotta earnings to PayPal or Venmo as soon as you've earned $20. If you'd rather convert your earnings into a gift card, you can do that, too. You can earn money on purchases from 289 retailers like Target, Walmart, Sprouts, and Amazon (to name a few) and have 3 ways to earn, so it’s easy to rack up those earnings quickly!


how it works

Step 1

Sign up + add offers

SIgn up here. You’ll receive a $5 bonus just for signing up! Simply search for offers and add them by completing simple tasks like answering a question or watching a short video.


Step 2

go shopping: three ways to earn + bonuses

Earn money in 3 ways: Send receipt, link a loyalty card, or make mobile in-app purchases. Depending on which way(s) you choose to earn, you will required to follow the steps in order to redeem your purchases. You can also earn cash from bonuses.

Send Receipt

Buy the products at participating stores. Redeem offers by taking a photo of your receipt and Ibotta will match your purchases with the offers you selected.

Link Loyalty Card

Link your store loyalty account by choosing one of Ibotta’s Preferred Partners. Use your loyalty card or phone number at check out.

Mobile In-app Purchases

Before you shop, browse cash back offers from top apps. Tap on the Shop button from the Ibotta app. Make a qualifying purchase in a participating app.


Get extra cash back by completing bonuses such as redeeming offers at specific retailers and by completing certain tasks.

Referral + teamwork

When you invite friends to download the app, Ibotta gives you a cash gift for doing so. Friends can also become a part of your team if you sign up using Facebook and everyone can take advantage of teamwork bonuses offered every month.


Step 3 get cash

Your cash back will be deposited into your Ibotta account within 48 hours of submitting offers. You can then cash out your earnings to PayPal or Venmo once you’ve earned $20.


Get Real Money! Money Making Apps That Really Work @hlovelyliving #hellolovelyliving


Final Thoughts

Why I like Ibotta

Ibotta is an easy way to save money on ordinary purchases, and offers are so easy to redeem. Cash back can really add up quickly. I have earned over $50 using Ibotta so far, so I highly recommend it from my personal experience.


To save even more on my purchases, I also like to search for matching offers on other coupon apps like the Target app. Many times, offers will be available on both the Target and Ibotta apps, which means that you can save even more on products and potentially get products for free or next to nothing. If you are an extreme couponer, you could even find matching coupons that you can redeem at the store in addition to using Ibotta and other digital coupon apps.


Of course, there’s always the option of benefitting from coupons, promo codes, and credit offers from shopping online. So, if you are wanting to make an online purchase at say, Walmart, you can still save money, but instead of having to submit receipts, your purchases would be automatically tracked. It’s a win-win situation either way!


That is it for today’s post! I hope you do take advantage of using Ibotta because it is such a simple and easy way to save and earn money, and it would be a tragedy not to haha! Make sure to follow along for more posts just like this in the near future. I am happy to share more of my money making hacks really soon!


do you use cash back apps? which ones are your favorite? 

This post contains referral links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.

The Never-Ending Weekend

I am a firm believer in gaining freedom over your life. Society has the ability to pressure us into believing that there is a certain way to do things, and to ultimately live. In this short post, I want to inspire you to get out of your routine and set your weekends on your own terms. | The Never-Ending Weekend

I remember when I was working over 120 hours every two weeks at my full-time day job. I was so exhausted. It took a huge toll on me mentally and physically. I literally did not have any time for myself. A part of me was screaming inside, wanting to end the cycle and regain control over my life. 

This is why, today, I feel so passionately about spreading the message of living life on your own terms and creating the life you want and pursuing work that you love. It's not even about the money for me because freedom, to me, is priceless.

No one has the luxury to change things overnight, which is why I always encourage people to start out small. What if I told you that the first thing you had to do was change your mentality? Well, if there were one piece of advice that would lead you on that path toward independence, that is exactly the first thing I would tell you. It sounds simple, but it simply isn't.

Changing your mentality is something that could take years to accomplish, so let's start out small. Let's carve out days during the week where you feel like you are rebelling against the "norm". Instead of waiting until the weekend to do things that you love to do, why not try to incorporate those activities into your weekly schedule?

I am going to be sharing three ways of how I create a never-ending weekend in my daily life or how I carry my weekend into the work week. What may seem a joyous activity to me, may not be the same for you, so I would like you to start thinking about what makes you happy and use this as inspiration.



I create my never-ending weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend

Working at my passion

Believe it or not, I love working on the weekends, which is why I put less pressure on myself during the week and just see every day as an opportunity to pursue what makes me happy. A lot of us wait until the weekends to do what we love, which is why I believe we should be carrying that into the week. Don't wait until the weekend to pursue your side-hustle or something that you're curious about pursuing or learning about. Get at it during the week, even if you have to stay up late or set aside a few hours toward it. It will all add up, so don't think that your efforts are too small to see any results. | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend | The Never-Ending Weekend

Doing spontaneous activities

If you follow me anywhere on social media, you'll know that the beach is one of my most favorite places to be. With that being said, I actually like to go to the beach during the week because it is a lot less busy, and I feel like I am taking a mini-vacation. When you do things that you would ordinarily reserve for the weekend, It feels so freeing and liberating, kinda like when you wear a bra that feels like it's not even there, am I right?! It makes me feel so grateful for the life that I live despite the challenges I face and makes me appreciate the day so much more, which fuels me to continue on this path. I also love to explore Los Angeles or Orange County whenever I feel like I'm craving a new experience. Not only does it expose me to different things that I wouldn't normally have done, it inspires me to keep creating even more new experiences. | The Never-Ending Weekend

Enjoying my favorite foods and drinks

I don't know about you, but food and drinks can make me so happy and get me excited about my day. I take special care to think about what it is that I could eat or drink that would make me happy. Instead of having pancakes only on the weekends, I literally will have it every day if that's what I feel would make me happy. I can be a little extreme when it comes to food, so if I feel like eating something, in particular, I don't care how long it will take me to make it; I make it! It feels so great to listen to your body and feed it what it wants no matter what day of the week it is. | The Never-Ending Weekend


So, ladies and gents, that is my never-ending weekend. I know, I'm a rebel. Nothing new to see here haha. I mix work with play, do spontaneous activities, and eat whatever I want! Sounds like a good plan, 'ey? I hope you enjoyed this! I am all for supporting companies that share the same philosophy as me such as helping women feel empowered. True & Co. strives to create products that empower women to embrace comfort and luxury every day of the week.


What does your never-ending weekend look like? 

A special thank you to True&Co for partnering with me on this post. Be sure to check them out for more ways to mix comfort + luxury into your life!  

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.


How to Create Free Online Event Flyers & Invitations in Less Than 5 Minutes

Today, I’ll be sharing the fastest, most cost-effective and efficient way to send out flyers and invitations via text, email, or social media. I just discovered this new, free feature, and I’m sharing it in case you’re also needing to send invitations and get responses on the fly! I was able to put together a virtual giveaway party in less than five minutes! I’m just going to jump into how I did it. | How To Create Free Online Event Flyers & Invitations In Less Than 5 Minutes

What you will need to do first is head on over to Paperless Post. Their Flyer feature allows you to create flyers that you can send out digitally - for free! Not only that, but their templates are beautiful, easy to customize, and you’ll be able to manage all of your RSVPs on your account. Simply sign up for an account and all of the free features will be available to you. 

After I customized my flyer on the site, I simply copied and pasted the share url into my email template through Mailchimp and sent it off to all of my email subscribers. You may have gotten that email if you are on my email list! 

I made a short video showing you exactly how to create one of your own, and you'll also get to see how my flyer turned out.


Now, wasn't that the easiest thing EVER! I am so excited about this. It saved me so much time, and come to think of it, this could be used for any type of event - both business or personal. Below is how my flyer looked on screen, minus the gif feature. You can also view it live, here. | How To Create Free Online Event Flyers & Invitations In Less Than 5 Minutes

Speaking of which, I have a winner to announce! The winner of my first-ever giveaway party is Taylor!! I will be contacting you via email. Congratulations on winning a branding package, which includes a custom logo and brand style board. Super excited for you, and I can't wait to chat with you. Everyone else who RSVP'd will be receiving an email from me with a special package rate, so look out for that! 

what do you think about Paperless Post's new feature?

A special thank you to Paperless Post for partnering with me on this post. Be sure to check them out for even more paperless options!

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.


New Digital Print - Eat, Pray, Buy Plants + How To Print & Frame With Minted
Hello Lovely Living | Eat Pray Buy Plants Digital Print

Hey there pretty, new print! If you haven't noticed, plants are life! On my recent trip to Dallas, I had a chance to visit Ruibal's Plants of Texas, and let me tell you, a girl went wild in there. I saw so many plants that I've been dying to own.

Although I could've easily walked away with 20 plants, I was so sad to walk away with zero of them. I had to restrain myself because I'm on a plant-buying freeze.

For one, I have too many right now, and secondly, I am moving soon, so I wouldn't want to put them through any undue stress. Super-pout status, but you know a girl's going to go all out once it's all said and done. There's no holding me back! In the meantime, I'll be staring at this new print because it is giving me life right now.

In this post, I wanted to quickly share a really simple and easy printing and framing option that I swear by - Minted. If you haven't heard of Minted yet, girrrrl, let me fill you in. It's the number one online marketplace for independent artists, and they sell everything from fine art prints to wedding invitations and home decor. They have it ALL.

Here's the step by step process for printing custom prints with Minted.


How To

Print & frame Hello Lovely digital Prints with Minted


Step 1


Select your digital print. Add to cart. Your digital file will be available for instant download upon purchase. Save file.


Step 2


Go to the Minted website. 



lifestyleStina X

Summer Summer Summertime … Is Over

I'm back with a new post! It's only been a couple months, but hey, life happens, right! Did you miss me? I've been going through a bunch of huge changes in my life all at once, so it's a little chaotic over here, but I can't wait to tell you all about it in the near future! This summer will go down in the books as one of the most memorable summers of all time. I'll fill you in on all of the details later! 

In the meantime, I'm doing something a bit different and sharing some of my summer looks that I have been enjoying and currently transitioning into fall. It's already officially fall, but you know what, it was 96 degrees today in Oklahoma. I mean! Well, that's Oklahoma for ya, so there's that! Can we all agree that summer just can't end!!! It just can't. *bawls eyes out* Anywho (I've used this word since I was in grade school and it has never left me haha), I hope you enjoy this little photo montage. 

First and foremost, I want to give a special thanks to Tobi for collaborating with me on this post and for sending me such cute pieces that I personally picked out and have been obsessing over since. Last but not least, a shoutout to Ekin from Enn Photography who did a lovely job at capturing me in these looks in Oklahoma City. | Shop Tobi


Olive Utility Jacket | H&M (out of season) | Shop Tobi

Backstory: I've literally passed this dreamy white building with the prettiest flower bush and rustic door a million times and have been wanting to shoot something here. Well, my dreams were realized - FINALLY - and I am so so happy! I will die a happy soul. The end. Haha. | Shop Tobi | Shop Tobi

Backstory: I am obsessed with wood textures. Anything wood! Hence, the wood background and concrete accents. If you can tell me which spot this is in Oklahoma City, I will personally shout you out on Instagram. Not that you'd want that or care, but you're welcome. Haha. | Shop Tobi | Shop Tobi

Backstory: Here's another spot that I've always been obsessed with. Not only that it's the side of a Whole Foods building, which makes it even cooler, but I'm crazy about grass and vines, so this is a big deal, guys. Huge deal! Okay, I'll stop with being weird now. Haha.


Can you really ever get enough of ripped or distressed denim? I think not. At least, I can't! Definitely check out the Tobi pieces that I linked because most are currently on sale! I hope you enjoyed this short and sweet post. I am very much looking forward to writing more blog posts in the near future (once life slows down a little bit). If you want to catch me on a more frequent basis, follow me on Instagram, and we'll make that happen!


lifestyleStina Xsummer

Spring is here - Experiencing The Fullness of Every Moment + Jord giveaway | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

Life is just a bunch of moments packed all into one. At least, that's how I like to see it. At the end of the day, it's all about those tiny moments and being fully present in them to allow us to feel every emotion that they bring us. Now, I know that's not always easy to do, so I wanted to share one way that has helped me soak up each moment more fully. As the seasons come and go, it's easy to want to rush time and jump into the next season right away. Being conscious of this and learning to be more present in the current season is so important.

So, what is it? What do I do to experience the fulness of every moment? Observe. That's it. Think of yourself as an onlooker, experiencing each moment from the outside looking in. Quiet yourself, and let your senses soak up the experience, taking note of how you feel at that very moment. Learning to fully experience how each moment made you feel is so much more powerful and memorable. Once you begin to do this more often, you'll feel gratitude for every moment, and you'll also experience life in a deeper way.

Trust me, you will look at things so much more different if you are intentional in your observations. Ask yourself, how do I feel right now? What do I want to remember about this moment? I have found that what makes life so beautiful is being able to stop and being able to fully embrace how I feel in the moment. For example, when my kids bring me joy, I really do stop and try to feel every single piece of joy that that moment brings me. I know it won't last forever, so I want to enjoy it, fully. | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

While we're talking about experiencing the fulness of every moment, I wanted to  share a brand that I am personally loving and whose philosophy ties in with what I touched on above. I'm all about supporting companies who are not just selling a product, but who really care about the experience and how their product makes me feel.

If you know me, you know I love nature. You also probably know that I am crazy about being out in nature, and, well, taking a zillion + 1 photos in nature. If I could take a piece of nature around with me at all times, I so would. No second-thoughts about it. To my very amazement, JORD Wood Watches came into my life and made that a reality.

Let me begin by saying, I am a tough sell when it comes to watches. Reason being, I don't normally wear watches, and I don't necessarily care for watches. The last watch I wore held sentimental value to me because it was a gift from my mom. After it broke, I never replaced it. Translation: I keep and wear things that hold sentimental value to me, and I will not replace it unless it breaks, and even then, I don't go looking to replace it right away. So, owning a watch again was a huge deal for me.




Wood Watches




The thing that sold me on a JORD timepiece was the idea of combining something modern with something organic and timeless. After all, watches should be just that - a piece that will last you many, many years and be a representation of you.

After many years of going "watch-less", I decided that JORD would be my watch of choice. It's because I felt like it would be a type of reflection of me, in a watch. I would be able to carry a piece of nature with me wherever I go, and by wearing it, I can also stand behind a company whose values are aligned with some of the things I feel strongly about such as sustainability and experiential living.

When I first visited the JORD website, I was amazed at how many wood finishes they had available - 13 to be exact. I browsed around and selected my favorite styles, one of which was one of their men's watches. Here's the one I was eyeing. Since many of their styles are unisex, it still would have been perfect, but I chose to go with something a little more me. I chose the Fieldcrest series in Maple. I love the simplicity and minimalist vibe it has going on. | Jord Wood Watches | Fieldcrest in Maple

Okay, did you just see how pretty it is! I love the light, airy color of the wood. It legit matches my desk, not even kidding! See it here. That's how much I've been loving light, raw wood finishes.

When I opened up my package, I was greeted with a beautiful wooden box with a magnetic lid. Upon removing the lid, the watch rested on a jute pillow, and once I set my sights on it, I was blown away at how gorgeous it was. The finish was exactly as I envisioned, and it was perfect. By far, the most beautiful presentation I've yet to experience with a watch company. It's nice to know that such care and attention to detail also went into the packaging because I'm all about the details. | Jord Wood Watches | Stina is wearing Fieldcrest in Maple

The fitting of my watch was perfect, and I truly feel like I'm wearing a piece of luxury - natural luxury. It's just so beautifully crafted and made for me in every sense. The face of the watch features scratch-resistant mineral glass, and the buckle has a push button, making it actually fun and easy to remove. Let's be honest, I always hated how hard it was to remove watches! It's also interesting to know that the wood is finished and pretreated with tung oils, and if I ever need to clean it, I can use lemon or orange oil extract. Au naturale, just how I like it. | Jord Wood Watches | Fieldcrest in Maple

Needless to say, I was very impressed with the presentation of the watch, the quality, and craftsmanship, the look, and how it makes me feel when I wear it. Everything. I can't say enough good things about my JORD Wood Watch, so I wanted to share a little bit of the love with you all by hosting a giveaway for those of you that are interested in getting in on a piece of the action. So, here it is!



JORD x Hello Lovely Living 


All entrants will receive a $25 consolation code once the giveaway ends. 

Open internationally. Giveaway ends on 4/23/17 at 11:59 pm CT.



I hope you enjoyed this post and that it offered a little bit of inspiration on how you can live out each moment more intentionally. For even more, catch me over on Instagram where I post on the daily! Keep on the lookout for more exciting giveaways like this in the future!

How do you experience the fulness of every moment? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Disclosure: JORD reached out to me for this post and was so kind to send me a watch for honest review. As always, all thoughts and opinions are purely mine.


DIY | Minimalist Blush Pink + Foil Nails

Have you seen minimalist nail designs yet? A quick search on Pinterest, and your eyes will thank me. I've been gravitating toward them lately and decided to recreate a look that is so simple, yet so classy. Read on for more details! | DIY Minimalist Blush Pink + Foil Nails | Essie Between The Seats Nail Polish

I always do my nails at home and love gel nails, so I've been using the Sensational Gel Kit for a while now. Since there are usually limited colors available, I switched to using the polish to gel transformer so that I can use any nail polish that I want. It's really simple and easy to use, and I get salon-quality results at home while saving so much money. I've linked some of the products that I use at the end of this post for your convenience.

You will need to purchase the kit at first because it does come with the LED light and other essentials that you will need for each application. After that, all you have to worry about repurchasing is the polish to gel transformer when you run out + any of the other items in the kit, which is a minimal expense. For a more detailed description of the Sensationail Gel Kit, click here to read my first impression review.


For this nail design, I used deco foil, which is basically foil that can be transferred to different surfaces. Here's the one I purchased. All I did was cut a strip of it and stick it to my nails, rub, then remove, and it created this very antique application. I just seal it with a coat of the polish to gel transformer. I am in love with how it turned out, and I can't wait to test out other nail designs using it. 

My gel nails do last for 2-3 weeks (or longer if I'm pushing it), so I have been pleased with the Sensational gel system for a long time. I honestly don't see myself really ever going to the salon any time soon! It does take me roughly 2 hours from start to finish to do my nails, which includes the removal time, filing, and all of that good stuff. However, I think it is so worth it, and I actually find it to be a therapeutic and relaxing process.



I hope you try this out! If you don't want to go with the Sensational system, you can always opt for the regular polish application, and I'm sure it would give you beautiful results as well. I just thought I'd share my process with you! 

If you need more inspiration on the daily, I post every day on Instagram + keep you motivated and inspired with uplifting content. I'd love to see you over there!

Did you enjoy this post? Any questions? Let's chat in the comments below! | DIY Minimal Blush Pink + Foil Nails

Recipe | RAW Matcha Cheesecake With Fig and Almond Crust | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

I'm kind of obsessed with matcha. Just a little. Okay, A LOT. The fun part is adding it to every and anything sweet. In this recipe, I decided to get a little creative and come up with a raw cheesecake recipe that included some of my favorite ingredients: matcha (of course), almonds, honey, mascarpone cheese, and figs. I mean, go big or go home, right? I did just that with this recipe. Do I miss regular cheesecake? Not even. Read on for the complete recipe and for more dreamy photos. | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

So, what is a raw cheesecake anyway? For all of you who aren't familiar with it, it's generally made with a date-nut crust and cashew coconut-cream filling. There's absolutely no baking involved and no cheese, but you still get that creamy + fatty consistency without the guilt. Since I did still want to have some of that cheese flavor in this recipe + make it extra fancayyy, I added 4 tablespoons of mascarpone cheese. This is totally not necessary, so feel free to leave it out and just replace it with more coconut cream. But it's damn good with it. Just sayin'. You could even replace the honey and use a plant-based sweeter instead for a completely raw, vegan cheesecake. | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

I also decided to switch it up a little and make a fig and almond crust instead of a date-nut crust that is typical of raw cheesecakes. In my opinion, it tastes even more amazing. Feel free to break the rules with this cheesecake. Make it into what you want it to be - add the types of toppings that you love, remove what you don't. It's completely versatile, and it's food. Play with it. I chose to top mine with crushed pistachios, sliced almonds, desiccated coconut (basically coconut flakes), and a generous drizzle of honey. Can someone just stop me right now?! This is sounding way too delicious. | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

What else can I say about this cheesecake so that I can stall and show you more pictures? Hmm ... It's amazing. It's damn delicious. And isn't it just pretty! Another thing I should mention is that I totally made this without having the proper tools. I only had a mini food processor, so this was truly a labor of love. I also didn't have a springform pan, so please please do yourself a favor and get one if you don't have one. It will make your life so much easier! | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

So, there's that, my loves. A ton of photos to get you salivating before you tackle the hard part - running to the store to get all of the ingredients to make this bad boy! Actually, this cheesecake is super simple. Just make sure to soak your cashews the night before so you're not like me, wishing I did so I could enjoy this cheesecake a lot sooner. Happy non-baking. Oh yeah, I forgot to to say that this is perfect if you hate baking or are horrible at it. Sorry, I'm done, let's get into the recipe (finally)! | Recipe - Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

Raw Matcha Cheesecake With Fig And Almond Crust

Servings: 8 servings
Prep: 30 mins
Cook: 0 mins
Total time: 30 mins



  • 1 cup dried figs
  • 1/4 cup almond flour


  • 2 cups cashews (soaked)
  • 1 can coconut milk (1/2 of the cream portion only)
  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 4 Tbsp mascarpone cheese
  • 1/2 cup raw honey
  • 2 tsp matcha powder


  • pistachios (lightly chopped)
  • honey
  • almonds (sliced)
  • desiccated coconut


  1. Cover and soak the cashews in water for at least 4 hours or overnight. Refrigerate the coconut milk.
  2. Line the bottom of an 8" x 8" springform pan with a round piece of parchment paper. To prepare the crust, using a food processor, mix the dried figs and almond flour until it comes together when pressed. Press evenly into the bottom of a springform pan. Set aside.
  3. Strain the chashews. To prepare the filling, process the cashews until it starts resembling a creamy texture. Open the can of coconut milk and use half of the solid, cream portion only. Do not use the liquid portion. Add the coconut cream to the cashew mixture and mix until well combined, then add the reamining ingredients and mix until well combined and until an smooth, creamy texture has formed.
  4. Pour the filling into the springform pan and spread evenly. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 4 hours to set.
  5. Remove from the freezer and release the springform pan. Place on a serving dish of choice. You may need to even out the top of the cheesecake with a spatula if it is not completely smooth.
  6. Decorate with toppings around the edges: lightly crushed pistachios, sliced almonds, and a drizzle of honey. Dust lightly with desiccated coconut.


  • Store in the refrigerator or freeze for longer periods.
  • For a vegan option, remove mascarpone cheese and substitute with the other half of the coconut cream. Instead of honey, use a plant-based sweetener.
  • Organic ingredients are preferred.


Wasn't that just the easiest! FYI, I had a slice for breakfast and it was totally one of those moments where I had to pinch myself. I mean, cheesecake for breakfast!?! What world is this!?! Happy clean eating!

Will you be trying out this recipe? If you do, I'd love to see your photos! Go on, tag me in your photos on Instagram using #hellolovelyliving and @hellolovelyliving so I can get all heart eyes on your photos + share them so others can do the same!

Minimal Home Office + $250 Minted Giveaway

One of my most popular posts on Instagram was a photo of my desk situation, so I thought it would be fun to dedicate an entire post to my little creative area. Keyword: Little. I claimed a cute, albeit small spot in my living room, which has been the perfect location for getting those creative juices flowing. I mean, all I need is a desk, really - and an area for my plants. All worked out well except for one thing. My walls needed some love. Major big deal.

I'll be sharing my updated space + a huge giveaway at the end, so read on for more! | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints

Okay, so the walls directly above my desk were bare. Zero inspiration to be found on these beige walls. I know, sad story, right! That had to change, so when Minted got in touch with me again, I was like, "Yes. Yes. And Yes!". Okay, maybe not that many yeses, but in my mind there were. I needed some pretty prints on my walls, and they are my go-to when it comes to exactly that, so it was perfect!

If you're not familiar with Minted, it's an online marketplace for independent artists from all over the world. There you can find art, stationary, decor, gifts, + more for all of those special moments and events in your life. If you truly want unique art products that you can't find anywhere else and love to support independent artists, Minted is the place to shop (speaking from experience)!


So, if you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I made a trip to Maryland in November and visited the Rawlings Conservatory & Botanical Gardens in Baltimore. Let's just say that I took a million and one photos there. Obviously. This is me we're talking about here. Haha. This was the perfect opportunity to print some of them. 

Seen above are a few of the many photos that I fell in love with from my shoot. Aren't they just gorgeous! Surprisingly, I was able to quickly decide on two photos that I wanted to make into custom prints. I also decided on my heart + hustle digital print, which is available for instant download in my shop. | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints

Here it is - my minimal office space with my Minted custom art prints on display! Do you like it?? The Ruffled Feather print on the left is a Minted print that I already had, followed by my new custom photo print in the middle, and my heart + hustle digital print on the right. The awesome thing about Minted is that you get to choose what type of frames you want, and they have so many pretty options. | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints | Minimal Home Office + Minted Custom Art Prints

No to mention, you can also choose from different sizes, so you really can get creative with how you want your prints to look. I chose to go with a white frame for my photo print and a speciality brass finish for my heart + hustle print. I love the look of things not looking too matchy-matchy because it adds a lot more interest. | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints | Gallery Wall + Minted Custom Art Prints

I decided to add my other new custom photo print to my existing gallery wall in my living room to freshen it up. I chose to go with a wood frame, and I'm so obsessed over it. I also removed some older prints and instead added some small playful details that I am absolutely loving. The Joy is Sexy print is also another one of my digital prints that is available in my shop, and the brass frame is from Target. The Let's Get Lost print is from Minted as well, and the mirror is from Ikea, which I just spray painted a brass color.

If you're interested in creating custom photo art prints on Minted's website, here's exactly what to do: Search "custom prints" in the search bar, which brings you to the exact page that displays all of the available design options. Under the filter options, go to "Type", and make sure to check the "Custom Photo" box. There you will see all of the available options for custom photos. I went with a blank template where I could print my own design/photo.

Once shipped, everything is professionally packed and secured so that your prints are safe and free from the possibility of getting damaged. I am always so excited to open my prints because they always turn out so beautiful!

I'm so in love with my custom prints, and to share the love, I wanted to partner with Minted for a Valentine's Day Giveaway for all of you to have a chance to win something amazing! One winner will receive $250 in Minted credit! To enter, simply click the button below and enter your information.



minted x hello lovely living


 Open to US residents. Giveaway runs from 2/1/17 - 2/8/17 11:59 pm PT.



Here are a few last minute Minted Valentine's Day gift ideas that I think you will love! | Minted Minimalist Quote Keepsake

Minimalist Quote Keepsake

Pair a favorite quote + photo for a more meaningful touch. | Minted Petite Pairs

Petite Pairs

Pick a pair of limited-edition art prints to fit his/her personality.


From Tues 1/31 - 11:59 pm PT on Wed 2/1: receive Free standard (ground) shipping on art & gifts orders $75+ with promo code: VDAYSHIP

Order art gifts by Wednesday, 2/1 for 2/13 delivery


I hope you enjoyed this post and that it got you inspired to add some love to your walls this year! It's actually really simple to do, and if you need any help with your next project, give me a shout! I'd love to help.

How do you make your office space an inspiring place? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

Disclosure: Some affiliate links were used in this post. I partnered with Minted on this post and received complimentary products. All thoughts and opinions are genuinely mine. | Sharing Is Caring
lifestyleStina Xikea