Posts tagged goals
3 Habits That Can Transform Your Financial Future

Almost everyone dreams of financial freedom where they can afford to purchase what they want without worrying about living expenses and mounting debt. A recent survey shows that 67% of Americans want financial freedom. This freedom is attainable, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

Your current decisions, choices, and, most of all, your habits can affect your financial future for better or for worse. Consistently cultivating good financial habits can secure your finances, ensuring you are debt-free and can afford the life you have always dreamed of.

If you want to enjoy a debt-free and financially secure future, then perhaps adopting the following habits in this article is worth adopting in the present.

No. 1

Live below your means

This is probably the most basic and redundant point you’ve heard over and over again. But as simple as it sounds, many people fail to practice living below their means. It simply means spending less than you earn and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Start by understanding your current financial habits and determine unnecessary expenses that you can do without. Next, create an effective, cost-saving budget and stick to it. Practice frugality by distinguishing between luxury wants and essentials or needs.

Of course, that will require a lot of financial discipline. But don’t end there; look for other ways to cut back on your spending and re-channel the extra money into paying off debt and saving for emergencies.

Try to be content with what you have instead of comparing yourself with others. This way, you’ll not be tempted to invest in unnecessary things simply because someone else has them. This habit will allow you to save and invest for your future while providing a financial safety net for emergencies.

No. 2

Drop all the unhealthy habits

Health is wealth; you’ve probably heard it said several times. The two reciprocally affect each other. For example, the healthier you are, the less you’ll likely spend on expensive medications and medical processes.

Also, staying healthy means you will be strong enough to work, earn, save, and invest. It’s almost impossible to have financial stability if all your savings go into health-related expenses in the future. So, you might want to start dropping all those unhealthy habits.

Things like smoking, heavy drinking, and substance abuse can easily take a toll on your physical and financial health. If you’re struggling with substance abuse and addiction, start seeking treatment as soon as possible.

Thankfully, addiction recovery and rehab centers like the Numa Recovery Centers can help you detox and rehabilitate, eliminating your financial barriers to treatment. Also, consider preventive practices like regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting enough rest, and going in for regular health examinations.

No. 3

Learn as much as you can about financial literacy

Financial literacy will play a key role in your ability to make the right money moves or investments. You can successfully live below your means and save money, but the wrong investment can ruin all your years of sacrifice.

To navigate complex financial landscapes, it is advisable to expand your financial knowledge by reading books, listening to finance podcasts, attending seminars or workshops, or seeking personalized advice from experienced professionals. Engaging with experts who provide tailored investment strategies can protect and grow your assets. They will equip you with the insights to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.


Achieving financial freedom is a goal that requires discipline, planning, and perseverance. It is not just about having a large bank account but about having control over your finances and being able to pursue your goals and dreams without being hindered by monetary constraints.

Living life on your terms includes discipline, which is the cornerstone of any achievable goal. By adhering to a budget, saving diligently, investing wisely, and living below your means, you can set yourself on the path to financial freedom.

Remember that financial freedom looks different for everyone, and the journey will have its ups and downs. Stay focused, stay committed, and keep working towards a future where your finances support the life you want to live.

Heart Health Awareness: Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Each year, cardiovascular diseases claim the lives of approximately 17.9 million people worldwide, making it the leading cause of death worldwide. These statistics emphasize the need for heightened awareness and proactive measures to combat this global health crisis.

However, despite the numbers, many overlook and ignore the significance of caring for their cardiovascular health.

This article aims to empower readers with information and practical tips on enhancing their heart health and spreading awareness about its importance to others. Whether you are looking to improve your well-being or to help those around you, understanding and applying effective strategies for prevention can make a significant difference.

By embracing this information, you can contribute to a world where fewer lives are lost to cardiovascular diseases.

No. 1

Participate in Education and Community Programs

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your heart health. You can deepen your understanding of cardiovascular diseases and how they affect people worldwide by joining community and educational seminars that discuss these topics. These programs offer valuable information about the basics of heart health and the latest research findings. 

You also get to meet like-minded individuals who share the same concerns and interests regarding cardiovascular health along with professionals who will teach you all you need to know about the human heart.

When you participate in these events, you also get to go home with freebies like custom wristbands or personalized items like t-shirts and caps. These items remind you of your commitment to heart health and can become tools that you can use to spread awareness about the cause. 

No. 2

Eat Food that is Good for the Heart

A heart-healthy diet is a cornerstone of cardiovascular disease prevention. Plan your meals around foods beneficial for cardiovascular health, like whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. These foods supply the body with essential nutrients while minimizing the intake of unhealthy fats, cholesterol, and sodium.

Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids in fish like salmon and trout can lower the risk of arrhythmias and decrease triglyceride levels. Incorporating these foods into your diet can reduce heart disease risk and promote health. 

No. 3

Participate in Social Media Campaigns and Public Events

If you are eager to raise heart health awareness and spread the word, you can simply harness the power of social media platforms. You can share, repost, or create your content about heart health tips, success stories of persons who survived deadly cardiovascular diseases, and recent studies related to cardiovascular health. 

When there are public events related to heart health awareness near you, like charity runs, health fairs, and screening days, take the opportunity to join these activities. These events, whether online or offline, create a sense of solidarity and motivation among the community. It also enables a society that values and actively pursues better heart health.

No. 4

Engage in Regular Physical Activity and Exercise

Regular physical activity is vital for maintaining a healthy heart. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, complemented by muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days.

In addition to lowering the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, exercise also helps control weight and improve mood and mental health. You may maintain a regular fitness program by picking an activity you enjoy and can do daily, whether it is a dance class, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking.

No. 5

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Achieving a healthy weight is essential for heart health, as excess abdominal weight elevates the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Try to practice a sustainable lifestyle and manage your weight by incorporating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and portion control.

You can regularly track your Body Mass Index (BMI) scores and book consultations with a healthcare provider to monitor your progress and maintain your weight goals.

No. 6

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Intake

Smoking and alcohol are two of the most significant risk factors for developing chronic heart diseases. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels, which leads to the narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and can ultimately result in a heart attack. Quitting smoking is a critical step towards improving heart health.

Likewise, limiting alcohol consumption can prevent the likelihood of high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy. If you or someone you know is having trouble quitting their vices, there are many effective resources available that can assist you, from nicotine replacement therapies to support groups.

No. 7

Manage Your Stress Effectively

Chronic stress exposes the body to elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to heart damage over time. To avoid this, it’s best to adopt stress management techniques in your daily routine, such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in enjoyable hobbies.

Moreover, you can seek support from friends, family, or professionals for emotional comfort and stress relief. Recognizing and managing stress improves your quality of life and aids in the prevention of heart-related health issues.


Heart health is not solely the absence of disease but a state of overall well-being that enables you to enjoy life to its fullest. The strategies discussed in this article are essential to enhancing your holistic health and helping you lead by example in other communities.

The journey towards a healthier heart is a collective one that requires the support, encouragement, and participation of everyone who believes in its cause. When you share your knowledge and actively participate in awareness initiatives, you can make a difference in the lives of many.

Every step you take towards improved heart health is towards a healthier, happier life for yourself and those you love.

The Golden Years: 10 Tips For A Peaceful And Healthy Retirement Life

Retirement is often envisioned as a time of relaxation and freedom, a reward for decades of hard work. However, this transition can also bring about a sense of loss—loss of identity, routine, and daily social interactions.

Suddenly, the days seem longer, and the challenge of filling them becomes apparent. Yet, retirement offers an unparalleled opportunity to redesign your life for better health, happiness, and fulfillment.

To help you transition into this new season gracefully, we will explore ten steps to ensure this phase of your life is peaceful, vibrant, and joyful.

No. 1

Embrace a New Routine

Establishing a new routine post-retirement is essential. Without the structure of a workday, it's easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle, which can quickly affect your mental and physical health.

Start by setting simple goals for each day. Incorporate activities you love but didn't have time for during your working years. Whether it's gardening, painting, or reading, dedicating time to these pursuits can provide a sense of purpose.

Additionally, allocate specific times for exercise and social activities to keep your body and social skills sharp. A well-planned routine balances leisure with activities that are mentally, physically, and socially stimulating.

No. 2

Prioritize Regular Health Check-ups

One of the cornerstones of a healthy retirement is prioritizing regular health check-ups. As we age, the risk of developing chronic conditions increases, making it imperative to stay on top of your health.

Regular visits to your doctor can help catch potential issues early when they're often easier to manage or treat. This is particularly crucial for mental health and conditions like mesothelioma, a serious cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Regular health screenings become indispensable for early detection.

Furthermore, understanding your legal options and seeking advice from a specialized lawyer skilled in mesothelioma settlements can be crucial if you're diagnosed with conditions like mesothelioma, ensuring you get the compensation you deserve for such exposure.

No. 2

Stay Physically Active

Physical activity is a key component of a healthy retirement. Regular exercise helps maintain mobility, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Activities such as walking, swimming, and yoga are not only beneficial for your health but also provide opportunities to meet new people and engage with your community. The goal is to find a form of exercise you enjoy, making it easier to incorporate into your routine consistently.

No. 3

Engage in Lifelong Learning

Retirement opens up a unique opportunity for lifelong learning. With more free time, retirees can explore subjects and hobbies they've always been interested in but never had the time to pursue. For instance, traveling to a historical destination like Istanbul provides unprecedented opportunities to immerse yourself in a new culture and explore new environments.

Whether it's learning a new language, taking up an instrument, or enrolling in history, art, or technology courses, engaging your brain can help keep it sharp. Lifelong learning enriches your life with new skills and knowledge and offers excellent opportunities to socialize and meet like-minded individuals.

No. 4

Nurture Social Connections

Maintaining and nurturing social connections is crucial for mental health and well-being during retirement. Social isolation can be a significant issue for retirees, but it also can be preventable.

Staying in touch with friends and family, joining clubs, participating in community activities, or volunteering are all effective ways to stay connected. These social interactions can help ward off loneliness and depression, keeping you mentally agile and emotionally fulfilled.

No. 5

Explore Mindfulness and Relaxation

Retirement is the perfect time to delve into practices that promote mindfulness and relaxation. Activities such as meditation, tai chi, or even spending quiet time in nature can significantly reduce stress levels, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.

These practices not only help in cultivating a sense of inner peace but also in enhancing emotional resilience. By dedicating time to mindfulness, you can discover a deeper sense of contentment and joy in your everyday life, fostering a serene and balanced lifestyle.

No. 6

Adopt a Healthy Diet

Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining health and vitality during retirement. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help manage weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost energy levels.

It is also important to stay hydrated and limit the intake of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats. By making mindful choices about what to eat, retirees can enjoy better health, sharper cognitive function, and increased longevity. Cooking can also become a new hobby, exploring recipes that are not only nutritious but also delicious and fun to prepare.

No. 7

Plan for Financial Security

Financial security is a significant concern for many retirees, impacting their ability to enjoy this new chapter fully. Effective financial planning is essential to ensure that savings last and to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Working with a financial advisor can help you navigate retirement savings, investments, and budgeting, ensuring you can manage your finances confidently. Planning for unforeseen medical expenses and long-term care needs is also crucial, providing peace of mind for the future.

No. 8

Give Back to the Community

Volunteering offers retirees a chance to give back to their communities, find a sense of purpose, and connect with others. Whether it's mentoring younger generations, participating in environmental clean-ups, or helping out at local charities, giving back can be incredibly rewarding. Volunteering not only enriches the lives of others but will help you feel more connected and valued, contributing to your sense of self-worth and happiness.

No. 9

Be Open to Change

Finally, being open to change is perhaps the most important tip for a fulfilling retirement. This phase of life can bring many changes—physical, social, and emotional. Embracing these changes, rather than resisting them, can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. Whether it is relocating, picking up new hobbies, or adapting to the evolving dynamics of family and friendships, staying flexible and positive can make all the difference.


Retirement is not the end of an active, fulfilling life but rather the beginning of a new chapter with its own opportunities and challenges. These strategies contribute to a healthier and more peaceful retirement and enrich the lives of those around you.

Retirement is not the end of the road; it is a new beginning, ripe with possibilities for those willing to embrace it with an open heart and mind. Let this be a time of exploration, connection, and tranquility—a truly golden era of your life.

5 Strategies For Keeping Key Talents In A Competitive Employment Landscape

In the ever-accelerating and unpredictable realm of modern business, the employment landscape is likewise set to become more competitive than ever. Companies of varying sizes are locked in a constant battle to attract and retain top employees.

This challenge is even harder for smaller entities like startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), where every team member’s contribution plays a crucial role in the business’s overall success. In such an environment, the loss of a key employee can have a significant impact on the profitability and growth of a business.

Furthermore, startups and SME businesses often operate in niche markets or with innovative models, which makes the expertise and creativity of their employees invaluable. In this context, the ability to retain skilled professionals becomes a strategic imperative rather than a simple human resources goal.

In this article, we aim to provide employers with advice on maintaining a stable and motivated workforce over time. By focusing on strategic approaches and leveraging modern tools, employers can create an environment that draws in highly competent workers and retain them for the long haul.

No. 1

Automation of Basic Tasks and Processes

Startups and SMEs operate in a fast-paced and unpredictable environment that requires them to be highly efficient to stay competitive. Automating routine tasks is a pivotal strategy for both maximizing productivity and retaining top employees. Through automation, companies can free up their employees' time to focus on more creative and high-value activities, which are also often more fulfilling and motivating.

Implementing digital tools for automation can range from simple task management systems to more complex AI-driven solutions that handle aspects like data analysis or financial management. These tools boost operational efficiency and reduce the chances of burnout among employees, who might otherwise be overwhelmed by the volume of repetitive tasks they must accomplish.

Automation, when done right, can enhance job satisfaction by enabling employees to engage more deeply with their core responsibilities and contribute more meaningfully to the company's objectives. In particular, a digital payroll system is instrumental in elevating operations and preserving job satisfaction at startups and SMEs. By automating and streamlining a company’s payroll procedures, these systems minimize errors and delays, which are often sources of employee frustration.

Furthermore, it’s also now entirely possible to find an enterprise-grade payroll management system at an accessible price point for smaller business entities. Modern payroll software for small businesses incorporates capabilities previously only found in more expensive solutions, such as real-time crediting of commissions and incentives and even the option to integrate loyalty programs.

For companies in search of a reliable online payroll system, Philippines-based digital payment solutions provider Maya Business comes especially recommended, as its digital disbursement system offers all of the above features.

No. 2

Competitive Compensation Packages

The structure of a company’s compensation packages is one of the most foundational determinants of employee retention. Employees at startups and SMEs tend to fill multifaceted roles, and these roles may also evolve as the business grows. This makes it even more important for employers to offer competitive compensation packages. These packages should align with industry standards and also reflect the unique contributions and roles of each employee.

It's important to note, however, that competitive compensation is not necessarily just about offering the highest salary. It encompasses a range of benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and perhaps equity in the company. Many professionals, especially those in the startup world, will likely see the possibility of owning a stake in the business as a powerful motivator, as it aligns their personal development with the company's success.

No. 3

Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is increasingly important for modern employees and companies that support this approach for their teams to enjoy higher rates of employee job satisfaction. SMEs and startups have the opportunity to innovate in this area by implementing flexible work policies. This could include options for remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks, all of which can help employees manage their professional and personal responsibilities more effectively.

These flexible arrangements are not just perks, either. As the global business landscape evolves, they’re rapidly becoming essential components of an attractive employment package. They signal to employees that their personal life and well-being matter to the company.

Moreover, employees who feel they have control over their work schedules are often more productive and engaged during their working hours. For smaller businesses, this can translate into higher quality work and a more motivated team that’s well-equipped to drive the company's success.

No. 4

Career Advancement Opportunities

Career development and advancement opportunities are key motivators for many professionals, especially if they’re drawn to the dynamic working environments that smaller businesses provide. Thus, businesses that provide clear pathways for career progression have higher chances of attracting skilled and ambitious employees—and retaining them for the long term. Employees need to see a future for themselves within the company, as well as a clear path toward meeting their career goals and aspirations.

For startups and SMEs, opportunities for career advancement might look like tailored development programs, chances to take on new responsibilities, or even cross-functional training. These initiatives essentially communicate the company’s investment in their employee’s future. Smaller companies also often have more flexibility to create customized career paths that align with both the employee's skills and the company's needs. This makes them particularly attractive workplaces for career-focused individuals.

No. 5

Employee Feedback Mechanisms

Incorporating regular employee feedback and involving them in decision-making processes are powerful tools for retention. These practices make employees feel valued and heard and also contribute to a more dynamic and responsive workplace. Smaller business entities can benefit from the agility and close-knit nature of their teams to implement these practices more effectively than larger corporations.

Regular feedback sessions, surveys, and open forums for discussion allow employers to gauge employee satisfaction and address concerns proactively. Moreover, involving employees in decisions that affect their work or the company at large can make them feel like more active participants in the company’s growth and development over time.


Retaining top talent in an increasingly competitive employment landscape requires a multifaceted approach. It's not just about financial compensation; business leaders also must build an environment where employees feel important and see a future for themselves. Employers who are attentive to changes in the modern business environment and proactive in their approach to employee management are more likely to succeed in retaining their most valuable asset—their people.

3 Actions To Take Now To Immediately Improve Your Mental Health

Every new year brings renewed energy and excitement to make positive improvements in our lives. The topic of health is commonly at the forefront of our minds as we evaluate the previous years’ habits and determine ways to develop ourselves further in this area. Setting attainable goals is fundamental to this as well as considering how improving your mental health requires a holistic approach.

HLL x 3 Actions To Take Now To Immediately Improve Your Mental Health

Stina spending a few hours outside enjoying a sunny day in Las Vegas. It is especially important to get outside and soak up sunlight during the Winter months.

Keeping with this idea, health is part of a whole, which includes the mind and body. In this article, we will discuss how physical and mental health go hand-in-hand and actions you can take to immediately improve it.

No. 1

Eat Whole foods

Unfortunately, we were raised to think that an endless variety of food is good for us, and we have been fed the idea that we can eat anything and everything we desire. This is a false idea that continues to wreak havoc on our bodies. Unless you are sticking to whole foods, the concept of variety is disastrous to health.

The best thing you can do for your mental health is to be restrictive with foods that cause stress within your digestive system and overall health. We often fail to consider how the foods we eat tie in with our overall well-being and influence how we feel daily. By avoiding and eliminating foods that damage your health and focusing on a variety of whole foods, you can begin to feel much more clear-headed and energized.

What to eat to improve your mental health:

  1. Fruits and vegetables: Eating a variety of whole fruits and vegetables every day improves overall health immediately because it is readily converted to energy. The body needs this to function optimally, so any deficiencies can begin to resolve as soon as you target what your body needs.

  2. Nuts, seeds, grains, legumes: Focussing on vegan protein sources is ideal as part of a wholesome diet. Not only are you getting protein from plants, but you are allowing your digestive system to work ideally without the added stress of breaking down animal proteins that can be the cause of many digestive issues.

  3. Probiotics: The gut-brain connection is clear, and a person’s stomach or intestinal stress can result in anxiety, stress, and depression. Incorporating probiotics through a plethora of sources can have positive effects on your mental health. By improving your gut health and ensuring a healthy gut microbiota, you can essentially improve your brain health.

No. 2

Get Active

A lack of physical activity can have wide implications for your health, especially as you age. And, if you were not given the proper education about how or why this is important, you may be inclined to think that it is a preference rather than a requirement needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Not only is physical activity fundamental to a good quality of life but there are so many benefits that you could be taking advantage of.

In terms of mental health, physical activity is a relationship that you develop with yourself that requires discipline, consistency, and determination. When confronted with life’s daily challenges, how you develop your mental acuity through fitness training can strengthen your mental health as well.

When starting, here are a few points to consider:

  1. Type(s) of physical activity: Determine which physical activities you would like to commit to or explore. This could be anything from sports to working out from home, going to the gym, taking a yoga class, or outdoor activities such as hiking or biking. It could be anything you choose, and there is no limit to what you can do to get active.

  2. Fitness schedule: Staying on a regular schedule is necessary to maintain consistency and achieve results. 2-3 times a week at 1-hour sessions will provide you with more than enough time. Remember that it is not about how long you are active, but the quality of it. Less is more, even in fitness.

  3. 80/20 rule: Fitness (20%) has more to do with diet and nutrition (80%) than anything else, and if you are not eating to nourish your body from the inside out, you will not see the results you desire. You will only spin your wheels harder than you need to. So, make sure to eat wholesome foods and avoid processed varieties.

No. 3

Get Outside

The benefits of being outside in nature and under the sun are underrated. In a society that prizes productivity over stillness, being outside is the most radical thing you can do to fight against society’s standards that ultimately affect our mental health.

Being outside allows us to reflect and see the bigger picture—that we are all small in comparison to the grand scheme of things, yet we all play a significant role. This takes us outside our heads and into the realm of gratitude—knowing that it is a blessing to experience this life.

In addition, being outside boosts oxygen to the brain, increasing levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that alters your mood. By incorporating physical activity like hiking or running, you could also be benefiting from an increase in endorphins as well. Sunlight is also a major contributor to wellness, producing oxytocin and dopamine, which increase feelings of joy and happiness.


Feeling well from the inside out requires many changes to take place. When considering mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression, these are all just symptoms of a larger cause. Focusing on health requires a holistic approach—not simply addressing the symptoms, expecting they will resolve.

By taking actionable steps to approach the various contributors to overall health, you can improve your mental health in tandem. Resources like are also there to help provide support when you need it. Speak with a specialist, get mental health check-ins, and book professional therapy so that you can be aligned with your goals throughout your mental health journey.

5 Tips To Boost Your Emotional Wellbeing

If only life were all roses, but no matter which background or environment you come from, all of us still have bad days and feel less than optimum. Fortunately, there are many helpful strategies to apply if we need a practical boost to our emotional well-being. Read on to find out what they are. 

No. 1

Sit with your feelings

While it may sound counterintuitive, sitting with your feelings and not pushing them away can be very helpful. Many forms of meditation recommend doing this as a beneficial practice to build personal resilience and to allow negative emotions to move through you and be released. 

Of course, sitting with negative emotions such as fear, pain, and anger can be very uncomfortable, so there are a few things you might like to try to ease the discomfort. Firstly, approach it within a formal meditation practice, where you can carefully tune into your emotions with compassion. If this becomes too overwhelming, you can instead focus on breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system. 

Alternately, some people find that moving with their emotions is easier than sitting statically with them. Moving meditations such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong can work well for this. Similarly, many people find that their daily exercise practices like going on a morning run or fitness training are effective in the same way. 

No. 2

Revisit and set healthy goals

Another way to give yourself an almost instant emotional lift is to check in with your values and set goals that align with them. This technique is not so much about getting rid of your negative feelings but putting your time and focus on something beneficial and directing your attention toward something positive. Goals will help you see the broader picture and help you work toward solutions instead of becoming stuck in a downward spiral that only brings you down. 

While setting goals when you are struggling emotionally, you must be both realistic and compassionate with yourself; this means it is often much better to set small, achievable goals, as this will give you a real sense of achievement that can help give you that dopamine boost you need and spur you into more deliberate action later. 

No. 3

Seek and give forgiveness

Often our emotional well-being can be out of balance because we need to forgive ourselves or others. Unfortunately, forgiveness can be a long and challenging process, especially if the thoughts and feelings around the action or person you need to forgive persist. So, giving yourself time and allowing healthy space for the process to unfold will make it much less burdensome. 

The good news is there are a few ways to practice forgiveness effectively. One is to connect with your faith or spirituality and appeal to a higher power. Many faith practices have a specific prayer for forgiveness that can be recited. Such prayers are tools to begin or enhance the forgiveness process, so you could also create your own prayers or affirmations for this purpose.

Regardless of your spiritual background, apologizing or accepting an apology from someone who has wronged you can facilitate forgiveness and help lessen the emotional burden of painful experiences. 

No. 3

Reach out for help 

Naturally, during certain seasons in your life, you will struggle with your emotional well-being because you will encounter experiences that will affect your mental health at one point or another. As of 2019, approximately 1 in every 8 people worldwide struggled with a mental health problem, and that number continues to rise.

With that in mind, if you suspect this is the case for you, seeking professional help and treatment is crucial. Mental health treatments commonly involve medications and different types of therapy. However, the course of treatment you choose will rely heavily on your knowledge of the available options and your willingness to find what works for you.

While many current therapies focus less on discovering the root cause of the issue and more on practical skills, this allows you to better cope with the symptoms so you can focus on feeling better first. Further along, this will prepare you to discover and apply a system that works for you so you can build resilience and apply the tools that are most effective. This will help build your strength toward approaching the root causes that must be addressed for meaningful and lasting change.

To get the help you need and to explore your options, a great place to start is to speak to your general practitioner or a mental health specialist, or contact a mental health charity that can advocate for you. 

No. 4

Nurture your needs

It may sound simple, but quite often if your emotional well-being is off, all it takes to feel a little better is to rest and return to something that brings you joy. Ask yourself one question: What is one positive thing I can do right now that will help nurture me back to a peaceful state of rest?

Thankfully, the answer to that question is the only thing separating you from feeling better. When our needs are unmet, we will feel overwhelmed, which causes unfavorable feelings to arise. So, it is in listening to yourself that you ensure you are not neglecting your needs.

Consider something as simple as going for an early morning walk or visiting a new place, which can take you out of your current state and help you see that there are more beautiful moments yet to be considered or experienced.

Additionally, if you sit down and write down all the needs you feel you have been neglecting, you can start planning ways to meet them. Before you know it, you will find so much fulfillment, because life is really about creating opportunities to experience it in new ways. This allows us to apply new meaning to new experiences and to flourish in ways we never knew we could.

No. 5

Connect with loved ones 

Lastly, connecting with loved ones and friends near or far is an excellent idea if you need a quick boost to your emotional well-being. Sometimes all it takes is hearing a concerned voice and reestablishing connections to comfort you in times of emotional distress. There are many ways to do this, even if you live far away and can not see them in person.

For example, you can choose from a number of calling apps that make it easy to stay in touch no matter where your family and friends are located. Video calls, specifically, are so important because they make you feel like you are in the presence of your friends and family, so it is worth making time for especially if you are feeling disconnected. This is bound to have a positive effect on your emotional well-being. 


While it may be challenging to do any number of the strategies outlined in this article when you are going through emotional distress, keep in mind that any deliberate action in a positive direction is enough to start creating a new path for yourself toward healing. Often, it is in our lack of action that we become debilitated.

Creating new habits, routines, and systems that you can fall back on will have you rewiring your brain and will get you excited and looking forward to more of what makes you feel better in the long run. When we get outside of our current state and create a new direction, we begin to see that there is always something better beyond our current circumstances. We have the power to create something new and better for ourselves, whenever we decide to make that decision and take that first step.

6 Tips For A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Statistics gathered from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey indicate that 1 in 5 children and as many as 2 in 5 adults are obese in the United States, so it stands to reason that many people are searching for effective ways to start a successful journey to weight loss.

If you are also considering this, we have compiled a list of six tips to push you closer to your weight loss success. 

No. 1

Start When You’re Ready

To achieve long-term goals with weight loss, you will need to allocate substantial time to commit to making the necessary changes as it is a lifestyle that you will be creating. Therefore, ensure that you only start when you are 100% committed and ready so that you are serious about taking the necessary steps. Ask yourself the following questions to gauge your readiness:

  • Do you have any distractions?

  • Are you motivated to lose weight?

  • Is food currently a coping mechanism for stress?

  • Are you willing to make positive changes?

  • Are you committed to making time for these changes?

If you are struggling to answer these questions, you can also seek the help of a nutritionist who will help you overcome food-related triggers and set reasonable goals. 

No. 2

Set Achievable Goals

Your weight loss journey is bound to fail if you start with unattainable goals. We recommend setting SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Essentially, it needs to be directly related to your personal journey, easy to track, realistically achievable, and set within a specific time frame. 

No. 3

Find a Personal Source of Motivation

There are thousands of articles online telling you how to get motivated to exercise, but the truth is that motivation comes from within because different tactics work for different people. Perhaps you need to see your weight change progress on a calendar, so you can hang one up on the fridge and update it daily. Maybe you work harder when you know there is a reward coming your way, in which case you can book a weekend getaway after meeting each milestone. 

No. 4

Consider Effective Supplements

You will find countless weight loss pills on the market promising to help you “lose weight fast”, but these are outright scams for the most part. However, that does not mean there aren’t effective natural dietary supplements available that can help you reach goals faster. For example, Great Green Wall compares PhenQ and Leanbean, which are two powerful natural supplements. 

No. 5

Enjoy a Healthy Diet

There is a saying that goes, “you are what you eat”, and it could not be truer. If all you eat is junk food and unhealthy meals saturated with fat, then you are most likely going to be overweight. On the contrary, if you explore and begin to enjoy healthy meals and snacks full of essential vitamins and minerals, you will begin to notice a difference in your waistline.  

No. 6

Start Exercising and Keep it Up

Many people believe it is possible to lose weight without putting time aside for workouts; however, regularly incorporating physical activity is one of the most effective weight-loss strategies. When you start to exercise, your body has a greater opportunity to burn away calories in conjunction with your new diet. 

The number of calories burnt will depend on how often you exercise, how intense your workouts are, and how long each session lasts. It is recommended that a minimum of 30 minutes of movement a day, like a brisk walk, can make all the difference. If you are doing intense workouts, you should aim to have a rest day in between to allow your body to recover and rebuild. 


A successful weight loss journey involves realistic goals, sufficient time, a willingness to change, a commitment to exercise, and a healthier relationship with food. If you need help reaching your goals, also consider seeking support from a nutritionist or personal trainer who can guide you further and keep you accountable on your weight loss journey. By being disciplined with yourself, you will achieve what you set out to do and discover that there is a whole new world on the other side that is so much more rewarding and beneficial to your health and overall wellness.

Inspiration Monday | Goals
Hello Lovely Living | Inspiration Monday

Happy New Year!!! I'm so excited about 2016. I wanted to get back into my Inspiration Mondays this week and offer up some words that will inspire you for this new year. Let's get into it! 

It's a brand spankin' new year and that means, let go of 2015; it's time for something new. A new beginning! I am a lover of starting off fresh, not only in the literal sense, but figuratively. A new beginning can start off in the mind, so if you wanted to, you could just say to yourself, "It's a new day, a new week, a new month for change." Change really starts in the mind, so if you're ready to make a change for the better, tell yourself. Our inner dialogue is just as important - if not more important - than the words we speak. 

So since we've created a clean slate, let's talk about what we want to achieve for the new year. I, for one, am so poor at writing down my goals, so when I tell you that it's a must, please believe! Since I'm a visual person, I'd much rather keep my goals at the back of my mind via visions and pictures in my head, which is good, but I definitely could work on actually internalizing those goals and writing them down so that they can become measurable. When you start to see your goals on paper, they become more urgent because they now become tangible. Let's get those goals down on paper!

I think getting our goals on paper is one of the hardest parts because it's kind of like saying to yourself, "Well, now I've got to actually do these things. No more slacking. No more filing these away under the I'll-do-these-things-one-day tab." That's tough. So when you finally get over this hump, you really are on your way toward achieving some very awesome things! Get it girl.

So, what is it that you want to achieve this year? This week? This month? Break it down into smaller, actionable steps. Say your goal is to start making more home-cooked meals for your family. Outline small steps to get you there. For example:

+ Look for easy recipes on Pinterest

+ Create a menu plan for the week

+ Create a grocery list

By breaking it down like this, you won't get overwhelmed with say: 

+ Make more home-cooked meals

With that, your brain will start to go into overdrive and then conk out from getting too overwhelmed with thinking about how you are going to achieve it, rather than the easier, smaller steps I mentioned above. You'll be more inclined to do the small steps as opposed to the larger picture. This goes with any type of goal, so get those babies down to small, baby steps.  




1 | Create a clean slate

2 | Get your goals down on paper

3 | Break them into small, baby steps


I would like to help inspire students, especially in applying this process. It could help tremendously in the many transitions that you will experience during this time in your life.

Once you begin, you're now done with half the battle! I hope you apply these steps and really benefit from them. It's simple, yet will help you be well on your way to getting a lot of stuff done this year. 

What is one goal that you'd like to achieve this year? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!