Posts tagged eye
Top 5 Tips To Preserve Eye Health With Hydration

Generally, everyone understands the need to be hydrated for general health. As the human body is around 60% water, being hydrated is critical for a variety of physical activities and overall health and wellness.


But are you aware of the fact that your water intake can significantly impact your eye health? Dehydration may cause eye issues such as fatigue, dry eye, dizziness, and headaches.

When your water intake is not adequate, you may feel that your eyes hurt while blinking. You may also experience red and itchy eyes.

In this article, we will discuss how vital eye hydration is in protecting your vision, providing practical suggestions for keeping your eyes moist and healthy.

No. 1

Impact of Hydration on The Eye

Your eyes are made of a significant amount of water. Adequate hydration keeps the eyes lubricated and helps them wash out dirt and irritants.

Additionally, being hydrated aids in maintaining the equilibrium of pressure within the eye, which is critical for general eye health. If proper hydration is not maintained, the result is dehydration of the eyes, which causes irritating eye issues such as dry and itchy eyes.

Diving deeper into the topic of hydration, did you know that alkaline water specifically, having a pH of between 8.5 and 9.5, is far better at promoting better hydration than drinking water, which is between 6.5 and 8.5? This means that many of us essentially lack the adequate hydration that our bodies need.

Drinking alkaline water or water that has been ionized increases the level of hydration at a cellular level that simply cannot be attained with tap water. This raises the pH of drinking water by using electrolysis to separate the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components, producing antioxidant-rich water.

No. 2

Eye Issues That Arises Due to Dehydration

If your eyes are dehydrated, you may suffer a variety of unpleasant symptoms that might disrupt your everyday life. These symptoms may include the following:

  • The Burning or Gritty Sensation - It is often the first sign of ocular dryness. This soreness, burning, and gritty sensation in the eye can be very uncomfortable. You may find it challenging to concentrate and may feel constant annoyance.

  • Blurry Vision - When the eye lacks enough moisture, the surface of the eye may become uneven, causing visual problems. This blurry vision can limit your ability to read or drive.

  • Pain Due to Contact Lenses - Wearing contact lenses can be painful when the eye is dehydrated. The lenses may feel dry and irritating, causing you to be constantly aware of their presence. Dehydration can also restrict your ability to wear them for long periods.

  • Light Sensitivity - Dry eyes can also become sensitive to light. This condition is also known as photophobia. Bright lights can induce discomfort and aversion to well-lit surroundings. This condition may limit your everyday activities and exposure to both natural and artificial light.

  • Sandiness: Are you wondering why does my eye hurt when I blink? Well, you might be facing sandiness in your eye due to a lack of moisture. It is a condition in which it might seem like particles are trapped in your eye. It can result in persistent pain and the desire to touch or scratch the eye, exacerbating the issue.

  • Eye Strain: If you feel strain, tightness, or hurting around the eye, you may be experiencing dry eye. Along with dehydration, prolonged screen time, reading, or other visually demanding activities can exacerbate these symptoms.

  • Headaches: The eye and the brain are inextricably linked. So, pressure resulting from the lack of eye hydration can cause headaches, adding to the total pain.

No. 3

5 Tips for Maintaining Eye Health With Hydration

In today's digital world, where displays and electronics dominate our everyday lives, taking care of your eyes has never been more crucial. Here are five specific strategies for keeping your eyes healthy with adequate hydration:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water - To keep your eyes hydrated, it is generally advised to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

  2. Eat Hydrating Foods - Cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and celery are high-water foods that can help you stay hydrated and improve your vision. Including these hydrated items in your meals and snacks helps keep your eyes feeling fresh and moisturized.

  3. Limit Intake of Dehydrating Substances - Excessive coffee or alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, impairing ocular comfort and functionality. By limiting your consumption of dehydrating substances, you can maintain appropriate hydration and benefit your eye health in the process.

  4. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule - Do you spend lengthy periods looking at screens, either for work or entertainment? Continuous screen usage can cause strained and dry eyes. To avoid this, apply the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and stare at anything 20 feet away. This straightforward procedure can relieve your eyes and keep them from becoming too dry.

  5. Use Humidifiers - Dry indoor environments, especially during winter or in air-conditioned spaces, can contribute to eye dryness and irritation. Using a humidifier in your home or workspace can help maintain an optimal level of moisture in the air, reducing the likelihood of dry eye. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience discomfort due to environmental dryness.


To summarize, dehydration can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including burning, grittiness, blurred vision, and dry eye. You might also suffer from difficulty wearing contact lenses and increased sensitivity to light. It's crucial to ensure eye hydration promptly to alleviate these symptoms and prevent further discomfort.

Incorporating strategies such as drinking enough water, taking regular breaks from the screen, using humidifiers, and ensuring proper eye care can help maintain optimal eye moisture levels and minimize the impact of dehydration-related symptoms.

Top Tips To Safeguard Your Family's Health

For any parent, the joy of starting a family is one of life's most important and monumental events. Seeing your children develop and grow as they take their first steps and form their first words are emotional events and key memories to be cherished. As your children grow and as time progresses, you will be motivated to ensure that they are set up for success in all areas of life, including health and education—ensuring that they grow into healthy, independent, and financially secure adults.

Throughout your child’s growth stages and at the forefront of your mind, it will become increasingly necessary to safeguard your family’s ongoing good health. Being fit and healthy is fundamental to a long and enjoyable life. So, reinforcing these skills early on will only benefit your entire family unit. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that you build a strong foundation for long-term physical health as you grow your family.

In this article, we discuss three tips on healthy living habits for you and your family members.

No. 1

Exercise together as a family

The link between regular exercise and improved health is widely recognized. Exercise has numerous health benefits, including helping to improve cardiovascular health in all ages, reducing stress levels, and lowering blood pressure. Take the time to plan some family activities that feature exercise and fun. For example, you could take the family on a walk in the countryside every weekend. The gentle exercise and fresh air will be invigorating, and the intensity of the walk can be tailored to the fitness of your family members.

Other perfect ideas for more sporty families include picking a team sport to play together. Cycling is an excellent choice (along with countryside walks) because you can tailor the intensity of the exercise to that of the participants. In the summer months, consider playing a game of soccer together as a family for guaranteed fun and good times.

No. 2

Ensure their eye health is monitored

Most families will be fully aware of the importance of regular health checkups. They will take their children to routine doctor appointments to ensure there are no undiagnosed health problems. However, eye health can sometimes be overlooked as a vital part of your family's healthcare, and this should be avoided. Take your family members for an eye exam at least once every two years. This is vital for children and adults alike.

Eye health can indicate general health, and by examining the interior of the eye, optometrists can identify if other health problems (such as diabetes) are present. Children may need to wear glasses or use contact lenses if their eyesight needs correcting, which must be identified swiftly. However, laser eye surgery may be considered for older family members as a permanent solution to vision problems.

No. 3

Family home-cooked meals

Never underestimate the benefits of making home-cooked family meals. Cooking fresh, home-cooked meals helps to ensure you and the family enjoy a nutritious and well-balanced diet, supporting a healthy immune system. Children can be encouraged to help with simple food preparation activities, which can increase in complexity as they grow older and more confident in the kitchen. Remember that you will be helping them develop valuable life skills that will help them stay healthy as independent adults.


Instilling healthy habits while your children are young teaches them life skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. As they grow up, they will start making choices on their own, ultimately affecting their well-being. As parents, we can mold our children into successful adults by passing on the correct knowledge that we know has the power to propel them further in life. Whether you are just starting to make small changes for your family or have been applying healthy habits for yourself and want to get your family involved, your awareness is key, and you should be proud of yourself for wanting to share that with those you love.