Posts tagged home energy saving tips
A Guide To Installing Solar Panels

Harnessing solar energy by installing solar panels is not just an environmentally conscious choice; it's also a practical and cost-effective way to power your home.

However, the process of installing solar panels involves careful planning, adherence to local regulations, and collaboration with solar professionals. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to successfully install solar panels on your property.

No. 1

Assess Your Energy Needs

Review your utility bills to understand your average monthly energy usage, peak demand times, and any potential changes in consumption. This assessment provides the foundation for designing a solar system that meets your home's specific energy requirements.

No. 2

Site Assessment

Conduct a thorough site assessment to ensure that your property is suitable for installation. Factors like the orientation of your roof, shading from nearby trees or buildings, and the structural integrity of your roof need to be considered. A professional solar installer will evaluate these factors to determine your solar panels' optimal placement and angle.

No. 3

Choose the Right Solar Panels

Selecting the appropriate solar panels is a crucial step in the installation process. Solar panels come in various types, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. Consider factors such as efficiency, durability, and aesthetics when choosing panels that suit your needs. Consult with solar professionals to determine the best solar panel technology for your specific circumstances.

No. 4

Find a Qualified Solar Installer

Engage with reputable and qualified solar installers like to ensure a smooth and successful installation process. Research local companies, read customer reviews, and ask for recommendations from friends or neighbors who have installed solar panels. Choose an installer with experience, proper certifications, and a track record of delivering quality installations.

No. 5

Obtain Necessary Permits

Before proceeding with the installation, you'll need to obtain the necessary permits from local authorities. Permitting requirements vary by location, and your solar installer will typically handle this aspect of the process. Ensure that your installation complies with local building codes and regulations to avoid any complications during or after the installation.

No. 6

Installation Day

The solar panel installation team will arrive to set up the system on the scheduled installation day. This means mounting the solar panels on your roof or on the ground, connecting them to the electrical system, and installing inverters and other necessary components. The installation process is typically completed within a few days, depending on the size and complexity of the system.

No. 7

Inspection and Interconnection

After the installation is complete, the system will undergo an inspection by local authorities or utility representatives to ensure compliance with regulations. Once the system passes inspection, it will be connected to the grid, allowing you to start generating solar energy. Your solar installer will handle the necessary paperwork and facilitate the interconnection process.


Installing solar panels involves a series of carefully orchestrated steps—from assessing your energy needs to choosing the right solar panels, finding a qualified installer, obtaining permits, and completing the installation process. By following this comprehensive guide and working with experienced professionals, you can navigate the solar journey successfully, transforming your property into a sustainable and energy-efficient powerhouse. Embrace the power of solar energy and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for your home and the planet.

Houston: The Cost Of AC Repair - What You Need To Know

No matter where you live in the world, we can all agree that keeping your heating and cooling unit in excellent condition throughout the year is a goal that mustn’t be overlooked. The reality is that replacing or repairing an AC unit can often present a few challenges.

Not only do AC repair costs vary a lot, but finding the right repair package that includes repair and maintenance can be hard to find. This search can be especially daunting for new homeowners who are new to the complexities of AC repair.

To make the cost estimation easier for you, we have prepared an AC repair - Houston guide that outlines key points to consider.


Cost of AC Repair - Houston, TX

When getting an estimate for the AC repair cost, you must know what is included in the repair package. Usually, AC repair packages vary from one HVAC contractor to another.

If you are looking for HVAC repair technicians in Houston, you will find that some technicians are providing complete maintenance and repair. Again, some repair companies are only providing the repair. This is why, before hiring an AC repair company, you must first check what is included in the package.

Nowadays, there is a trend among reputable and experienced HVAC contractors that they are providing complete AC maintenance and repair to their customers at an affordable price. These services include cleaning the filter, repairing the fan and evaporator coil, checking the AC leaks, removing dust, etc.

Things to do before deciding to repair your AC

No. 1

Evaluate the Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

An air conditioner’s efficiency is the ratio of produced cool air and energy consumption. It means the higher the AC’s efficiency, the more money you will save while operating the unit.

Older cooling units used SEER to indicate their efficiency. Usually, older cooling units had an efficiency under 10. On the contrary, newer ACs use SEER2 to indicate their efficiency, and the efficiency starts from 14.3. From this, you can easily understand that the newer cooling units are more energy-efficient than the older ones.

If you have an older cooling unit, it is obvious that it is running on low efficiency. Now, if your older units require repairs that consume much more electricity than they should and provide low performance, it is not financially viable to repair the unit. Instead, you should replace the older unit with a new one.

However, if you have an AC unit with high energy efficiency, you must repair the unit ASAP.

No. 2

Factor in the AC unit’s Age

After the AC’s efficiency, you will have to consider the age of the cooling unit. If your cooling unit is more than 10/12 years old, it is likely that repairs will not improve its performance. If the repair is done incorrectly, it can further damage the unit. This is why it is not advised to repair an older unit.

However, if you have a newer cooling system that requires repair, you are good to go with the repair.

No. 3

Consider the Frequency of Repairs

Finally, you will need to consider the frequency of the repairs. If you have been visiting the repair shop quite often, it indicates that there are some serious underlying issues with the HVAC unit. In this situation, no honest HVAC repair technician will suggest you spend money on repairs. Instead, you will be recommended to purchase a new one.

If you are looking for an HVAC contractor, Houston has some of the best repair companies for residential and commercial HVAC services. Technicians at these HVAC companies are certified and equipped with the tools that are required for AC repair and maintenance.

Houston, TX

Top 3 Factors Influencing the AC Repair Cost

No. 1

AC Repair Parts

AC repair costs will vary depending on the parts that need repairs. For example, if the AC thermostat needs replacement, it will cost you less than 100 USD. However, if the compressor needs repair, it can cost you 1000 USD.

Now, if the compressor is severely damaged or needs replacement, it can cost you more than half of the price of a new cooling unit. In this situation, purchasing a new cooling unit is advised.

For other parts, such as the evaporator coil, fans, and air filter, you can do the repair under 200-300 USD.

Again, if you have a malfunctioning thermostat and if you want to replace it with a smart one, it can cost you up to 200 USD. But why this price variation? 

Installing a smart thermostat is a useful feature that will allow you to schedule the temperature according to your preference. Also, these thermostats can detect the human presence. As a result, when there is no one in a particular room, it stops producing cold air for that room. Eventually, this leads to less energy consumption.

No. 2

Repair Package

As we touched on earlier, AC repair packages and pricing will vary from one company to another. Sometimes, new homeowners get enticed by focusing on the price of the repair packages.

Things look appealing, they sign up, and then they find out that many repair costs are not included—leading them to spend much more money on repairs and maintenance in the long run.

We can not stress this enough—before selecting a package, you must check what is included in the repair package. Are all the required repairs coming with the package? If not, how much extra will you have to pay for more repairs? 

Also, avoid choosing the package that comes to you first. Compare different repair packages, and select the one that meets your repair requirements and that is within your budget.

No. 3

Refrigerant Type

Knowing what type of refrigerant your unit runs on is important in identifying if you must replace your AC unit. Since regulations are constantly expanding, this may change depending on the age of your unit.

Due to the use of R22 as a coolant in AC being banned since 2020, if your AC unit still requires it and needs refilling, you will have difficulties finding it. Likewise, if you do find it, you may have to pay much more than the actual price. This is why it is recommended that if you have an older cooling unit that still uses R22, you should try to replace it ASAP.

Now, if you have a new AC unit and it uses the R410A coolant, you will not have to worry about increased costs.


Repairing and maintaining your home’s AC units can be easy and stress-free when done proactively. Selecting the right AC repair package that will guarantee that you are always covered should anything arise is the best warranty you can give yourself. Additionally, ensuring that you are aware of what the repair package includes will allow you to rest assured that repairs are covered.

Once you find a professional and experienced team to provide the AC support you need, when you need it, you will experience relief that you are always in good hands. Simply knowing that your AC units will always be functioning at their optimal level for sustainable energy consumption and cost savings is something you can enjoy for years to come.

Practical Tips To Save Money On Your Gas Bill

Are you tired of seeing your hard-earned dollars go up in smoke every month when you pay your gas bill? Well, you are not alone. With the ever-rising cost of energy, finding ways to save money on your gas bill has become a priority for many households.

Fortunately, there are practical tips that can help you cut down on your gas expenses without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

In this article, we will explore some effective strategies to help you lower your gas bill and put that extra money back into your pocket. From simple lifestyle changes to affordable home improvements, we will cover a range of actionable steps that can make a significant impact on your monthly gas expenses.

No. 1

Heat your home more selectively

In the United Kingdom, heating and cooling make up the largest portion of gas consumption for the average household, accounting for approximately 40 percent of the total usage. To minimize your energy consumption, it is advisable to prioritize heating the areas you frequently occupy. 

By ensuring proper insulation and closing doors to unoccupied spaces, you can effectively retain heat in the desired areas. Keeping your boiler maintained ensures that it is running efficiently. 

Additionally, to avoid unnecessary heating expenses, remember to turn off the heating system when you're away from home or during sleep hours.

No. 2

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Even a slight adjustment of one degree Celsius (°C) lower for cooling or higher for heating can result in an additional 10 percent increase in heating costs. For heating purposes, maintaining a temperature range of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius is typically adequate. To efficiently save on gas costs without the need for constant manual adjustments, it is worth considering the purchase of a programmable thermostat.

No. 3

Minimize your hot water consumption

One effective way to lower your gas costs is to reduce the amount of hot water you use. By opting for shorter showers instead of long baths, you can significantly decrease your water consumption. Aim for showers that last around four to five minutes to save both energy and water. 

Another useful strategy you can consider is to install a low-flow showerhead, which can help further reduce your energy and water expenses. Additionally, it's essential to address any leaky hot water outlets promptly.

No. 4

Invest in an instant water heater

Heating water accounts for a substantial 30 percent of your overall energy consumption at home. However, you can make significant long-term energy savings by adopting an instantaneous hot water heating system. These systems only heat water when it is needed, eliminating the need to keep it hot throughout the day.

Although they may have a higher upfront cost, the energy savings they provide over time can offset this initial investment. If you're interested in ensuring your boiler operates efficiently, you can explore boiler cover options here.

Another effective approach is to ensure proper insulation for your hot water pipes and storage tank. By insulating these components, you can substantially reduce the amount of energy required to keep the water hot. Without proper insulation, up to 30 percent of the energy used for water heating can be lost. 

No. 5

Enhance energy efficiency through proper home insulation

Proper home insulation is a key strategy for reducing gas consumption and achieving significant energy bill savings. A well-insulated home provides year-round benefits, keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Without proper insulation, a poorly insulated home can lose up to 50% of heat through the ceiling during winter and gain up to 60% of heat through the walls and ceiling during summer. 

By insulating your home, particularly the roof, you can reduce your reliance on heating during cold weather and trap warm air inside while keeping cold air out. This not only creates a more comfortable living environment but also lowers energy usage and gas costs.

No. 6

Upgrade to an energy-efficient washing machine and dishwasher

Appliance manufacturers are continually enhancing the energy efficiency of their products. If your washing machine or dishwasher is more than 5 years old, it may be consuming excessive energy. Consider replacing these appliances to minimize energy waste.

When choosing replacements, prioritize the appliance that you use most frequently. Opt for energy-efficient models with features like eco-wash, which provides control over water temperature and water level, particularly when hot water is necessary. Additionally, pay attention to the energy rating of the appliance.


In conclusion, saving money on our gas bills requires a mindful approach to our energy consumption. By incorporating practical tips such as effective insulation, regular appliance maintenance, smart heating controls, energy-saving habits, and exploring alternative energy sources, we can successfully reduce our gas bill while creating a greener home environment. Let us embrace these practical strategies and make a positive impact on both our finances and the planet.

Reduce Electricity Bills At Home: Energy Saving Tips
Hello Lovely Living

@hellolovelyliving agrees that switching to smart bulbs is a quick way to reduce energy consumption in the home

It is an unavoidable fact that we all depend on a constant supply of energy to live successfully in this world. No one is exempt from their reliance on energy, which fuels our most basic needs. From our dependence on energy to power our homes and offices to our most basic needs of growing the food that we eat, our reliance on energy consumes every facet of life. Learning how to apply new behaviors to how we interact with our world and our energy consumption is at the forefront of effective environmental change.

With an ongoing push toward reducing our reliance upon environmentally degrading fossil fuels, companies are rising to meet the needs of their consumers. From eco-friendly appliances to insulating door and window treatments, smart power strips, and other energy-saving measures enable us to save on electricity costs while enabling us to do our part within our reach—our homes.

In this article, we will discuss a few cost-saving tips to consider when cutting down on your energy usage at home.

Keep an eye peeled on energy-draining devices and turn them off if not in use

Naturally, if your home appliances are switched on unnecessarily, there will be higher electricity consumption. To combat this, turning off air conditioners, fans, lights, and other devices and appliances when not in use or before leaving a room is advisable to save power and conserve energy.

To many, the energy they are consuming on their own may seem limited, but it all adds up to the overall household energy usage at a daily, monthly, and annual rate. Learning to apply simple habits that go a long way can make huge contributions to your energy-saving goals. Maintaining healthy energy usage behaviors can save you money in areas that you would have otherwise overlooked. Remember to practice these daily habits regularly until it becomes second nature to you.

Use curtains and window blinds to reduce energy usage

Keep the temperature in your home at a comfortable and temperate level so as not to overcompensate for cooling or heating the home when it is not necessary to do so. Thermal curtains and insulating blinds make it easier for you to keep the temperature in your home consistent and manageable throughout the seasons. Simply install them in just a few steps, and you are good to go. The best part is that these work well in both summer and winter climates. 

For colder seasons, these window treatments reduce air filtration and keep cold air from entering and warm heat from escaping the room. In the summer, thermal curtains block out as much as 33% of solar radiation through thermally reflective backings. This solution is budget and eco-friendly, and with little to no maintenance, you will also effectively reduce your dependence on traditional heating (furnace) and cooling (air conditioner) costs as well.

Get your home insulation done properly

If you have ever taken a cold shower due to a downed water heater, you were unwittingly confronted with the cold hard truth that hot water is a necessity that many of us will not choose to ever live without. Being as it may, a water heater is one of those appliances that stay on 24-7, so off-setting the cost is something that we could all benefit from.

Typically, water heaters lose heat through their pipes, so insulating your hot water pipes will go a long way in improving efficiency and raising the hot water temperature by 2°F–4°F hotter than uninsulated pipes. This will allow you to reduce your hot water temperature setting and allows the water to be heated at a faster rate, thereby reducing unwanted water loss caused by over-running the water when it is warming up.

In addition, insulating your electric hot water tank with insulating blankets could reduce standby heat losses by 25%–45% and save you about 7%–16% in water heating costs—and should pay for itself in about a year. You can find pre-cut jackets or blankets available for around $20. The result—your water will retain heat more effectively, consequently saving energy.

If you live in a cold climate, you must upgrade the insulation by sealing cracks and windows that are continuously circulating air. This will ensure that cold air does not get in and warm air stays inside, reducing the output of your heater. The same goes in summer when you are trying to keep the cool air indoors while keeping the hot air outdoors.



Every small change counts toward reducing energy consumption and, most importantly, your electricity bills. The tips mentioned in this article are simple, yet so effective. All it takes is some forethought and implementation, and you will be enjoying the compounded cost savings throughout your home.

To take it a bit further, try these other energy and cost-saving practices:

  • Use smart bulbs instead of LED bulbs

  • Dim the lights to lessen wattage and output

  • Turn off stove burners promptly

  • Opt for smart plugs and schedule when they will turn on and off

  • Have appliances that are not regularly in use on standby