Posts tagged network
8 Stress-Busting Strategies To Safeguard Your Mental Health

Stress is an essential body function that involves a whole range of psychological, physiological, and hormonal reactions. Thanks to stress, we can react in front of a dangerous situation, keep ourselves safe, prevent further injury, or find the determination we need to study for an exam or work on a time-sensitive project.

However, when stress becomes a constant in our lives, it no longer remains within a normal range and turns into chronic stress instead. Not only is chronic stress associated with a range of diseases, but it can also expose us to a greater risk of anxiety, depression, chronic pain, impaired sleep, emotional distress, and irritability. 

Fortunately, there’s more than one strategy you can leverage to manage stress in your life and use it as a force for good. Let’s discuss them more below.

No. 1

Learn To Recognize Your Triggers

The first step is to learn to recognize the triggers in your daily life that cause you to experience constant stress. This can be your job, colleagues, home, family life, or financial problems. With some practice, some of these triggers can be managed.

For example, you can plan a detailed budget that can work as a roadmap to improving your financial situation. Alternatively, you could consider changing jobs or asking your employer to move you to a different team or department. 

It’s important to note that not all triggers can be avoided altogether. In this case, the techniques below can help you manage how you respond to those triggers, thus leading to better overall health. Let’s uncover them one by one. 

No. 2

Meditate Your Way To A Stress-Free Life

Meditation is a practice that dates back to thousands of years ago. And yet, only in the past few decades has the global scientific community started to look into the benefits that it can bring to our mental and physical health. 

In particular, mindfulness meditation is considered to be a fast, simple way to reduce stress. It does so by clearing away unnecessary information overload, boosting focus and patience, improving self-awareness, and reducing anxiety. From a physical viewpoint, meditation reduces your heart rate and blood pressure and can aid sleep and chronic pain. 

No. 3

Discover Stress-Relieving Supplements And Herbs

Nature provides us with all we need to relieve stress and anxiety. Some herbal infusions that may help include:

  • Chamomile

  • Lemon balm 

  • Fennel 

  • Cinnamon

  • Mint 

  • Ashwagandha

  • Rhodiola

  • Passionflower 

  • Lavender

  • Valerian

You may also try ad hoc, premium natural stress-relief supplements or supplements that help with certain risk factors for high stress levels. For example, if you feel stressed and irritable because of a lack of sleep, melatonin supplements can help. 

No. 4

Leveraging The Power Of Nature: Spend More Time Outdoors

“Mental health walks” have become a huge trend across all social media platforms. But they are more than just a fad—they actually work! According to studies, spending more time outdoors, ideally in a natural environment, can help reduce oxidative stress, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Walking or jogging through a lush park or garden can immediately boost your mood, increase serenity, and promote self-awareness. Not only are these physical activities helping you relieve stress by releasing feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins, but chemicals like serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine, which improve your physical and mental health are also having positive effects on your body.

No. 5

Practice Mind-Body Activities Or Just Get Moving

Exercise of any kind can help you experience what’s known as “runner’s high”—a feeling of generalized well-being caused by the release of endorphins and other “feel good” hormones in the body (as mentioned previously). Exercise also helps clear mental and emotional overloads, improve your overall physical and mental health, and boost your self-image

For even better results, consider engaging in mind-body activities like Yoga and Tai Chi. These ancient practices can help you boost the connection between your body and mind while boosting your overall well-being. 

No. 6

Create A Stress-Free Home Environment

Did you know that your home can be one of your main stress triggers? Coming home after a hard day at work to a cluttered, untidy living environment can cause your stress levels to spike. Even worse, you may not be able to focus or relax in a cluttered room because of how hard your brain needs to work to sift through the mess.

If you are struggling with high stress levels, a great starting point is to get organized, declutter your home, and get rid of items you no longer use. In no time, you will be able to enjoy a much more relaxing home that is truly conducive to overall health. 

No. 7

Prioritize Sleep

Getting 7 to 9 hours of high-quality sleep each night is essential to better manage your stress levels during the daytime. When we are well-rested, we are more capable of focusing on problems that need to be solved; we also feel less irritable and overwhelmed. This can help us think more clearly and face everyday challenges without letting stress and anxiety take over our lives. 

No. 8

Don’t Let Stress Take Over Your Life: Work With A Specialist  

Not all stress is created equal. While feeling stressed for brief periods of time can fuel you forward, chronic stress can take you down and lead to a whole host of health problems. What’s more, over time, high stress levels can increase the risk of suffering from disorders like anxiety or depression.

In such cases, you may need more than just self-help strategies. Learn to recognize the signs of anxiety early on, and work with a mental health specialist to get the professional support you need if necessary.


Learning ways to manage and overcome stress in your life requires constant effort. However, with the proper tools and techniques, it becomes easier to transmute your stress into something positive.

As you redirect your energy, you will become more resilient in effectively managing your stress levels. Your stress will fuel you toward positive activities, instead. Eventually, you will emerge better equipped to handle any of life’s challenges.

How To Cope With A Parkinson’s Diagnosis

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Getting a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can be a life-altering experience that can bring up a lot of emotions and challenges. Coping with the emotional, mental, and physical impact of Parkinson’s requires strength, resilience, and support. 

While there currently isn’t a cure for Parkinson’s disease, there are many things a person can do to improve their quality of life and manage symptoms. Additionally, with the right coping strategies, it’s possible to maintain serenity and overcome the emotional turmoil involved in getting the diagnosis. 

In this article, we’ll explore what Parkinson’s disease is, the effect it can have on physical and mental health, and provide strategies for coping with a diagnosis. 

No. 1

What is Parkinson’s? 

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that can affect movement, causing stiffness, tremors, and difficulty with balance and coordination. In addition to its physical symptoms, Parkinson’s can also impact mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline. 

The progressive nature of the disease means that symptoms often worsen over time. This can create an ongoing challenge for individuals and their loved ones. 

No. 2

8 Ways to Cope with Your Diagnosis

Here are eight strategies to make coping with your Parkinson’s diagnosis easier. 

  1. Give Yourself Time – Allow yourself time to process and come to terms with your diagnosis. It’s normal to experience a range of emotions, including shock, grief, and uncertainty. Try to be patient with yourself as you allow yourself to feel whatever feelings may arise. 

  2. Be Honest with Your Loved Ones – While you might want to keep your diagnosis a secret, it’s important to share it with your loved ones. Open and honest communication with those around you is essential for navigating the challenges of Parkinson’s. Share your feelings and concerns with your family and friends, and let them know how they can support you during this time. 

  3. See a Specialist – Seek out a movement disorder specialist or neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease. A specialist can provide expert guidance, treatment options, and ongoing care to help manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. 

  4. Increase Your Activity – Regular physical activity can help improve mobility, flexibility, and overall well-being for people with Parkinson’s. Consider incorporating exercises such as walking or swimming into your routine to help manage symptoms and maintain function. 

  5. Find New Hobbies – Engaging in meaningful activities and hobbies can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, even in the face of Parkinson’s. Explore new interests or rediscover old hobbies that bring you joy and satisfaction. 

  6. Embrace Hope – While living with Parkinson’s can be challenging, it’s important to maintain hope for the future. Focus on the things you can control and take steps to manage your symptoms and optimize your health and well-being. 

  7. Build a Support Network – Surround yourself with a strong support system of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who can offer encouragement and assistance. It may also be helpful to join support groups to share and learn from others living with a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Lean on your support system for emotional and practical support as you navigate life with Parkinson’s. 

  8. Consider Therapy – Therapy can be incredibly beneficial for addressing the emotional impact of Parkinson’s disease. It can also be a place to develop coping strategies for managing anxiety, stress, and depression. If you’re not sure whether finding a Parkinson’s therapist is right for you, check out this resource for more guidance:


Coping with a Parkinson’s diagnosis is a journey that often requires patience, resilience, and support. By embracing self-care, seeking expert guidance, and building a strong support network, it’s possible to navigate the challenges of Parkinson’s with strength and determination. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources and support available to help you live and thrive with Parkinson’s.

Quitting Drinking At Home: Tips For Feeling Better

Alcoholism is a severe condition that can affect anyone. Even for those who want to quit drinking alcohol, relapsing is a common deterrent. This is due to extreme dependency, easy accessibility, societal pressures, and misguided efforts, which hinder individuals from truly experiencing long-term results.

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, there is hope, and you can find relief. In this article, we help you find solutions for overcoming it. By adhering to an alcohol detox with an effective support system, you can find freedom from this debilitating addiction.

No. 1

What is Home Alcohol Detox?

Home alcohol detox refers to people with alcohol addiction attempting to quit drinking at home without medical supervision; it often involves slowly reducing alcohol intake over time. 

Alcohol detox may seem like an appealing option for some. However, quitting alcohol can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening, especially if done without medical supervision. To avoid any complications, consulting a doctor first is strongly advised.

No. 2

Why a Smooth Transition Matters

A smooth transition during alcohol detox is crucial for the safety and well-being of individuals. Abruptly quitting alcohol can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, which can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is advisable to approach the detox process gradually and under medical supervision.

By slowly reducing alcohol intake over time, individuals give their bodies a chance to adjust and minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms. This can make the detox process more manageable and increase the likelihood of successfully quitting alcohol for good.

No. 3

Understanding Withdrawal Syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms that occur when someone stops or reduces their alcohol intake after prolonged and heavy use. These symptoms can vary in severity and may include:

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Confusion

  • Depression 

  • Hallucinations

  • Seizures

  • Delirium tremens (DTs)

Due to the health risks, medical monitoring and treatment are imperative for safe detox. Typically, the more and longer someone drinks, the more extreme their physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.

No. 4

Risks of Unsupervised Detox

First, you should never attempt a detox alone. Detoxing at home has significant dangers, such as:

  • Lack of medical oversight

  • Severe symptoms can intensify if left uncontrolled

  • Higher relapse odds

  • Struggling alone with intense discomfort

  • Potential for overmedication

  • Life-threatening issues can be overlooked and can progress if left untreated

Seeking prompt treatment enables vital sign monitoring, medication (if necessary), emotional support, and rapid response to emerging complications. This facilitates smooth, safe recovery.

No. 5

Pursuing medical assistance

As alcohol withdrawal can spiral unpredictably, urgent medical help enables stabilization and prevents lasting harm. 

It’s best to ask for the help of a professional to facilitate the withdrawal process. A doctor can:

  • Measure withdrawal severity using standardized scales

  • Provide medications to alleviate symptoms

  • Monitor vitals and overall health status

  • Identify and address complications rapidly

  • Emphasize nutrition and hydration for detox efficacy

  • Create a recovery-focused setting removed from triggers

Additionally, supervised programs greatly reduce early sobriety relapse risk. This ensures a safer, more comfortable alcohol detox.

No. 6

Tips for a more comfortable at-home detox

If you’re detoxing at home, here are some tips to make the transition easier:

  • Gradually reduce alcohol amounts over an extended timeframe

  • Stay hydrated and nourished

  • Eliminate access to alcohol sources

  • Take time off responsibilities to focus wholly on recovery

  • Have a trusted network provide frequent encouragement

  • Foster a soothing environment with comfort items

Still, given medical unpredictability, consulting a doctor remains essential even in the mid-process. Never hesitate to call emergency services if needed.


While at-home measures may aid some, monitored medical detox is safer for most due to the severe risk of complications. Utilizing compassionate support and allowing the body to adjust slowly can significantly improve the chances of a successful alcohol detox. With proper care, even a difficult journey such as this can be survived more smoothly, step by step.

Practical Tips For Dealing With Life’s Common Challenges

We cannot always control what happens to us in life. From time to time, we are faced with challenges that seem impossible to overcome or process. While we cannot always prevent ourselves from experiencing these situations, we do, however, have control over how we respond to them.

HLL x Practical Tips For Dealing With Life’s Common Challenges

Nature has a way of taking us outside of ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to appreciate everything in front of us. There is so much to be grateful for at the most basic level, and when we can focus on these things as opposed to what’s going wrong in our material world, our perspective has the opportunity to shift. This is where solutions are born, and you will soon emerge with all the answers you need to move forward—stronger and wiser. @hellolovelyliving

By knowing how to respond to difficult situations, we can reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety that often arise during times of distress. As a result, we can be better attuned to how to protect our emotional well-being.

With that in mind, here are some strategies that can be used to help you respond to many of life’s biggest challenges.

No. 1

Dealing with a health diagnosis

If you are currently unwell or are dealing with an ongoing health condition, it is easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Unfortunately, we often take our health for granted until we are no longer as healthy as we once were.

When faced with health challenges, it may be difficult to focus on anything else aside from how you will overcome your condition. Thankfully, there are ways to ensure you are equipped to face things proactively.

For example, if you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss or another auditory condition, here are a few things you can consider: 

  • Consult with an audiologist to prepare an effective treatment plan, which could include using hearing aids and other devices. 

  • With so many technological advancements on the market, now you can match your personal style and hearing aids together so that you are always comfortable with your device of choice.

  • Join a support group for other individuals who are dealing with hearing loss. This can help you to feel part of a community while preventing self-isolation. They may also be able to provide you with invaluable advice on what to do moving forward.

No. 2

Dealing with loss

Every loss is difficult—whether you’re trying to deal with the loss of a friend, family member, or a pet. Fortunately, there are ways to make the grieving process a little gentler for yourself:

  • Discuss your feelings with friends, family, or a licensed grief counselor/therapist. This will ensure that you are addressing your emotions instead of suppressing them.

  • Reflect upon the happy times you shared with your loved ones, and try to understand that they would not want you to be sad.

  • Utilize different grieving resources, such as local support groups or self-help books, to develop healthy coping mechanisms.

No. 3

Dealing with a breakup

Many people often compare a romantic or friendship breakup to the death of a loved one. After all, it is never easy to go from speaking to someone every day to not speaking to or seeing at all. Here are a few ways to make the changes easier to deal with:

  • Remind yourself that relationships often run their course and that not everyone you meet will be in your life forever. 

  • When things get challenging, turn to your support network and spend time with those you love. 

  • Think back on everything you have learned about yourself throughout the relationship, and focus on the positive lessons you can carry with you moving forward.

No. 4

Dealing with career struggles

We are all faced with career struggles from time to time—whether you feel as though you’re trapped in a dead-end job or have recently been let go. Here are a few ways that can help you to overcome this: 

  • Think carefully about your long-term career goals and put a plan in place that will help you to achieve them. 

  • Find ways to enhance your CV, such as by participating in training programs, volunteering, or taking courses.

  • Work with a career advisor or mentor to ensure you are on track toward achieving your goals. 

  • Actively check job boards for new opportunities, and send in your applications before the deadline.

  • Brush up on your interview skills so that you are prepared for the rigorous interview process.

While the above advice can be helpful, when climbing the career ladder, it is important to remember that there is more to life than work. Your job title or position does not reflect your true value—and there are also many other ways to approach the dissatisfaction that you have with your career. This could even be an opportunity to start your own business.


In an ideal world, we would love to have complete control over the exact direction our life takes over the years. Since this is not realistically possible, it is crucial that we are able to respond to sudden and unpredictable turns or bends in the road with our heads held high.

While the above advice is practical, remind yourself of something fundamental—that bad times are always temporary. Good things are coming, even if it does not feel that way right now. Keep on learning and growing. We’re here to support you along the way.

How To Always Look Your Best For Any Event

Whether you are hosting a dinner party or attending a wedding, it is always important that you look your best. When we look good, we tend to feel good, which means we are more likely to enjoy and carry ourselves with confidence. Likewise, knowing that we can do it all and fitting the part requires us to put our best self forward and care for every aspect of our well-being.

HLL x Look Your Best For Any Event

Isabelle Mathers is stunning in this lace dress for an outdoor cocktail event in the garden. Here is an inexpensive dupe to get the look for less. Of course, the bolder you are the more this look is for you. An outfit can be romantic while still remaining classy depending on the approach.

While the everyday setting can become monotonous when it comes to your approach toward dress wear, events are the ideal venue to express your personal sense of style and communicate your attention to how you present yourself in this type of setting.

With special attention to detail, your attire could speak a myriad of positive things about you and ensures that you are making a good first impression on those around you. With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to look your best at all times so that when that special event comes up, you are already walking in your light.


Commit to a haircare routine

Ensure you look amazing at your next big event, and every day in between, by developing an effective hair care routine. Haircare is all about daily care and maintenance, so if your hair is currently in bad condition, you can not expect to turn it around overnight. Depending on your hair type, an effective hair care routine will be dependent on your individual needs. This requires you to learn what works for you and what does not.

With an effective haircare routine, your hair could consistently look voluminous and shiny, as opposed to dry or greasy. A simple upgrade to your haircare routine can have immediate positive results. For example, try using cold water when washing your hair. This is because “cold water for hair ensures your scalp remains cleaner for longer as it closes the pores, making it less vulnerable to grease, oil, and dirt.” 

Use specialist products for your hair-washing days, especially if you have dyed it. For example, if you have hopped onto the gray or silver trend, you should do research to find out what the best shampoo for gray hair is in order to maintain its color and shine. 

Avoiding heat and over-washing is also a very simple, yet effective way to allow your hair to regain its strength. By allowing your hair to rest, the texture of your hair will begin to repair, so avoid impulsively chopping your locks off in fear of losing hope that you can get your hair ready come event season.


Get serious about skincare

While we may tend to save the facemasks for a girls’ night in, developing an effective skincare routine is another great way to ensure you look great at your next event. This will help you maintain a natural, healthy glow. As the event draws near, pay more attention to your skincare and schedule face mask sessions leading up to the event. Do your first face mask a few days before the event and another the morning of. This will allow you to see the best results over a few days as opposed to the night before or the day of the event. 

You do not need to become a skincare pro or purchase hundreds of expensive products to develop an effective skincare routine. In fact, it is often better to keep your routine simple, especially if you have sensitive skin. Each morning and evening, it is traditionally recommended to use a combination of the following: 

  • Cleanser

  • Toner

  • Face wash

  • Moisturiser 

  • SPF

While this routine can be further simplified, it should be carried out daily. Your facial skin is not the only skin to pay attention to. Our intimate areas need love, too. Using natural, clean, and effective products will make you feel your best and protect those areas from common skin ailments. Moisturizing these areas are very important to overall skin health, and should be done daily.

Look Your Best For Any Event

Isabelle Mathers’ romantic sense of style appears effortless, soft, and has a sweet sophistication all at the same time. Expressing your individual style is what sets you apart, so enjoy the opportunity to shine.


Find outfits you feel comfortable in

Of course, your outfit is one of the most important factors to consider when trying to look your best for an event. However, while you should ensure your outfit matches the event's dress code, your main priority here should be finding something you feel comfortable in. If you are wearing clothes that you do not feel your best in, your reservations will show in the way in which you carry yourself, so this is the best approach to set when searching for your outfit.

You will want to avoid anything that you may spend your time trying to cover up or readjust throughout the event as opposed to simply letting the outfit speak for itself. How many of us have had that dreadful dress that was just so itchy? The one we had to toss out after one use. *raises hand*

Do not be afraid to forgo trends or popular items for clothes that feel more within your personal style and that can be used comfortably and regularly even post-event. This will not only ensure you feel comfortable and confident, but it also means you will look and feel great in your pictures.


Discover your personal style

Finding a unique way to express your style is an art and should be met with excitement as you get in tune with yourself and learn things about your tastes and preferences. Doing so will give you a chance to express yourself more freely, which will once again enable you to feel more and more confident.

We know that what we wear does not define us, but it is the way in which we interact with each other that sets the tone and outlet for creativity and expression. In this way, how we respond to each other is largely based on appearances, especially in social settings.

Begin experimenting with different styles and see how you feel when you wear certain pieces. For example, you could follow influencers with a similar style on Instagram, paying close attention to the brands they work with or where they shop.

Over time, you may even just discover your talents and you could even begin to set up your own fashion account, which could provide you with an opportunity to earn money as you grow your Instagram followers.


get Thrifty

Many people choose to buy a brand-new outfit before a big event, especially if there will be many people in attendance or a level of prestige to the venue or event. While this is completely understandable, there are alternatives to unnecessarily overspending on an outfit that you will wear for one night out of the year.

For example, you can find everything you want, from dresses to shoes, at your local second-hand store. There are always amazing finds there, and if you really have a good eye, you will not be disappointed with the art of thrifting. You can also now easily shop for previously loved clothes online using apps like Poshmark and What Not. Saving on designer brands has exploded in recent years, and there are no signs of it slowing.

With the increasing pressure toward sustainable fashion, there are so many inexpensive ways to access fashion at a fraction of the cost. Avoiding fast fashion and adopting sustainable shopping practices will also enable you to build your event wardrobe quickly. By becoming more sustainable in your daily life, avoiding fast fashion to get access to new clothes, and opting for quality-made, previously loved clothing, fashion subscription services, and rentals you can develop your personal style without necessarily having to make a costly commitment.


Learn how to enhance your features

Becoming a professional makeup artist to “wow” your friends and family at an event is an unreasonable expectation—you only simply need to understand what makeup techniques and products flatter your face or features. Naturally, in this way, you ensure you always look your best because you are not putting together a look that you just found on Youtube the night before. After all, that could turn disastrous if the technique is not achieved properly. Rather, stick to what works for you every day and what makes you feel confident no matter the cause or setting.

If you prefer a more natural-looking day-to-day look, enhancing your facial features for an event would not require much from you since you have diligently relied on daily skincare routines. You could simply wear a nice cream blush and lip cream and call it a night. For more definition, you choosing eyeshadow shades that complement your natural eye color will allow them to pop. For example, “green eyeshadows will pop on brown eyes with reddish undertones because red and greens are opposites.” 

If you are not entirely sure where to get started when it comes to skincare or makeup, consider finding a friend who is experienced or signing up for a few classes to learn the fundamentals. Online tutorials are always plentiful and can cut the learning curve down so that you can quickly develop your own techniques.


Love the skin you are in

Confidence comes from within, and when it radiates from the inside out, it is undeniable and magnetic regardless of what you look like or what you are wearing. As such, one of the easiest ways to ensure you look your best for an exciting event is to work on building your confidence and self-acceptance.

In essence, learn to stop comparing yourself to others. After all, you do not want to spend the whole night wondering whether another guest looks better than you or if their outfit is nicer than yours—this will do nothing to change anything. Instead, celebrate the fact that you both look amazing. Learning to fight back against comparison will increase your confidence in your body and your appearance, showing you just how beautiful you are. 

You should also work on reframing the way you think about yourself or your body. Each time you catch yourself thinking negatively about your appearance, take a step back and repeat three or four positive things you like about yourself out loud. While this may seem a little strange, the more you get used to complimenting yourself, the easier it will become to realize the truth in your words.


In closing, there are many steps you can follow in order to ensure you look your best—not just at formal events or cocktail parties, but every single day. By setting aside some time in your usual routine to deviate to self-care, developing a beauty regimen that allows your natural beauty to shine, nourishing yourself with nutritious foods, and staying active and fit, you will feel and look your best no matter the occasion.