Posts tagged drug
3 Effects Of Substance Abuse On Teens

Adolescence is a period of immense growth and exploration. However, it also often presents a unique set of challenges that can derail young people from what should have been a positive trajectory. One such challenge is substance abuse, which is further proven by reports, revealing that 70% of 8th graders have easy access to substances like marijuana.

The drug allure often exerts a powerful influence on young minds and can have long-term mental health effects that go well past adolescence into adulthood. This can have wide implications on their health and well-being and must be addressed by parents, educators, and society as a whole to understand the underlying reasons behind this behavior and work toward prevention and intervention strategies.

In this article, we have a look at the possible consequences of substance abuse on teens and how they can be led toward a positive path of support, treatment, and recovery.

No. 1

Impaired brain development

Adolescence is a time of rapid development where children transition into adulthood. It is also the same period the teenage brain undergoes significant neurological changes to shape cognitive and emotional regulation.

Unfortunately, substance abuse can disrupt these developmental processes. The risk of long-term consequences is extremely high and can be detrimental for a teenager who progresses into adulthood with these deficiencies.

Scientific research has shown that drug and alcohol abuse during the early years of development interferes with neural pathway formation. According to medical journals, this is what influences impulse control, memory, and decision-making processes.

Potential outcomes of teenagers or adolescents abusing drugs are that they may begin to fail in school, experience impaired judgments, and may have difficulties engaging in social interactions. These negative consequences can happen in cases of prolonged substance use and vary depending on the drug of choice.

It will be unhealthy for teenagers to find themselves in a cycle of dependency from their teen years through adulthood as it will be more difficult to resolve an addiction that has formed early in life. Setbacks begin to stack up against them, preventing them from progressing and growing during their most foundational stages of life.

No. 2

Impact on mental health

Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma are often associated with prolonged substance use. For teenagers, the burden is further aggravated because they lack the necessary skills to properly navigate these emotions.

The teen phase is already a time mixed with immense psychological and emotional changes spurred on by an influx of hormones; this makes them more prone to mental health issues and also worsens any underlying conditions when substance use comes into the picture.

Substance abuse in teens can cause neurochemical imbalances that may persist throughout their lives. These mental health disorders may deter teenagers from seeking help, especially because they also feel ashamed to talk or confide in others about their drug use.

To address these issues and prevent a drug addiction from persisting any further, finding a reputable mental health facility with experience in handling such challenges among teenagers is helpful. Mental illness and substance abuse are intertwined but must be treated as two separate conditions.

No. 3

Disruption of social and family relations

Reports indicate that many individuals are estranged from family and loved ones because of persistent drug abuse. While seeing someone you love descend into an abyss because of their substance abuse can be overwhelming, it is common that they may be unwilling to receive help from those who care about them.

When family bonds erode, it can be difficult to repair them, and that in itself is an emotional and psychological burden that causes them to detach and seek shelter elsewhere. Some teenagers may also respond to the disruption of social and family relations with erratic behavior, causing further division within their relationships.

For example, a possible run-in with the law may cause family members to detach, further isolating them. The ripple effects are enormous and may have negative consequences for any teenager who needs a strong support system to thrive.

Fortunately, these disruptions can be repaired with professional intervention.


Teenagers can overcome the stresses and challenges that are presented with a substance addiction, but only with the right support systems. It is within the family unit that they must receive guidance toward a healthier path.

Along with a supportive and loving environment, receiving mental health and substance abuse treatment can provide them with the tools and strategies to prepare them for a better life ahead.

The Benefits Of Rehabilitation For Your Mental Wellbeing

Rehabilitation is an approach that many people rely on when it comes to improving their mental well-being and also for their recovery from trauma in general. Whether it is an addiction to drugs, struggling with trauma from an accident, or depression, there are many benefits that come with the right approach to rehabilitation.

If you are looking to improve your mental well-being and resolve the surmounting concerns you may be dealing with, here are some benefits rehabilitation provides. By taking these points into consideration, you will feel better equipped to seek the help you need and experience the benefits of this healing process, sooner than later.

No. 1

Expert guidance is useful

Improving one’s mental health is not easy. In most cases, it is not something that you can resolve overnight. For many people, living with mental health problems could be the case for the rest of their lives due to the nature of the different types of post-traumatic stress that they must deal with on a frequent basis. When you throw an addiction into the mix, mental health challenges are even more difficult to overcome.

To make things more manageable, seeking expert help who can guide you effectively with the necessary tools and techniques that are most useful to tackle your problems head-on will serve you better in the long run. They have the experience to help alleviate the pressure of figuring things out on your own when you are simply unwell to do it alone.

For those facing addiction, a methadone clinic as well as other treatment centers that specialize in particular addictions or mental health concerns are available. While there are many avenues to seek expert guidance, it should certainly be considered when it could help you find an end to your struggles.

No. 2

Provides you with much-needed self-confidence

Even when you have received professional help and guidance, resolving an addiction or approaching anything that you do not have much expert knowledge on can be a challenging task to do alone. That is why it will be important to develop confidence in your ability to apply the tips you have learned from rehabilitation and seek the support of a caring network and community.

Thankfully, whether you were an outpatient or if you stayed at a clinic during your treatment, receiving continuous and reliable care and support will be effective in boosting your self-confidence in the long run. It will ensure you have the tools needed to give you that lasting confidence to overcome whatever is headed your way as you continue to make the necessary changes for the better.

No. 3

Improves quality of life

In this process, it is crucial that you begin to take care of yourself and pursue every opportunity you have to live a long and healthy life. Seeking help through rehabilitation can add years to your life that you might not have otherwise had. You will begin to see that there are many aspects of your life that have been impacted greatly, and the positive steps you are now taking can help you rebuild.

Your mental health can have a real impact on your physical health, too, especially as the two are interconnected with one another. Seeking out the best help so you can continue enjoying your life to the fullest is one of the first steps to regaining a hold on your overall quality of life and wellness, which includes your mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and physical health.

No. 4

Shows accountability to those who are in your network

When you’re dealing with an addiction, it can be tough to maintain relationships and hold onto the people who were there for you initially. If you are constantly letting them down or not showing any change in your behavior towards your addiction or treatment of the problem, they may have less trust in you. Relationships may become strained, often leading to disrepair.

Seeking rehabilitation is a great way to show that you are committed to doing something about your problem. It will also expose the reliability of those within your network and their willingness to be supportive during this challenging season of your life.

Rehabilitation will also hold you accountable to your desire to make positive changes in your life, which will foster optimism in yourself, your family, and your network that things will indeed get better. Those who love and support you will be eager to partake in this process as a new chapter unfolds.

No. 5

A less likelihood of relapsing

If you take on rehabilitation with the help of professionals, rather than trying to attempt it on your own, you have a lesser likelihood of relapsing or failing to cope with the problem itself. When you are in a vulnerable position and unable to make the right choices for yourself due to an addiction, it becomes detrimental to seek the help of others who can properly and effectively guide you.

By learning coping mechanisms and techniques and learning how to heal from trauma, a new life has the possibility to emerge. This allows you to step outside of the toxic cycle that has created damaging effects by creating new, healthier habits, and you can begin to see hope where it was previously impossible to see on your own.


With a positive and committed approach, rehabilitation can be a beneficial approach toward healing, leading you to a better, healthier path and a renewed sense of well-being. While it does require your vulnerability and commitment, it could be the best decision you make to positively affect your future and change your ultimate direction for the better.

Having the willingness to see your treatment through to the end will allow you to regain your strength and feel the support of a loving community backing you up. So, when you are feeling like there is no end in sight, seek the professional help that is available to you. They are there to guide you, and you will be grateful you started the process with their help.