Posts in wellness
How to Protect Your Creative Energy as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is full of twists and turns that you least expect. The ups and downs can cause your energy to drain very quickly if you do not set up healthy boundaries and create harmony within your business and life. Your business is reliant on your being full of ideas and motivated to get things done. So, how can you protect your creative energy and prevent yourself from burning out?

@hellolovelyliving at the Hoover Dam, Nevada. Stina: “I find a balance between business and life by connecting with nature.”

Protecting your energy as an entrepreneur will ultimately create more balance in your work and personal life, as it will give you more time in your schedule to do the tasks that you enjoy. With this in mind, here are a handful of useful methods you might want to use if you are hoping to create more space in your working day as a business owner.


Outsource Logistical Tasks

As a creative person at heart, you may find that logistical or administrative tasks suck the artistic energy out of your soul. Perhaps the idea of taking inventory or packing up products makes you want to hide out in a hole somewhere and never surface again. If this is the case, then you may want to look into logistics help for your business. If fulfilling orders is taking away valuable time from your business, then this is certainly a strategy you should look into right away.


Get Outside in Nature

There is truly no better way to get your creative juice flowing than being outside in nature. There are so many ways to get your mind into a positive headspace. One of these is breathing in the fresh air and surrounding yourself with beautiful nature. The next time you are feeling low on creative energy, try this out and see how quickly it can transform you.


Be intentional About time Management

When it comes to managing your schedule, make sure you plan your creative tasks on the same day so that you are always in the right headspace. Try to schedule phone calls, video conferences, and finance meetings on similar days too—this way your mind can stick with the same train of thought for as long as possible.


Take Regular Breaks

If you do not take time out for regular breaks during your working day, you will not be able to stay as creative as you would like to be. Forcing yourself to be creative will only slow down the process and make you feel frustrated, too. Allow yourself time to breathe, make a coffee, or do menial tasks such as doing the dishes. These small, but important breaks away from your business will bring your best ideas to the table quicker than you might think.


Taking a step back and allowing your creative energy to recharge is a priceless activity you can do for yourself. Although you may feel as though you have to work constantly to achieve your goals, you will actually start to achieve more if you give yourself some grace. Giving yourself some time out throughout the day and making smart decisions with regard to your schedule will ultimately give you more energy as a creative so that you can make your business as successful as you want it to be.

Balancing Your Personal & Work Life For Wellbeing

The key to a less stressful life lies in your ability to balance personal matters and work life. Of course, this is a challenge for most people, and the biggest barriers could be out of your control. However, you can make progress by addressing both immediate and long-term concerns. By creating newer, healthier boundaries and habits, you will find more balance and accountability in all areas.

Hello Lovely Living

@hellolovelyliving Establishing a healthy balance is always hard in the beginning, but after the process, you will emerge feeling more equipped to take on work and life with less stress and more purpose.


Know when to Ask for Help

There is not one person that a helping hand would not console. Yet as a society, we can find it hard to admit that we need it. This is a cause for concern because you could be surrounded by people willing to guide you if only they knew you needed help. Suppose you are struggling with alcohol abuse. Finding the right program with healthy encouragement is essential in your recovery. In this case, a place like Real Deal Sober Living which offers amenities, support, and assisted facilities can provide a safe haven for you—unlike the prison-like system of some centers, the likes of which you often see in the movies.


Balance Personal Matters and Work with Boundaries

Establish a clear understanding of how much work you can actually do in relation to your personal life. You might be tempted to say yes to everything your boss asks you to do. However, this is a bad idea in the long run. First, you could take on so much that it becomes physically exhausting. Mental fatigue and burnout from too much work will have serious immediate and long-term consequences. Finally, your family life will suffer since you will often be held back at the office.


Disconnect when You are at Home

Further to establishing boundaries between work and life is the extension to when you are at home. Yet some surveys suggest that 80% of Americans work after hours when they are at home. This is often equal to a whole extra working day. Consider that working from home after your shift means you have less time for family life, so does this really benefit you? Additionally, it can affect your health in terms of sleep if you spend time answering calls, checking emails, and writing reports using a mobile device in bed.


Prioritize Your Available Time

In the grand scheme of things, there are only so many hours in a day, and choosing to use it all for work only helps your boss. Of course, you will get more money. But time, especially time with family is priceless, and you can not get it back. Your job might also be demanding, but making the most of your time by setting priorities is essential. Your work tasks can be assigned in order of urgency so you do not become stressed by the little things. To further enhance your life, intentionally set aside time for family matters so that you feel at ease about your schedule.


Understand Your Rights to Breaks

You have the right to take breaks at work. Using your unpaid time sitting at your desk and working with a sandwich in your hand may seem like an act of loyalty or dedication to the job. However, it is only taking away your personal time that can be used for yourself to ease your mind from the long workday. Getting away from your desk for a short break is healthy for your mind to rest. Additionally, there are laws and regulations around taking breaks depending on the job you do.

Here are some tips:

  • You have the right to a lunch break if you work "full time" at any company.

  • It is recommended that you take a 15-minute break for every 90 minutes at a desk.

  • Taking 30-second micro breaks will help you regain focus and concentration.

  • Eating a meal away from your desk aids digestion and helps you to socialize.

  • You can request a longer break if you are diagnosed with chronic stress conditions.

  • Take any spare break time to de-stress with meditation, breathing, or stretching.

  • Apply the same principles about taking breaks when you are working from home.

The laws about work breaks are a gray area. How much break time you can have often depends on your contract type, such as working full-time or part-time. Consult with your HR team if you have any questions about your rights.


Request More Flexibility at Work

It is not uncommon for workplaces to offer flexible arrangements these days, especially in office settings. Flexitime has been shown to have a dramatic positive impact on productivity in the workplace. However, most offices do not go out of their way to advertise this for obvious reasons. However, you can inquire about it. You can also discuss flexible arrangements with your boss. These could include starting a little later or leaving early, reduced hours, or job sharing with colleagues.


Address Health Issues Early On

It has to be said—never put your personal health on the line for your job. You will not be thanked for it, and you are liable if something goes wrong. As far as your employer is concerned, it is your responsibility to make sure you are in good health to do a great job and ensure you can stay productive. If you experience any physical health issues, inform your boss immediately and work on a solution moving forward. Meditation, daily light exercise, and PTO (paid time off) are good areas to start in the process toward addressing your health concerns.


Balance Personal Matters and Work with Self Care

Your health goes beyond what you can and cannot do physically. So, self-care goes a long way in attending to your needs. After all, if you are not taking care of yourself at the highest level, it will have far-reaching effects. Losing weight, exercising with a fun hobby such as cycling, and being active in work and personal communities are great for mental health. When your mental health is aligned with good physical health, you can begin to make your life so much better. The result: More energy, high performance, and joy from within.


Stay Connected with Family

Making connections and friends at work is a massive help and can make you look forward to going into the office. However, making the most of family time and cultivating it is what keeps your family connected. Taking steps to unwind and unplug from your job and phone when you are home is a great start. Family activities such as walks, dinner, and even simple discussions go a long way. This also goes for other family members, as it only really works when everyone commits to engaging with each other regularly in meaningful and intentional ways.


It is a fact that our mental and physical health and job performance can suffer if we do not balance personal matters and work. First and foremost, it helps to know when to ask others for help. This applies to your family, boss, and colleagues. Additionally, make the most of your time away from the office with self-care and family time. Following just these three things will improve your stress and productivity levels dramatically and get you toward a healthier work-life balance.

Signs You Hate Your Job: What To Do Now

Every job comes with its rough patches. It may be that you have a great boss who has left, and you are now forced to adjust to life with a new manager. It may also be that business is booming, but the side effect of this is that you must now put more hours in so you can meet tough deadlines.

Either way, there are many situations where you may find your job gets more burdensome or demanding as time passes. The redundancy of the workweek can also become dreadful, especially if you are not doing something you are truly passionate about. Sometimes you may even outright hate your job.

Being able to identify these resentments early on is important so you can take active steps toward creating a more enjoyable work experience for yourself—one that is healthy and purposeful for you.


You Feel Blue Every Day of the Week

Even when you have the perfect job and love just about every aspect of what you do, it is safe to say that Sunday nights can be rough. Not one single person has ever escaped the dread if they have found themselves bound to a 9-5. It is normal for you to feel some regret when the weekend comes to an end and your to-do list is still miles long.

Despite each weekend being used for catching up on unfinished errands and tasks, you find yourself with little to no time for yourself after it’s all said and done. The outcome: feeling overly exhausted every day of the following work week. Dragging yourself into the office is something that becomes routine—coffee in hand, of course. This is a strong sign that your job is impacting your overall wellbeing and that something must be done to identify how to create a better work-life balance.


You Struggle Physically

Do you feel as though you have pains or aches that were not there last year? Maybe you are now having a bit of an issue sleeping, or your appetite is not what it once was. These are all symptoms that must be addressed. That does not mean that your job is to blame, but it does mean that your job could be affecting you in ways that are impacting your health on different levels.

To be proactive about this, and to prevent any further negative symptoms, it is a good idea for you to ask yourself if work is indeed the problem. If it is, then now could be the time for you to change jobs so you can improve your life and pursue work that does not take away from your health, but adds to it.


You are No Longer Excited

Every day at work does not need to feel like a party. However, if you never feel excited about your job, this could spell disaster for your future success in the company. You work for many reasons, whether it is to try and keep a roof over your head or to use your skills to help others. This is great, but at a bare minimum, you must ensure that you enjoy what you do. If you do not love what you do, then this will work against you, and you may even find that you end up experiencing burnout. Soon, you may find that your work will start to affect your health.


You are not performing

If you are making little mistakes that you would not make normally, or if you are not as engaged with your work and are working less effectively overall, then now is the time for you to start exploring other avenues. It may be that you are losing confidence in your role or that you are having a hard time knowing where you stand in terms of your position or compensation. Either way, taking corrective steps now so you can find a better balance for yourself in the near future should be your goal.


You Vent About Work

Griping about work from time to time never did any harm, as long as you are chatting to a trusted friend and not one of your co-workers. If you are spending a lot of your time venting about your job, give some thought as to whether or not the good outweighs the bad. If it does not, then this could indicate that now is the time for you to do something to change the situation for the better. Navigating unfavorable situations means seeing the facts and taking corrective action to get back on the course you desire.


You Can not Concentrate

It is easy for you to give something your full attention when you are truly engaged with it, but beyond this, hating your job takes up a lot of energy. If you hate your work right now, there is a good chance that you do not have much energy to do much of anything else. You are mentally distracted and unable to do your actual duties—the last thing you need if you are wanting to be successful in your position. Your job should be a conduit for challenging yourself toward new heights. So, anything less should be a sign that you are not in the right place and your talents are not being utilized.


Your Vices have Multiplied

Cookies are not your “sometimes” treat. If you have comfort food more than three times a day, this can be a sign that your habits could start affecting your health even further. In addition, it is common to turn to substances that further amplify feelings of depression or anxiety about situations that require more clear evaluation. It is also natural to want to find ourselves avoiding difficult situations by masking them for as long as we can. However, harming ourselves any more than we have to is just not something we need to accept. We can free ourselves from unfavorable feelings and outcomes by simply choosing a different route.


Once you have identified that you are wanting to create a better working life for yourself, be intentional about what you want. Use all of your senses to design the job that will make you feel fulfilled and impactful. Taking inventory of your non-negotiables alongside a list of preferred careers will help you approach the job market with clarity.

Due to global industry shifts, many of us are transitioning into new careers or industries. There will be many situations we find ourselves in that were least expected. Being flexible and able to stay committed to finding a perfect fit for you will suit you well and provide a way in time.

In other words, you will get there soon. Despite all of the obstacles, stay on your way toward manifesting the career that brings you peace.

How To Always Look Your Best For Any Event

Whether you are hosting a dinner party or attending a wedding, it is always important that you look your best. When we look good, we tend to feel good, which means we are more likely to enjoy and carry ourselves with confidence. Likewise, knowing that we can do it all and fitting the part requires us to put our best self forward and care for every aspect of our well-being.

HLL x Look Your Best For Any Event

Isabelle Mathers is stunning in this lace dress for an outdoor cocktail event in the garden. Here is an inexpensive dupe to get the look for less. Of course, the bolder you are the more this look is for you. An outfit can be romantic while still remaining classy depending on the approach.

While the everyday setting can become monotonous when it comes to your approach toward dress wear, events are the ideal venue to express your personal sense of style and communicate your attention to how you present yourself in this type of setting.

With special attention to detail, your attire could speak a myriad of positive things about you and ensures that you are making a good first impression on those around you. With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to look your best at all times so that when that special event comes up, you are already walking in your light.


Commit to a haircare routine

Ensure you look amazing at your next big event, and every day in between, by developing an effective hair care routine. Haircare is all about daily care and maintenance, so if your hair is currently in bad condition, you can not expect to turn it around overnight. Depending on your hair type, an effective hair care routine will be dependent on your individual needs. This requires you to learn what works for you and what does not.

With an effective haircare routine, your hair could consistently look voluminous and shiny, as opposed to dry or greasy. A simple upgrade to your haircare routine can have immediate positive results. For example, try using cold water when washing your hair. This is because “cold water for hair ensures your scalp remains cleaner for longer as it closes the pores, making it less vulnerable to grease, oil, and dirt.” 

Use specialist products for your hair-washing days, especially if you have dyed it. For example, if you have hopped onto the gray or silver trend, you should do research to find out what the best shampoo for gray hair is in order to maintain its color and shine. 

Avoiding heat and over-washing is also a very simple, yet effective way to allow your hair to regain its strength. By allowing your hair to rest, the texture of your hair will begin to repair, so avoid impulsively chopping your locks off in fear of losing hope that you can get your hair ready come event season.


Get serious about skincare

While we may tend to save the facemasks for a girls’ night in, developing an effective skincare routine is another great way to ensure you look great at your next event. This will help you maintain a natural, healthy glow. As the event draws near, pay more attention to your skincare and schedule face mask sessions leading up to the event. Do your first face mask a few days before the event and another the morning of. This will allow you to see the best results over a few days as opposed to the night before or the day of the event. 

You do not need to become a skincare pro or purchase hundreds of expensive products to develop an effective skincare routine. In fact, it is often better to keep your routine simple, especially if you have sensitive skin. Each morning and evening, it is traditionally recommended to use a combination of the following: 

  • Cleanser

  • Toner

  • Face wash

  • Moisturiser 

  • SPF

While this routine can be further simplified, it should be carried out daily. Your facial skin is not the only skin to pay attention to. Our intimate areas need love, too. Using natural, clean, and effective products will make you feel your best and protect those areas from common skin ailments. Moisturizing these areas are very important to overall skin health, and should be done daily.

Look Your Best For Any Event

Isabelle Mathers’ romantic sense of style appears effortless, soft, and has a sweet sophistication all at the same time. Expressing your individual style is what sets you apart, so enjoy the opportunity to shine.


Find outfits you feel comfortable in

Of course, your outfit is one of the most important factors to consider when trying to look your best for an event. However, while you should ensure your outfit matches the event's dress code, your main priority here should be finding something you feel comfortable in. If you are wearing clothes that you do not feel your best in, your reservations will show in the way in which you carry yourself, so this is the best approach to set when searching for your outfit.

You will want to avoid anything that you may spend your time trying to cover up or readjust throughout the event as opposed to simply letting the outfit speak for itself. How many of us have had that dreadful dress that was just so itchy? The one we had to toss out after one use. *raises hand*

Do not be afraid to forgo trends or popular items for clothes that feel more within your personal style and that can be used comfortably and regularly even post-event. This will not only ensure you feel comfortable and confident, but it also means you will look and feel great in your pictures.


Discover your personal style

Finding a unique way to express your style is an art and should be met with excitement as you get in tune with yourself and learn things about your tastes and preferences. Doing so will give you a chance to express yourself more freely, which will once again enable you to feel more and more confident.

We know that what we wear does not define us, but it is the way in which we interact with each other that sets the tone and outlet for creativity and expression. In this way, how we respond to each other is largely based on appearances, especially in social settings.

Begin experimenting with different styles and see how you feel when you wear certain pieces. For example, you could follow influencers with a similar style on Instagram, paying close attention to the brands they work with or where they shop.

Over time, you may even just discover your talents and you could even begin to set up your own fashion account, which could provide you with an opportunity to earn money as you grow your Instagram followers.


get Thrifty

Many people choose to buy a brand-new outfit before a big event, especially if there will be many people in attendance or a level of prestige to the venue or event. While this is completely understandable, there are alternatives to unnecessarily overspending on an outfit that you will wear for one night out of the year.

For example, you can find everything you want, from dresses to shoes, at your local second-hand store. There are always amazing finds there, and if you really have a good eye, you will not be disappointed with the art of thrifting. You can also now easily shop for previously loved clothes online using apps like Poshmark and What Not. Saving on designer brands has exploded in recent years, and there are no signs of it slowing.

With the increasing pressure toward sustainable fashion, there are so many inexpensive ways to access fashion at a fraction of the cost. Avoiding fast fashion and adopting sustainable shopping practices will also enable you to build your event wardrobe quickly. By becoming more sustainable in your daily life, avoiding fast fashion to get access to new clothes, and opting for quality-made, previously loved clothing, fashion subscription services, and rentals you can develop your personal style without necessarily having to make a costly commitment.


Learn how to enhance your features

Becoming a professional makeup artist to “wow” your friends and family at an event is an unreasonable expectation—you only simply need to understand what makeup techniques and products flatter your face or features. Naturally, in this way, you ensure you always look your best because you are not putting together a look that you just found on Youtube the night before. After all, that could turn disastrous if the technique is not achieved properly. Rather, stick to what works for you every day and what makes you feel confident no matter the cause or setting.

If you prefer a more natural-looking day-to-day look, enhancing your facial features for an event would not require much from you since you have diligently relied on daily skincare routines. You could simply wear a nice cream blush and lip cream and call it a night. For more definition, you choosing eyeshadow shades that complement your natural eye color will allow them to pop. For example, “green eyeshadows will pop on brown eyes with reddish undertones because red and greens are opposites.” 

If you are not entirely sure where to get started when it comes to skincare or makeup, consider finding a friend who is experienced or signing up for a few classes to learn the fundamentals. Online tutorials are always plentiful and can cut the learning curve down so that you can quickly develop your own techniques.


Love the skin you are in

Confidence comes from within, and when it radiates from the inside out, it is undeniable and magnetic regardless of what you look like or what you are wearing. As such, one of the easiest ways to ensure you look your best for an exciting event is to work on building your confidence and self-acceptance.

In essence, learn to stop comparing yourself to others. After all, you do not want to spend the whole night wondering whether another guest looks better than you or if their outfit is nicer than yours—this will do nothing to change anything. Instead, celebrate the fact that you both look amazing. Learning to fight back against comparison will increase your confidence in your body and your appearance, showing you just how beautiful you are. 

You should also work on reframing the way you think about yourself or your body. Each time you catch yourself thinking negatively about your appearance, take a step back and repeat three or four positive things you like about yourself out loud. While this may seem a little strange, the more you get used to complimenting yourself, the easier it will become to realize the truth in your words.


In closing, there are many steps you can follow in order to ensure you look your best—not just at formal events or cocktail parties, but every single day. By setting aside some time in your usual routine to deviate to self-care, developing a beauty regimen that allows your natural beauty to shine, nourishing yourself with nutritious foods, and staying active and fit, you will feel and look your best no matter the occasion.

From Casual to Classy: Elevating Your Dining Game

Why is it that preparing meals for ourselves—something as necessary to life as breathing—can sometimes feel like an insurmountable challenge? The fact is, the kitchen can feel daunting unless you are experienced in this setting. To top it off, creating a memorable dining experience for someone special can seem impossible if this is just not your forte. But what if you could bring the magic of fine dining into your home without breaking the bank or slaving away in the kitchen for hours?

HLL x Elevating Your Dining Game

@hellolovelyliving at Boathouse at Hendry’s Beach in Santa Barbara, CA enjoying a delicious dinner consisting of simple, fresh ingredients and complimenting flavors. What makes your dish exceptional is how you cook and present it. Of course, the ambiance is the icing on the cake.

With simple yet effective tips and tricks, you can create an ambiance that rivals any five-star restaurant and enjoy a delicious meal in the comfort of your home. Whether you want to impress your significant other, bond with your family, or catch up with your friends over a feast, these tips will help elevate your at-home dining experience to a new level.


Be creative with your cooking

When it comes to dining, nothing is more important than the food itself. However, you do not need a host of fancy ingredients like wagyu beef or truffle oil to take your taste buds on a journey. It is all about quality ingredients cooked well in dishes that suit your palate.

Step out of your comfort zone and try something new, whip up a dish that challenges your cooking skills, or explore the exotic flavors of different cultures. Take a trip to your local farmers market for fresh, high-quality ingredients, or scour the web for recipes such as the one for this French dip.

One more thing: Remember the art of pairing food and drinks. The right combination can turn an otherwise mediocre meal into a gastronomic sensation.


Decorate your space

Imagine that you have whipped up a delicious meal, poured yourself a glass of your favorite wine, and settled down for a cozy night in. Only, one thing is missing—that perfect ambiance that takes your at-home dining experience from good to unforgettable.

Enter the power of intentional decor. Do not let the ambiance of a fancy restaurant intimidate you; with a few simple tweaks to your home, you can create a just as captivating space. Start with the basics—harsh, bright lights are a no-go. Instead, opt for soft, warm lighting that feels like dining under the stars.

Add a personal touch to your dining table with candles, fresh flowers, and elegant linens. These simple touches will instantly transform your space into a haven of relaxation and indulgence and make your at-home dining experience truly unforgettable.


Upgrade your tableware

We eat with our eyes before we even take a bite. Have you noticed how your favorite restaurants serve their food? It is not just about the taste—presentation is essential. From delicate plating to artistic garnishes, they know how to make your meal look like a work of art.

Bring some of this magic into your own home. Ditch those dull plates and invest in some elegant tableware that complements the colors, textures, and flavors of your food. Not only will your food look Insta-worthy, but it will also elevate your dining experience to a whole new level.


Putting together a special dinner is about creating a memorable experience. Often, gathering during dinner time is the highlight of the day because it is when the family comes together. Use this time to connect with each other. In preparing meals and dining together as a family, you can begin to enjoy the mindfulness that comes with these activities and discover your creativity in the kitchen. Discover how just a few intentional touches can elevate your dining experience at home and create so much joy for you and your loved ones.

Simple, Accessible Ways To Boost Your Mood

We all have days when it feels impossible to muster enthusiasm or smile. There are multiple reasons why our moods change, but often, small things can make a big difference in how we feel. If you’re having one of those days, or you’re feeling stressed or slightly unsettled, here are some simple, accessible ways to boost your mood.

HLL x Boost Your Mood

@hellolovelyliving taking time out to enjoy the calming effects of the Mojave desert.


Spend some time outside

Many of us work indoors. We spend 30, 40, or even 50 hours a week in offices, hospitals, call centers, stores, and other workplaces—often spending long stretches sitting at a desk. Spending time outside is an effective natural tonic. It provides access to fresh air, it can help you to clear your mind and it is also proven to reduce stress and boost productivity. If you tend to spend long periods inside, try to incorporate a daily walk into your routine or make the most of your free time and head to a park, the beach, or a national park to go hiking, cycling, do outdoor workouts, or embrace a different environment and enjoy the views.

As well as helping to make you feel brighter and less stressed, being outside can also aid in sleep and make you feel more motivated. It is particularly beneficial to spend time in nature. Even if you work in the heart of the city and you are surrounded by buildings, there will be green spaces you can escape to after work or on the weekends. Research local parks and gardens and look for ways to broaden your horizons in terms of hobbies and interests. If you usually go out for dinner, go shopping, or watch movies on a Saturday, for example, why not plan an outing that involves exploring forests, lakes, mountains, or the coastline and allows you to go hiking, kayaking, climbing, or surfing?


Get your body moving

If you are feeling low or exhausted, exercise may be the last thing you want to do, but if you can motivate yourself to get changed and get off the couch, you won’t regret it. You might be dragging your heels and you may even feel lethargic or disinterested during a workout or an activity, but afterward, you should feel much better. Moving your body triggers a series of reactions within the body, including the release of endorphins, which are known as happy hormones. The levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain increase, which provide a natural high, and you may also feel less stressed and more energetic.

If you don’t have an active lifestyle, you don’t have to become a gym bunny overnight or spend hours every day working out. Even if you only have 15 minutes during your lunch break or half an hour free in the evenings, exercise will boost your mental and physical health. Go for a short run or a brisk walk, cycle to work, take the dog for a walk when you get home, sign up for exercise classes, or learn to dance or play tennis or golf. You could also work out at home if you are short on time. You can stream classes and sessions to do in your living room or use equipment and create a mini home gym.


Listen to music

Music has an incredible impact on how we feel. Listening to music can make us experience a whole range of emotions, it can take us to different places and it can trigger happy memories. Whether you’re rushed off your feet and you’re craving peace and tranquility, or you feel like you’ve got no energy and you want to feel more alive and alert, music can help. 

Create playlists to suit your moods. Soothing tunes can help to induce calm and serenity while energetic, uplifting songs can make you feel happy and bubbly. If you are having a bad day, put your go-to tunes on that make you feel great every time, or choose songs that help you to heal or recover. Let your emotions and feelings out. Sometimes, music can make us cry and this can be cathartic. In other cases, putting music on can make us want to get up and dance.

HLL x Boost Your Mood

@hellolovelyliving enjoying a bath due to its relaxing, rejuvenating, and mood-boosting abilities followed with skincare by Miami Beach Bum. Use code hellolovely for 15% off your order. Naturally-derived skincare products are luxurious and solve common skincare ailments like folliculitis and raiser bumps.


Embrace scents and fragrances

Have you ever noticed that spraying perfume in the morning makes you smile a little, or walking into a luxury hotel or spa makes you feel calm and relaxed? Scents and fragrances don’t just enhance the ambiance of the environment. They also affect our mood. Putting perfume on can make you feel more confident or take you back to a place you love or a time when you felt happy while lighting a candle can help you to wind down after a busy day. Shop here for fragrances that complement your taste or take a trip to a homeware store or a boutique to find diffusers, wax melts, room sprays, and candles to set the tone at home. You can also buy products such as fragranced bath oils, body lotions, and body sprays to make you feel great.

When you’re exploring new scents for your home or workplace, or you’re looking for a new perfume, take a look at the ingredients and research the effects of different oils and notes. You may want a perfume that makes you feel energized for summer, for example, or a room spray or candle that has a calming impact on your bedroom. Oils such as lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and cedarwood have a soothing effect while peppermint, lemon, basil, and eucalyptus can lift your mood.


Catch up with people who make you laugh

Human beings are sociable creatures. While it can be refreshing to have some time to yourself now and again, most of us experience a positive reaction when we engage with others and spend time with friends and family members. The relationships we have with other people can have a significant impact on our moods and our mental health in general. If you’re in need of a pick-me-up, catch up with people who make you laugh and feel good. 

Devote time to friends or relatives who are supportive and those who never fail to make you giggle and smile. Don’t put pressure on yourself to invest time in friendships that drain you or keep in touch with people who put you down or make you feel upset or worthless. Having a strong circle, no matter how big or small, is essential for good mental well-being. Even if you’re hundreds of miles apart, or you’re pushed for time, a quick chat, a text conversation or a video call can make a huge difference.

HLL x Boost Your Mood

@hellolovelyliving admiring the desert landscape with the Las Vegas strip in the far distance. There’s something so therapeutic about being outside, even if it’s just for a short walk.


Take a break

Many of us experience stress or low mood as a result of being too busy or feeling like we have too much to do. If your schedule is packed, or you never really feel like you can wind down and relax properly, take a break. Go for a walk and get away from your desk, put your phone down and enjoy some good-quality downtime. Run a bath when you get home from work, turn off notifications, curl up with a good book or put a playlist on. Cook up a storm, write a journal entry or blog post or catch up on your favorite TV program. Get creative and express yourself or take a nap. Take some time to recharge your batteries and try not to think about work or anything else that is stressing you out. You could also try meditation, breathing exercises, or activities like Pilates, yoga, swimming or tai chi. 


Treat yourself

We all enjoy a treat, but often, we spend more time, energy, and money on other people. Buying gifts for yourself or allowing yourself to indulge in something you love from time to time is a brilliant way to lift your mood. From buying a new outfit, having your hair or nails done, or booking a massage—to going out for a meal or taking a day of leave to go shopping, or enjoying a few hours at the beach—treat yourself to something that will make you feel fantastic.

Hello Lovely Living

@hellolovelyliving Small changes and positive habits make a difference. Do what brings you joy.

Top Rated Doctor in UAE says that if the depressive behavior or thoughts do not subside, maybe it is time to get professional help. First, go to a therapist before turning towards medicine to uplift your mood.


We all have days when we don’t feel very lively or we struggle to be positive. If you need a boost, there are some very simple things you can do to improve your mood. Small things, like spending time outside, exercising, hanging out with friends, taking a break, and treating yourself, can make a big difference. Remember: Don’t stop, be persistent and stay consistent. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” - Aristotle

The Increasing Adoption of Socially Responsible Marketing
HLL x Socially Responsible Marketing

@hellolovelyliving Companies have a social responsibility to create products that are safe and effective. Force of Nature is doing their part to make a positive impact on society by giving access to cleaning technologies that otherwise would have been unavailable to the mass market.

Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) is becoming an increasingly important part of brands' marketing strategies as businesses recognize the importance of acting environmentally and socially conscious. As consumers become more aware of their shopping habits' impact on society, they demand that companies meet certain standards to earn their trust and loyalty. 

The growing number of organizations embracing SRM indicates recognition of this new consumer demand—with savvy marketers leveraging it as a competitive advantage over other firms that still need to catch up. This article will explore how businesses can adopt and implement Socially Responsible Marketing initiatives while maximizing customer engagement, ultimately giving them an edge over their rivals.

What is Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM), and why is it gaining traction in businesses today?

Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) is an approach to marketing that considers the social, environmental, and economic impact of a company's activities. SRM focuses on creating positive changes in society while still achieving business objectives. It is gaining traction as businesses recognize the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and how they affect society. 

When companies employ SRM practices, they take steps to ensure that their operations are profitable and beneficial to society and the environment. This includes using sustainable practices like renewable energy sources or reducing waste production when possible.

How are businesses adapting to socially responsible marketing (SRM) practices?

Businesses find that adapting to SRM practices can benefit their bottom line and public image. Many companies have implemented measures such as using sustainable resources when producing products and reducing their environmental impact through renewable energy sources & recycled materials. They create opportunities for worker welfare by offering fair wages and working conditions.

Additionally, businesses are increasing their social responsibility efforts by participating in charitable activities that support local communities or global causes.

The benefits of Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) for both businesses and consumers


SRM promotes positive values and encourages socially responsible behavior

By engaging in activities and strategies aligned with ethical standards, businesses can demonstrate to consumers the importance of acting responsibly and ethically in the global marketplace. This helps foster a culture of social responsibility that benefits both businesses and consumers.


Enhances company reputation

Companies that actively engage in socially responsible practices enjoy a boost in public opinion. They are seen as companies that care about their customers, employees, stakeholders, and the environment. This positive publicity can be invaluable for any business looking to grow its customer base or increase its market share.


Fosters consumer loyalty

When people know a company is committed to doing good, they are more likely to be loyal customers. They will feel like their hard-earned money is going towards a worthy cause rather than just another product or service that may not benefit the greater good.


Improved brand awareness

Businesses can build brand awareness and boost customer acquisition and retention rates by engaging in activities that promote positive values and socially responsible behavior.


Growth opportunities

Companies that practice SRM create new opportunities for expansion and growth internally and externally with their customer base. By successfully implementing SRM practices, companies can achieve competitive advantages over other businesses in their industry. This can lead to increased sales, profitability, market share, and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

How to design effective Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM) strategies

To successfully design this type of program, consider these four steps:


Understand Your Customers

The first step is to gain an understanding of what your target audience wants from your company in terms of social responsibility initiatives. What type of ethical behaviors do they value? Are there any existing socially responsible practices that appeal to them? Understanding customer values can help you identify areas where SRM efforts will be most successful.


Identify Your Goals

The second step is to identify specific goals for your SRM program. What impact do you want your program to have? How will it benefit both the business and society at large? It is important to be clear about what you want to accomplish with your SRM strategy so stakeholders, customers, and employees can understand its purpose.


Design a Program

Once you have identified goals and customer values, it is time to design an effective program. Consider how you will communicate your message, which channels to use, and what incentives or rewards could help encourage participation. You may also need to consider any legal implications of your chosen program.


Measure and Monitor

Finally, it is important to measure and monitor the success of your SRM program. Analyze results regularly and adjust your strategy as needed. This will help you ensure that your program achieves its desired impact and makes a positive difference in the lives of your customers, stakeholders, and employees.

By following these four steps, companies can design effective Socially Responsible Marketing strategies that meet their goals while demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility. This approach can create a win-win situation for businesses and society.


Ultimately, when it comes to Socially Responsible Marketing, one thing is for certain - companies are becoming increasingly aware of their environmental and ethical responsibilities. They want to ensure their stakeholders' well-being by considering a global view of societal values and trends. 

While the proof remains in the pudding, it seems likely that in the near future, sustainability standards like Fairtrade, and organic farming initiatives will become even more commonplace. This can only be a good thing, as it shows that businesses are showing real accountability for their actions.




Ina Labs

Ina was founded by an OB/GYN and leading cosmetic chemist, combining top medical expertise with clean, effective ingredients to create elevated intimate essentials you can trust.

By creating a safe environment where women’s intimate needs are at the forefront of the conversation, Ina is changing the narrative and giving women access to cleaner feminine care products for our most delicate skin.

They use clean ingredients, luxurious formulations, and beautiful discreet packaging to empower women to indulge in caring for their intimate skin. Because they understand that our bodies deserve better — in fact, they deserve the very best.


Force of Nature

Force of Nature has created a way to clean and kill germs with no toxic chemicals and no more single-use plastic bottles. Their mission: To stop the toxic madness with cleaning products that put people, and our planet, first.

Force of Nature’s formula, made from only three natural ingredients: water, salt, and vinegar, is an EPA-registered medical-grade disinfectant and sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs*. It has no harmful fumes or residues to rinse. Along with that, Force of Nature is on EPA’s approved lists for COVID-19 & Monkeypox virus. Their formula also kills respiratory viruses and the viruses that cause the flu.

To get started, all you do is order a starter kit, which includes everything you need to easily start making your multi-purpose cleaner at home, whenever you need it. Watch a demo here.




Primal Life Organics

Primal Life Organics is the original "Paleo Skincare" company. In 2012, that was a new category in personal care products. They grew rapidly because no other skincare companies created food-grade products.

Primal Life Organics speaks to people looking to unify their oral and skincare diet—people who value health and wellness as a way to prevent or eliminate disease and who understand that the toxins in personal care products are directly linked to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, infertility, pre-term labor, obesity, thyroid disease, and more.

Their products work because they remove the "toxic overload" stress on the body. They are committed to creating a better, more sustainable and beautiful world by using plant-based ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and sustainable processes.


Why Regular Workouts Enhance Your Life
HLL x Why Regular Workouts Enhance Your Life

@hellolovelyliving It is never too late to learn and start a new journey toward self improvement.


If your desire is to have a balanced life, there are three foundational elements of your life that must be maintained. Think of yourself as a pyramid divided into thirds. The bottom third is your body, the middle is your relationship with yourself, and the top is your relationship with others. Say the top third of your pyramid is very fulfilling—you have amazing friends and family, and you are generally happy with your interpersonal life. However, the bottom two-thirds, which is your relationship with yourself and your body, you have neglected and you are feeling completely overwhelmed and depressed about the state it is in.

One thing is certain, the foundation of your pyramid should be the strongest; It is what keeps your structure strong and able to withstand pressure from things you can not control, which is the top two-thirds of your pyramid. When your body is weak, you find yourself succumbing to outside stresses more easily and will find that over time, your body can not physically support itself optimally, affecting both your physical and mental health.

Incorporating regular physical activity into your weekly routine will greatly enhance all areas of your life and will help you become stronger not only physically, but most importantly, mentally. Your life will improve tremendously once you start making a habit to stay active and exercise regularly. Here are a few reasons why working out will make your life better:



You Become More Physically equipped 

Are you ready for higher energy levels throughout the day? Awkward and tedious tasks will no longer be as awkward as you will become more physically equipped to handle them. Being more in tune with your body and developing an intimate understanding of how to optimally care for it will make you feel a lot better about yourself overall. You will not only become physically adept at certain activities and exercises, but you will also be able to handle simple, day-to-day tasks with more ease. You will be more energized, and you will be more inclined to get certain things done that perhaps you would not have been interested in completing before. Whether it is the case of moving around furniture or starting a significant project in the garden, you will have the ability to get it done with less strain, and you will enjoy the physical aspect of these types of challenges.



Your Confidence Levels Rise

Confidence plays a huge role in overall happiness. If you are more physically adept and are constantly on the move, you will be a more confident human being. You will feel as though you can and want to do more things in life, which will cause you to seek out more exhilarating and physically demanding experiences. You will seek after and gain constant reward as you find yourself proud of meeting your personal fitness goals and seeing your body develop in ways you did not know were possible.

Many people struggle with the initial motivation to start a fitness plan because they do not know where to start. Start with choosing an environment to be active in that is comfortable for you, whether that be at home, the outdoors, or heading to a gym like Fitness 19 and regularly getting workouts in. Developing a habit of the act of working out will eventually clear the initial mental stress of where the activity will take place.

Over time, the environment will not matter as much as the results that you are after. You will do what you need to do to succeed if that is what your goal is. You will not care who is there or who is watching. Eventually, you will start to feel like you are on top of the world every time you accomplish “gym day” because your confidence grows every day you invest in yourself. Staying consistent with your fitness activities will allow you to see achievable results and will make you feel as though you can conquer anything.



Your Brain Gets The Stimulation It Needs

As human beings, we all need something that stimulates our brains. We easily adapt to certain habits and comfort zones, so being physically active is a healthy habit that we must implement to develop ourselves for the better. We also enjoy attaching ourselves to certain passions or topics of interest, so why not make our health and fitness a topic of priority? The mixture of physical challenge and mental hurdles combine to create an amazing feeling of accomplishment whenever you work out. Whether you are simply walking or lifting heavy weights, your brain is getting the satisfaction it needs throughout the process.

Consistently starting your day off the right way with the intentional choice to take care of your body is the best decision you could make in a day. To make matters better, if that was the only choice you made for the entire day, you would still be winning even if you failed at everything else that entire day. Keeping your mind strong requires this simple act because the mind and body respond to each other. If your mind can remain strong, then the body follows that path toward complete and overall mental and physical strength and agility.



You are More Inclined To Eat Healthier And Stay Hydrated  

Because you are becoming a lot fitter and healthier, you will be more inclined to drink enough water. You will also better understand why you need to stay nourished in order to really feel the benefits of your workouts. A lot of it will go to waste if you are not eating the right foods or eating junk food. You will likely get into the habit of eating better foods and keeping yourself energized every single day because everything adds up in the end. You would not want to be compromising your hard work by not paying attention to the most important part of a balanced fitness plan— your nutrition.

Eighty percent of your fitness results will be dependent on what you are eating, so this is the most important area to become disciplined in when you choose to pursue any fitness plan. Achieving results is not only about how much you are doing to build your muscles with exercise, but what you are doing to improve your diet and intake of nutritious foods and supplements. When you have a balance between the two, you will feel motivated even more by your efforts.


You will find that what starts as a desire to learn how to care for your body turns into an extremely positive lifestyle choice. No one is exempt from deserving to live life with optimal health and wellness, but what we were never taught was that it requires much more from us before we begin to see what we are ultimately made of. See, that is the beauty of the entire process.

When you start to focus on different areas of yourself, you begin to see just how resilient and strong you are. If we are not pushing ourselves to our limits, we will not ever experience some of the best rewards in this life. Only you have control over your discipline and your choices. This is one of those choices that will forever change your life, and you will be so grateful you made it.

Terpenes: 5 Benefits You Need to Know About

When it comes to improving your health, many different options are available. You can eat healthy foods, exercise, and take supplements. You can also use essential oils and other natural remedies. A natural remedy that you may have never heard of is terpenes.

Terpenes are a diverse group of organic compounds found in plants and fruits. They are responsible for the unique scents and flavors of various plants. Terpenes may have beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects. Terpenes may also help improve mood and cognitive function.

What are terpenes, and what do they do?

Leaves and flowers of plants produce terpenes in special glands on their surface. When the plant is disturbed, these glands release the terpenes into the air, providing a defense against predators and pests. Terpenes are also responsible for the distinctive aromas of many fruits and spices. For instance, the fragrant oils giving cannabis its diversity are associated with the various types of terpenes found in each strain. 

The therapeutic effects of terpenes have been known for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, terpenes are used to treat various conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. In the United States, terpenes are increasingly used in natural and alternative medicines.

Four benefits of terpenes that you may not know about

Terpenes have been studied extensively in scientific literature over the past few decades. Here are four known benefits of terpenes:


The entourage effect

The entourage effect is one of the most exciting areas of study in terpenes. The entourage effect is the synergistic interaction between different compounds in cannabis that leads to improved therapeutic effects.


Anti-inflammatory effects

One of the most well-known benefits of terpenes is their anti-inflammatory effects. These effects might help treat conditions like arthritis and Crohn's disease.

Terpenes may reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, terpenes may have the ability to modulate the body's immune response.


Antioxidant effects

Another important benefit of terpenes is their ability to act as antioxidants. Terpenes scavenge damaging free radicals and help to protect cells from oxidative damage. This property of terpenes is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with them.


Analgesic effects

Terpenes might also have analgesic effects. This means that they may help to relieve pain. Terpenes work by modulating the body's pain response and inhibiting the activity of pain-inducing enzymes.

How to use terpenes to improve your health

You can use terpenes to improve your health in several ways; You can take them orally in foods or drinks, inhale them by vaping or aromatherapy, or apply them topically in creams. There are many different types of terpenes, each with its unique benefits. Here are some of the most popular terpenes and their effects: 

  • Limonene - Limonene is a terpene found in many plants and fruits. It has various beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic effects.

  • Myrcene - When consumed in large quantities, myrcene may sedate and impair locomotion. Researchers discovered that myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties in cells, as well as the ability to slow damage and disease progression. Myrcene's anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the killing of cancerous cells.

  • Linalool - Linalool is a naturally occurring essential oil found in many plants and is one of the most common terpenes in cannabis and lavender. It has calming properties, making it helpful in treating depression and anxiety.


In closing, terpenes are generally safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as skin irritation and headaches. If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking terpenes and speak to your healthcare provider. By developing your knowledge of the different terpenes available and their properties, you will be well-equipped when shopping for products that contain them. You will be able to identify the positive effects that you would like to experience and narrow down the most beneficial terpenes for you.

Natural Ways To Treat Menopause

Menopause is the medical term for the season in a woman's life when she goes through hormonal changes that cause her menstrual cycle to stop. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen at an earlier age such as your early 40s as well.

As women age, their ovaries stop releasing eggs and producing most of their estrogen, and they go into menopause. Menopausal symptoms can include hot flashes, mood swings and anxiety, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, trouble sleeping, and more.

There are different stages of menopause:

  • Perimenopause is also referred to as “menopause transition,” and can occur up to 10 years before menopause actually begins.

  • Menopause is the halt of a woman's menstrual cycle.

  • Postmenopause is considered the 10 years that follow menopause.

The symptoms of menopause are different for everyone—some women have few or no symptoms, while others have many. It is important to address your symptoms so that you are able to identify ways that can help improve your quality of life during this transition. In this article, we will discuss several ways to treat and ease the symptoms of menopause, naturally.


Reduce stress

Stress is a major cause of many health problems. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. It is important to reduce stress as it has a major impact on our overall health. Stress also has a negative effect on the way we feel and respond. It can manifest in the body as pain and inflammation.

There are many ways to reduce stress without having to resort to medication or expensive treatments and a plethora of side effects. Some of these ways include being attentive to the foods you are consuming, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and setting aside time for self-care and wellness practices.


Use food as medicine

We all know that a balanced diet is important for our health, but what is the ideal diet during menopause? To properly answer this question, we must first gain awareness that, to begin with (and since birth), we have been misguided in our understanding of the ideal diet. What has been considered a balanced diet is actually not; What we are eating is having detrimental effects on our health.

In light of this, we must relearn what nutrition is and learn how to use food as medicine. By focusing on nutrient-dense whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, we can discover that in terms of regulating our health, we are more in control than we think. We can create desirable health outcomes simply by being more educated about what we are eating.

A few key factors that have been found beneficial in treating menopause-related symptoms are: avoiding high-fat or sugary foods, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water every day. You should also avoid caffeine as there has been a link between caffeine intake and hot flashes.


Try cannabis to ease your symptoms

A great amount of research shows that cannabis has been found to be effective in treating symptoms of menopause. In a study published in the journal, Menopause, the top three menopause-related symptoms that women prefer cannabis to help with were sleep disturbance (67.4%), mood/anxiety (46.1%), and libido (30.4%).

When deciding on cannabis to treat menopausal symptoms, it is best to consider the different characteristics of products (e.g., mode of use, cannabinoid profile) all of which can yield different results and side effects.

For instance, a sativa strain will provide different effects and modes of relief than an indica strain. It is best to do your research and learn about the vast selection of cannabis products available. You can then decide on the best mode of use and cannabinoid profile for yourself, then go from there. Feel comfortable experimenting as this is the only way that you will discover what works best for you.


Stay active with regular exercise

Exercise is important for your health and mental well-being. It can dramatically help you feel better while you are going through menopause.

There are many benefits of exercise during menopause, including:

  • Helps with weight loss and helps the body maintain muscle mass, which can be lost during menopause.

  • Promotes a healthy heart and increases blood flow to the brain.

  • Makes it easier to sleep better and have more energy throughout the day.

  • Promotes mood stability, reduces anxiety, and improves memory.


Menopause can be a time of much stress, emotion, and change—all of which are already difficult to endure without hormonal factors involved. It is important to be attentive to the changes that your body is experiencing and to know that you can successfully manage your symptoms. As women, we are always evolving, so this is another season that we must embrace. In doing so, we can equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to best care for ourselves through this process.

Essential Practices Toward Holistic Living
HLL x  Essential Practices Toward Holistic Living

@hellolovelyliving visiting the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Chino, Hills, CA


"Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold."

Bob Marley

When things start to get overwhelming, it is best to take a pause. This allows you to contemplate and address the things that need your most immediate attention. Additionally, it encourages you to view life from a higher perspective, enabling you to be better equipped to face the challenges you need to overcome.

Meanwhile, by choosing to live a life centered on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health while living in the present, you begin to live life holistically. Everything you do, from household chores to work, you do with enthusiasm and cultivate a positive aura. 

As such, living a holistic life takes effort and consistency. You must establish practices for a healthy and happy life. What exactly are these practices? We will discuss a few for you to consider to help you toward holistic living.

Take ownership of your health

Taking a vested interest in your health is beneficial if you are committed to embrace holistic living and enhance all aspects of your well-being. There is a vast amount of information available via the Internet, apps, and television. However, finding reputable and reliable sources will contribute greatly to expanding your knowledge and awareness about health beyond what the media and commercialism perpetuate.

For this reason, focus on educational resources published by reputable organizations, bodies, researchers, and healthcare professionals who are challenging the status quo and exposing the truth about health and wellness beyond the confines of a system that continues to carry on old narratives. These are people who can give you the tools that you, yourself can feel equipped with to take charge of your personal health journey.

From nutrition, diet, and how smoking impacts your body, to self-care and how alcohol affects your immune system, it is beneficial to learn about health and the consequences of your lifestyle choices. Being open to learning and expanding your knowledge base will help you to make well-informed decisions and choices. It will also help you understand how your body and mind work and what you can do to optimize your physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.

Follow a regular fitness regimen

If you desire to be healthy and maintain your quality of life, you must follow a regular fitness regimen that keeps you active, regularly. For this purpose, take part in physical fitness activities that are most suitable to you and your interests. These activities could range from jogging, walking, biking, and swimming, to taking a yoga class.

Essentially, being physically active and fit will boost your overall mood and well-being. You will also dramatically increase your awareness about your physiology. This understanding will help you learn how to maintain your health and well-being, allowing for a greater connection with your inner self. You will be more attuned to your needs and will appreciate and care for your body more effectively and with greater accuracy.

Spiritual well-being is equally important

Spirituality goes beyond the physical and material aspects of our well-being and allows us to connect with a higher power. We all seek higher truth and desire a connection that is eternal—one that brings us a greater understanding of our purpose now and beyond this life.

Following a spiritual practice that serves your innermost needs is essential. As you begin to learn about and explore which practices speak to you, you can discern which ones are most beneficial for you. Through a relationship with yourself and with a higher source and by integrating meditation, prayer, contemplation, and/or conversation into your daily life, you can begin to engage in a healthy spiritual practice of your own.

For instance, if you go to church regularly, the pastors and ministries typically guide you toward spiritual well-being. It is because they follow a discipleship curriculum that prepares them to be in a position to successfully lead others toward a spiritual path. As such, spiritual teachers can assist you with developing regular spiritual practices to help you get aligned with your goals in this area.

Learn to live in the moment

Living holistically is being attentive, aware, and connected in whatever you do; This is simply because you are not just going through the motions. We must observe our lives and be able to make the necessary changes to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves at a holistic level. Living each day fully means living in the present and appreciating the now. If you notice yourself getting swept up in a wave of worry or aimlessly scrolling through your smartphone, return to your spiritual practices. This will help you get back into alignment when you start to get distracted.

Turn your home into your sanctuary

Your home should be a safe haven where you can escape the pressures of daily life at any given moment. By caring for your home and considering it your sanctuary, you can create a space that is peaceful no matter what the external conditions entail.

Create comfy nooks in your home where you can read, reflect, pray, or simply be without expectation. Display sentimental photos, works of art, trinkets, and iconography that fill your space with good energy and that speak to how you want to feel within your home. Freshen things up regularly, rearrange areas that do not feel right, and keep areas uncluttered so that you are always surrounded by an environment that is inspiring and peaceful.


When you take care of yourself at a holistic level and address your most essential needs, you gain greater awareness, spiritual guidance, and peace. Wisdom is gained over time and with age, so the sooner we go inside and seek that inner understanding, the sooner we become more equipped to understand ourselves at the most foundational level. Once we do this, we can greatly impact our life by taking charge of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

7 Ways To Use Mirrors To Create Good Feng Shui
Hello Lovely Living

@hellolovelyliving at Restoration Hardware Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA

If you are looking to create good feng shui in your home, you may be surprised to know that mirrors can actually be quite helpful. Mirrors have the ability to reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up a space and making it feel more open and welcoming.

Here are 7 ways you can use mirrors to create good feng shui in your home:


Hang a Mirror Near the Front Door

One of the best ways to use mirrors for good feng shui is to hang one near the front door of your home. This will help reflect any positive energy that comes into your home, as well as any negative energy that might try to enter.


Place a Mirror Opposite a Window

Another great way to use mirrors for good feng shui is to place them opposite windows. This will help reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up the space and making it feel more open and inviting.


Hang a Mirror in Your Dining Room

Hanging a mirror in your dining room is a great way to create good feng shui, as it will help reflect any positive energy that comes into the room while you are eating.


Place a Mirror in Your Living Room

Placing a mirror in your living room is another great way to create good feng shui. Mirrors help reflect both natural and artificial light, making the space feel brighter and more welcoming. They can trick your brain into giving you the illusion of more space. Also, a larger mirror fits perfectly in the living room. Installing it should not be a hassle with the help of an expert like Gatsby Glass; they have the right tools and equipment.


Hang a Mirror in Your Bedroom 

Hanging a mirror in your bedroom is a great way to create good feng shui, as it will help reflect any positive energy that comes into the room while you are sleeping. Plus, it will also help give the illusion of more space, which can be helpful if your bedroom is on the smaller side.


Place a Mirror Near Your Desk 

If you work from home, placing a mirror near your desk is a great way to create good feng shui. Mirrors help reflect both natural and artificial light, making the space feel brighter and more welcoming.


Hang a Mirror Outside 

Hanging a mirror outside is also said to be helpful in creating good feng shui. This is because mirrors have the ability to reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening up any space they are placed in. Additionally, hanging a mirror outside can also help protect your home from negative energy coming from outside sources. 


As you can see, there are plenty of ways you can use mirrors to create good feng shui in your home. So, if you are looking for ways to bring some positive energy into your space, consider giving some of these tips a try!

Create The Perfect Ambiance For Your Office
HLL x Perfect ambiance for office

@hellolovelyliving enjoying the motivational quotes at Contra Coffee and Tea in Orange, CA

Your productivity and efficiency depend on several factors. Think beyond your skills and tools because your workspace is one of the most crucial aspects you may likely miss. Surprisingly, it can affect your stress levels, elevating them or lowering them according to your environment.

Whether you work from home or run an office, you must ensure a positive ambiance for your workspace. Fortunately, you can do it without an extensive and expensive makeover. Try these practical ideas to create the perfect ambiance for your office.


Start with a decluttering project

The easiest way to create an aura of positivity for any space is by decluttering it, and this rule also applies to commercial areas. Commit to a weekly cleanup and monthly de-clutter project for your work area. You can go even further by doing the same de-cluttering routine with your devices. Encourage your team to take care of individual zones and supervise the project. You will have a lighter and healthier space once the clutter is sorted through and discarded.


Prioritize comfort

Comfort is the key to creating a positive, vibrant workspace that promotes efficiency and productivity. Invest in comfortable and practical furniture pieces that support a healthy posture. Non-ergonomic furniture can affect the well-being of your team members and affect the overall vibe of the workplace. The material the furniture is made from also matters, making this an area to focus on, too. There are multiple options to consider, with customized foam chairs and similar options being recommended.

Moreover, you cannot expect to impress clients and visitors by ignoring details such as these. Additionally, allow employees the freedom to create a homely atmosphere for themselves with family pictures and mementos in their personal desk space.


Pay attention to air quality

The air quality inside your workspace is crucial in creating a health-promoting atmosphere. Routine checks and maintenance of your HVAC systems provide a good start. You can install commercial air fresheners to eliminate odors and keep the interior of your business smelling fresh. Ensure fittings at strategic points such as the reception area, restrooms, and common zones to get the best results. Incorporating indoor plants into the office space greatly contributes to the air quality and ambiance more than any other factor, so ensure that you choose indoor plants that naturally purify the air.


Ensure optimal illumination

Optimal lighting and illumination ensure positive and happy vibes for an office. Maximizing the entry of natural light should be a priority because it decreases your energy bills along with improving the overall appearance of the space while encouraging higher productivity amongst your staff. A little design rework is worthwhile as it can save you a fortune on power bills down the line. Install LED lights in dark corners because they may appear gloomy even on a sunny day. Avoid harsh lighting as it can overwhelm employees and affect their mood.


Add character

Adding character to your office is a wonderful way to create an environment that feels good. Consider doing a paint makeover with an accent wall to display your awards and achievements. Adding wall art showcasing motivational quotes is another idea worth trying. You can also personalize the space to replicate your brand colors and elements. Just be creative and open to experimenting, and you can transform an ordinary office into a welcoming workplace.


Creating the perfect ambiance for your office is easier than you imagine. Get started with aesthetics and make sure it feels good to the senses. Personalize your space even further in creative ways so that anyone that enters your space has an overall welcoming experience from the moment they walk into your workspace to the moment they leave. First impressions matter, so your attention to detail will not be overlooked and will be appreciated more than you expect.

Tips For Keeping Your House Hygienic
HLL x Keeping Your House Hygienic

@hellolovelyliving at Restoration Hardware Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA


Maintaining proper hygiene will always be an essential part of our lives. More recently, it has received even more attention due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, people have realized the importance of a hygienic lifestyle.

Ensuring proper cleanliness is indispensable to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe from illness and diseases. The process of keeping your house hygienic requires deep cleaning and disinfection to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Microorganisms in uncleaned areas can spread infections and adversely impact your family’s health. This article sheds light on a few simple guidelines to keep your home hygienic.


Keep your cooking area clean

Without a doubt, the kitchen is the most functional space in the house. There, meals are cooked up to three times daily, which consumes a great deal of time spent in the home. Kitchen tasks such as chopping fruits and vegetables, doing the dishes, and preparing food all add to the disarray of this area on a daily basis.

In these daily processes, keeping cooking areas clean and well-maintained is essential to avoid an accumulation of residue, grime, and bacteria. Spills that are not properly cleaned throughout the kitchen are an open invitation for bacteria. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the cooking and surrounding countertop areas and also adhere to regular cleaning practices.


Ensure your home is dust-free

Did you know that clothes also contain dust due to exposure to pollution through open windows? This is why it is essential to maintain the cleanliness of your home with regular mopping and dusting of furniture.

Laundry, including bedsheets, curtains, cushion covers, and clothes all need to be laundered regularly. Oftentimes, these items are not cleaned often enough due to busy schedules. This is why many people take advantage of laundry services to help with the regular maintenance of these items.

If you do not know of any laundry services in your area, try searching online. For example, a query of "laundry service Tampa" will help save you time. Select from a list of laundry services in your area and schedule the pick-up and drop-off of your clothes. The best part is the delivery of cleaned clothes is normally within 24 hours.

In essence, this makes maintaining the cleanliness of the home a lot easier for busy, working people. Enlisting the help of laundry services can make this process less of a headache and more convenient as it cuts down on time spent doing laundry and helps to maintain optimal hygiene in your home.


Get Pressure Cleaning Done

Cleaning the exterior of your home is as equally important as the interior. The exterior is consistently exposed to natural elements in the form of water, dirt, grime, bug, and bird debris. Additionally, this exposure can lead to mold, which can cause allergic and respiratory symptoms down the line.

To avoid heavy buildup and potential problems, consider pressure washing Langley services to keep your property in top shape. Get in touch with local pressure cleaning service providers, and simply do a web search using your current place of residence to find qualified and reliable professionals.


Disinfect Your bathroom regularly

Bathrooms are the second most common space that must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. As a general rule, bathrooms often develop blue-green algae because of the increased temperature of water and moisture. The algae are formed in bathrooms due to moisture buildup on walls or stagnant water.  

When cleaning your house, do not forget to keep an eye out for algae. Utilize natural cleaners and disinfectants to get rid of bathroom mold and prevent ongoing buildup, ensure regular cleaning, and keep the bathroom dry at all times.


Unequivocally, we are all required to maintain the cleanliness of our homes. The conventional way of cleaning with soap and water is not always enough to get rid of bacteria. So, to achieve a hygienic house and protect your family from diseases, be consistent and opt for advanced cleaning practices. A hygienic lifestyle is beneficial in the long run and will save you and your family from preventable health concerns.

For those in Albany facing challenges beyond regular cleaning, consulting expert pest control in Albany can ensure your home remains free from health hazards.

How To Improve Your Mental Health During Winter
HLL x Improve your mental health for winter

@hellolovelyliving exploring the Mission at San Juan Capistrano, CA

While most of us are trying to stay productive while managing work, family life, and personal aspirations, our mental health is always a topic of conversation. This time, we’re addressing how so many of us start to suddenly develop depression and mood swings when the days get shorter after the fall season. The winters can have a negative impact on our mental health, but there are ways to combat it. Today, let’s take a look at 5 methods that work.


Repair your gut health

Your gut is known as the second brain of your body. Usually, stress and continual adrenal fatigue have deep roots in the bacteria culture in your gut. If it has parasitic prevalence, you will feel burnt out, tired, and unhealthy no matter how much attention you pay to your body. This is because parasites and bacterial imbalances affect the nutritional absorption rates. Many adults are unaware that they have been affected by a parasite.

If you feel you have been infected, it is advised to deworm yourself once a year with the help of over-the-counter medication or natural alternatives to prevent any parasites and to care for any existing conditions. Next, taking prebiotics and probiotics can establish a healthy gut culture, reducing your stress responses and energy levels.


Work with holistic supplements

If you experience a downturn in your mood and mental health during the winter, you should make early provisions. Explore holistic foods, superfoods, supplements, and herbs. Incorporating a Greens Powder Supplement can be a great way to support overall wellness, providing essential nutrients, antioxidants, and plant-based benefits to complement a balanced lifestyle. They are highly effective at improving mood.


Create a nutritious meal prep

Your diet plays a highly essential role in keeping your mindset optimistic. If you tend to start feeling the effects of winter blues post-fall, now is the time to upgrade your meals. Look up highly nutritious meal plans that can be prepared with optimal vitamin and mineral content to help your body absorb these nutrients organically. Integrate lots of fresh veggies, colorful fruits, lean meats, or vegan protein sources to come up with a few deliciously filling recipes.


Take up therapy

In 2022, we’re fortunate to have several references and specialists to help us deal with mental illnesses. If you have seen a trend in yourself as we move into the colder phase of the year, get help to navigate it better. Working with a certified therapist will also help you improve your productivity and overcome all the symptoms you experience. A therapist can help you identify tools and treatments that will be highly useful to manage and heal the triggers you experience.

If you are wondering how therapy helps with anxiety, there are many studies and testimonies that show just how effective it can be. Therapy can help you to figure out the underlying reasons for why you are feeling anxious as well as offer techniques to help you cope. It essentially gives you what you need to overcome your feelings of anxiousness to hopefully stop it from manifesting in the future.


Stay active

If you haven’t been exercising regularly, you should start for the betterment of your mental health. Not only does exercising release feel-good hormones to perk up your mood, but it also keeps your body regulated. Hitting the gym 4-5 days a week for at least 45 minutes can improve your energy levels, metabolism, optimism, and overall happiness. Since exercise is an excellent mood booster, it can be an excellent way to battle winter blues.


Get Outdoors

A great way to increase your activity levels is to get outside and explore. Not only are you getting the sunlight you need, which has a huge impact on our Vitamin D exposure, but you are essentially exercising and getting the healthy mental stimulation that nature promotes. Low Vitamin D levels contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression, so you could solve your mental health concerns simply by incorporating this one essential activity into your daily routine.


Identifying the signs your body is experiencing is far more important than any other factor. When you have recognized your mental health is not responding well to shorter days and colder months, take the necessary steps to work around it. This may take some time to get used to, so now is the perfect time to start creating a plan for yourself to be prepared for the winter months.

4 Common Signs Of Andropause And Treatment

When you hear the word menopause, what comes to mind? Women, right? What if we told you men experience menopause too? It is not only useful for women to be aware of this but men most importantly because they are not exempt from hormonal changes.

We all go through changes as we age, so it is helpful to understand the effects they have on our long-term health and well-being. This enables us to make the necessary changes to our lifestyle so that we can maintain a balance that we otherwise would not be aware of needing attention.

Men's menopause, or andropause, occurs when there is a drop in testosterone levels. It often happens with age. Like menopause, andropause has symptoms. Men must know these signs and act accordingly. Here are four common signs of andropause and how to address them:



Amid the hustle and bustle of today’s world, no one is shocked when a man complains of tiredness. Men at the peak of andropause (their 40s and 50s) usually have families, are in the prime of their careers, and face many stress triggers that they didn’t encounter in their younger days. 

While tiredness may be attributed to these factors, sometimes it may result from andropause. If that is the case, ensure you visit a men’s health professional. Your provider will review your case and suggest the appropriate treatment method for you.



Loss of libido

One of the most common and worrying symptoms of andropause or male menopause in men is reduced sex drive, often accompanied by a fall in testosterone levels. Sadly, many men see it as a "normal" and "unavoidable" aspect of aging and often shy away from talking about it, even if it's affecting their quality of life. 

However, by seeing the loss of sex drive as a curable symptom of andropause, men can take the right steps to recover their libido.


Hair loss

Many men complain about hair loss, which can be associated with many factors, including andropause. And while hair loss doesn't have the same physical effects as other andropause symptoms, it often serves as a huge blow to men's confidence and self-esteem. As a result, tackling andropause-related hair loss can be important for their emotional health



Mood disorders like depression

Perhaps, your partner gets cranky for unreasonable reasons. Or you notice him experiencing a decline in his emotional state. Or maybe you noticed strange fluctuations in his mood. These could be signs of hormonal changes, which can also affect his physical and mental health.

Is this the first time he is experiencing depression or mood swings? Encourage him to talk to his doctor as soon as possible. Find out if he has been diagnosed with a mood disorder before. He may need to see experts regarding his new symptoms. Regardless of the cause, getting the appropriate treatment is important to restore your partner’s health and get their wellness back on track.

How is andropause diagnosed?

Are you unsure if your partner has andropause or not? Encourage him to visit a health practictioner who specializes in this area. The health practitioner will:

  • Carry out a physical exam

  • Ask about the symptoms

  • Request tests to eliminate issues that may be aiding the condition

  • Request blood tests, which may include determining his testosterone level

Can andropause be treated?

If your partner has andropause, he will certainly want to inquire about the available treatment methods. A common andropause treatment method is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This treatment method restores the hormones your body requires to function optimally by using customized formulations created to address personal needs.

You may want to help him explore all the alternative treatments. Additionally, learn more about the most current aging science to better understand the aging process and strategies and behaviors to extend the human healthspan and lifespan. As with any treatment, research is essential. Many hormonal fluctuations can be treated naturally.



Andropause isn't a death sentence. It's not even a life-threatening condition. However, if left unaddressed, it could affect your quality of life. So watch out for these common signs of andropause and encourage your partner to seek a health professional’s care if you notice any of them. The earlier you both address the condition, the better for both of you in the long run.  

5 Tips on Enhancing Your Lighting To Boost Your Mood
enhance your mood with lighting

@hellolovelyliving Founder in Orange County, CA enjoying and encouraging getting more outdoor sun.

Lighting, the expression to impress

A well-lit home is a happy home. But what does that mean, exactly? To some, it might mean a home filled with natural light. To others, it might mean a home filled with lamps and overhead lighting. And to others still, it might mean a little bit of both. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing the right lighting for your home. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision. First, think about the mood you want to create. Do you want a warm and inviting space, or a bright and airy one? Second, consider the activities that take place in each room. A home office, for example, will likely need brighter lighting than a bedroom. Finally, don't forget about energy efficiency. LED bulbs may cost more upfront, but they'll save you money in the long run. With these things in mind, Blingle! will assist you, so you are sure to find the perfect lighting solution for your home.

Mood Boosters


Use softer, diffused light

Incandescent bulbs emit a warm, yellow-toned light that can be soothing and mood-boosting. Halogen and LED lights are also good options for providing diffused lighting. Soft, diffused light is often used to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. However, new research suggests that this type of lighting may also have mood-boosting benefits. In a recent study, participants who were exposed to diffused light reported feeling more positive and energetic than those who were exposed to direct light. The researchers believe that the softening effect of diffused light may help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. So if you're looking for a way to improve your mood, try turning down the brightness and opening up the curtains. It turns out that letting in some soft, diffused light could be just what you need.


Consider using natural light

If you have the option to let natural light into your home or office, take advantage of it! We all know that getting a good night's sleep is important for our physical and mental health. But did you know that the quality of light we're exposed to during the day can also have a significant impact on our mood and well-being? That's why it's important to consider using natural light to improve your mood. Studies have shown that exposure to natural light can help to reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and increase energy levels. So next time you're feeling down, try spending some time in the great outdoors. And if you can't get outside, try opening the curtains or turning on some lamps to let in some extra light. Trust me, your mood will thank you for it!


Use task lighting

In addition to general lighting, make sure you have adequate task lighting for things like reading, writing, or working on the computer. This will help reduce eye strain and keep you from getting fatigued. We all know the feeling of being in a dimly lit room and feeling a It's not just your imagination; Studies have shown that exposure to low levels of lighting can actually lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to improve your mood, try switching to task lighting. Task lighting is designed to provide a focused, glare-free light source that can help you see better while you work. But it can also have a positive effect on your emotional well-being. Studies have shown that increased exposure to task lighting can lead to improved mood and decreased stress levels. So if you're looking for a way to brighten up your day, literally, give task lighting a try.


Avoid blue light at night

Blue light has been shown to suppress the production of melatonin, which can make it difficult to fall asleep. If you use electronic devices in the evening, try using blue light-blocking filters or glasses to reduce the amount of blue light exposure. Most of us are guilty of spending too much time staring at screens, whether it's our phones, computers, or TVs. And while there's no denying that this can be bad for our eyesight, it turns out that it can also have an effect on our mood. That's because blue light, which is emitted by most electronic screens, suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. As a result, exposure to blue light at night can disrupt our natural sleep cycle and lead to feelings of grogginess and fatigue during the day. So if you're looking to improve your mood, it's important to avoid blue light at night. And while that might mean giving up your late-night Netflix binge, your body will thank you in the morning.


Consider your color scheme

Certain colors have been shown to have an effect on mood. For example, blue and green are thought to be calming, while yellow and orange can be energizing. When choosing paint colors or fabrics for your home, keep these effects in mind to create a space that makes you feel good. Think about your favorite color. Does it make you feel happy, peaceful, or energetic? Now consider a color you don't like. Perhaps it makes you feel anxious or angry. The colors we surround ourselves with can have a major impact on our mood, so it's important to choose a color scheme that will create the desired atmosphere in your home. For example, if you want to create a feeling of relaxation, you might want to use cool colors like blue or green. On the other hand, if you're looking to boost your energy levels, you might opt for warmer shades like red or orange. By being mindful of your color choices, you can create a space that's both visually pleasing and emotionally comforting.


Whether it be for home or office, lighting is so important in setting the tone in our environment. It affects us in more ways than we understand. Making sure to not entirely rely on synthetic lighting is the key. Get outside and soak up those wonderful sun rays to get the most beneficial effects of light for your health and wellness. Just 20 minutes of the midday sun during the summer months is efficient for vitamin D production.

Tips To Navigate Fall And Winter With Better Health
Hello Lovely Living x Better Health Fall Winter

@hellolovelyliving displaying her finds at The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, CA

We’re only a few weeks away from the time when leaves begin to change colors and the weather transits into a colder phase. While many of us look forward to drinking hot beverages and delicious foods that come with the social setting of festivities, the winters can also be depressing for many. To help you mitigate the feelings that arise from the loss of sunlight and warmth, this blog will address five ways to help make winters more comfortable. In the long run, these steps will also help you live a proactive and healthier life. Without any delay, let’s dive right into it!


Get your vitamins in check

Several people experience a clinical condition known as Seasonal Additive Depression, but don’t realize the cause. Since it has now been established that depression is not caused due to a change in brain chemicals, it has much more to do with how our mind responds to stimuli. Changes like lessened natural light, shorter days, and an uncomfortable temperature can lead to seasonal depression.

However, the right nutrition can change the narrative and help you sail past these symptoms easily. Top up on your Vitamin C, D3, B12, A, and E from natural foods or supplements. Visit farm stands like The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano, California for fresh, organic, garden-to-table produce.


Start consuming CBD supplements

If you’re having trouble dealing with symptoms like depression, anxiety, or insomnia, cannabidiol can be an excellent healer. In several research papers, cannabidiol has shown a substantial improvement in the mental and physical symptoms of depression, be it clinical, seasonal, or short-term. These days, the legalized status of CBD and THC also makes it easier to purchase from trusted dispensaries like Purple Penthouse. Founded by local stoner babes in the DC & NY area, you’ll be supporting WOMEN IN WEED by ordering from Purple Penthouse in the male-dominated weed space. Make sure to research your strain on the dispensary’s knowledge base to know your ideal product.


Work around the daylight hours

During fall and winter, the amount of natural sunlight we receive reduces substantially. This can also cause a hormonal imbalance in your body, leading to mood swings. Make sure to spend time outside during the daylight hours, or get warm lighting like UV lamps, sodium bulbs, and others to compensate for the loss of warmth.


Add habits that bring joy

When times become a bit gloomy, happiness can be created with comforting habits and routines. Take up an old hobby that keeps you busy and your mind occupied. Listen to uplifting music, watch good movies, and give yourself time to rest during these months as per what makes you feel great!


Work on therapy

Winters are also known to bring out dark thoughts if we have a history of anxiety and depression. To navigate this path, the help of an experienced professional like a therapist or counselor is essential. If you’re struggling to reign in your thoughts and regulate your emotions, reach out for therapy to receive the support you deserve.


By paying attention to the little things regarding your health, you can lead a happier state, especially during the gloomier months. We hope that the tips mentioned above bring you long-lasting relief from the winter blues, and let you enjoy the season of festivities instead!

How To Embrace Cannabis Concentrates For Wellness

If you want to join the cannabis wellness bandwagon, get ready to be spoiled with options. You can smoke a joint, vape, try a sublingual tincture, or relish an edible. You can even use a topical for local application. The Canadian market has endless options in products and consumption methods. But cannabis concentrates are perhaps the most incredible way to consume it because they are the purest form of the herb.

Essentially, a concentrate product is obtained by removing the entire plant matter, leaving only pure and potent cannabinoids. You can only imagine how effective and powerful they can be, so you may even have some apprehension as a beginner trying to understand the application that is right for you. To help you in this process, let us share some tips to embrace cannabis concentrates for wellness.

Start with a microdose

Since concentrates offer cannabinoids in the purest form, they can hit very hard. The best way to start is with a microdosing approach, as it promises the best outcomes and safety. You may feel confident about going higher as a seasoned user, but do not consider your experience a plus point. These products are different from the regular ones, so low and slow is the best way to start.

Stick to a familiar strain

Another piece of advice for experienced consumers is to stick with a familiar strain. A concentrate that is a stronger version of your favorite flower, vape oil, tincture, or edible is easy to handle. Newbies must pick a mild strain with manageable outcomes, preferably a low-THC one, because it will not hit you hard and high. You may seek advice from a pro user or budtender on this one.

Pick your product wisely

Like edibles, concentrates are available in many forms. Legit sellers in Canada offer a broad range of products such as hash oil, wax, budder, live resin, shatter, and more. You can go for a canada cannabis dispensary as a beginner because it has the most versatile options of concentrates. You can vape or dab it for a luxurious experience. Experimenting with other options down the line is a good idea, but remember to take it easy and focus on having a good time.

Buy from a trusted seller

Although cannabis concentrates promise purity, you cannot be too sure about the word. Everything boils down to buying a top-quality product from a trusted seller. Check the menu of a tried-and-tested dispensary if you are a regular consumer. You may seek recommendations and check online reviews to be sure about the credibility of the seller and the quality of the products you buy.

Although cannabis concentrates promise purity, you cannot be too sure about the word you hear on the street. Everything boils down to buying a top-quality product, created by a trusted supplier or seller with the best and most effective extraction methods; you can read more about co2 vs hydrocarbon extraction for hemp-based products here if you're interested to learn more.

Check the menu of a tried-and-tested dispensary if you are a regular consumer and want to try something new. You may seek recommendations and check online reviews to be sure about the credibility of the seller and the quality of the products you buy.

Learn the technique

Consuming cannabis concentrates requires a specialized technique with dabbing, although you can vape these products. Start by buying a basic dabbing device apt for beginners and ask a pro dabber to guide you about the technique. You may check some videos online and work on mastering the skill over time. Also, remember to clean your tools after every use to ensure smooth and flavorful dabs.


Cannabis concentrates are ideal for wellness benefits because they offer potent outcomes with pure cannabinoids. But you must embark on the journey wisely to tailor an experience specific for you.

Dealing with Low Estrogen? Here are Important Things Women Should Know
Hello Lovely living

Estrogen is the primary hormone in women, just like testosterone is for men. Even though men have deficient estrogen levels, women have it in large amounts. So, women must have enough estrogen since this hormone facilitates the reproductive system. It is a sex hormone that manages sexual development in females. When this hormone is low, a woman experiences various complications. This article is an overview of low estrogen, its causes, and its effects on the body.

What is the Role of Estrogen in Women?

As mentioned earlier, estrogen plays a vital role in women facilitating sexual development. However, this is not its only role. It helps in:

● Regulating metabolism for controlled body weight

● Regulating menstrual cycles

● Promoting cardiovascular health

● Development of bone tissues and prevention of bone loss

● Initiates breast growth in young women

● Reducing insulin sensitivity

The Causes of Low Estrogen in Women

Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which means the health of your ovaries plays a vital role in the estrogen level in the body. Low estrogen levels are experienced by women mostly in their menopause stage when their ovaries can no longer produce a lot of estrogen hormone. Other causes of low estrogen include:

● Malnutrition

● Excess exercise

● Anorexia and bulimia

● Ovarian cysts

● Chronic kidney disease

● Pituitary gland failure or malfunction

● Turner syndrome

● Chemotherapy effects

Common Symptoms of Low Levels of Estrogen

The symptoms of low levels of estrogen can be mild or severe. Most of these symptoms are similar to menopausal symptoms. However, an evaluation is required before your diagnosis is ruled out as low estrogen levels. A diagnosis may involve examining your medical and family history and blood tests to check your hormone levels. It is crucial to ensure a secure hormone test to know the root cause of these symptoms and get the proper treatment.

Here are the leading and most common symptoms:

Breast Tenderness

Breast tenderness before your cycle is regular. During this period, the estrogen level drops, causing soreness or tenderness in the breasts.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Irregular menstrual cycles may also be a result of low estrogen. Remember, estrogen is responsible for menstrual cycles. Once the levels go low, a woman may experience irregular periods, or the periods may disappear entirely. It mostly happens in perimenopause and during menopause.

Night Sweat and Hot Flashes

Hypothalamus is responsible for controlling body temperature. You may start experiencing hot flashes or night sweats when estrogen affects the hypothalamus. These are common symptoms of menopause.

Mood Swings

Estrogen facilitates the production of serotonin, a chemical substance responsible for good mood. Once the level of estrogen hormone lowers, the level of serotonin lowers, too, causing mood swings.


Estrogen also facilitates mental health stresses in women. Studies show estrogen is a vital hormone that promotes mood and confidence. Low levels may cause complications like depression.

Insomnia and Fatigue

As mentioned earlier, estrogen facilitates serotonin production. Serotonin facilitates melatonin, a sleep hormone. A lack of melatonin causes sleeplessness and fatigue. Therefore, if you have insomnia or feel fatigued most of the time, even when you wake up in the morning, it could mean your estrogen level is low.


Headaches like migraines are also a symptom of low estrogen. Remember, estrogen affects the chemicals in the brain responsible for controlling pain. Once the hormone levels go low, you can experience severe headaches that don’t go away quickly.

Frequent UTI

Estrogen is also responsible for helping the Lining of the urethra. It facilitates the job of the Lining to eliminate harmful bacteria. When this Lining fails because of low estrogen, UTI attack frequently.

Bone Loss

Bone loss is also partly a result of low estrogen levels. Bones require estrogen for their density and strength. Therefore, when there is not enough estrogen to support these aspects, you may start experiencing bone loss where you fracture easily.


The most effective treatment for low estrogen is HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). The doctor may also recommend other remedies like diet and lifestyle adjustments. They may also suggest reducing exercise, eating natural foods and supplements, and balancing weight. If you choose HRT as the best treatment, your healthcare provider may administer it orally through the vagina, injection, creams, and lotions or pellets. However, you must qualify as an HRT candidate. HRT may not be the treatment for you if you have cancer, heart attacks, stroke, or high blood pressure.

A few natural supplements that you may want to look into for female hormonal support that Stina, Hello Lovely Living founder, has tried to much success in managing the following symptoms during the monthly menstrual cycle are:

● Tension headaches

● Hot flashes at night

● Anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability

● Acne, breakouts

These are the exact supplements Stina uses to treat her PMS symptoms:

Fenugreek seeds

Chaste Berry

Evening Primrose Oil

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin E

● Seamoss

Stina also shares her Natural Migraine Remedies That Work on Kindle and her natural and effective migraine detox remedy on the blog.


From the details above, estrogen indeed plays a vital role in different body functions. It impacts your emotional, physical, and sexual health. Therefore, consider doing more research for a diagnosis and treatment if you have the symptoms discussed above.