Posts tagged vision
Top 5 Tips To Preserve Eye Health With Hydration

Generally, everyone understands the need to be hydrated for general health. As the human body is around 60% water, being hydrated is critical for a variety of physical activities and overall health and wellness.


But are you aware of the fact that your water intake can significantly impact your eye health? Dehydration may cause eye issues such as fatigue, dry eye, dizziness, and headaches.

When your water intake is not adequate, you may feel that your eyes hurt while blinking. You may also experience red and itchy eyes.

In this article, we will discuss how vital eye hydration is in protecting your vision, providing practical suggestions for keeping your eyes moist and healthy.

No. 1

Impact of Hydration on The Eye

Your eyes are made of a significant amount of water. Adequate hydration keeps the eyes lubricated and helps them wash out dirt and irritants.

Additionally, being hydrated aids in maintaining the equilibrium of pressure within the eye, which is critical for general eye health. If proper hydration is not maintained, the result is dehydration of the eyes, which causes irritating eye issues such as dry and itchy eyes.

Diving deeper into the topic of hydration, did you know that alkaline water specifically, having a pH of between 8.5 and 9.5, is far better at promoting better hydration than drinking water, which is between 6.5 and 8.5? This means that many of us essentially lack the adequate hydration that our bodies need.

Drinking alkaline water or water that has been ionized increases the level of hydration at a cellular level that simply cannot be attained with tap water. This raises the pH of drinking water by using electrolysis to separate the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components, producing antioxidant-rich water.

No. 2

Eye Issues That Arises Due to Dehydration

If your eyes are dehydrated, you may suffer a variety of unpleasant symptoms that might disrupt your everyday life. These symptoms may include the following:

  • The Burning or Gritty Sensation - It is often the first sign of ocular dryness. This soreness, burning, and gritty sensation in the eye can be very uncomfortable. You may find it challenging to concentrate and may feel constant annoyance.

  • Blurry Vision - When the eye lacks enough moisture, the surface of the eye may become uneven, causing visual problems. This blurry vision can limit your ability to read or drive.

  • Pain Due to Contact Lenses - Wearing contact lenses can be painful when the eye is dehydrated. The lenses may feel dry and irritating, causing you to be constantly aware of their presence. Dehydration can also restrict your ability to wear them for long periods.

  • Light Sensitivity - Dry eyes can also become sensitive to light. This condition is also known as photophobia. Bright lights can induce discomfort and aversion to well-lit surroundings. This condition may limit your everyday activities and exposure to both natural and artificial light.

  • Sandiness: Are you wondering why does my eye hurt when I blink? Well, you might be facing sandiness in your eye due to a lack of moisture. It is a condition in which it might seem like particles are trapped in your eye. It can result in persistent pain and the desire to touch or scratch the eye, exacerbating the issue.

  • Eye Strain: If you feel strain, tightness, or hurting around the eye, you may be experiencing dry eye. Along with dehydration, prolonged screen time, reading, or other visually demanding activities can exacerbate these symptoms.

  • Headaches: The eye and the brain are inextricably linked. So, pressure resulting from the lack of eye hydration can cause headaches, adding to the total pain.

No. 3

5 Tips for Maintaining Eye Health With Hydration

In today's digital world, where displays and electronics dominate our everyday lives, taking care of your eyes has never been more crucial. Here are five specific strategies for keeping your eyes healthy with adequate hydration:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water - To keep your eyes hydrated, it is generally advised to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

  2. Eat Hydrating Foods - Cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and celery are high-water foods that can help you stay hydrated and improve your vision. Including these hydrated items in your meals and snacks helps keep your eyes feeling fresh and moisturized.

  3. Limit Intake of Dehydrating Substances - Excessive coffee or alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, impairing ocular comfort and functionality. By limiting your consumption of dehydrating substances, you can maintain appropriate hydration and benefit your eye health in the process.

  4. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule - Do you spend lengthy periods looking at screens, either for work or entertainment? Continuous screen usage can cause strained and dry eyes. To avoid this, apply the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and stare at anything 20 feet away. This straightforward procedure can relieve your eyes and keep them from becoming too dry.

  5. Use Humidifiers - Dry indoor environments, especially during winter or in air-conditioned spaces, can contribute to eye dryness and irritation. Using a humidifier in your home or workspace can help maintain an optimal level of moisture in the air, reducing the likelihood of dry eye. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience discomfort due to environmental dryness.


To summarize, dehydration can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including burning, grittiness, blurred vision, and dry eye. You might also suffer from difficulty wearing contact lenses and increased sensitivity to light. It's crucial to ensure eye hydration promptly to alleviate these symptoms and prevent further discomfort.

Incorporating strategies such as drinking enough water, taking regular breaks from the screen, using humidifiers, and ensuring proper eye care can help maintain optimal eye moisture levels and minimize the impact of dehydration-related symptoms.

10 Effective Ways To Create A Better Life

Life is meant to be an amazing time. While it will still have its ups and downs, life is intended to generally be a positive, even amazing experience. Realistically, however, this is not the case for everyone, and you could find yourself wanting to have a better life. Though this feels isolating, it is a far more common feeling than you think.

People from all around the world face the same sentiment in wanting to create a better life for themselves. It is innate within us to want to have the best experience in this life. Thankfully, with so much information opening up to us, and awareness being gained, we are now learning various ways to create a better life through intention. 

In this article, we will discuss ten ways that many others have applied to create a better life and have found to be successful. While you may need to adapt them to where you are in your personal development journey, they are highly beneficial nonetheless, as they can be used as a guide to fall back on.

No. 1

Face Your Emotions

You will experience a wide range of emotions countless times during your life. Some of these will be positive, while others will be negative. It is relatively natural to embrace the positive emotions while trying to ignore the negative ones. That is not exactly the right thing to do, however, and it could have negative effects on your life.

Negative emotions do not go away just because you choose to ignore them. Instead, they build over time, and this can lead to quite a few negative outcomes for your health. As with your mental health, you could be affected greatly by suppressing your emotions more than you would expect as symptoms manifest in various ways. Instead, take the time to acknowledge how you are feeling and address your emotions in a healthy way instead of avoiding them.

No. 2

Develop Healthy Attitudes

There are many people who believe they are owed a better life, and that it should just be handed to them. This can be observed in quite a few ways, such as believing they are owed a promotion even when it has not been earned. We all know that this is just not how the world works. A life with rewards is earned, not just given.

Those with this approach to life find themselves privileged and taking more than they are giving out, which they soon find has long-term ill consequences. By not making diligent progress toward contributing to a better life, people like this find themselves in a bitter cycle that does not seem to progress. 

Anything in life must be built, so an attitude like this will work against anyone trying to build a better life. No one is owed anything in life, and everyone must put the work into getting what they want. By understanding this and putting the time and effort into earning what you desire, you will not have a problem achieving your goals as they are set with intention and within your control.

No. 3

Overcome Any Addictions

Addictions of any kind can be actively harmful to you and your life. If you truly want to have a better life, it is important to overcome any addictions you have. Even something as seemingly minor as a soda addiction can have a greater impact on your health and life than you might think.

Then there are the more obviously harmful addictions, which you could need a drug and alcohol treatment program for adults to overcome. If you are struggling with addiction, there is no shame in asking for help, and it will get you on a path to a better life than you ever knew possible.

No. 4

Develop Self-awareness

Everyone has faked it every once in a while. Whether that is pretending you are feeling better than you are, or that you like something that you really do not, it is something we have all experienced. Unwittingly, in these scenarios, we end up in an inauthentic position that does not have a positive effect on our lives, as it means putting up with quite a few things we do not like in the first place.

Sure, there will always be times when you must compromise within relationships where your needs are not always going to be the priority. However, by knowing who you are and staying true to that, you will take better care of yourself while also creating a more authentic life in alignment with your desires. Stay true to your personal values and strive toward making yourself happy. You will be much happier because of it.

No. 5

Discern And Avoid Negative Thinking

It is easy to have negative thoughts every once in a while, especially when something bad happens. That does not mean you should dwell on them for too long, however. If you do, you could fall into a pattern of negative thinking, which could have a significant impact on your life and mental health.

By being intentional about your thought life and staying focused on positivity, you will be on track to having a better life. Counteract your negative thoughts with positive ones to make sure you are in an elevated mental state and leading a better, happier, life because of it.

Meditation is a healthy way to learn how to observe your thoughts from a place of awareness. By being an observer of the mind, you will be able to discern the thoughts that you have and either allow or disallow them from receiving your attention. This helps in letting go of negative thoughts and focusing on those that are healthy.

No. 6

Create Enjoyment In Your Day

Not all days will be amazing. There will be ones that you do not particularly enjoy. You could even end up having days that are absolutely terrible. Thankfully, that does not mean the entire day should be a write-off. You could easily find something to enjoy for the rest of your day. It is simply a matter of perspective, as nothing is either good or bad other than the definition we assign to it. Look for the positive in any given situation to reframe your thoughts back to a healthier place.

Likewise, there could be brighter parts of your day if you look for them or try to put effort into making every day enjoyable. Assigning a small part of each day that is enjoyable could be more than enough to have something to look forward to. It could be anything at all, and in doing so, you will show yourself that you are committed to enjoyment as part of your everyday experience.

No. 7

Let Go Of Resentments

Everyone experiences times when they feel resentful. This is natural, and it can be caused by quite a few things that are not any less deserving of your attention. While it is okay to feel bad when something negative happens or someone does something you do not like, it should not be something you carry with you for quite a while.

It is a healthy practice to drop any resentments as soon as you are capable of doing so. They can take up too much mental energy and have a negative impact on how you feel. By letting resentments go and moving on, you can have a better life free from any negative feelings that are harmful to you. In time, this positive action could be the start of improving strained relationships and fostering a healthier resolution process in the future.

No. 8

Stick To A Routine

Humans are creatures of habit, and most people often find that sticking to a routine is a comforting experience. While this might not be possible for everyone, it could be worth trying if you do not already have a routine to rely on.

To make this practice effective, working positive and healthy habits into your new routine is recommended. You will end up having quite a better life simply because you will have intentionally planned it out that way. 

This, however, does not mean that you must make every day identical. Create a routine that you feel great about and that leaves you with the flexibility to be productive and spontaneous when you need it. Making progress is always about discipline, so as long as you are consistent in your daily efforts, you will see positive results in your life in due time.

No. 9

Prepare For Your Day The Night Before

Life can be a stressful experience, especially when you are pretty busy. Your mornings could be filled with frantic, rushed energy, which makes things worse because you are setting your day up on the wrong note. You will not want to be in a rush every morning, as it affects your mood and nervous system, so it is worth taking steps to avoid that as much as you can.

Starting your day the night before could be a great way of doing this. It lets you sort things out for the morning ahead, the night before. You can do this in quite a few ways, all of which are likely to help. Even something as simple as putting the following day’s outfit together could be enough to help you cultivate a better, more relaxed morning and life.

No. 10

Be mature in all situations

There is quite a lot involved in being an adult, and you will need to actually “act your age” at one point or another. While that is pretty easy to do when everything’s going your way, it is more difficult when things are going badly. It is natural to overreact and misbehave when you do not get what you want or when something negative happens.

The key to avoiding this is being ready to be mature to approach life’s challenges. You will need to behave accordingly, no matter what any given situation entails. This means taking the high road as much as you can, which you should not have a problem doing if you are dedicated to a better life.

While that means putting the effort in to make things right at any cost, it will have much more of a positive impact on your life than you imagine. At a minimum, it will help you avoid any negative repercussions caused by your reactions. You will simply be in more control of your outcomes by knowing that you can choose how to approach things for the greater good.

The List



Top 5 Tips For Living A Better Life

As effective as each of the above ways to have a better life can be when applied to your life, there are so many other tips that you can utilize to become more intentional. Here are a few tips you can incorporate that will help you achieve this:

No. 1


Focus on quality over quantity when buying or doing anything

No. 2


Take steps to help you relax

No. 3


Feed your mind and stay mentally active

No. 4


Be serious about your sleep

No. 5


Learn when and how to say “no”

Combined with the above strategies, each of these tips can make living a better life much easier than you think. If it is something you already want, there should not be anything stopping you from reaching your goals. Consider them a guide on your path to a happier, healthier life.


Case in point: You find yourself wanting to have a better life, but you have resigned yourself to the one you already have. It often seems impossible to have something better. Thankfully, you need not have to settle for that. You can always choose to have a better life, one that you can create at any moment in time, knowing that you also deserve it.

As we have discussed, there are countless ways to have a better life—many of which you could never have known could have such a detrimental impact, and some of which are much more practical than others. Now with the tools in hand, with further application and discipline, you will not have a problem leading the life you deserve.

Sticking to a routine, letting go of resentments, being aware of negative thinking, and similar strategies are just the tip of the iceberg. There is nothing truly stopping you from having a better life, and the more you become aware of the interconnectedness of things, you more you will develop your own strategies toward conscious living.

Do Home-Based Businesses Need A Financial Advisor?

According to the SBA (Small Business Administration), approximately 50% of all US businesses are home-based. Additionally, reports from the Pew Research Center reveal that 16 million Americans are self-employed. This makes up nearly 30% of the total workforce. The majority of these businesses are sole proprietorships; thus, every decision, be it related to inventory or financial investment, is made without any additional advice or support.  

Unlike large companies, small business owners like sole proprietors do not have a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) to advise them about their company’s financial condition or direction. Thus, home-based businesses struggle to maintain their good standing or fail to grow. What can a home-business owner do in this situation? The answer is simpler than you think: Hire a financial advisor. In this article, we discuss a few points to consider when hiring one.

What does a financial advisor do? 

Generally speaking, financial advisors assist entrepreneurs with deciding the course of action for their revenue earned. However, their role is not limited to financial advice. Rather, there are numerous services that you can select from based on your current and ongoing needs.

  • Debt Management: Creating strategies to pay off debt and avoid the same costs in the future. 

  • Tax Planning: This includes tax return preparation, planning tax-loss harvesting security sales, enhancing tax deductions (and exemptions), using capital gains tax rates wisely, and more. 

  • Insurance & healthcare advice: Providing the best solutions for you and your teams’ healthcare on a long-term basis. 

  • Budgeting: Strategies to meet business goals (both short-term & long-term) within your budget. 

Apart from this, financial advisors can also assist you in retirement and estate planning.

Signs you need a financial advisor

Though you do not need any specific reason to work with a financial advisor, certain signs call for professional assistance. These signs include: 

  • You do not know how and where to invest business earnings.

  • You are frequently losing money on your investment(s).

  • You do not have an estate plan.

  • You are currently struggling with debt payments.

  • You are constantly failing at creating a budget. 

If you have already designated personnel to manage your finances and assist you with business decisions, you do not necessarily need to appoint a new person. Instead, you can connect with a financial advisor business coach to train your already appointed staff. They can help you in deepening your client relationships, and you will be able to envision your business's future growth with just a few helpful insights. 

It is important to note that not all coaches are created equal. Try to find one with a well-developed signature program that aligns with your business goals and objectives. A signature program is a coaching framework that has been refined and perfected over time, providing a structured and effective approach to achieving specific outcomes. With a signature coaching program, a business coach can help you develop new skills, improve your performance, and achieve measurable results, ultimately leading to the success and growth of your business.

How to choose a financial advisor? 

A financial advisor can make or break a business. Therefore, you must practice due diligence when appointing one for your home-based business. Some of the things you need to take into consideration when selecting a financial advisor include: 

  • Is the financial advisor certified? Check the certification of the advisor.

  • What types of services are offered and what are the fees? If they have connections with a prime broker for small and emerging hedge funds, that's better.

  • Understand the financial advisor’s approach and beliefs, and check if it aligns with your goals. 

  • Look for someone who has the appropriate tools and resources to teach you financial freedom.


It does not matter whether you own a small business or a global enterprise; you need a financial advisor or an entire team to help you make the most appropriate financial decisions for your business. Nevertheless, it is good to keep in mind that every financial advisor will have different strengths to bring to the table. Not any one individual receives the same level of training and experience, so you must be vigilant in selecting a professional that is knowledgeable and capable of bringing you positive results.