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What Is CBD Hemp Flower And Is It Legal?

CBD flower comes from the industrial hemp plant. It in the very material from which CBD oil and other corresponding products are extracted. Upon separation from the plant, this dried CBD hemp flower bud holds the biggest cannabinoid profile. As a result, you get a hemp flower that’s completely non-psychoactive; meaning you won’t get mild-altering high from its consumption. You can smoke, cook with, consume and do so much more with this herbal offering.

CBD flower is a highly versatile part of the cannabis plant packed with all the essential nutrients including aromatic molecules, therapeutic cannabidiol, terpenes, fatty acids, minerals, proteins, and many other amazing cannabinoids that offer a whole wide range of medicinal benefits.


CBD flower buds are supposed to carry 14-20% CBD (Cannabidiol) with almost negligible THC content (carrying as little as 0.3% Delta-9 THC). The fact that it carries such little traces of THC ensures that the user doesn’t get high from its consumption. Since it has a good CBD profile, the very cannabinoid that offers it’s medicinal value is used for fighting inflammation, managing chronic pain, regulating blood pressure as well as managing diabetes and several other chronic ailments. Check out this clinical study performed to establish the relationship between cannabidiol and its potential to cure several mood disorders.

Health Benefits of CBD Hemp Flower

Just like CBD oil, CBD hemp flower bud is supposed to offer several therapeutic effects. Many clinical studies back those claims up. Hemp flower is typically used for alleviating conditions like chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, and even diabetes. While most of these benefits have been shared as anecdotes by users around the globe, many controlled clinical studies performed on animals also confirm the following benefits of CBD hemp flower:

  • Anti inflammatory properties that can manage chronic pain

  • Potential for neuro-protective properties

  • Anxiolytic effects that can help with stress and anxiety

These are just a handful of benefits that people have experienced by smoking CBD flower. However, it’s important to mention that smoking hemp flowers may not be the healthiest way to go about it. Anything other than oxygen is not the best thing for your lungs. While many use it for the mild euphoria and achieve feel-good effects, it’s important to remember that a trade of positive and negative effects may be happening at the same.

In terms of effects, people who prefer CBD buds over oils feel that the effects last longer and are more noticeable. That’s because CO2 extraction processes through which CBD oil is obtained, ends up stripping away many of the natural cannabinoid profiles, thus making the effects more subtle compared to the effects of hemp flower.

The real implication/usage of CBD hemp flower comes from an agricultural prospect where farmers cultivate and process it to extract CBD oil or make salves and isolates.

Is CBD Hemp Flower Legal?

CBD flower that comes from hemp is totally legal in the USA. However, the only requirement is that it must contain less than 0.3% THC by drug weight. In fact the 2018 Farm Bill has legalized production of hemp for commercial purpose. It’s completely legal to grow hemp as an agricultural crop which automatically makes CBD hemp flowers legal too. Many cannabis plants other than hemp (such as marijuana strains) may also yield flower/bud that may be rich in CBD and low in THC levels. But, it’s not necessary that those would be federally legal since they don’t originate from hemp.

Economic Potential for Farmers

Up until now, cultivation, distribution and sale of hemp and hemp products remained a huge challenge in the US market. That’s why there’s still a narrow market for farmers and consumers who like to use hemp flower directly. However, thanks to the recent 2018 Farm Bill that has legalized hemp farming for commercial purpose, things are starting to look up.

The market for hemp and hemp production is beginning to pick-up the pace, but it’s still relatively in the initial phases. Therefore, it may offer lucrative opportunities coupled with favorable conditions for farmers who want to grow and sell hemp, and hemp-derived products.

In case you are contemplating investing in hemp farming either as a farmer, distributor of hemp and hemp extracts (including CBD flower, isolates, oil, etc.) or someone who wants to offer land for hemp production; now would be a good time to make the most of it. CBD has huge number of health benefits.

Final Thoughts

Hemp is definitely emerging as a promising crop both in terms of a lucrative farming option as well as for the therapeutic potential it carries. Hemp flower is just one of the ways in which the country can put this beneficial herb to some excellent use. Although we are a long way away from exploring the cannabis plant to its true potential, we are on to a good start.

Disclosure: The content in this article is from a trusted Hello Lovely Living contributor.