Posts tagged inspirational
Dear Diary Entry 01 | You Are Not For Everyone, And That is Your Superpower

These past few weeks, I've been thinking about the direction my content is taking, and I want to bring it back to me being able to express myself more. Writing is such a therapeutic outlet for me. I feel like certain platforms are not very suitable for sharing many of the deep thoughts and conversations I want to be having. This is where my blog comes into play. I want it to be a space where I can share myself in full transparency and be able to talk about things that are important to me on a more personal note.

Hello lovely living

I get the question a lot about what I "do", and in all honesty, this is a very complicated question for me to answer because I am not a cookie-cutter personality that can be perfectly packaged. I have accepted the fact that I do not fit a certain type of mold that is easily digestible. I accept the fact that I am not for everyone and that some people may not have the time or patience to understand me or what I have to offer.

With that said, I am creating a brand that is my own and not forcing myself into a niche or category that limits me and makes me feel trapped. Today, it is easy to listen to advice that says that you have to do this, that, and the other to succeed. I need to put one fact out there into the universe: I was never one to follow the rules or do what everyone else is doing. I do what I want and how I want to do it. I do not believe in limiting myself or allowing other's opinions to drive my creativity. I truly operate from my heart, and when I feel like I am veering away from that, it genuinely hurts me.

If you look all around in today's creative community, you'll see that everyone is able to carve out a space for themselves that is uniquely theirs. That is happening today, and that is the climate of the future. Everyone is their own brand. Everyone has something valuable to offer by simply being themselves. I see that authenticity and vulnerability is at the core of all of this. In that same token, it is realizing that you will not be for everyone, and that is ok. The people that do connect with you will truly be for you, trust in you and your work, understand what you have to say, and want to support you naturally because they have a genuine connection with you. It's important to never compromise your value to please someone else when they have expectations that go against the very fabric of who you are.


I came across a video last night by Brendon Burchard, and it is a message that I'd like to share with you as well. It was on the topic of what to do when people don't support you. Basically, anyone's opinions, criticisms, and judgments are none of your business. People are not required to do anything for you, just as you're not required to do anything for them. There is a common exchange that happens when, oftentimes, we take what people say or do, and we use that to influence the direction of our thoughts and actions. That is completely unhealthy to do. Instead, we need to be focusing on our goals, aspirations, and dreams and putting energy toward that - not what anyone has to say in response to it. Not everyone is going to understand us, and it is not our job to explain ourselves to people who are committed to misunderstanding us. 

I hope this maybe sheds some light for you if you are a creative or just someone who is feeling discouraged. Truly, no one has that power over you, so don't feel so pressured to do anything that you are not comfortable with. You are a respectable person with integrity by choosing to stand your ground. We are more than what we do, and at the end of the day, we have the choice of what direction we want to take whether or not anyone agrees with it.

What are your thoughts and experiences on these topics? I'd really love to hear your story and how you've dealt with these things. It would really help me, and I'm sure many others. | Dear Diary Entry 01 | You Are Not For Everyone, And That is Your Superpower

I hope that you enjoyed that little diary entry. In this series, I want to really be open to discussing any topic that I feel is on my mind. It's a way to open the communication for us to not feel alone about things that are often hidden and that are too taboo to talk about on a perfectly curated feed. If you have any topics or things you'd like me to touch on, do feel free to post those in the comment section below. This is a space where we can talk about real topics that impact us and is a safe zone to share things without judgment.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share a little bit about my glasses that I'm wearing in these photos! What do you think of them? Personally, I am absolutely obsessed with them and haven't taken them off since haha! Actually, before I get into how much I love them, I wanted to share a little side-note with you. The truth behind these photos that you see here is that I just had one of those moments where I just needed to breathe and get away and have a moment to process everything that's been going on in my life right now. These were candid moments where I was literally at the end of my rope, and I didn't know how to make myself feel better other than get into an empty room and have a minute to myself.

Honestly, it really helped to just get away for a moment (even if that was just to my bathroom) haha! I know other moms do this! It's really so important to set aside time for yourself so that you can process things in a healthy way. Anyway, back to the glasses! I chose a tortoiseshell frame because I have always wanted to own a pair. These are from Glasses Gallery, and I actually had several choices, but this is the one I settled on.  It is from a brand called Evisu, which is a Japanese brand. One thing that I loved about Glasses Gallery is that they have a virtual try-on feature, kinda like a Snapchat or Instagram filter! It was so fun trying out some of the glasses. Uriah also got in on the fun as you can see below!


Can you believe that these frames are only $95. Of course, prescription lenses added onto that price, but I think this is so worth it because they offer designer glasses that are so affordable. They are actually currently having a promotion for free prescription lenses on select frames for $95, so do check it out. It did take a little over a week for me to receive my glasses because they did ship from Hong Kong and USPS was late a couple days, but I am very pleased with them, so it was worth the wait. I am so glad that they match my face shape and that they fit so well because I had never physically tried them on, so I was a bit worried that I may not like them. It really did help that they had that try-on filter because it eliminated me having to wait for frames to try on, return those, then wait again for a pair that I decided on. In actuality, this process is a lot quicker in that sense.

I highly recommend Glasses Gallery if you are looking for an online retailer that offers designer eyeglasses, sunglasses, and sports glasses at affordable prices. You're sure to find something that you like. I was impressed because they have brands like Marc Jacobs, Ray-Ban, and Jimmy Choo along with various others for any look or budget. I personally am not into designer brands, which is why I strictly went on look alone, but I did appreciate that they did have such a great selection for me to choose from.

Okay, I think that's it for this post! Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below, and I look forward to another Dear Diary very soon. xo


what topics do you want to hear about in my next dear diary?

A special thank you to Glasses Gallery for partnering with me on this post. Be sure to check them out for all things glasses!  

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my privacy policy for a complete disclosure.


A Little Spring Encouragement + Free Digital Print

Spring has sprung! Seeing the sight of trees in bloom not only gets me excited for warmer months, but it refreshes my perspective and it reminds me that there is beauty in the wait. There are so many subtle reminders in nature that provide the lessons that we need, and I believe that nothing happens by accident. There is a reason for everything. However, like my quote illustrates below, although everything happens for a reason, some things happen for a season. | A Little Spring Encouragement + Free Digital Print

Yes, we'd all like to believe that everything lasts, but the reality is that life is transient by nature. Things happen that shake up our very existence only to challenge our ability to stand strong in the midst of it. What happens on that testing ground determines the outcome of our circumstances.  

I was having a talk with my son, Kodi, and he made a statement that was so profound. "Thoughts are fluid." I mean, coming from a 14-year-old, that simply blew me away. What he meant by this statement was that you can't control people's thoughts. They change. People change. I mean! Proud mama moment right there.

If thoughts are fluid, we as human beings are, too. We were not meant to be in a solid, permanent state. We were meant to move and adapt. Just like every living thing adapts to the changing seasons, we must do the same. We must also learn to recognize unhealthy patterns in our life and initiate change. 


Sometimes we grow
in a twisted, sideways manner
rather than straight up

but in the end,
our branches
always seek the light

and the trees
that bear
the sweetest fruit
the longest winters.
— April Green


As the new season approaches, I just want to encourage those of you in particular that may be going through a difficult season. Know that it is not meant to destroy you, but to build you. It will not last forever, it will pass. 

Get excited when there is a time of resistance in life because that is the very time when your strength will come out. You don't know how much you have within you until you are tested. Take this time as an opportunity to bring out the best in yourself and develop areas that you haven't really paid attention to. Shed the old, welcome the new. | Free Printable


In my personal experience, I've learned how to recognize the different seasons of my life for what they are and not be resistant to whatever lessons that I am supposed to learn in those moments. I actually get really excited when things get hard and difficult because I know that just by going through those experiences, I am growing through them. I welcome every opportunity that requires me to take a deeper look at my life and myself because I don't ever want to be comfortable in my ways or lead a comfortable life where I am never challenged or never challenge myself.

I created the free digital print that you see above for you to frame and keep up as a reminder for those times when it's hard to see things for what they are. Rest in the idea that everything happens for a reason, but know that some things happen for a season. Your seasons do not necessarily define you, you define how your seasons will impact you - either positively or negatively.

Cheers to experiencing the fulness of life through every season!



I hope you enjoyed this little reminder and that it encouraged you through whatever season you are currently facing today. If you need more inspiration on the daily, I post every day on Instagram + keep you motivated and inspired with uplifting content. I'd love to see you over there!

Do you enjoy these types of posts? Let's chat in the comments below!


Be Like Sand - Let The Waves Mold You

I remember back home on Guam the way the ocean twinkled underneath the night's sky. How the water reached the shore ever so gently and filtered through the tiny grains of sand, displacing them over and over again. It was calming, peaceful, and I will never forget the feeling it gave me.

Isn't that exactly how life is? We are constantly tossed and displaced and moved around. 

I'm always looking for inspiration from nature, and this may as well be the perfect fit for what I'm trying to say. | Be Like The Sand - Let The Waves Mold You

Did you know that based on the size of the grains of sand, pebbles, or rocks on a beach or coast, you can easily determine what conditions they were exposed to?

It's quite simple. Fine grain sand is exposed to powerful ocean swells that repeatedly toss the grains until they become round and polished. Larger pebbles or rocks that are freshly weathered have not yet traveled very far, therefore are not rounded and smoothed. 

Larger pebbles or rocks also suggest that they've been carried to the shore by larger waves, while smaller particles are carried away over longer distances, eventually reaching further, calmer shores.

We all know that fine textured, white, powdery sand is valued all around the world. What if I told you that you must go through the same process as sand if you want to become refined, rounded, and smoothed. You need to travel long distances, be carried away and tossed around by large waves before you reach a place of calm, like what happened on that beach at the beginning of my story.

Things happen in nature that are just that - natural, unobstructed, and part of a process. They are the most beautiful things. There's a cause and effect to everything, and that's something that we don't really think about on a daily basis. We don't realize that we are also part of a process.

We can't really expect different results if we are doing the exact same thing that leads to the result that we don't like. We need to change something in that process in order for change to occur. I am a firm believer that change is necessary, and it is so ingrained in me that I am not scared of it. I accept it, and I welcome it.

Let me give you a bit of context. Growing up, I always moved around. It was never in my mind that I would stay in one place for the rest of my life, nor was it ingrained in me that anyone was guaranteed to stay in my life. It may sound sad, but it's just a part of who I am and who I became. I had to learn to let go at an early age. Of people. Of places. Of situations that weren't good. It was never easy for me, but I had to adapt. 

As an adult, I guess it's so ingrained in me that I have to keep moving forward that I need it. I can't stay in one place or get complacent, especially if I'm not seeing growth within myself. I can't get myself to settle for less than what I know I'm capable of.

What I'm trying to get at is that there is something that you can do to be where you want to be. Change. Change is hard, but it is necessary. You can't wait for change to happen. You have to be the change and be the cause of it. You have to live intentionally if you want to see the life that you desire.

Coming from a small island, it's easy to get complacent and comfortable. It's easy to go with the motions and do the exact same thing over and over again expecting different results. I know exactly how it feels. I believe in persistence, but not if it's not leading me to becoming a better person or to a better place. 

You may not come from a small island like me, and I'm not limiting this kind of behavior to certain environments, but that's my reality that I personally was faced with. Limiting thoughts and behaviors happen to all of us. Naturally, we want to stay in the safe zone - on the shore.

The truth is, you have to break away from what is comfortable. You have to do the things that scare you. You have to be the one to challenge yourself. You have to be the one to say enough is enough. You have to want better for yourself and for your future. It's all dependent on you and only you.


Coming from one of the most beautiful places on earth makes me reflect on the memories that are forever ingrained in me. When they say no place is like home, it's true. But, it's only true when you leave home. When your eyes become open to the world around you. When you step outside of known territory and into something different and challenging.

Leaving home is always hard, but it is necessary - in a literal and figurative sense. Home can be anywhere you find comfort in. It may be a job, a person, a habit, a way of thinking, etc.

The only way for you to have new eyes is to literally remove yourself from the very place that you've become numb to. I don't believe that anyone should become numb at any point in life. Life is meant to be felt and to be experienced. Becoming apathetic toward life, to me, is a slow and painful death. I never ever want to become that way.

Once you feel yourself starting to get numb, that should be a sign that something needs to change. Sometimes that change needs to happen from within. Other times, external factors need to change.

Life is all about constant evaluation. No one is meant to stay in the exact same place, especially if it is unhealthy to them or leading them to be less than what they are capable or deserving of.

Nowhere in this post will I say that it is easy. It is extremely hard and difficult. We get really comfortable even with things that aren't good for us. We tolerate things and give excuses for the very things that we know are wrong for us. 

At one point in time, I was in a very emotionally and mentally destructive relationship and I stayed. Why? Because I was already at that point where I found comfort in the process. Destructive patterns are hard to break from, and I can say from experience that I have struggled with it, and I know what it feels like. I know that I will continue to be faced with destructive patterns that I constantly need to reevaluate. This is life.

In any process of breaking, stretching, or growing, there will be resistance, and you will have to go through the pain associated with it in order to come out stronger. 

Pain is part of the process of growth. It may not be physical pain, but it could be emotional pain or mental pain, which is not any less painful.

One thing I know for sure is that each time I went through a painful process, I always emerged a better person with so much more to give and knew that I was deserving of so much more. 

Today, I encourage you to do the very thing you know you need to do. Don't wait until it's too late. There is something better for you. A better process. A better outcome. You can't expect to get to a certain ideal place unless you grow through life. You can't simply go through it. You must learn something and truly let your life unfold without holding onto things that you know are hindering you from your best self. Your best life.

In closing, be like sand. Travel far. Be refined. You're becoming your best self through the process. It may be difficult, but nothing of value ever came to be without being exposed to the elements. You'll reach a place of calm, eventually. When all is said and done, the distance you traveled will equal the depth of your experience. Let the waves mold you.

Cheers to you experiencing the best of life. 


As the new year approaches, it's a great time to start thinking about the deeper things and constantly holding yourself accountable to the direction that your life takes. I hope I've inspired you a teeny bit with this post. xo

If you need more inspiration on the daily, I post every day on Instagram + I keep you motivated and inspired. 

Did you find this helpful? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! | Be Like The Sand - Let The Waves Mold You

The Calm In The Chaos: How to Stay Focused + Positive

Do you ever wonder how some people can stay so focused no matter what is happening around them?

Gosh, what is up with those people!? An asteroid could be approaching earth, and they'd still be in their own world.

Confession. I'm one of those very people. *covers eyes*

I'd like to offer some insight into the mind of someone (me) who can stay freakishly focused.

Oh, I do have my moments (don't get me wrong), but it does take a lot - and I mean a A LOT - to get me distracted.

Once I set my heart on something, it's done. It's over. I will follow through.

Now, for the positivity - that has taken a lot of work for me over the years. It'll always be a work in progress for me, but I think staying focused + positive go hand-in-hand.

I'll be sharing 10 ways that have worked for me in staying focused + positive in business and in life. 

I hope this will be helpful to those of you who are trying to find that balance. | How to Stay Focused + Positive in Business And Life

Before we start, first thing's first: I want to point out something so important.

We are all born with unique traits and abilities that come natural to us without us even trying. Once you identify what those are for you, you'll have a better hold on yourself and on life.

Self-awareness is an important step in understanding how to stay focused + positive because only you know what motivates you.

When you have control over yourself, you become stronger and more able to deal with anything in life. We can't always control what happens in life, but we can control our actions and how we respond to things. 

So, what does this have to do with this post? I want to stress the importance of knowing your strengths and realizing that those were given to you for a reason.

I used to absolutely hate the fact that I was so observant. Absolutely hate it. You know why?

Because I saw everything. I couldn't close my eyes to things (oftentimes hurtful things), because my eyes were so open and soaking in everything. I'd notice details that no one else would.

As I grew older, I realized that this was one of my gifts.

I'd like you to first discover and identify your unique gifts and actually use those to your advantage in staying focused + positive.

Capitalize on those natural abilities you have. You do it best, and that is why you need to use them.

Once you identify your unique gifts in all areas of life, you will have a better hold on dealing with things. Your weaknesses wouldn't matter because you'd be focusing on your strengths.

This is powerful. 

So, now let's get into how I personally stay focused + positive. Here we go!


1| Pause


Hit the pause button.

This has saved much heartache, and it will continue to save me much heartache.

We all have the natural tendency to judge situations before they even have time to simmer. I am guilty all the time. I worry A LOT. I question things A LOT.

But, the one thing that has saved me most times is taking a minute to let things play out, naturally.

When we rush things, we end up reacting in ways that may not be authentic to ourselves. We may say or do things that aren't the best representation of us.

Many times, I've also found that my emotional state at the moment had influenced my reactions as well. So many factors come into play when situations arise, so taking a minute to digest everything works wonders.

Learn to respond, not react. This means, when something happens, instead of instantly reacting, give it some time.

Evaluate the situation for as long as you need to, then respond. A reaction is not always necessary.


2| Lessen your distractions


This one's a tricky one.

I was going to say cut out all of your distractions, but let's be real, some distractions are just a part of life and can't be avoided. Mommy life, anyone?

Instead, let's do a fun little exercise, shall we?

Identify all of your key distractions and try to lessen any of them that you have control over.

If there's anything in particular that doesn't add value to your life, go ahead and ditch that mother.

One of the distractions that I had and made a decision to eliminate was Facebook.

Anytime I would get off of Facebook, I would always think, did I just waste 2 hours of my life just now? 

I would feel horrible, not only because I wasted valuable time, but I unwillingly became a part of negativity or drama on a daily basis.

So, that habit had to go.

Distractions could be people, places, things, etc.


3| Be mindful of what you allow


Sometimes the very things that we allow into our lives are the very things that drown us and keep us down.

Learn to be selective about what you allow into your life. It could be something small, but things grow roots.

Everything drains our time in one way or the other, so let it be something worthwhile.

Keep an eye out on everything that comes into your life - be it opportunities, people, or things.

Every cause has an effect, so if it's not something that will add value to your life (as stated earlier) identify it, and don't allow it. Preventing hurt or disappointment from happening down the road is so worth it.

Filter through things before you allow it to take up your time, energy, and attention. You'll need all of that for the more important things.

Let your yes be yes and your no be no, and only say yes to those things that you feel are worthwhile. So many times we say yes to things that don't serve us well or that we don't really want to do.

Don't be afraid to say no in order to say yes to what really matters.


5| Be authentic to you


Focus on your own stuff.

So many times we are losing our focus because we are taking our attention off of our own path and staring too hard at someone else's.

We need to pull the plug of comparison and realize that the answers are within us.

Focus on what you do best. Focus on your strengths.

I came across a post on Instagram one day by fellow boss babe, Promise Tangeman, that stuck with me.

She said, "Don't waste your time trying to 'find' your style. The truth is you already have it. You may just need to create more in order to see it."

I think this is so true.

We need to focus on creating from our unique space and see where it takes us.

Staying focused is so important in being a creative. You need to protect your space because outside influences can unknowingly interfere with your authenticity.

You want to be true to you, and that takes looking inward and being mindful of distractions that could interfere with that on a daily basis.


6| Know what you want


What are your priorities? What's important to you?

These questions will help you focus better.

When you know what you want and where you want to be, you will have a clearer vision of what you need to do to get there. When you know what's at the top of your list, you'll be able to breeze through all of these steps with ease.

It's amazing what we'll do for what we want.

If you have made a decision that you don't want negativity in your life, you'll steer clear from it.

Making clear and conscious choices toward what you want is a definite way to get closer to your goals and to achieving them.

Setting priorities is so important especially when there are so many things that are pulling for our attention on a daily basis.

When you know what you want, you'll be able to communicate that to the world, and it will come back to you.

If you put out love and encouragement, guess what? That's exactly what you'll be associated with and that's what you'll attract.


7| Identify your why


There's something so life-changing in knowing exactly why you are doing things in the first place.

Start with the basics.

Why do you wake up in the morning? Why do you go to work? Why do you want a better life for your family?

Once you begin to answer these things, your life will take on a deeper meaning and you'll be so motivated to wake up every day.

There's nothing like being on a path with no direction. We need to be headed somewhere in order to feel driven.

If you don't know where you're going or why you're doing it, you'll be headed no where fast.

Be inspired by your "why" and let it be that constant inspiration for you.


8| Celebrate small victories


Take the time, even if but for a moment, to celebrate those small victories of yours.

We need to be our best cheerleaders!

Sometimes days turn into months and months turn into years, and we forget to stop and enjoy where we are today.

There's a lot that needed to happen for you to reach the point that you are at now, so be proud of it.

It will motivate you to keep pressing forward and to not give up. 


9| Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith


Let's face it, some days are not the best, and some days you may question if what you're focusing your energy on is even worth the sleepless nights, stress, and uncertainty.

But, stop for a minute and know one thing: There was a moment in time where you made a decision.

You put your heart out and risked everything for it. You knew that you'd have to muster up the courage to execute it.

For that very reason, you demonstrated great faith, and it's for that exact same reason that you can't give up no matter how difficult things get. 


10| Do it with all your heart, or not at all


I wanted my final tip to just encourage you to not be too hard on yourself.

I know how difficult things can get sometimes, and the pressure to perform and be amazing is overwhelming to say the least.

Give yourself the permission to take a break when you feel you need it.

Don't worry, things will not fall apart. People can wait. Demands can chill.

You need to focus on yourself, your happiness, and if you need to refresh your perspective or just need a little breather, do it.

It's better to do things with all of you instead of putting out something that's not from your heart or that is forced.

Allow yourself to be exactly as you are in all seasons of life.



If you made it to the end of this post, you are a true rockstar! I do hope that this was helpful for you and that it truly provides some actionable steps that you can take to get more focused + stay positive.

If you need more inspiration on the daily, I post every day on Instagram + I keep you motivated and accountable to those dreams of yours! I'm here for you, and I am rooting for you every step of the way!  

Do you have any tips on how you stay focused + positive? Please share with all of us in the comments below! | Sharing Is Caring

This Boss Babe Runs Two Businesses All While Working Her Day Job

Amy Jade Lore of Amy Jade Designs and Beautycounter is one busy woman. As if one side hustle wasn't enough, she decided to take on the world with two - while still managing a full-time job. I think we can all agree that having a full-time job is demanding in and of itself. Just how she manages to juggle the demands of all three is beyond me. Go Amy! | Amy Jade Lore - Amy Jade Designs & Beautycounter | This Boss Babe Runs Two Businesses All While Working Her Day Job

Based out of Montreal, Canada, Amy is a graphic designer and calligrapher and founded Amy Jade Designs, where she combines her two creative talents to design lovely commissioned pieces. Her passion soon led her to Beautycounter, a company whose goal is to get safer personal care products into the hands of everyone. As a Senior Consultant at Beautycounter, Amy has found purpose in spreading the mission and purpose of the company and in educating everyone about the benefits of choosing safer personal care products.

Let's get to know Amy a bit more! I asked her a few questions that I really felt would help all of you aspiring boss babes in your personal walk. It helps to get to know other women on a more personal level and to understand that we are all figuring things out one step at a time. I hope you enjoy this!


Q & A

amy jade lore

Amy Jade Designs and Beautycounter



What was the biggest turning point in your life that made you want to pursue your own business?

I’ve always had my freelance Graphic Design and now Calligraphy business on the side of my 9-5 day job. When I discovered Beautycounter and began researching their company’s mission of getting safer beauty products out to the public and creating awareness, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of. I was sent the “We deserve better” video, which talks about the lack of regulations in the beauty industry, and I was so shocked by the statistics and immediately wanted to help share this message with friends and family.


How did you feel when you made that decision?

I was a little nervous about the new challenges it would bring, but mostly extremely excited for the future.


What inspired and motivated you to follow through with your decision?  

Being my own boss has always been something I’ve wanted to do. I enjoy the flexibility but even more I enjoy being a part of something that matters. When I introduce someone to a Beautcounter product, like the Charcoal Cleansing Bar, and it helps clear up a skin issue that they have been struggling with for years, I find it extremely fulfilling and it makes me want to continue this journey.


What were the first steps you took to get the ball rolling?

One of the things that made the transition of joining Beautycounter as an independent consultant easy is all the training and information available. As a consultant, I am connected to a mentor, who basically has guided me through the initial process and answered any questions that I have. The company also has an influx of “how to” materials that really walks you through the steps of creating a successful business and being a successful independent consultant.


Tell us about your business and why you chose to pursue that particular business.

Unfortunately like many people, a lot of my friends and family have health issues. All four of my grandparents have had cancer, and one thing I hear constantly is that, had they known at a younger age that the things they were doing when they were younger were not good for them, they would have avoided it. Now we have so much information at our fingertips about making safer choices, so the idea of being able to spread this knowledge has definitely given my decision to enter this business a purpose.


What types of challenges have you experienced so far and how are you overcoming them?

I’ve always been a little bit of an introvert. The idea of trying to market myself as an artist and reaching out to new contacts, at first, was daunting. However, there are so many tools available to overcome these fears. I find that social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, has been wonderful to really connect with others and to be a part of a strong community. Although graphic design is a completely different field than the beauty industry, I still find so many similarities since, in both realms, I am working for myself, so I am able to transfer the skills I learned in each.


Which principles and values have you based your business upon and how do you hope to carry that through to your customers?

Beautycounter has been the perfect company for me to get involved with since they have such a strong mission of getting safer products out to people and educating them on the importance of knowing what is going onto theirs and their loved one's skin. Each day I’m able to reach out to a wider audience to share these values, and knowing I am confident in the product and mission makes it that much easier to accomplish. 


What do you love about having your own business and being your own boss? 

I love being able to know that the hours I am putting in are for myself and that I can see the results directly and know that it pays off.


What would you like to accomplish and where would you like to see yourself and your business in 5 years?

I would love to continue with what I am doing now but grow both my businesses. My main goal is to reach as many people as possible and get safer products into everyone’s home.


What advice would you give to someone who is considering starting their own business? 

I would definitely encourage it! I personally started out both as side jobs and would suggest going that route. Take the time to create a name for yourself and really establish relationships with potential clients. At one point you will see a shift and realize that you are getting more clients and work and that you can pursue that as a full-time career. It’s definitely time-consuming, there will be a lot of late nights, and you’ll hear “no” often, but in the end, you’ll be at a job that you really enjoy.


I am ...

not afraid to speak my mind.


I believe ...

in making time for friends and family.


I love …

Coffee - slightly addicted. :)


My greatest fear is …

taking on too much and burning out.


My greatest lesson in life so far is …

to create a balance between work life and personal life in order to achieve happiness and success.


I am proud of ...

anyone that pursues their dreams.


My greatest accomplishment is ...

taking the leap of establishing my own business.


A quote I live by is ...

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” - Neale Donald Walsch


My idea of a perfect day is ...

a relaxing day at the beach with friends.


My dream is ...

to be happy and not have any regrets.


I will ...

never stop challenging myself.


Amy serves as an inspiration to those of you who have a career, yet are feeling pulled toward stepping outside of that. Not only is it possible to pursue your dreams while managing a full-time job, it is oftentimes necessary until you have built something substantial enough to pull the weight that your full-time job only could. It can be overwhelming just thinking about how you could possibly build a business while juggling a full-time job, but if you have the drive and determination to do it, there's no limit to your potential.

No matter what obstacles you may face, including having to support yourself and your family while pursuing your dreams, small steps are bigger than no step at all. So, if you have a dream that you are wanting to pursue, take it from Amy to go out there and do it! It will be a challenge, but it will be so worth it.

To learn more about Beautycounter and how you, too, can get your hands on safer personal care products, or if you are interested in being a part of the company's mission, you can get in touch with Amy, and she will be happy to help. 

This month, Beautycounter launched their Holiday Gift Sets, and they are gorgeous! Just take a look down below for some snapshots of some of them. I'm all about companies that are a part of the clean beauty movement and who are holding themselves to a higher standard, so this is seriously stuff that I love to show my support for. I've also tried a few of their products from their skincare line, and I really enjoyed them.

To show my support for Amy - for a limited time (from now until November 19) - I will be hosting a Beautycounter social, which is basically just a fun way to shop together (virtually). Every purchase is an automatic entry into our giveaway, where you could win a Luminous Nudes Gift Set - valued at $75! How amazing is that - I'm so thankful that Amy is able to do this. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee on all orders. I hope you join me! You can shop directly at the button below. 



I hope you enjoyed this post and gained inspiration from Amy's story. There will be more inspiring stories to come as I feature other women who are taking charge of their dreams and their future. Until then, have an amazing week and stay beautiful babes!

Are you an aspiring boss babe with big dreams? I'd love to know how I can help you get there. Let's chat in the comments below! | Sharing Is Caring

How To Reach New Levels In Life

Has anyone ever said to you in a not-so well-meaning tone, "You've changed!" If so, I hope you took that as a HUGE compliment, because that is exactly what you want to be doing in life, girlfriend (or guy-friend).

Do you agree that there's nothing more annoying than people who sit back expecting everyone to stay the same exact person (like them). Well, duh, of course I changed. I'm not a rock. Wait a minute, even rocks change! Ha!

Sometimes with the pressure to conform to this idea that people have of us, we get caught up in trying to soften ourselves to appeal to those who "know" us.

Oh no ... we don't want to offend anyone by changing. But really, by doing so, we aren't being true to who we are, even when who we are has evolved into someone different - someone better.

What I've learned in my 31 (still newbie) years of life is that I must constantly evolve in order to become the best version of myself.

If I fail to evolve, I fail to grow, and that my friend would mean that I'm just living to die.

Extreme, yes (I can be), but it's so true. I know I don't have all of the answers, but I do know this much is true.

Along the way, you'll discover that by evolving, you will not only develop different needs in life, but you will shed old ones as well. You may outgrow the people that you once surrounded yourself with. Certain environments may not appeal to you anymore. It will trickle down to every area of your life. In some ways, it will take some getting used to, and you'll have to discover yourself again.

I've gone through this process many times and found that it was always a natural progression, never forced. Although it was sometimes uncomfortable, I always moved forward and found it to be an important process in where I am today and in getting me to a more fulfilling place.

On the topic of change, I always like to refer back to one of my favorite scriptures - Ecclesiastes 3: 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens ... "

When you understand this, change will never phase you because you'll know that there is a season for everything and that life is all about change.

Take any successful or accomplished person - who they are now is not the same person as who they were when they first started their journey. They were like any average person trying to navigate life and figure things out. 

Naturally, in order to meet the expectations of each new level of success, more was required of them, which they had to develop within themselves.

It took discipline. It took change.

There's no such thing as a successful person who never grew or never changed, and I'm pretty sure that if they stomped their feet and refused to change, they wouldn't be where they are today.

If you're feeling pulled in different directions and battling with the idea that maybe people won't like certain decisions you'll make out of fear that they will question your authenticity, have no fear.

You don't need anyone's approval.

The very journey you're on is yours and yours alone. You're on the right track when you're always pursuing the best version of yourself even if that means confusing a few people along the way. 

Recall all of those stories where someone does a complete 360 and turns their life around, then lives to tell the world their amazing story of how they overcame the odds and - you guessed it - changed. It takes a strong-willed person to change and not settle. 

There is absolutely no resistance for the person who refuses to ever change, but for the person who proactively decides to constantly change and grow - it takes strength, endurance, and resilience.

Every single day, by developing yourself and demanding more of yourself, you are flexing a different type of muscle and becoming stronger - able to reach new levels and opportunities in life.

The more you grow, the more you succeed.

Reaching new heights in life will be determined by your willingness to grow, so pursue those opportunities that will stretch you.


get this free wallpaper


Pursue what scares you, head-on.

Another thing is that growth hurts. People think, oh, that person changed. I don't like them anymore. They're a fraud. Um, why? Do they even know how many different experiences it took for that person to get to where they are today? 

It's so easy for people to judge what they see instead of empathizing with what a person went through to get to their current position. We usually see the end result of their growth, not the in-between, so it's easy to ignore that where a person is today is a result of something deeper and more difficult than what we are aware of. 

It's never too late to become the person you've always wanted to be, and it's certainly never too late to invent a new, better, and upgraded version of yourself, either.  

Who cares if people "accept" you, and for the record, you don't want those people in your life anyway. You want to be surrounded by people who support your growth and love you for whatever that may bring.

Some people may not understand you, and that's perfectly okay.

Do you know why? Because people that do understand you will come out of the woodwork, and those are the kind of people you want in your life. 

So, where do you stand? Have you changed? Do you want to change?

The best thing about life is new beginnings. Every. Single. Day.

That's actually what makes life so amazing. You can change your mind. Oh yes, and I love to do that. Very very often. 

What I'm trying to get at is that you should never feel scared to try something new, be someone new, and explore a different version of yourself. As long as you are being authentically you, that is all that matters at the end of the day. If you're moving in a positive direction, nothing can stop you. 

When you pursue new levels in life, it'll call for new versions of yourself - ones that you didn't even know you were capable of.

The only way to really know what you are capable of doing is to step out. And the prerequisite - there is none. 

I have learned that even when I didn't feel qualified enough, I made up for it by stepping out in faith.

By doing so, that stretched and grew me so much more than just waiting until I felt qualified, which truthfully, I have never felt 100% ready for anything that I have ever decided to pursue.

When faced with a decision, if it's not urgent, we'll naturally try anything to postpone it to a future date. So, the best thing to do is to act on whatever it is you want to do NOW, even if you don't feel ready.  

Once you force yourself to new levels in life, life will demand more out of you and elevate you as well. It's really up to you to take that initial step and show up.

Your willingness shows so much more than your ability, talent, or skill.

Anyone can have all of the above, but if they never show up, it's pointless, right? 

I encourage you to see change within yourself as a precursor to success. When you take on that mindset, you will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish when you reach difficult points in your life. Will you cave in or will you meet the challenges head-on and say, you know what, I got this! I will become a better version of myself in order to level up in life and become better than the person I was yesterday. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it to be encouraging. I look forward to doing more inspirational posts like these because I've always been into self-development, and I believe it's so important to stay motivated and inspired every day. I'm rooting for positive change in you and in your life!

What do you think, and what are your thoughts? I'd love to chat in the comments below!

Sharing Is Caring |

A Turning Point In My Life
A recent watercolor of mine that symbolizes 2016 - a year of me dedicating myself to my art and everything I love.

A recent watercolor of mine that symbolizes 2016 - a year of me dedicating myself to my art and everything I love.

In a few weeks, I'll be turning 31, which I'm partially freaking out about (lol!), but on the opposite end of the spectrum, I've realized that this past year has brought such tremendous growth for me than any other point in my life, so freaking out is the last thing I should be doing. My 30th year was really a turning point in my life that caused so much change within me.

I want to share my personal story with you guys because I truly feel that ever since I decided to just be myself and not apologize for how I feel or who I am, I've awakened something in me that refuses to let fear of judgment dictate my message or hinder me from being authentically me. I can honestly say that now more than any time in my life, I feel at peace with who I am. I don't ever really share my struggles with anyone so, me coming out and saying this is pretty huge for me. I've reached so many turning points in my life, but the one that has recently impacted the course of my future was when I literally found myself lost with the path I was on and confronting myself - me. The real me.  

You know, all my life I really felt like I was trying to fit myself in somewhere that I thought was where I belonged. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I realized that I've been running for nearly all my life. The person I was running away from? Myself. I always felt like I had to prove my worth, yet I always felt like I wasn't worth anything at all. It kind of sounds contradictory, right? Why would I try to prove my worth when I felt like I was worthless? I really don't know the answer to that question. I think it becomes an endless cycle of trying to prove your worth when you don't know your true worth. When you're trying to substitute things of false value with your real value, things never really amount to anything. You still feel worthless at the end of the day, and what you are left with is a picture that is completely and utterly not you. That's how I felt.

Now back to that life-changing moment. I really believe that in order to get from point A, where you've built up this false sense of self, to point B, is to literally break. At church this past weekend, the sermon couldn't have been more fitting where my pastor said that one of the most dangerous prayers we could make is for God to break us. Once we are broken, things change and God takes that brokenness and uses it for something entirely new. It's not until we have reached that broken state that God is able to show us something different.

So, that's how I felt at that point in my life right before I started this blog. I didn't know where I was heading. I felt completely lost, and I felt like something needed to change in me. It really took that broken time in my life to reach this current point in my life of tremendous growth. Once I decided to just pursue what I love and not worry about anything else, everything changed, and I felt transformed. I feel like I'm getting to know myself again more each day, and I'm truly embracing me. I'm saying yes to doing what I love. I'm saying yes to every good thing in my life and see ya later to everything else. 

So, now as I move closer to my 31st year, life has an entirely new meaning to me. It means living a life you love. No more chasing after things that aren't authentically me. No more substitutions. If it doesn't bring me greater joy or more love into my life, it's not worth it and not worth my time or energy. I will not change who I am for the validation or comfort of others and I will not let people's lack of love or reciprocation change who I am as a person. I will continue to seek and give love. It's just not worth it anymore to try to prove my love, my worth, or my value to anyone. I am authentically living and doing things that bring joy and love into my life and my family's lives. When you're happy with where you're going in life, the things that are important outshine the things that aren't. 

Life is too short to focus on things that aren't going to make your life more valuable and bring you in touch with your higher self. So, if there's anything that I've done with my story, I hope it has been to inspire you to pursue the real you and to live unapologetically. Pursue what brings you joy. Focus on things that inspire and uplift you and live and pursue a life that you love with no excuses. Once you begin to see life in a different way, so much will happen and you will become so much more energized every morning. Life will take on a new meaning. You'll have a purpose and a conviction that nothing could stand in the way of. 

In 2016, I want to continue to inspire people and really move in the direction of my dreams. So much has happened and there's so much more to come. Thank you for being a part of my story, and I hope you'll stick around for what's to come. 

Would you like to see more posts like these? What was your turning point in life? I'd love to hear about your story. Share with me in the comments below!

Inspiration Monday | Perseverance
Inspiration Monday | Perseverance

Hi Lovelies! I'm writing this one a wee bit late this week - but hey - better late than never, right? Today, I want to talk about perseverance because I believe it is one of those qualities you absolutely need if you want to achieve anything worthwhile. So, let's get into it!

I love getting inspired by those who are already at the top and connecting the dots to common threads that successful people share. Recently, I've been visually connecting how those that are reaping the rewards of success, at one point, had to persevere through times of not really seeing any results. Well, maybe they did see results, but they were very small and not really encouraging. Perseverance is really those small steps that we take every day that add up to a larger picture (one day). These steps are the ones that are done in the darkness, with no one watching. 

So, really, in order to ever reap a harvest, we must plant seeds NOW, and we must be consistent about it. We will not see them grow right away, but eventually, with consistent and persistent watering, they will. This reminds me of a quote that I came across that said, "The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light."

Not only do we need to plant seeds, but we must also go through a lot of discomfort in order to grow. It won't be easy, because nothing worthwhile ever is, but that is really just the test of our perseverance. Are we willing to make the sacrifices now in order to have the life we truly want? Are we going to give up when times get tough? These questions will really determine the course of your future.

When you look at successful people, all you're really looking at is the result of them sowing seeds daily and being committed to the process. What's more is, they don't stop once they reach a certain level of success. They keep planting. They keep pursuing their dream. They keep growing. They don't get comfortable.

No matter where you are at right now in your life, as long as you are planting those seeds daily, you will one day see them grow. A seed is a seed, so no matter how big or how small it is, just keep doing it. Even if it takes 10 years for your dream to come to fruition, just know that you are one day ahead of the other person who has never planted anything towards their future. 

Keep planting, and keep growing. Have an amazing week!

What is one way that you can plant a seed toward your dreams today? Share with me in the comments! 

Inspiration Monday | How to Stay Encouraged
Inspiration Monday | How to Stay Encouraged

It's totally natural to feel discouraged, especially when you are headed down a path that may only currently make sense to you. Doing what you feel in your heart to accomplish is often a lonely road filled with many moments where you question the very fabric of who you are. There will be times when you just need someone to reach out to you with some encouraging words. For some, that comes, and for others, it may not.

From a young age, I always felt that in order for me to succeed, I had to push myself and encourage myself. If I didn't do it, no one else would, so I made a promise to be that motivating voice for myself. That was one of the strategies that got me through being a young single mom, through high school while juggling a baby, through college while juggling work, and ultimately, to where I am today. Not only did I not rely on others for their validation or their approval, I took it upon myself to really dig deep within and find that inner strength. 

I know what it feels like to not be encouraged by the people around you, so today, I wanted to focus on how to stay encouraged. It's an important part of the journey of life to stay lifted, so not only should we encourage others, we must focus on ourselves and keep the most important person in the room happy - us! If we're not encouraged, how can we make an impact on this world and the lives of others? It's a cycle that starts with you and I.  

Tap into your inner strength.

Seeking outside validation is the fast track toward defeat. Not only will you get disappointed, but you will get drained looking for validation. Instead, be self-propelled and rely on your inner strength to fuel you. If we give people the power to feed us, we also give them the power to starve us. So, avoid being attached to external voices, which may limit you or give you a false identity. You have it in you to stay motivated, pushed, and propelled. Stay focused on that inner voice.

Surround yourself with the right people.

The people you do surround yourself with should be those that have the ability to uplift you, motivate you, and support your undertakings. Once you make that decision, your world will change because your environment will change. Not only does this include the people physically around you, but your online crowd as well. Flood your social media accounts with motivational content by following leaders and people that inspire.

It's also important to never adapt who you are for someone else or let anyone belittle you, your dreams, or your aspirations in exchange for making them feel comfortable. Instead, seek uplifting relationships and let go of tolerating people that either don't value you or can never step outside of themselves for a moment. You'll be surprised by how many people are out there that will actually support and encourage you because they are confident in their own journey.

Give of yourself.

Build your network around the idea of giving and it will be so rewarding. When you help others, not only does it feel amazing, but you will start to build authentic relationships. Taking our sights off of ourselves sometimes is so important because it allows us to set aside our personal issues for a moment leading us to feel fulfilled with a greater work.

When you discover other people's journeys, you'll start to be encouraged by their story, too. They will inspire you and it will be encouraging to know that you're not the only one going through certain challenges. You'll have the right people to relate to and be able to uplift each other.

Work your tush off. 

There's nothing better than immersing yourself in your passion and blocking out all of the noise and distraction that can cloud our judgement at times. When you simply commit to what makes you happy, not only will you be filled with joy, but you'll be filled with contentment. Focusing on your work can bring so much reward and it will drown out any other voices. Working on your craft will also encourage you to keep at it and put in more work. Every day you will feel like you're walking in your purpose and fulfilling your dreams.

Stay inspired.

Staying inspired every day builds a momentum that only keeps growing. When you focus on creating, coming up with new ideas, projects, planning, and the like, you will be too occupied with the good stuff to be distracted by the bad. When you are inspired, you are happy - and that radiates to other areas of your life. 

These are five ways that I have found to be absolutely encouraging in my journey. However, there are still so many other ways to stay encouraged - like having a tub of chocolate ice cream on standby. Who doesn't feel better after ice cream? 

I think the main thing here is to just keep doing what you love to do, and by that, I mean everything. Once you get that ball rolling, it becomes easier to tap into that inner voice that says, "You know what? You're the bomb!" Ok, corny, I know. Haha! Stay encouraged, my friend. I'm here cheering you on!

Speaking of getting the ball rolling, here's an inspiring read that I think you'll like. 

What ways do you stay encouraged? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

Inspiration Monday | Inspiration vs Motivation

Happy Monday Loves!

I hope you all had a reenergizing weekend and loads of rest! You may have noticed that instead of Motivation Monday, my title now reads Inspiration Monday instead - and there is a reason behind this. I came across something that inspired me and made me think a little bit deeper about motivation and what drives us. In this post, I'll be talking about motivation vs inspiration. Is there a difference or are they one and the same?

So, to begin with, what is the definition of motivation? The first definition that pops up is, "the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way." The second definition is, "the general desire or willingness of someone to do something." To break it down even more, motivation is a reason or the desire to do. So, generally speaking, it's seeking reasons or the desire to do something before we actually do it. 

Did you know that one of the synonyms for motivation is inspiration? Inspiration is defined as "The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative." So, what is the difference between motivation and inspiration? Inspiration is moreso a process, while motivation is a means to an end. Motivation seeks reasons and the desire to do something, while inspiration requires that you seek stimulation, which naturally elicits a response.


What we need is to look within and create, invent, design, imagine, dream, but most of all live! The only way to really stay on a course for a long time and not burn out is to continuously create, do. Like I said in my previous post, action breeds confidence. Another definition of inspiration is "an act of breathing in; an inhalation." So, really, anything can inspire. A walk in the park, a drive down a dirt road, the way the wind blows through a field, or an emotion that you feel. 

Being inspired is important to discover new things that will open up your eyes to the vast world around us and the limitless possibilities. Find what inspires you and look within to cultivate original work and ideas. I remember coming across a saying that always stuck with me, which says, "An artist is just good at hiding his sources." We all give and we all take from the world. The important thing, though, is that we discover what we want to give and that we keep doing it. Inspiration breeds creativity, so never stop inhaling or breathing in what's around you. When you are inspired, a natural reaction follows, and that is your passion. 

I hope you enjoyed this! Stay inspired, and follow along for more inspiration every day! <3

What inspires you, and what topics would you like me to discuss? Share with me in the comments below!