Hello Lovely Living

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Cheer Up: How To Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down

Alright, so life just threw you a curveball, and you're sprawled out on the proverbial floor, eating proverbial dirt. Ouch! We have all been there. But hey, life happens, and more importantly, recovery happens. So, if you're currently chilling on rock bottom (or maybe just a bit below your usual awesomeness), here's your guide to getting back on your feet along with a little humor to lift your spirits!

No. 1

Embrace Your Inner Turtle

Did you know that turtles, when flipped on their backs, can do a wild neck stretch and rocking maneuver to right themselves? It’s all sorts of wacky-looking but super effective! So, when life's got you down, channel your inner turtle. It might take a wiggle, a stretch, or even a good old-fashioned flail, but you've got this.

No. 2

“Belly-Laugh” Therapy

Alright, so maybe you don't feel like laughing. But hear us out. Binge on your favorite comedy, be it stand-up, sitcoms, or those weird internet memes. Laughter, even if it starts forced, releases feel-good hormones. Soon, you'll find yourself laughing genuinely. And hey, life might just seem a smidge brighter after a hearty chuckle! It might not be as comprehensive as real therapy from https://mosaicpsychiatrydfw.com/ (which is great if things are really tough and you can’t bounce back), but laughter does have a scientific basis for boosting mood, so ha ha ha away!

No. 3

The “Superhero Pose” is Legit

Stand in front of a mirror, feet apart, hands on hips, chin up, chest out. Hold it for a minute. Feel silly? Good. Now, notice that tiny spark of confidence? Superheroes get knocked down all the time, but they always get back up, often in style.

No. 4

Dance Like a Deranged Starfish

Music has healing powers. Throw on your jam and dance. Badly. Energetically. Emotionally. Like no one’s watching. Even if it’s just flailing arms and awkward leg movements. Let go of perfection, and let the rhythm guide your soul (and feet). You’ll soon feel so much happier and healthier.

No. 5

Seek Your Hype Crew

Your peeps, your tribe, your fam. Call them, text them, send a pigeon, whatever! Just connect. Let them remind you of your awesomeness. Vent, cry, laugh. And if you're feeling extra dramatic, reenact the scene where life knocked you down—theatrical effects and all!

No. 6

Redefine “Rock Bottom”

Rather than a place of despair, think of rock bottom as the coolest underground club where personal growth happens. You’re VIP, and the only way out is up. Plus, once you've hit the floor, you've got a solid base to springboard off!

No. 7

Accept the “Blob” Days

We all have 'em—days when getting out of bed seems like running a marathon. Allow yourself to have a blob day. But, set a limit. One day? Two days? Once you reach the limit, make small moves—even if it's just moving from the bed to the couch.

No. 8

Nature, Nature, Nature

Mother Earth has an incredible knack for healing. A walk in the park, a brief moment under the sun, or simply staring at clouds can have you feeling more grounded. Remember, nature’s had its fair share of storms, yet it stands tall and blooms. So will you.


No matter what you’re facing today, know that there’s always an opportunity to find the humor in the twists and turns that life can often take you on. Another day, another lesson, right? Eventually, once we come to the realization that life is always going to be full of surprises, we will grasp what it truly means to live.

The fact of the matter is that life is always going to provide contrast, and that is not entirely a bad thing. Depending on your chosen perspective of how to process what comes, hopefully, you will emerge with a greater understanding of yourself and the innate strength that you possess.

Things may get challenging, but isn’t that what life’s about? You may get knocked down, but you can always get back up again!