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Level Up Your Creativity With These Helpful Tips

Everybody has had moments where their creativity becomes drained. One moment, you're on the top of your game, and the next, you're struggling to come up with ideas and continue with what you need to do. This is especially true for writers, and even more so for writers who have to keep up with the workload. Sometimes, staying productive and creative is hard, but it is possible to move past a creative block and get back to blowing through projects. 

In fact, there are many ways to level up your creativity, including:

Getting Out Of Your Zone

Everyone has a zone or a place that they usually work in. For many, it's a room in their house where they feel comfortable and have what they need. However, sometimes this zone gets boring, and boredom could easily wreak havoc on your creativity. To try to displace this and unblock your creativity, try heading outside. Nature provides the perfect backdrop for inspiration. Find someplace new to sit and enjoy yourself, bring your laptop or notebook to a park or a new coffee shop, and just take in being somewhere new. You just may find that it helps beat your creative block in just one go.


Try Supplements

With so many productivity-inducing supplements on the market today, it’s always worth a try with something new, such as a nootropic supplement. These "smart drugs" can do wonders for creativity. However, trying them is the only way to know if smart drugs help with creativity as there are a lot of different types and ways to take them. Read more about them and consider exploring different supplements. You may be surprised at how much they help you blast past that creative block. 

Put On Music + Have Fun 

Sometimes the best cure for a creative block is to have fun. By giving yourself a break to have fun, maybe even dance around your room, you'll release all of the tension. Tension is a major creativity killer. Playing music may also help you get through a creative block, as music has been known to activate certain parts of the brain and aid thought and mood control. Because of this, playing a favorite album or two may not only boost your enjoyment, but it just may help get your gears turning once again. 



Many people find that entering some sort of creative collaboration will help break their creative block and boost their overall creativity in general. Find someone you enjoy working with and try starting a new project (learn how to start a craft business), even if it's just for fun, like writing a role-play together or taking on a new, fun project. This little exercise may reinvigorate your creativity, and may even be a lot of fun too, which is never a bad bonus.


There are plenty of good ways to help boost your creativity, and not all of them will work for you. Never fear though, because chances are that something will work for you. Whether it be a supplement, music, taking a walk, starting something new, or even just reorganizing the room you work in. No matter what method works best for you, always remember that every creative person goes through periods of low creativity and that you'll eventually get out of it soon.