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How To Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Going out for a few drinks occasionally with your friends is great, but if you start craving alcohol frequently, it is a major sign of concern. Some people who are already addicted to alcohol refuse to admit that they are, and this can make it even more difficult for them to overcome the addiction. The first step to recovering is always confrontation. You should be completely honest with yourself and admit if you are well on your way to becoming an alcoholic or not.

The drinking standard per day stands at 4 drinks per day or 14 drinks per week for men, and for women, 3 drinks per day or 7 drinks per week. The standard drink consists of 5 oz wine, 1.5 oz spirits, and 12 oz beer. If you drink more than this on a regular basis, you will risk becoming an alcoholic.


If so, self-realization and quitting alcohol is absolutely necessary. In the end, the long term health benefits of not drinking alcohol are numerous. Quitting will help you and your body in multiple ways, such as less damage to your already overused liver, saving a lot of money that you spend on drinks, using your time in productive work instead of wasting it drinking in bars or at home, losing weight, having a clearer mind and a stronger immune system, sleeping better, and emotional stability. The list is endless.

If you are ready to start overcoming your alcohol addiction, here are a few steps to begin with.

Set Goals and a Schedule

This is a tiny but important step in overcoming your addiction. Plan to slowly reduce your drinks day by day, and finally plan a ‘quit day’, which you can decide according to your level of addiction. You can start slowly and reduce one drink each day, finally reaching the point where you quit completely. This will also allow your body to adapt to the change and reduce withdrawal symptoms, which can otherwise have adverse effects on your body and mind. You can also tell your friends and family that you quit, which will ultimately give you more motivation not to drink because you will be held accountable for your actions.

Remove alcohol from your home and office

When you have alcohol in front of you, you will surely be tempted. But you can face this issue proactively by removing all alcohol and anything that reminds you of it from your home and office. It’s as the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” 

Keep a Diary

When you start or restart drinking alcohol, you need to keep a diary, especially when you know that you are addicted to drinking or if you are a heavy drinker. Maintaining a diary can keep you honest with yourself and can help you keep track of the amount of alcohol you consumed per day and per week. Start by recording for at least 3 or 4 weeks and keep this as a habit thereafter. You can also write down and reflect upon the positive results of your changed habits daily. When you see for yourself the amount of heavy drinking you were subjected to, you tend to reduce or completely quit drinking alcohol. 

Detoxify your body

Detoxification of your body can be performed as a one-week course in either a therapy center or a hospital. Not only is this method helpful in overcoming your addiction, but it also helps in purifying your body by removing all toxins and harmful substances from within. This can also take place in a rehabilitation center, helping to clear your mind.

Join self-help groups

If you think that trying all tactics on your own is not working, you can ask for professional help or join self-help groups. Reaching out to them can give you some support to overcome alcohol addiction much more quickly. These groups might include people who have overcome alcohol addiction themselves and thus can provide personal experiences and tips that work. You can sense hope in overcoming your addiction when you meet these people who were in your shoes once, and moreover, they will not judge you.

Join a rehabilitation program

Rehabilitation is often perceived as a negative thing for people who live in denial and do not accept that they have a problem. It is when it hits an extreme, and nothing helps, that they reach out for help through rehab or their loved ones do. You can choose from a wide range of rehab programs such as inpatient, outpatient, evening sessions, and more. You can also choose the number of days you want to undergo rehabilitation, ranging from 30, 60, to 90 days. Rehabilitation has helped millions of addicts to overcome their problems by teaching them to handle their cravings, managing their anger and stress, and also teaching techniques if they are bound to relapse. You can check online for various rehab programs.

Seek medical intervention

If nothing seems to help, you can visit a physician to receive prescriptions for proper medication for overcoming your alcohol addiction. The three most common drugs that are used to fight alcohol addiction are disulfiram (makes you sick and nauseous when consumed with alcohol), acamprostate (restores brain chemical balance and helps to control cravings), and naltrexone (does not allow you to enjoy the drinking experience by not inducing the feel-good sensations). Your physician will prescribe you the appropriate drugs depending on your addiction and whether you have higher chances of relapsing.


Quitting alcohol is not child’s play, especially after getting all the shakes, brain fog, and confusion after not drinking for a day or two. If you are in the beginning stages of addiction, it is much easier for you to treat it and quit, but it is extremely difficult in the later stages, although not impossible. You should keep in mind that not only are you affected by the consequences of alcohol addiction, but your friends and family suffer too. Just make yourself more aware, educate yourself, and believe in yourself to overcome this hurdle to come out clean. Patience is the key, and those who did not give up are now completely sober.