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10 Ways To Improve Sexual Health And Wellness

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Sexual health can be a crucial aspect of overall well-being. It can contribute to our quality of life, relationship satisfaction, mental health, and personal fulfillment. However, despite its importance, discussions surrounding sexual wellness often remain taboo. 

In this article, we’re clearing the shroud of mystery and sharing 10 practical ways to nurture and improve your sexual health and wellness. 

No. 1

The Role of Sexual Wellness in Overall Health

Sexual wellness encompasses everything from avoiding and treating STIs to boosting intimacy and libido. Ultimately, sexual wellness is about having safe and pleasurable sexual experiences and how you achieve that. 

Sexual wellness can be crucial to an individual’s health and well-being. In fact, research shows that sexual wellness is associated with higher levels of happiness. However, it’s worth noting that sexual interest varies from person to person. Some people identify as asexual, and sexual activities aren’t important or necessary for them.  

According to the World Health Organization, sexual well-being depends on several factors, including: 

  • Access to information about sexuality and sex 

  • Knowledge about the risks of sex 

  • Access to sexual health care 

  • Being in an environment that promotes and affirms sexual health 

Most experts agree that sexual wellness also depends on things like sexual satisfaction, intimacy levels, self-esteem, and more. 

No. 2

10 Ways to Improve Your Sexual Health 

Sexual health and wellness is a broad area that covers a lot of ground, and each individual must determine what sexual wellness means to them. However, there are some common ways experts suggest achieving positive sexual health. Here are 10 of them: 

  1. Communicate Openly – Open communication is the key to a healthy sexual relationship. It involves discussing your desires, boundaries, and concerns with your partner. Effective communication can enhance intimacy, reduce anxiety, and improve sexual satisfaction. 

  2. Prioritize Self-Care – Self-care practices can have a profound impact on sexual health. For example, regular physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management can all boost libido, improve sexual function, increase self-esteem, and enhance overall well-being. 

  3. Educate Yourself – Knowledge is power when it comes to sexual wellness. Educating yourself about sexual autonomy, sexual rights, safe sex practices, and the spectrum of sexual orientations and identities can empower you to make informed decisions about your sexual health. 

  4. Manage Stress – Chronic stress can negatively affect many aspects of your life, including sexual desire and performance. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and yoga are some avenues to consider for managing stress levels. 

  5. Explore Desires – Understanding and exploring your sexual desires and fantasies can improve your sexual wellness. It’s essential to approach this exploration with an open mind. 

  6. Practice Safe Sex – Practicing safe sex by utilizing condoms can be critical for preventing STIs and unplanned pregnancies – especially if you aren’t in a committed, monogamous relationship. It’s also important to get regular STI screenings to ensure you aren’t unknowingly living with or spreading STIs to your sexual partners. 

  7. Use Lubrication – Lubricants can enhance sexual pleasure, reduce discomfort during intercourse, and reduce the risk of condoms breaking. Choosing the right type of lubricant and incorporating hormone-balancing supplements for you and your partner can significantly improve your sexual experience. 

  8. Maintain Physical Health – Physical health can directly impact you and your partner’s sexual function. For example, conditions like low estrogen, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can affect your sexual health. Regular check-ups and managing health conditions are essential for maintaining sexual wellness. 

  9. Consider Sex Therapy – Whether you’re an individual or a couple, getting insight from a professional about how to improve your sexual well-being can be a game-changer. There are several types of sex therapy out there, including sensate focus therapy, which aims to help you pay attention to sensory perception and sensuality. For more information on the benefits of sensate therapy and sex therapy in general, check out this resource from BetterHelp.

  10. Consult a Healthcare Provider – If you have lasting symptoms and concerns about your sexual health, including low sex drive, pain during sexual activities, erectile dysfunction, or sexual anxiety, consider visiting your healthcare provider. There could be underlying issues at play that need to be addressed. 


Improving sexual health is a multifaceted endeavor encompassing open communication, self-care, education, and sometimes professional assistance. By adopting these practices, you can make strides to improve your overall sexual wellness and, ultimately, your health as a whole.