Posts tagged sun
3 Actions To Take Now To Immediately Improve Your Mental Health

Every new year brings renewed energy and excitement to make positive improvements in our lives. The topic of health is commonly at the forefront of our minds as we evaluate the previous years’ habits and determine ways to develop ourselves further in this area. Setting attainable goals is fundamental to this as well as considering how improving your mental health requires a holistic approach.

HLL x 3 Actions To Take Now To Immediately Improve Your Mental Health

Stina spending a few hours outside enjoying a sunny day in Las Vegas. It is especially important to get outside and soak up sunlight during the Winter months.

Keeping with this idea, health is part of a whole, which includes the mind and body. In this article, we will discuss how physical and mental health go hand-in-hand and actions you can take to immediately improve it.

No. 1

Eat Whole foods

Unfortunately, we were raised to think that an endless variety of food is good for us, and we have been fed the idea that we can eat anything and everything we desire. This is a false idea that continues to wreak havoc on our bodies. Unless you are sticking to whole foods, the concept of variety is disastrous to health.

The best thing you can do for your mental health is to be restrictive with foods that cause stress within your digestive system and overall health. We often fail to consider how the foods we eat tie in with our overall well-being and influence how we feel daily. By avoiding and eliminating foods that damage your health and focusing on a variety of whole foods, you can begin to feel much more clear-headed and energized.

What to eat to improve your mental health:

  1. Fruits and vegetables: Eating a variety of whole fruits and vegetables every day improves overall health immediately because it is readily converted to energy. The body needs this to function optimally, so any deficiencies can begin to resolve as soon as you target what your body needs.

  2. Nuts, seeds, grains, legumes: Focussing on vegan protein sources is ideal as part of a wholesome diet. Not only are you getting protein from plants, but you are allowing your digestive system to work ideally without the added stress of breaking down animal proteins that can be the cause of many digestive issues.

  3. Probiotics: The gut-brain connection is clear, and a person’s stomach or intestinal stress can result in anxiety, stress, and depression. Incorporating probiotics through a plethora of sources can have positive effects on your mental health. By improving your gut health and ensuring a healthy gut microbiota, you can essentially improve your brain health.

No. 2

Get Active

A lack of physical activity can have wide implications for your health, especially as you age. And, if you were not given the proper education about how or why this is important, you may be inclined to think that it is a preference rather than a requirement needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Not only is physical activity fundamental to a good quality of life but there are so many benefits that you could be taking advantage of.

In terms of mental health, physical activity is a relationship that you develop with yourself that requires discipline, consistency, and determination. When confronted with life’s daily challenges, how you develop your mental acuity through fitness training can strengthen your mental health as well.

When starting, here are a few points to consider:

  1. Type(s) of physical activity: Determine which physical activities you would like to commit to or explore. This could be anything from sports to working out from home, going to the gym, taking a yoga class, or outdoor activities such as hiking or biking. It could be anything you choose, and there is no limit to what you can do to get active.

  2. Fitness schedule: Staying on a regular schedule is necessary to maintain consistency and achieve results. 2-3 times a week at 1-hour sessions will provide you with more than enough time. Remember that it is not about how long you are active, but the quality of it. Less is more, even in fitness.

  3. 80/20 rule: Fitness (20%) has more to do with diet and nutrition (80%) than anything else, and if you are not eating to nourish your body from the inside out, you will not see the results you desire. You will only spin your wheels harder than you need to. So, make sure to eat wholesome foods and avoid processed varieties.

No. 3

Get Outside

The benefits of being outside in nature and under the sun are underrated. In a society that prizes productivity over stillness, being outside is the most radical thing you can do to fight against society’s standards that ultimately affect our mental health.

Being outside allows us to reflect and see the bigger picture—that we are all small in comparison to the grand scheme of things, yet we all play a significant role. This takes us outside our heads and into the realm of gratitude—knowing that it is a blessing to experience this life.

In addition, being outside boosts oxygen to the brain, increasing levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that alters your mood. By incorporating physical activity like hiking or running, you could also be benefiting from an increase in endorphins as well. Sunlight is also a major contributor to wellness, producing oxytocin and dopamine, which increase feelings of joy and happiness.


Feeling well from the inside out requires many changes to take place. When considering mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression, these are all just symptoms of a larger cause. Focusing on health requires a holistic approach—not simply addressing the symptoms, expecting they will resolve.

By taking actionable steps to approach the various contributors to overall health, you can improve your mental health in tandem. Resources like are also there to help provide support when you need it. Speak with a specialist, get mental health check-ins, and book professional therapy so that you can be aligned with your goals throughout your mental health journey.

5 Tips on Enhancing Your Lighting To Boost Your Mood
enhance your mood with lighting

@hellolovelyliving Founder in Orange County, CA enjoying and encouraging getting more outdoor sun.

Lighting, the expression to impress

A well-lit home is a happy home. But what does that mean, exactly? To some, it might mean a home filled with natural light. To others, it might mean a home filled with lamps and overhead lighting. And to others still, it might mean a little bit of both. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing the right lighting for your home. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision. First, think about the mood you want to create. Do you want a warm and inviting space, or a bright and airy one? Second, consider the activities that take place in each room. A home office, for example, will likely need brighter lighting than a bedroom. Finally, don't forget about energy efficiency. LED bulbs may cost more upfront, but they'll save you money in the long run. With these things in mind, Blingle! will assist you, so you are sure to find the perfect lighting solution for your home.

Mood Boosters


Use softer, diffused light

Incandescent bulbs emit a warm, yellow-toned light that can be soothing and mood-boosting. Halogen and LED lights are also good options for providing diffused lighting. Soft, diffused light is often used to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. However, new research suggests that this type of lighting may also have mood-boosting benefits. In a recent study, participants who were exposed to diffused light reported feeling more positive and energetic than those who were exposed to direct light. The researchers believe that the softening effect of diffused light may help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. So if you're looking for a way to improve your mood, try turning down the brightness and opening up the curtains. It turns out that letting in some soft, diffused light could be just what you need.


Consider using natural light

If you have the option to let natural light into your home or office, take advantage of it! We all know that getting a good night's sleep is important for our physical and mental health. But did you know that the quality of light we're exposed to during the day can also have a significant impact on our mood and well-being? That's why it's important to consider using natural light to improve your mood. Studies have shown that exposure to natural light can help to reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and increase energy levels. So next time you're feeling down, try spending some time in the great outdoors. And if you can't get outside, try opening the curtains or turning on some lamps to let in some extra light. Trust me, your mood will thank you for it!


Use task lighting

In addition to general lighting, make sure you have adequate task lighting for things like reading, writing, or working on the computer. This will help reduce eye strain and keep you from getting fatigued. We all know the feeling of being in a dimly lit room and feeling a It's not just your imagination; Studies have shown that exposure to low levels of lighting can actually lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to improve your mood, try switching to task lighting. Task lighting is designed to provide a focused, glare-free light source that can help you see better while you work. But it can also have a positive effect on your emotional well-being. Studies have shown that increased exposure to task lighting can lead to improved mood and decreased stress levels. So if you're looking for a way to brighten up your day, literally, give task lighting a try.


Avoid blue light at night

Blue light has been shown to suppress the production of melatonin, which can make it difficult to fall asleep. If you use electronic devices in the evening, try using blue light-blocking filters or glasses to reduce the amount of blue light exposure. Most of us are guilty of spending too much time staring at screens, whether it's our phones, computers, or TVs. And while there's no denying that this can be bad for our eyesight, it turns out that it can also have an effect on our mood. That's because blue light, which is emitted by most electronic screens, suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. As a result, exposure to blue light at night can disrupt our natural sleep cycle and lead to feelings of grogginess and fatigue during the day. So if you're looking to improve your mood, it's important to avoid blue light at night. And while that might mean giving up your late-night Netflix binge, your body will thank you in the morning.


Consider your color scheme

Certain colors have been shown to have an effect on mood. For example, blue and green are thought to be calming, while yellow and orange can be energizing. When choosing paint colors or fabrics for your home, keep these effects in mind to create a space that makes you feel good. Think about your favorite color. Does it make you feel happy, peaceful, or energetic? Now consider a color you don't like. Perhaps it makes you feel anxious or angry. The colors we surround ourselves with can have a major impact on our mood, so it's important to choose a color scheme that will create the desired atmosphere in your home. For example, if you want to create a feeling of relaxation, you might want to use cool colors like blue or green. On the other hand, if you're looking to boost your energy levels, you might opt for warmer shades like red or orange. By being mindful of your color choices, you can create a space that's both visually pleasing and emotionally comforting.


Whether it be for home or office, lighting is so important in setting the tone in our environment. It affects us in more ways than we understand. Making sure to not entirely rely on synthetic lighting is the key. Get outside and soak up those wonderful sun rays to get the most beneficial effects of light for your health and wellness. Just 20 minutes of the midday sun during the summer months is efficient for vitamin D production.

Summer Beach Essentials
Summer Beach Essentials

Summer is here and wouldn't you like to hit the beach - not only feeling great - but looking great and enjoying the latest in beach accessories? For those of you who have the pleasure of hitting the sand this summer, here is a list of essentials that I've been spotting lately. I hope you will find inspiration from it and find something you love! There are so many fun accessories to enjoy this summer, so why not get creative at the beach. Try something new and look and feel amazing! 


1 // THE AZTEC ROUND TOWEL the beach people

2 // JUTE MAJORELLE BAG the beach people












Julep is giving away free summer beauty gifts valued at $78 for each new signup! Just click on the banner for more details and to get your very own free set. 

Poolside Beauty Welcome Box Offer

So, what do you think? I hope you found something you loved and got inspired for your next beach (or pool) trip! Soak up the sun and enjoy your summer - because we all know - summer just doesn't last long enough (for some of us)! 

Let me know what you liked - and if there are any other fabulous beach accessories that you know about - let me know below. I love discovering new things. 

Happy Summer!

xo stina