Posts in lifestyle
Mini Sweet Potato & Banana Pankcakes

If I could have pancakes every morning, I would. But really, who has the time to make them every single morning? Not this mama - and with a little one to prepare breakfast for as well - I need quick and easy options. This easy homemade pancake recipe is one that you can make ahead of time, freeze and just warm up in the oven.


This particular morning, I wanted to make pancakes for Uriah because I love how great of a finger food they are, and he definitely loves them. I had a sweet potato on hand, so I decided to use that and add some other yummy additions such as banana (his favorite) and honey. 


I really loved how my recipe turned out. These are soft and creamy in the center because of all of that yummy sweet potato and crispy on the edges. They aren't too sweet, either. 


I drizzled maple syrup over them for photography purposes, but just served them to him plain. Before you put these into the freezer, you could also drizzle them with a little maple syrup or honey so that once you warm them up, they're already set without any need to add syrup. 


I also added a touch of poppy seeds because I think they're just fun and a nice subtle taste.


My oldest son also enjoyed eating these, so this recipe is not just for the little ones. Now let's get into this yummy recipe! 

Mini Sweet Potato & Banana Pankcakes

Servings: 7-8 servings

Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 20 mins

Total time: 30 mins


  • 1 small sweet potato (pale flesh)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup cake flour
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey
  • 1/4 tsp poppy seeds
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • butter


  1. Steam sweet potato until soft. Mash until smooth.
  2. Combine sweet potato, banana (mashed), egg, and honey. Add in dry ingredients and mix well.
  3. In a skillet, on medium heat, melt a Tbsp of butter. Add batter using a 1 tsp measuring spoon. Flip when edges are cooked. Repeat until finished.


  • Place in an airtight container or bag and freeze. To warm up, bake for 5-10 mins in 350° oven.
  • Drizzle with honey or maple syrup for added sweetness.
  • Makes 35-40 - 2" pancakes.
  • I use organic ingredients whenever possible.

I hope you get to try this recipe for your toddler. It's super simple and perfect for getting that nutrition into their little tummies. 

What is your favorite thing to serve your toddler for breakfast? I'd love to hear in the comments!

Stina | Hello Lovely Living

Thanks so much for visiting! make sure to check me out on my social accounts for more lovely content.

xo stina

Sharing is Caring | Hello Lovely Living
lifestyleStina Xblw ideas

Uriah's Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party
Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living
Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

My baby is officially a big boy now - THE BIG "1"! How did this happen so fast? It was just yesterday that I was looking into his eyes for the first time. Since that very moment, I have spent every single day enjoying everything about him and he has filled my heart with immense joy and love. I have learned to sing, dance, laugh, and enjoy life like never before all because of this precious heart that I have been blessed to nurture. I am so proud to be his mommy!

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I wanted to make his 1st birthday completely special and handmade with love. So, with three days to put it all together, two hands, a baby in tow, and a budget - it was game! I was able to pull it off, and I am so happy with how it all came together. Here's the rundown, so you can get inspired to recreate this easy setup!

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

So, I decided that a woodland theme would be so cute. I'm so over the mass commercialized characters, so I was looking for something more whimsical and off the beaten path. After scouring Pinterest, I was able to get inspired and come up with a bunch of ideas. You can view my Pinterest board HERE. I then made a list and planned out all of the supplies I needed, which made it super easy and stress-free when it came time to shop.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

It turns out, I actually didn't really need all that much on my list. I improvised with stuff I already had at home, which worked out amazingly well. I also cut back on a lot of other ideas I had because I may have gotten a tiny bit excessive.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

These garlands were one of the first things on my list. I purchased the largest marshmallows I could find (campfire ones) and strung them threw some beige and white twine to create this really fun marshmallow garland. I also had to use 3M hooks to hang these because they were pretty heavy.

Inspired by: Homegrown & Healthy

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

For my burlap garland, I purchased pre-cut burlap pendants and drew out the letters of his name with chalk. Taking white cardstock paper, I cut out triangles to alternate between the burlap. I punched holes in each corner and strung them through with twine. A large needle comes in handy here. I then used tape to secure the ends of the string to the wall and also made tiny bows out of string to tape on top of each end as a finishing touch.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Originally, I wanted to fill these wafer sugar cones with fruit, but they ended up looking like little rustic trees on their own, so I kept it as is. I love how they look!

Inspired by: On To Baby

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

These smores were so easy and quick to make. All I did was gently temper some semisweet chocolate with a little vegetable oil, dip the large marshmallows to coat just halfway, then coat the top with graham cracker crumbs. So fun and pretty.

Inspired by: Spaceships and Laserbeams

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I found wood rounds at Marshall's and Target. The one's from Marshall's were larger and more expensive, but better quality. The ones from Target were in the arts and crafts section and were really affordable. I'll have a list of all of the supplies at the end of this post. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I found a frame that was lying around the house and decided to cover it with moss. I covered the frame in tape first, then glued the moss on top. This is more of a temporary hold, so I could remove it afterward and not damage the frame. I just placed a piece of white cardstock paper inside, then used a dry-erase marker to write "Uriah's Woodland One-derland".

Inspired by: Ruffled Blog

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I wanted to incorporate a bunch of cute forest animal figurines. At Michael's, I was only able to find and purchase a wolf, so I was so glad that I came across a pack at Walmart that included a cub, wolf, fox, and fawn. They looked perfect alongside some piles of moss - like a miniature woodland.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Ar first, I tried looking for a number "1", but for some reason, it was so hard to find, so I came up with this easy DIY. I cut out the number from a styrofoam plate, then taped a wooden scewer to the back and spray painted it all metallic gold. The effect was amazing. It turned out looking like stone and had this really pretty texture to it. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

For the base, I cut a foam ball in half and glued moss to it. This project was so simple and basically free for me since I had all of the supplies on hand. I placed "Bambi" on top, and it turned out perfect!   

Inspired by: Ruffled Blog

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I decided to go with a simple, white banana cake with honey buttercream frosting. It was supposed to be three layers, but I was so tired that I forgot to place the third layer on top! It was sooo good, guys. I wanted to do a healthy cake for Uriah, and this recipe was pretty clean. Instead of regular oil, I used coconut oil, and I cut down on the powdered sugar and used a little honey.

Cake recipe: Bake or Break  | Frosting recipe: Wicked Good Kitchen | How to assemble a layer cake: Martha Stewart

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

This bunting was so cute and really easy to make. I just took two types of paper and cut out triangles, strung them on twine, and tied them to wooden skewers. I wrote the number "1" in the center with a black marker. It was perfect and super cute.  

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

A single, white candle placed at the back was the finishing touch, along with the cub figurine. The cake was placed on the wood platter atop an inverted glass bowl. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I purchased one bunch of ferns and it turned out to be perfect for the cake centerpiece and little pieces to frame the table with. The moss also hid the bowl really nicely and created that natural look I was going for.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Not only did this cake look nice, but it tasted so good, almost like banana bread. This is definitely not one of those cakes that will go to waste if you have leftovers. It was 8" in diameter and the perfect size for us. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Since I couldn't find a white tablecloth in time, I just used a white sheet that I already had, and it worked out perfectly. The white backdrop made everything stand out so well.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I also made these chocolate covered pretzel sticks, which resembled birch branches. They were made from white chocolate and drizzled with milk chocolate. I had these vases on-hand, which displayed them so nicely.

Inspired by: Hostess With The Mostess

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I had mason jars that I filled with the leftover marshmallows and a single fern. I love that rustic, yet clean look.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I also labeled each treat with wooden tags with fun names such as "Twigs" for the pretzel sticks, "Trees" for the sugar cones, and "Smores" for the marshmallows. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Here, Uriah is eyeing what he's going to grab first! 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

We had so much fun with this party, and it was so easy to put together. We even made sure to dress him up in his plaid shirt so he could look just like a lumberjack!

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

This cute garland just added that final touch. Since the big kids and adults got to eat pizza, I made Uriah miniature sized pineapple and ham pizzas, too. It was his first time eating pizza, and of course, he loved it! He was officially joining the big kids club.

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

Yummy... He had his hands full with all of those sweets. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

I caught those little hands in action. Hmm... I wonder which one Uriah ate?

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

His daddy couldn't miss this day for the world. 

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

His cousins and Auntie were there to celebrate too - and of course his curly-haired big bro was right there by his side!

Woodland Themed 1st Birthday Party | Hello Lovely Living

It was such a joy to see my baby turn 1 and enjoy his birthday. I will never forget this day! It was too much fun for me, and Uriah skipped all of his naps, so that's a great indicator of how much fun he had, too. I love this cutie so much, and I am so happy with how this all turned out!

Supply List


  • Wood Rounds:  2 - large, $9.99 each - Marshall's | 2 - small, $4.99 each - Target
  • Forest Moss: $6.59 (40% off coupon) regular $10.99 - Michaels
  • Boston Fern: 1 bush, $9.49 - Michaels
  • Animal Figurines: Forest Grey Wolf, $4.99 - Michaels | Wildlife Figurine Set, $14.97 - Walmart
  • DIY Cake Topper: Wooden skewers | 2 types of paper: 1 - rust, 1 - brown paper bag | Candles: $0.90 (clearance), Target | Twine | Animal figurine
  • DIY Picture Frame: Old Frame | Moss | Tape | Glue 
  • DIY Number Stand: Styrofoam plate | Gold metallic spray paint | Moss | Foam ball (cut in half) | Animal figurine
  • DIY Burlap Banner: Burlap Banner Kit, $7.99 - Michaels | White cardstock paper for pendants | Chalk | Twine: beige and white, $1.50 - Michaels
  • DIY Marshmallow Garland: Large campfire marshmallows, $3.98 Walmart | Twine
  • Repurposed glass vases 
  • Mason jars
  • Wooden tags

Total Cost: $80.37 

As you can see, most of the supplies, I already had on-hand. That's the fun in doing a DIY party. I'm pretty sure you can find a lot of these things lying around the house too! I didn't mind spending a little more on the wood platters because I definitely can use them in the future. I also could've saved a few dollars if I just cut out the burlap pieces for the banner myself. All in all, this was a super budget-friendly setup that is easily customizable and so much fun to put together.

If you plan on doing a woodland themed party for your little one, I hope this helps you get inspired with some ideas. It is super easy and so adorable. I tried to cover everything, so if I missed anything, let me know in the comments. Have fun!

Will you be putting a woodland themed party together? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Disclosure: Affiliate links are included.

Miniature Versions of Your Favorite Holiday Sweets
Miniature Versions of Your Favorite Holiday Sweets

via Cake Time

The holidays are up and coming, and all I can think about are sweets! Since I'm not normally a sweets kind of person, I tend to get all excited once the holidays roll around because I love the desserts that are only around for a short period of time. When I stumbled across these miniature gingerbread houses, I just died! They are so adorable. I may just make them so I can stare at them all day. Not eat, just stare!

If you fell in love with these like I just did, you will definitely love this collection I put together of the tiniest and cutest holiday desserts out there. Being that they are so cute, you may just not want to eat them too, but seeing that they also look so delicious, that's probably not possible. Happy staring and happy eating! Hope you try these out.

Did you see something yummy? Let me know which one was your favorite in the comments!

lifestyleStina Xsweets, desserts

Matcha Monday | Honey Caramel Matcha Popcorn

Caramel corn is so addicting, but adding matcha and honey as well... It doesn't get any better than this. All caramel corn really is, is butter and sugar, so when you think about all of those yummy ingredients together, you're talking about the party of all parties in your mouth. Thanks to my husband for suggesting I put matcha into my caramel - I couldn't put down the container without finishing every last piece. Here's to changing caramel corn forever! Read on for the recipe. 

Honey Caramel Matcha Popcorn

Servings: 8 - 2 cup servings

Prep: 0 mins

Cook: 25 mins

Total time: 20 mins


  • 2/3 cup popcorn kernels
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup raw organic honey
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp matcha powder
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda


  1. For popcorn: Pop kernals in two batches. In a large 4-quart heavy-bottomed pot with lid on, heat 1 Tbsp of oil on medium heat and add 1/3 cup of kernals. Gently shake pot to distribute heat and oil on kernals and leave lid slightly adjar to allow steam to escape. Once it begins to pop, watch carefully and shake pot occasionally. Remove from heat as soon as you notice popping stops at 2 to 3 seconds apart. Repeat steps for second batch. Pour popcorn onto a 17.25" x 11.5" baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  2. For caramel: On medium high heat, melt butter, brown sugar, honey, matcha powder, and salt in a large saucepan and heat until boiling.
  3. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium and allow to boil for 3 minutes without stirring. It will start to bubble, so watch it carefully.
  4. Remove from heat and add baking soda. Stir to combine. The mixture will get even more bubbly.
  5. Pour caramel over popcorn and gently mix to coat. Place in a 250° heated oven at 5 minute intervals and mix to evenly coat each time. When all kernels appear evenly coated, you may remove from the oven. Allow to cool before storing.


  • For more matcha flavor, just add more matcha powder.
  • Store in an air-tight container.

Homemade popcorn is just way more fun and even way more delicious. This is perfect for the holidays because of that rich, green color that the matcha powder creates. Just package in pretty little gift bags or containers and you have a simple DIY gift that anyone will love. I hope you try this out! 

Look out for more matcha recipes coming soon.

What is your favorite popcorn flavor? Share with me in the comments!

DIY | Butterfly Shadow Box
DIY | Butterfly Shadow Box

Visiting the park is one of the things I really enjoy these days, but since it's getting a lot cooler now, those days are long gone for a while until the warmer months are back. So, I was so happy to create this spontaneous DIY to admire and to reminisce upon during the colder seasons.

DIY | Butterfly Shadow Box

One of my favorite things to do at the park is to pick up little treasures, so when my oldest son found a butterfly that had gone to butterfly heaven, you know I wasn't going to pass it up. Having not preserved a butterfly before, I took to google and discovered that there's really not much to it than what I had thought. 

DIY | Butterfly Shadow Box

I am definitely not the butterfly-killing type, so this was one of those DIYs that was very spontaneous and out of the blue for me. How often do you stumble upon a butterfly that is completely intact and not already stiff and dry (or missing a wing, a leg...) ? Rarely, right! This is a monarch butterfly, and they are so so beautiful and plentiful here. I was so excited to see one up close, but also sad that the butterfly had died somehow.

DIY | Butterfly Shadow Box

So, here's how I did this really quick project. I didn't take step-by-step photos because I was rushing to put it together at the time, but it's really easy and straightforward.

What you'll need

  • Butterfly 
  • Shadow Box - Size: 7"w x 7" h (5 1/2" w x 5 1/2" h mounting area) 
  • Burlap with gold accents or any fabric - Size: 6 1/2 - 7" w x 6 1/2 - 7" h 
  • Tape
  • Pin


You'll need a butterfly that is still fresh and that has not gone stiff yet. If your butterfly has gone stiff already, put it in a container with a wet napkin and let it sit until the butterfly is hydrated. If you don't plan to mount the butterfly immediately, just put it in a container and freeze it. Once ready to use, remove from the freezer and place a wet napkin in the container to get it hydrated again. Note: Since I didn't need to freeze or rehydrate my butterfly, I am not 100% sure if these steps are effective. I found this advice online.

Remove the frame backing and take your fabric and wrap it around tightly. Secure the fabric with tape to the back of the frame. Measure the center of your frame and mark it so you know where to place your butterfly. Take your butterfly and spread out the wings gently. Holding the thorax, insert the pin as pictured. The butterfly should be pushed up against the pin head so it appears to be floating when mounted. Push the pin into the frame where you marked the center. Reposition the butterfly's antennae and wings for its final resting position. Reassemble your frame and hang. 

I think that was one of the easiest DIYs in DIY history, and it literally only took a few minutes. Total cost: $5. I only had to purchase the shadow box, which was even on discount, so YAY for that. I love how it turned out, especially for a spontaneous project that will be enjoyed for years to come. 

Even if you're designing on a budget, you can still achieve something beautiful and authentic. I hope this project inspires you! Happy Fall!

Let me know what you think about this DIY in the comments!  

lifestyleStina Xdiy

Create a Chill Vibe with Rustic Boho Modern Style Decor
Create a Chill Vibe with Rustic Boho Modern Style Decor

via The Home

I love everything about boho design, and so I decided to put together a bunch of useful tips to getting that oh-so sought after look. No matter what season it is, you can always create the perfect little getaway in your home. At this moment, I'd have to go with a modern boho look because it is so me. I love the way you can mix and match colors, furniture, textures, and fabrics to create such an interesting and pretty space. I hope you love what I've put together, and hopefully it inspires you to go boho!

So, what did you think? Did you fall in love with any of these ideas? I think I fell in love with all of them. Yep, I basically did. I would love to incorporate all of these ideas into my home somehow. One day at a time, and I'm sure I will. Have an incredible and inspiring week ahead!

Which tip was your favorite? Share with me in the comments below!

lifestyleStina X

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam
Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

PB&J. No childhood is complete without it, right? My little one was in for a yummy treat, because it was his first encounter with a jelly sandwhich and he devoured it! On occasion, I get bursts of excitement to try some new homemade treats for my little guy; this time, it was this delicous Strawberry Chia Seed Jam.

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam
Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

I've always wanted to make my own jam from scratch, but it seemed so intimidating. Surprisingly, it is so extremely simple when using chia seeds, that you could literally make this in your sleep! I'm so impressed with how easy it is, and I'm excited to try making it with other fruit. 

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

See how yummy that looks! It's easily spreadable and packed with flavor. You won't be missing store bought jam, that's for sure! You may have heard about the health benefits of chia seeds - they're packed with fiber, protein, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids, and that's only naming a few. They're a superfood that can be used in so many different ways, so I encourage you to discover other yummy recipes. I'm sure Pinterest has a ton!

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam
Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

Can you believe that you'll only need three ingredients? Yep, so simple and so utterly delicious and healthy. I love using organic ingredients as much as I can. Let me know if you want to learn about what all this organic hoopla is all about!

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

My little one loves being in the kitchen with me, and when he's not tugging at my leg to pick him up, he's usually emptying all of my cabinets. Thank you, son for rearranging things for mommy! Haha. Hopefully that will translate into a love for cooking one day. This photo shows the strawberries once they're completely boiled down, and right before the chia seeds join the party.

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

I cut his jelly sandwiches into miniature, baby sandwiches. Aren't they just the cutest! Ugh. I wanted to eat them!

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam
Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

Of course, he disassembled every single one of them, and got strawberries all over the place, but that's okay! He loved them so much. I hope you get to try out this recipe, and do try this for your little ones. Jam can be ridiculously expensive (especially organic). Skip the artificial sweeteners and added junk, and try this recipe. Enjoy, lovelies!

Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

Servings: 6 oz

Prep: 0 mins

Cook: 15 mins

Total time: 15 mins


  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1.5 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup


  1. Place frozen strawberries in small saucepan and bring to a simmer on medium to medium high heat. Begin to mash strawberries and continue mixing until a nice, smooth consistency is reached.
  2. Reduce heat to medium low and add chia seeds. Let simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add maple syrup and stir well. Cool and then place in a glass jar. Enjoy!


  • Can be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
  • Try using other fruits like blackberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.

Now wasn't that the easiest recipe, EVER? If you decide to try out this recipe, please share a photo with me on Instagram @hellolovelyliving. Happy Friday, and I'll be back for more kid-friendly recipes soon. Up soon: Homemade Chicken Nugget Shapes. Your littles will love this one. Talk to you soon!

Will you be making this recipe? What does your little one love to eat? I'd love to hear in the comments below!

Hello Fall! + Blogger Fall Home Tours

via Bliss At Home

With Fall upon us, I can't help but get excited for the holidays to come and the cool sweater weather ahead. Although I come from an island, I can say that I will never get used to the heat, especially when it reaches a blistering 100 degrees and above here in Oklahoma. Being in the Midwest has exposed me to some very harsh weather conditions, so I've learned to really appreciate nice weather and being outdoors on those perfect-weather days. It's not always possible because it's normally either too hot or too cold most months of the year. 

Fall is such a fun time to get into the holiday spirit and decorate your home with bright colors, bring natural elements indoors, and create a cozy atmosphere. In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing a bunch of Fall design roundups that will get you inspired to bust out your inner Martha. I remember watching her show when I was little and wanting to be just like her. I think that's where my love for all things home started. I was OBSESSED! Remember when she would say "It's a good thing." I loved it!

So, to kick off my Fall posts, I wanted to share some really awesome resources that I came across that a group of Bloggers put together every year. They opened up their homes for Fall and share some pretty incredible ideas for decorating for the season. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did and get inspired! Here are a few shots from one of the homes I really enjoyed from Bliss At Home's 2014 and 2015 Fall Home Tour. She used non-traditional colors and decor elements, which I love.

Click on the links below and scroll all the way to the end of each post to see all of the home tour links.

Blogger Stylin' Home Tours 2015 

Blogger Stylin' Home Tours 2014

Which home was your favorite and what is your favorite thing about Fall? Do share in the comments! 

Hello Fall! + Blogger Fall Home Tours

Download my free "Life's a peach wallpaper" HERE

lifestyleStina X

10 Inspiring Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Home
10 Inspiring Ways to Incorporate Nature into your Home

These Modern Macrame plant hangers are one of my favorite ways to incorporate plants into the home from this collection that I've put together. If you're looking to add plants to your home and want to explore creative ways to do so, this post is just for you. Take a look below!

Adding plants to your home can be simple, but keeping them alive - sorry, you've come to the wrong person! Haha. I am so poor at keeping plants alive, so I like to stick with low maintenance fellas like the ones I included in the story.

Well, I hope you gathered some ideas from this post. I'll be sharing a ton more of stories just like these in the coming weeks. I hope you stick around! 

Which one is your favorite? Share with me in the comments!

#stinaspicks | Handwoven Dreamcatcher
#Stinaspicks | Handwoven Dreamcatcher

Hello Loves! Friday is here! It seems like the weeks are just disappearing right before my eyes. Can you believe how quickly this year just came and went? My oldest just went back to school yesterday, and I'm pinching myself. He's one year shy of going to high school! Bring on the tears!!! I just can't let my baby grow up just yet ... or EVER! With that said, it is so important to cherish the time we have with our kids. I know I'm learning just how true that statement is with each passing day that I see my boys grow and grow. In this post, I melt over something perfect for capturing those precious newborn moments that are gone way too fast, so keep reading to find out more details!

Today I'm sharing a new series called #stinaspicks, where I share all of my curated picks from around the web. I'll be sharing these whenever I find something that I just get so excited about and can't help but shout to the world, "Hey, lookie what I found!" The thing is, I love discovering new things - and even more, I love sharing it with everyone. So, let's dive in and see what I found! 

#stinaspicks | Handwoven Dreamcatcher

So, did your heart just melt like mine just now? This one is for all of you beautiful mommies and mommies-to-be, or mommies planning-to-be! I stumbled upon this Etsy shop named Eenk that makes these outright incredibly amazing handwoven dreamcatcher props. If this doesn't make you want to just pop out a little girl ... Isn't it stunning! 

#stinaspicks | Handwoven Dreamcatcher

I adore products like these - handmade with love and full of so much charm. Dreamcatchers are so timeless and beautiful to begin with, so it was natural to fall in love with this! The white makes it so dreamy, too - like the baby is floating in the clouds. It's the most adorable setting for a newborn photo shoot. Wouldn't it also look amazing hung in a nursery, too? Heck, I would hang this in my bedroom - not kidding! 

#stinaspicks | Handwoven Dreamcatcher

I hope you enjoyed my first post in the #stinaspicks series. I'll be sharing more every week, so follow along! You can view this product here

Did you enjoy this post? If so, please double tap the heart icon to show some love and share this post with a friend! <3

This post is dedicated to my to my beautiful friend, Crystal who just welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world. Congratulations on your wonderful addition to your family! Sending tons of love. <3

lifestyleStina Xhandwoven

Royal Milk Tea with Boba
Royal Milk Tea with Boba

So, I've been on this royal milk tea binge lately and I found myself asking my hubby to take me to get some almost every day - that and pho. There's a time to get addicted to pho, and my time is NOW. Thankfully, that has died down, but my milk tea cravings continue. I decided: Why not just make that extra effort and make royal milk tea at home? It can't be that hard, right? I mean, isn't it just a ton of sugar, milk, and tea? Come to find out, it is. I'm sure the boba shop ones have some syruppy thing in it, but homemade is always better - less chemicals and mystery ingredients.  

Royal Milk Tea with Boba

Now, if you try my recipe, you will discover how extremely simple and easy it is to make this yourself, and then you'll kick yourself in the butt for all of those times you paid $3-6 for 8 oz of milk tea, only to find out it was mostly ice. Plus, your tummy won't spontaneously freak out on you and react to whatever dairy they used (true story). All of the ingredients are simple enough to find at any grocery store, and the boba pearls can be found at asian markets or online. Don't forget your wide straws too! That's the best part.

Royal Milk Tea with Boba

So, does it taste like the real thing? It's not as sweet, but that's how you know you're not killing yourself with every sip - you can control the amount of sugar you put in. I find it a pretty good substitute, and saving money is always my favorite thing to do, especially when it comes to eating out.

Royal Milk Tea with Boba

Let me show you just how simple this recipe is! 

Royal Milk Tea with Boba

Servings: 2

Prep: 5 mins

Cook: 15 mins

Total time: 20 mins


  • 1/2 cup tapioca pearls "boba"
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 organic black tea (2g bags x 2)
  • 1 cup organic milk
  • 5 Tbsp turbinado sugar
  • ice
  • boba straws


  1. First cook boba by placing 1 cup of water in a small saucepan and bringing to a rapid boil. I purchased the boba that cooks in 5 minutes. Boil for 5 minutes or until soft and remove from heat.
  2. In a small saucepan, boil 1 cup of water. Once it comes to a rolling boil, place tea bags in and let boil for 4 minutes. Remove tea bags, then add milk and sugar. Once it starts to simmer, remove from heat.
  3. Prepare a cup of ice and pour the milk tea over to rapidly cool. In another cup, add boba and fill halfway with ice, then pour the chilled milked tea over. Do this twice since you will have two servings. Share with someone special and enjoy!


  • The ice will water the milk tea down, so that is why I increased the sugar. You can always cool it completely first and add less sugar.
  • Try using other teas like Assam Black Tea.

My Ingredients


I hope you get to try my recipe! Again, I used 5 minute boba to make it quicker to prepare. There's no difference in taste either - and just as addicting as the real stuff. Let's be addicted together! <3

Are you addicted to milk tea too? Share with me in the comments what your favorite flavors are. 

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme
Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

There's nothing like smelling the lovely aroma that come from roasting a chicken and how it fills your entire home with deliciousness.

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

Days like this are my favorite because I love how effortless and simple it is to create a meal that will last me days and taste phenomenal.

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

Look out my loves, this is not your average store-bought roast chicken - although I do love those from time to time - it is bursting with fresh flavors of fresh herbs, garlic, and lemon. This recipe is so versatile and can be adapted to suit your taste by switching up the herbs and veggies.

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

I love making this meal once a week so that I can have leftovers, making life so much easier during those days where I need to prepare a meal quickly.

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

These leftovers will be perfect for chicken kelaguen, a Chamorro recipe from Guam that I grew up on, containing chopped chicken, lemon, peppers, and green onions. It will change your life, so maybe I'll share that next time.

Let's get into this roast chicken recipe! 

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme
Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme
Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme
Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

Lemon Roast Chicken with Sage and Thyme

Servings: 4-6

Prep: 30 mins

Cook: 2 hrs

Total time: 2 hrs 30 mins


  • 4-5 lb whole natural chicken
  • 3 rainbow carrots, cut into 2" pieces
  • 2 celery stalks, cut into 2" pieces
  • 3 golden potatoes, quartered
  • 2 lemons, sliced
  • 1/2 of a small onion, halved
  • fresh stage and thyme
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3 garlic cloves, whole
  • 4 Tbs unsalted butter
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • Twine to tie drumsticks


  1. Preheat oven to 425º. Set carrots, celery, and potatoes into baking dish. Add 5-7 thyme sprigs and 1 Tbsp each of chopped sage and thyme. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Mix to evenly coat. Add 4 lemon slices. Move veggies to the edges of the dish to create an open space in the center for the chicken.
  2. Prepare the butter rub by combining room temperature butter with 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, chopped garlic, and 1 Tbsp each of sage and thyme.
  3. Massage butter rub under skin of chicken breasts, then evenly coat the whole chicken. Use remaining butter to coat chicken cavity. Stuff chicken cavity with onions, whole garlic, and lemons. Tie legs with twine to retain shape.
  4. Place chicken in oven and roast for 30 minutes at 425º.
  5. Reduce heat to 350º and bake for 1 hour 30 minutes. After an hour, check temperature and monitor until thermometer reads 190º at thigh. Once it reads 190º, it is done.
  6. Remove chicken from oven and let rest before cutting.


  • Depending on the type of chicken you use will determine how moist your chicken turns out. I recommend using a natural chicken without any added water or solution.
  • Baking time will vary, so a thermometer helps to determine exactly when your chicken is cooked.

This roast chicken recipe is the perfect go-to when you just want to throw something together and let the oven do the work for you. Using fresh, organic ingredients also makes a huge difference in flavor. I used a natural chicken that was free of antibiotics, hormones, and fed a veggetarian diet. The chicken was so moist and juicy and loaded with flavor. I really hope you get to try it out! 

What are your favorite chicken recipes? I love trying new recipes. Share with me in the comments!

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch
The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

When we moved into our new place last year, I had high aspirations for our living room walls. With 10 foot ceilings, the sky's the limit, literally - and who wants bare walls when you have all of that space to play with? Not me! Those aspirations included an accent wall featuring an art gallery and curtains on our lone ranger window. We did paint our accent wall (yay!), but the gallery wall (sadly) never made it (along with the curtains). Fast forward to the present, and I was finally able to bring my vision to life thanks to Minted, an online art marketplace featuring art from so many talented independent artists and designers from around the world! It helps that I had some of the elements already in place for the perfect backdrop for my gallery wall, but without Minted, it wouldn't have been the same. What I was able to create was a perfect little office space that I could finally call mine, with all of the pretty touches that I can feel inspired by every time I look at it.

Disclosure: Wall art was provided courtesy of Minted. I always share my honest thoughts and opinions and stand behind products I truly believe in and would purchase myself. I include affiliate links.  

Discover how I was able to easily and quickly create a gallery wall from scratch and how you can duplicate my process to create your own, too. Yes, gallery walls can look intimidating, but after going through the process, I realized just how fun and easy it actually was. With the right planning and preparation, you will think so too. Let's begin!

Find inspiration.


(via Miss Moss, Belle Maison)

Pinterest is a great place to seek inspiration and get tons of ideas for gallery wall layouts, styles, and types of framed art and objects. Here's my Pinterest board that I put together, which helped me visualize different layouts and styles. You can use it to get some ideas, too. Decide on a general idea of what look you're trying to achieve.

Measure your wall.

Choose a focal wall where you want to place your gallery. I chose an accent wall in my living room that was already painted a lovely color called Ocean Abyss by Behr Marquee. Make sure you measure the area and visualize how high you want to place it. I chose to go with eye-level. It will also depend on furniture that you plan to place in front of or around your gallery wall, so decide on that firsthand before you install it so that you can be sure that it will work with your setup. I decided to place a desk in front of my gallery wall. This is also a good time to decide how many prints you want to use. There really isn't any magic number, but balance is key and it must work within the area that you plan to place them. I went with 5 prints, with the option of adding onto that if I found other frames around the house that I wanted to incorporate. 

Hello Lovely Living

Look for art. 

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

Favorites: I logged onto Minted's Art Marketplace and favorited the art pieces that I liked. Favorite as many as you can, because you will need a lot of options when you finally narrow it down. Try to visualize a theme. For my gallery wall, I wanted to feel a certain way when I looked at it - to feel as if I was traveling within the prints. Ask yourself what feeling you want your gallery wall to elicit. This will inspire you and help you organize art prints within a certain theme. Also try to select a mix of prints. For example, select a variety of art that are a mix of typographic, graphic, abstract, and drawing styles. Combining a variety of prints will create an interesting gallery. Also decide on a color scheme. I chose black, white, and a print that pulled in colors that matched my accent wall. 

You can also look around your house for some wall objects and framed art that you would like to include as well. If you will be shopping around at various places for your pieces, visualize your gallery wall as you go, but stay within your theme.

Create a design mockup.

Creating a mockup will help you visualize your gallery wall and make it so much easier to decide on which prints you want to purchase. First, I saved my favorites from Minted as a pdf file. To do that, from my Macbook, all I did was select file > print > save as adobe pdf. 

If you have already purchased the art pieces and frames that you will be using, opted for homemade prints printed on photo printing paper; or plan on shopping at several retailers, skip to Step 6.

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

I created my mockup using Adobe Illustrator (editing software).

My step-by-step process:

  1. Layout all prints: I opened the pdf file page-by-page and was able to move each print around as a separate thumbnail. 

  2. Select prints and arrange: I selected the prints that I thought would look good together, then tried different layouts and arrangements until I had my final picks.

  3. Choose sizes and frames: I went back onto Minted and decided on the sizes I wanted to go with, then scaled the mockup prints to 25% of actual size so it would give me a true idea of how they looked in relation to each other. I also chose several frames that I liked, then copied and pasted a photo of each into Illustrator and arranged them until I could find a good mix of frames that I liked.

  4. Layout final picks: Once I had decided on which frames I wanted, I created several layouts, then picked a tentative layout to go with.

If you are planning on incorporating additional prints or objects that you will be purchasing separately or already have on hand, your imagination will help here. Visualize! Don't be worried if your layout changes, you will have another round of laying them all out. 

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

1. Emerald Blades limited edition print by Artsy Canvas Girl Designs 14" x 11" whitewashed herringbone // 2. Zebra from Above limited edition print by Mary Ann G. Tusa 14" x 11" whitewashed herringbone // 3. Son limited edition print by Lori Wemple 11" x 14" distressed charcoal stain // 4. Ruffled Feather limited edition print by Sarah Luna 8" x 8" white premium wood // 5. Let's Get Lost by Sam Dubeau 8" x 10" black premium wood

These are the prints that I chose and the tentative layout I went with, which ended up changing later. I chose a mix of frames - there are so many pretty ones available on Minted that it took me several days to decide on these. I wanted my gallery wall to look less structured and more like I had collected a bunch of different prints over time.

I know my process is a little complex (thanks to being a graphic designer *eek*), so don't freak out if you don't have any fancy programs, there is an easy way! Minted has a tool on their site that lets you create boards. Here are a couple of mockups that I created for fun using their tool:

Let's Get Lost by Cristina, see more art prints on Minted

Let's Get Lost board by Cristina. See more art prints on Minted

My Art Wall by Cristina, see more Minted wall art

My Art Wall board by Cristina. See more Minted wall art

Purchase your art.

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

Now that you are all set with your mockup, you can now commit to the prints and make your purchase. In the meantime, start gathering the supplies you will need to hang your frames. 

Supplies you will need: Screws, drywall anchors, drill and drill bits, tape, paper, scissors, measuring tape or ruler, and a pencil.

Let me tell you, I was so pleased with the way my Minted pieces arrived. They arrived straight to my door so quickly, in just 4 days! Each frame was individually packed and secured with cardboard packaging. The print itself was even wrapped in plastic and each came with individual cards with details about the artist and print. I could tell immediately that they cared about the details, which I am always fond of when it comes to products. Each print were true to color just as I had viewed them on the site, so I was really excited about that. 

Before you get all excited to unwrap all of your pieces, hold your horses! I found that it was so much easier to keep my frames clean by leaving them in the plastic that it came with. Your frames will be squeaky clean once you finally hang them.  

Lay out your art.

The Easiest Way to Create a Gallery Wall from Scratch

Gather all of your pieces and lay them out. If you created a mockup, refer to it, but adjust and change it as you like because everything always looks different in person. Try different layouts and see what looks best. You could even take photos of each layout so you can compare them. Decide on the amount of spacing you want between each piece and measure it out to see how it actually looks. Once you're happy with it, leave them laid out until you're ready to hang them. This is my rough layout - I adjusted the spacing of these later so that it was even. I decided that the vertical layout that I had done for my mockup was too narrow for the space. I also added a black mirror that I already had from IKEA.

Create a wall mockup.

Use your frames to create outlines on paper and then cut them out. Do this for all pieces. Place the cutouts on the wall relative to how you laid them out in step 6. For each cutout, I marked a center guide 3" from the top of each frame and 2" for the mirror. Make sure to check how low your wire sits to compensate for where your holes will need to be. What I did was measure the spacing between each piece at 4" and aligned the two smaller pieces with the edge of the bigger pieces on each side. Since I already had a stud on my wall, I had to use that as the starting point for the center frame, so that is why there is more space on the right side of the wall. I then laid out the other pieces, making sure to align them to create order and centering the frames at each end horizontally. For my wall mounts, I used drywall anchors, so it was very easy to install. Wherever you marked your center guides is where you will drill your holes.

Hang your art and enjoy.

Once all of your screws are in, hang your frames and measure the spacing to make sure it is equal on all sides. Voila! There you have your beautiful gallery wall! Add your furniture back in place and don't forget some lighting to set the mood. It really does change the whole feeling of a room. I was just amazed with how great this gallery turned out, and I couldn't have been more pleased with the results. 

I hope you had an amazing time with me. I know this was a long post, so thanks for staying 'til the end and putting up with my endless rambling (haha). I am so excited to get to do this and can't wait to share more exciting projects like these. Let me know if you'd like to see my entire living room. It's not exactly complete, but I'd love to share what I have. 

Thank you so much to Minted for giving me this opportunity to design my space with these incredible works of art. I am hooked on what the company is all about - quality, detail, and giving back to the community. I love it when companies have depth and purpose.

If you are ever looking for wall art, stationary, home decor, children's decor, or fabrics, I highly encourage you to visit Minted's website. I was honestly blown away with all of their products.  

That is all lovelies, until next time! If you have any questions or if I missed anything, please comment below and I'll get back to you. 

Will you be creating a gallery wall? Share with me in the comments! <3

Minted's Limited Edition Art Prints

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

Refreshing, easy, and colorful is the theme of my curated collection of vegan summer sweets. Cool down, grab something sweet, and enjoy your time soaking up the last of those summer days. I know, I'm sad that it will be over soon, too. Warning: You may just want to eat any number of these recipes immediately - so get ready to head to the grocery store! 

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

1. Summer Celebration Fruit Tart: How pretty is this tart! It's incredibly simple to make, and what makes this tart so summery are the fresh seasonal fruits and delightful toppings like fresh herbs and bee pollen. This picturesque tart is almost too pretty to eat, and it's vegan and gluten-free. What could be any better on a summer's day? (via My New Roots)

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

2. Stecco Gelato: This "stick ice cream" as it is translated to contains two of my all-time favorite fruits: blackberries and raspberries. The color of these popsicles are so rich and I am guessing that they taste just the same. These are a perfect treat on a hot, sunny day, or for those mid-afternoon moments when you get a sweet tooth. (via Smile, Beauty and More)

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

3. No Bake Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake: I love how vegan recipes look so beautiful and use the freshest ingredients. Isn't that the best part about eating - eating with your eyes? And I just loooove blueberries. They're so easy to add to anything, they taste amazing, and they are packed with antioxidants among other super-fruit powers! Everything about this recipe takes the guilt out of dessert. The crust is made from almonds and dates and the filling contains coconut oil, coconut milk, and cashew nuts. I can just imagine how creamy this is! (via Call Me Cupcake)

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

4. Coconut Lavender Lemonade: That color - I have never seen a prettier lemonade in my life! It's hard to describe the taste of lavender, but it's really light and refreshing, so don't be scared to try it. Since floral notes are not for everyone, you can get creative with this idea of infusing lemonade with various flavors. Coconut water is very hydrating and will give you that boost of energy on those hot days. (via Confectionalism)

5 Refreshing Summer Sweets that will Make you Go Vegan

5. Cantaloupe in Coconut Rose Cream: The color of this delightful creation screams SUMMER! Doesn't it make you feel refreshed just looking at it? Cantaloupe was made for summer, agree? This is completely dairy-free, too. What's the white stuff, you ask? Coconut cream. Coconuts are so versatile for vegan recipes as you've seen so far. And there's something hidden that makes this recipe so interesting. It's the rose water and cardamom powder that just do it for me. I'm dying to try it! (via Kiran Tarun)

Now that I've officially prepared a feast for your eyes, which recipe are you convinced will make you turn vegan? Haha, kidding. You don't need to become a vegan to eat vegan or feel pressured that you must say an oath. I love that there are so many recipes accessible today that show you that you don't have to sacrifice taste for eating healthy. If anything, you gain so much more flavors because vegan recipes often contain diverse ingredients that you may have never tried together. It's an adventure for your senses, so why not escape for a little bit and try something new. <3

Which of these recipes do you hope to try? Share with me in the comments!

7 Nightstand Decor Essentials
7 Nightstand Decor Essentials

Believe it or not, there is a formula to designing the perfect nightstand. Explore my curated collection, and get inspired to take on your own space. Nightstands are a major part of the focal point of the room, with the bed being front and center, so you want it to be balanced and grab everyone's attention as soon as they enter the room. You also want your nightstand to speak something about you, so add your personal touches. Let's have a look at these inspiring spaces!

From simple, to elaborate, these nightstands all have on thing in common: I want them all! But really ... don't these spaces make you want to cozy on up in bed? It's amazing what a little thought can do for those small little tables to give each room character. Here's to helping you design your very own nightstands that will make your bedroom look as if it popped out of a Pinterest board! Read on for my 7 Decor Essentials.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

1. Nighstand: A stool gives this bedside a cheery, vintage vibe. The tables you choose will give your bedside character, so here are some points to help you decide what type of tables to go for. 

+ Decide what look you want to go for - perhaps a vintage and whimsical or polished and modern feel? For a vintage feel, try using a wood stump, an old chair, crates, or anything with a weathered appearance. For a more polished feel, opt for dressers with clean lines that are symmetrical. You may even combine the two and get an even more interesting outcome. Interesting alternatives: desk, stool, cabinet, dresser.                                               

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

2.  Lighting: With so many lamp styles available, look for a pair that compliment your nightstands. Wall and pendant lamps are a break from the traditional table lamp and can free up some extra table space too. Try these unique firefly lights for a more ethereal feel. It'll make your bedroom feel all fairytale-like. 

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

3. Art: Creating a gallery wall like this above your nightstand is so much fun. You may also extend it all the way around the wall above your bed if you've got the patience! If you don't think taking on a project that big is in your stars, try stacking frames on top of your nightstand instead - a very easy and casual way to display art. Incorporating some type of framed piece, whether it be a picture, art, a mirror, or another wall decor can really create a ton of visual interest in your room. 

(featured&nbsp;image via The Design Chaser)

(featured image via The Design Chaser)

Another way of adding art to the walls and giving a room some character and warmth is the stick on wood wall, which is higher now in play. With the help of this innovative solution, you can quickly turn any space into an inviting retreat without the cost of the old way of wood paneling.

Stick-on wood walls are quickly replacing the old as many interior designers and DIY enthusiasts turn to them for their easy application and realistic wood grain. They are not only eco-friendly and inexpensive, but they also provide a sense of rustic charm.

Minted is a great place to find tons of wall art from independent artists. Stay tuned for my upcoming post on how to create your very own gallery wall featuring beautiful art from Minted

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

4. Plant: A leafy plant like this one is one of my favorite plants to use in the bedroom. Not only will it last you longer than flowers, but it is low maintenance and won't die if you lack a green thumb (like me). Flowers are great too, but fresh is always best. Want to be different? Succulents or cactus are perfect as well, because like leafy plants, they too last long and are low maintenance. You can even try a vase filled with eucalyptus and it'll fill your room with a wonderful scent too. Don't care for plants at all - an assortment of empty vases are just as pretty.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

5. Books: Here, a floral arrangement sits atop a few monochromatic books to add height. Not only is it nice visually, but having a few good reads nearby is always a good thing, especially before bedtime to help you get relaxed for the evening. Think of books as a pedestal for whatever you place on it.

7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

6. Storage: Having a jewelry dish or bowl on your nightstand is a pretty way to display some of your jewelry, and of course, prevent you from misplacing those studs as you take them off before bed. A glass shadow box is another pretty way to store and display valuables on your nightstand. 


7 Decor Essentials for the Perfect Nightstand

7. Objects: Choose one or two small objects to place on your nightstand to add a touch of personality. Decor ideas: Candle, mug, animal figurine, shell, vase, clock, etc. Place them atop your stack of books like the above picture. 


  • Try incorporating a number of these decor essentials into your existing nightstand setup.

  • To create balance, try to design both nightstands with a unifying piece or pieces - identical tables, lamps, plants, etc.

  • You don't need to use all 7 decor items - choose a combination. Maybe you want to use a plant and some books - that works perfectly well. Get creative with your space and do what works for you. 

  • Look for items around the house. You usually have all of these items already.

Does this inspire you to update your nightstand or design one from scratch? Let me know in the comments. 

Share your nightstands with me on Instagram - tag @hellolovelyliving for me to see! <3

Featured image via The Every Girl

18 Ways to Rock the Modern Floral Print Trend + Styling Tips
18 Ways to Rock the Modern Floral Print Trend + Styling Tips

Floral prints are everywhere - and I mean EVERYWHERE! It has yet to be seen that there is anything that you can not print a floral pattern on. No longer is Spring the only season for florals - it has taken on Summer too. So, where does this obsession with floral prints come from? Well, put a woman in charge of design, and I think we can all agree upon the root cause of the problem. *giggles* We are utterly kookoo about flowers. Gone are the days of floral prints looking like curtains, too. Modern floral prints are trending in both women and men's fashion, so let's take a look at what's out there.

Read on and get inspired to rock this trend with confidence!

I hope you enjoyed this fashion post! I just had to share this with you. I hope you got inspired in some way to break out and try incorporating floral prints into your wardrobe. They're so fun and flirty for women and prove that men can have a sensitive side too.

On another note, is everyone enjoying their summer? I have yet to get a mere centimeter to the closest beach. *pouts* My only hope is that it's not too late - summer is not over! Praying for a blessing. 

Happy rest of your summer!

xo stina

How do you feel about the floral print trend? Would you rock any of the featured items?

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

I love discovering sustainable and eco-conscious companies, so I was thrilled to receive a box from Rose Market featuring vintage eco-chic pieces (stay tuned at the end for a review and discount code). What's great about vintage fashion is that it is timeless. After all, the definition of fashion can be summed up as recycled trends, so there's no surprise why vintage is always in style. Pair vintage pieces with eco-fashion, and you have the epitome of sustainable and environmentally conscious fashion. This is a perfect fit for anyone who prefers quality over quantity when it comes to clothing. Buying clothes that are made of high quality fabrics and that will last you a long time will save you a lot of money over the years compared to buying trendier and cheaper items that are likely made from fabrics that wear easily.

So, what is eco-fashion? It's simply sustainable fashion - clothing made from recycled or up-cycled materials, manufactured in an environmentally conscious way, and produced without harmful pesticides, chemicals, dyes, or bleaches. Once perceived as dull and boring and made from materials that were stiff and unattractive, eco-fashion is now a rising high quality segment and has been catching on in popularity by big name brands, designers, and celebrities. It's part of living sustainably and consciously in a world of disposable and wasteful living. Bamboo, organic cotton, and hemp are just some of the many durable materials that are being used to produce high quality clothing. I love how the demand for these materials is increasing, which means that these fabrics will become more accessible. Keep any eye out for these options and see how much of a difference these fabrics look and feel. They are truly worth it!

Here are some products made from sustainable materials:

Eco-fashion also includes items that are gently used and resold. Many companies have jumped on this growing trend and there are many apps available that make it easier than ever to buy and sell. Some big name brands will even buy back your gently used clothing and resell or recycle items for use for charitable causes (read more). Here are a few companies where you can buy/sell affordable, yet high-quality recycled fashion.

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Disclosure: A box was provided by Rose Market for consideration. All opinions are my own.

Rose Market is a clothing subscription service that upholds the cause for sustainable fashion and offers personalized services with outfits styled just for you. Vintage up-styled pairing pieces together with trendy accessories make up the mix when you receive your very own customized box delivered right to you. Choose from three subscription boxes - The Rosebud, The Bouquet, and The Garden Party (how cute are the names). See a detailed list of options HERE

When I opened my box, I was greeted with a personal note, which was very sweet and thoughtful. What my box came with:

  • Peach kimono-style top

  • Black scarf/belt

  • Pearl cuff bracelet

  • Rose Market Rose Spritzer

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Love list:

  • Chic - Very chic and timeless items. 

  • Personalized: The color of the top was a perfect choice for me as I am in love with the color peach.

  • Versatile: The items that it came with could easily create several outfits. 

  • Variety: A variety of items are included, which make it a well-rounded box of useful staples.

  • Sustainable: Items are classic and can be worn for a long time. 

Eco-Fashion Tips + Rose Market Review and Coupon Code

Overall thoughts - I really enjoyed this box, most especially what the company stands for. I am all for supporting companies that are conscious about the impact they can make on the world. It's great to know that these items were sourced sustainably. Every dollar that you spend endorses a product or brand's specific vision and encourages it's growth, so why not make it worth it! 

Get yours! Through July, receive 20% OFF your first box using the code SUMMERLOVE.

Visit for more information.

I hope you enjoyed this post! We can all make a difference in the world no matter how small. 

How do you live sustainably/eco-consciously? 


xo stina



Small Home Office Design Ideas - Glass Desk
Small Home Office Design Ideas - Glass Desk

Having a home office is the perfect way to boost productivity and creativity. Create a space that expresses who you are, and you will feel more inspired to take on the day with passion and purpose. Inspiration comes from everywhere - including your office - so fill it with things that you love. You want it to be a place that inspires you and gets you away from any distractions that the other parts of the house are full of. 

Most of us would like to say that we have all of the space in the world to create the perfect home office, but that's not always the case; however, a lack of space doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style and functionality. There are so many solutions to creating a home office that is still inspiring and has all of the essentials that an office would need to function and work.

In this post, I focus on the use of glass desks to open up small spaces. Desks are the focal point of an office, so choose a desk that you're going to love for a very long time. The see through nature of glass desks give the illusion of more space and draw the eyes around the room, instead of getting stuck on a large piece of furniture that can be too overwhelming for a small space. 

Discover these inspiring home offices featuring glass desks. They are all so pretty, so I hope you find some inspiration here that you can apply to your space. 

Sources: 1 | 2 | 3, 4 | 5, 6, 7 | 8, 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36

There were so many inspiring home offices that I almost couldn't stop posting photos. Thanks so much for hanging out and gathering some ideas. It's so fun looking at pretty spaces like these - I could do this for days!

Did you see any that inspired you? I'd love to hear in the comments!

Summer Beach Essentials
Summer Beach Essentials

Summer is here and wouldn't you like to hit the beach - not only feeling great - but looking great and enjoying the latest in beach accessories? For those of you who have the pleasure of hitting the sand this summer, here is a list of essentials that I've been spotting lately. I hope you will find inspiration from it and find something you love! There are so many fun accessories to enjoy this summer, so why not get creative at the beach. Try something new and look and feel amazing! 


1 // THE AZTEC ROUND TOWEL the beach people

2 // JUTE MAJORELLE BAG the beach people












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So, what do you think? I hope you found something you loved and got inspired for your next beach (or pool) trip! Soak up the sun and enjoy your summer - because we all know - summer just doesn't last long enough (for some of us)! 

Let me know what you liked - and if there are any other fabulous beach accessories that you know about - let me know below. I love discovering new things. 

Happy Summer!

xo stina